There have been a lot of
alliances on Survivor. Some have been good. Others have been bad. Then there’s
everything in between. Having already done the best, I will get to my list of
the worst. Obviously, there are criteria for this that have to be met. 1- If
the alliance was successful in some way, even if it failed, then it will not be
on the list. An example of such is the Three Amigos. 2- You cannot have an
alliance that had a winner in it, provided that the winner stayed true to the
alliance. 3- Just because some people in the alliance became finalists, doesn’t
mean that their alliance was good. 4- I’m only going with only one alliance
from each season. While others might have failed in the same season, one
clearly would have done worse than the other. 5- How much it failed is how it
gets on this list. As usual, before I get to the actual list, I will get to the
honorable mentions.
The Younger Samburu alliance
clearly failed because of the switch that season. For me, it failed to make the
list because there were other choices that ranked higher. Maybe it could be
number 11, but that’s not the point of a top TEN, now is it? The Timbira
alliance isn’t on the list, although they did foolishly turn on themselves to
the point that only one of them made the finale. You won’t find the Sook Jai
alliance on here either since it was mostly the dumb fake merge more than
anything else that ruined its chances at the game, although it was screwed
either way. The Mogo Mogo alliance, while a good choice, probably wouldn’t work
since they had no chance even if they hadn’t kept Amber in the game. The
Rarotonga alliance never had much of a chance to be an alliance and there are
enough like them on the list so you won’t see them here. The Lopevi alliance
was bad, but someone in it won the game so it’s not as bad as it could be.
Other bad alliances, I either can’t remember or am pretty sure are on the list.
Also, any temporary alliance that didn’t see much life besides one tribal
council, isn’t going to be chosen since it can’t even be proven to be an
alliance in the first place. There were both successful and failed temporary
alliances that lasted the same amount of time. Now, on to the list.
#10 Aparri Alliance (Cagayan):
What happened to this alliance was pretty simple: it was formed to fight the
other tribe at the merge, a member here flipped to the other side, it never
recovered. Basically, it failed as soon as it started, which makes it bad. It
may be a strange choice, but I stick by it.
#9 Barbeque Alliance (Borneo):
This alliance was the first one made to oppose an already existing alliance. It
failed mostly because by the time it was created, it was far too late for it to
even work. There was a sliver of hope, but it didn’t work out for them. If only
it was created right before the merge. They could have done what Joel had
suggested, but they didn’t like the idea of alliances soon enough for this to
even work. And that it way it made this list.
#8 Yasur Alliance (Vanuatu):
It was so simple. There was so much it could do. So much greatness it could
accomplish. But it failed at that goal. This is the first all female alliance
and they could have easily gotten rid of all the men in the game before turning
on themselves. But, they stopped one man short and he ended up winning the
game. They crumbled on themselves by having members team up with Chris, the
last man in the game, and seeing the people true to it voted out next. If only
they had stayed true to its goal. Then, it would have been on the best alliance
#7 The Rotu Four (Marquesas):
Never, before this alliance, was a group of people in control of the game, only
to see it all slip past their fingers. They were supposed to be the final four.
They entered the merge in control, but they made a fatal error. They didn’t
release that they were actually the minority if the other players turned
against them. They showed who of them was to be voted out next at a revealing
challenge. The other players then quickly turned against them and they became
the first four members of the jury instead of getting to the end together as
they were supposed to be.
#6 Heroes Alliance (Heroes
versus Villains): A lot of people probably wanted to see the heroes defeat the
villains in the twentieth season simply because good people should beat the bad
people. But the weakness of the heroes’ tribe gave the villains a lot of power.
Most people probably weren’t disappointed that the heroes failed in this season.
The villains were simply the better tribe. The heroes alliance was their last
hope at trying to defeat the villains. But due to bad moves JT made before the
merge and continuing at falling apart after the merge, this alliance was merely
a pitiful attempt to avoid what ended up happening and did happen. The heroes
fell apart to the surprise of no one, even those fortunate enough to not know
spoilers about that season.
#5 Savaii Alliance (South
Pacific): What made this alliance bad? Why is this alliance here? Well, a lot
of people give John Cochran crap for flipping on this alliance. But, if they
rewatched that season, then they’d notice that this alliance cared very little
about him. They only used him when they need it and otherwise made no effort to
keep him in the group. Because John was so mistreated by them, they pretty much
had it coming when they were picked off one by one. They made no other real
effort in the game than trying too little to repair the damage they had done to
John. But by then, it was far too late. He flipped on them and they because the
powerless group that they are.
#4 Galu Alliance (Samoa): I
don’t know if there was an alliance before that had as high as number as they
did and still fail as badly as they did. They should have been able to pick off
the other tribe very quickly before turning on themselves. But, they turned on
themselves immediately after the merge, pawns in the other tribe’s game.
Members of this alliance quickly left this for the other one, only to be
quickly tossed aside when they were of no further use to the game. Their fall
was so huge that they deserve their rightful place on this list of bad
#3 La Mina Alliance (Panama):
Never, before or since, has there been an alliance that failed so much due to a
person in it who never turned on them. A lot of people remember Terry Dietz.
Some call it a travesty that he didn’t win his season or that he hasn’t
returned to play the game again. He would make a great returning player. But,
he had a terrible game play in his season. He had an ultra powerful idol that
he never used. Now the rules might have been strange about it, but he should
have done something with his idol. Since he kept winning immunity challenges,
he could have probably given his idol to an ally and they could have saved
themselves with it. His stingy use of the idol is why his alliance failed. The
idol would have been rehashed into the game. Even if someone else found it, he
would have still saved an ally. Even if he couldn’t have given up the idol, he
could have his immunity necklace to an ally and still had the idol. With any of
those strategies, he could have made it to the finale with an ally by his side.
But his failure to do any of that is why his alliance failed.
#2 Russell’s Zapatera Alliance
(Redemption Island): There are some people that like Russell Hantz and will
defend his game play to the death. Then there are people like me who are very
glad that he’s never won and probably won’t play the game again. While he had
success with alliances in the past, in Redemption Island, his ways fell short.
He tried to do the same old tricks that he always did, but it was no longer any
good to him. His alliance was in the minority immediately and was quickly
picked off so that everyone in it was long gone before the merge happened.
Now, there’s one alliance that
I think failed about all else. One of the honorable mentions from this list
happened in the same season as the most failed alliance. I didn’t want to bring
it up then as it might be a spoiler to this blog post when you went through the
list and noticed that one wasn’t there. Thus, it would have to be number one
and we’ve never seen one worst than this, in my mind. It was such a great idea.
It could have worked, but failed miserably. The way it appeared hasn’t been in
seasons before or since. I once heard someone describe it as the biggest fake
out in Survivor history.
#1 Exile Alliance (Tocantins):
Imagine that you could create an alliance full of members from both tribes
before the merge happened. Sound good? Well, it wasn’t. It was a terrible
alliance. They could have worked too. They might have been able to use members
of both tribes with them until they were the only ones left. But then came the
moment of truth: the first postmerge tribal council. And you know what
happened? They instantaneously fell apart. What could have been the greatest
alliance on the show turned out to be the very worst. They could never work
together when they actually needed to be together. This alliance might have
been why Exile Island disappeared for so long. This is my thought as to what
the worst alliance in the show’s history was.
Well, that’s all for this blog
post. Well, that and this last paragraph. If you ever have ideas for top tens
for me to create, be sure to let me know by commenting here or sending a tweet
to @IamAdamDecker. I can’t promise that I’ll do all of the suggestions that I
get and I’ll only post any during the hiatus between seasons, meaning when
Survivor isn’t airing new episodes. I’ll keep posting stuff here until the next
season starts. I thought that this post would be a nice complement to the best
alliances I mentioned before. I’ll continue posting here on Wednesdays and
Sundays, although I could end up missing a day for one reason or another, in
which case I’ll change things up for a while. The new season will start a week
after Ash Wednesday, so expect Thursday posts once the new season starts until
holy week happens. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.