Thursday, March 26, 2020

Episode 40.7

I forget if I told this blog before or not, but I had lost FOX on my TV tuner and had to rescan channels to get it on the TVs that I have. I have had issues at times putting the CW shows on my TV tuner. So this makes you wonder, if shows compete against each other on the two networks that I both like, what would I choose? Also, be glad that you found this post as most people can't find post 404.

Starting with Sundays, there is nothing from 6-7 on the CW. I could watch shows on FOX, but tend to watch CBS at this time and never really watch FOX unless CBS is on delay. I tend to watch shows based on seniority, but this is not always the case. Starting at 7, I would choose Batwoman over The Simpsons and I don’t like Duncanville anyways. At 8, I would choose Supergirl over Bob’s Burgers and Family Guy even though the other two have been on longer since I feel that Arrowverse should win all conflicts when it comes to what I watch, at least when both shows are new.

On Mondays, I was choosing Black Lightning over Prodigal Son, but might choose Prodigal Son over Roswell, New Mexico. I won’t know yet if I’ll do that especially since Roswell, New Mexico has been on longer. I don’t currently watch the CW show at 7 on Mondays, but might if something that I care is put on there until they are able to do more of Supernatural. I’ve never seen Supernatural.

On Tuesdays, I would choose The Flash over The Resident as much as I like The Resident. I’ve never seen Empire so I don’t know what I’m missing there. Thus, I would be watching Legends of Tomorrow and all the conflicts with it would only be dealt with other networks that I either wouldn’t care about or would not have trouble putting on my laptop to record.

On Wednesdays, Survivor is the only thing that I watch at 7 unless it is the winter or summer hiatus. I have not seen The Masked Singer anyways and watch Riverdale later online. At 8, I would watch Nancy Drew over Lego Masters, despite liking both shows. Nancy Drew would win based on seniority and the recurring storylines that I might otherwise miss.

On Thursdays, FOX doesn’t air anything that I care about right now. At one point, I was going to check out the show Filthy Rich, but they decided to air Deputy then instead. I don’t like Deputy after seeing it the one time that I watched it. I don’t like Katy Keene and have yet to give Legacies a chance, something I will not likely do since it is part of a franchise. I’m not watching Friday Night Smackdown on FOX so I would have no conflict with the CW shows of Charmed and Dynasty.

Fire token count: Tony- 1, Nick- 2, Sophie- 1, Jeremy- 1, Ben- 1, Michele- 4, Wendell- 1, Adam- 1, Yul- 2, Sarah- 0, Kim- 1, Denise-1; Natalie- 4, Amber- 1, Danni- 1, Ethan- 1, Tyson- 0, Rob- 0, Parvati- 0, Sandra- 0; Jeremy- safety without power, Sarah- steal a vote advantage, Sophie- regular idol.

In the first segment of the show, we see the edge of extinction. Parvati talks about being voted out before the merge and how it sucks. But she likes that Sandra arrives here later. Sandra’s humanity was the problem. She normally isn’t human? Sandra doesn’t want to do more in the game and wants to raise the flag. Doesn’t that make her a quitter? A two time winner is quitting? She does leave and is convinced that she will always stay the queen.

Yul on his camp talks about Wendell’s craziness at tribal council. We then see Wendell apologize to Michele about this. But Wendell just wants to play his own game, losing the respect he meant to give others almost immediately. Michele had given Wendell a fire token to show him respect in the game. Ethan struggles to survive on the edge of extinction. He needs to find hope or he will destroy himself. Parvati thinks that fasting is good for the body. I wouldn’t be so sure of that, but have never tired it myself. Ethan thinks that Parvati keeps him strong.

Ethan sees something that they must open together as they each get a scroll, each getting their own clue. There are four fire tokens for all of them. They all race to find them. Tyson finds one. Everyone thinks that no one found the other fire tokens, but Rob had found the other three and somehow hid them from the others.

In the second segment of the show, Tony runs to a palm tree and thinks that things are doing well on his tribe since Denise made big moves. But Jeremy thinks that Tony is a bit full of himself. Meanwhile, Kim wants to gain control of the game. Denise thinks that she is taking control of the game while making sure that others don’t quite know it. On the other tribe, people look for an idol with no one outside of Sarah and Sophie knowing that Sophie has it. Adam has to do damage control and feels that others had done a fake search. He is convinced that Sarah has it.

In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. Nick was on the losing tribe of this challenge the first time around. The green tribe wins thanks to an early lead. The red tribe just barely beats out the blue one for second place. Nick thinks that it sucks to lose it again. Yul wants to get rid of Wendell after the challenge loss, feeling that Wendell dug his own grave. At the challenge, Wendell might have lost his focus when to me it seemed like he was just trying to make sure he didn’t win and not get the point if another person called it first.

In the fourth segment of the show, the tribe gets back to camp and Nick thinks that Wendell was the person that they should vote against with Yul agreeing to this. Yul and Nick agree to tell Wendell that Michele is the target. Meanwhile, Wendell wants to work with Michele and talks to her. The fire tokens provide some complications to what will happen. Yul wants to risk getting votes in order for Michele to get his old fire tokens. But some of the tribe wants to get rid of Yul. Michele, quit talking about how fans looked down on your win. You deserved it and make a much better winner than Aubry would have. It seems like things might be crazy going into the vote.

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to the tribal council at hand. Wendell is thrown off by a smirk that Jeff gave at the start. Jeff points out that all of the old school players are gone outside of Yul. They are not actually done per say. They just aren’t in the main game. Yul talks about the fire tokens and how they play into the game in question. Jeff talks about how you have to trust someone even as you have to blindside them from the game. Wendell isn’t sure that he wants to work with Michele. She takes this to mean that she doesn’t care for him.

Nick thinks that today was different going into the vote and talking about the edge of extinction. He is not sure that he wants to work with others. Michele thinks that they are both blessed and cursed in the game. The votes are then cast. Yul is voted out by the rest of his tribe. When he gets to the part about the fire tokens, he gives one to Sophie and the other to Sarah. This makes him the first person to give them away to multiple people, something that I wasn’t sure could be done, but I guess can be.

On the next Survivor, there is a merge going on and lots of potential targets are being brought up. But what will happen with those on the edge of extinction? Yul thinks that they’ll get to battle back in soon and talks about his tribe’s close loss.

Total confessional count: Sarah- 9, Kim- 6, Denise- 8, Tony- 10, Nick- 7, Sophie- 11, Jeremy- 11, Ben- 11, Michele- 10, Wendell- 6, Adam- 18, Yul- 11; Natalie- 8, Amber- 12, Danni- 7, Ethan- 9, Tyson- 12, Rob- 17, Parvati- 11, Sandra- 9.

New confessionals this episode: Yul- 3, Sarah- 1, Kim- 1, Denise- 1, Tony- 1, Nick- 2, Sophie- 2, Jeremy- 1, Ben- 0, Michele- 2, Wendell- 1, Adam- 2; Natalie- 0, Amber- 0, Danni- 0, Ethan- 1, Tyson- 2, Rob- 2, Parvati- 1, Sandra- 1.

Fire token count: Jeremy- 1, Ben- 1, Michele- 3, Wendell- 2, Adam- 1, Sarah- 1, Kim- 1, Denise- 1, Tony- 1, Nick- 2, Sophie- 2; Natalie- 4, Amber- 1, Danni- 1, Ethan- 1, Tyson- 1, Rob- 3, Parvati- 0, Yul- 0; Jeremy- safety without power, Sarah- steal a vote advantage, Sophie- regular idol.

Rob has the highest confessional count of anyone on the edge of extinction with 17, making him the most likely to reenter the game should the next challenge be the opportunity for it to happen.  Adam has a bit more of those in the game with eighteen confessionals. Kim and Wendell tie for the lowest with six a piece, and I might have made a counting mistake. We’ll see. Ben was the only one in the game to have zero new confessionals.  Yul had the highest in the new count with three. There isn’t much else to say about things so I will let you go. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Episode 40.6

Even if one doesn’t want to read all of my blogs, they can be helpful if you want to find out why I did one thing there that I didn’t do in another blog or if certain blogs were updated at a certain time instead of another time (and by time I mean day of the week as the actual time of day doesn’t matter). Know that certain blogs not being updated when they normally are might not be an issue should I yield it to some other blog instead. The main issue that you should know is if all the blogs randomly stop updating for no seemingly good reason and I’m not able to communicate somewhere what happened and why. I would hope that I can tell people what happened, but know that this may not be the case. Also note that this blog is affected right now by me going to church, there is a change in that thanks to Covid19.

With services at my church cancelled for the foreseeable future, you might wonder how it will affect this blog. Well, I’m going to keep posting this blog on Thursdays in the future until it is Holy Week as I hope that services return to their normal schedule at some point. I am hoping that I can return to the services as they would return as normal later. I can listen to them on the radio and may do this during the show. I won’t even know how the services will be different with the changes in what is going on as I’m not sure if anything like this has ever happened before. 9/11 was somehow less crazy.

With my movie updates stuck in my Gabon posts for a while, I might as well tell you about changes in the TV show watching that is going on as a change happened for the first time this year. You see, I am switching back and forth between some choices whenever there is a change in the list. Thus, Charmed season 5 is back on the list with Community season 1 going off of it for now. Power Rangers: Megaforce is also on the list now in place of the Popeye cartoons that are now off of it. Mystery choice #3 is off of the list with mystery choice #4 replacing it. This will move Survivor: Gabon to number 4 in the list being moved from number 5 on the list.

Fire token count: Ben- 1, Michele- 1, Wendell- 1, Adam- 1, Yul- 1, Sarah- 0, Parvati- 4, Kim- 1, Denise- 2, Tony- 1, Nick- 2, Sophie- 1, Jeremy- 1, Sandra- 0; Natalie- 4, Amber- 1, Danni- 1, Ethan- 1, Tyson- 0, Rob- 0; Sandra- idol good for one more tribal council, Jeremy- safety without power, Sarah- steal a vote advantage, Denise- regular idol, Sophie- regular idol.

In the first segment of the show, we return to Yara after their fantastic tribal where they voted out Rob. Ben wants to prove himself this time around. Adam thinks that he isn’t as connected on this tribe as much anymore since Ben is connected to the women on this tribe. Meanwhile, the players on the edge of extinction have to look for a new advantage. Tyson wants to find it and get a fire token. Rob looks through all the rocks. Tyson figures out where it is and he finds it. He gets an idol nullifier. Parvati gets the idol nullifier. Tyson buys peanut butter with his fire token. He didn’t want to hoard tokens for an idol since it might not be something he could even use.

In the second segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. Only the first place tribe wins immunity and reward. Sandra sits out as usual. Yara wins the immunity challenge. Adam kind of gloats about their victory as it was that momentous to him.

In the third segment of the show, we see Sele after their loss. Parvati feels alone and feels that she does not have much outside of Michele and her advantage. Nick thinks that he needs to stick with the guys on this one. The women conspire, although Michele isn’t that interested in keeping with Parvati, but she wants to con Parvati out of her fire tokens by voting for Wendell which she tells him about. She felt that she was burned by him when they were dating. I suddenly feel that a season of exs would be a great season of this show. Parvati thinks that Wendell was making mistakes and wanted two of her tokens. Nick isn’t sure that he trust Wendell anymore. Nick thinks that the vote goes down to trust.

On Dakal, that tribe talks about things after their loss. Tony has a spy bunker. People think that he is out voting for an idol. Jeremy talks about his advantage and wonders if he should use it or not. Denise wants to use her idol that she wants to have later down the road. But what will happen? Denise wants to be humble. There aren’t that many humble people in this world, but I’m glad that I’m one of the most humble of all the humans in the world. People can’t figure out where Tony is and they think that he has a split personality. Tony is found and freaking out. Sandra thinks that she should give her idol to Denise in exchange for her fire tokens. They want to have cupcakes and cookies. Wasn’t someone mocked for wanting that at tribal council? Denise should know about that as it happened in her season. She agrees to give Sandra one token now and another after the vote.

In the fourth segment of the show, we get to the blue tribe going to tribal council first. Wendell thinks that this is the season of complicated relationships. Michele talks about how different they are. She is taking a different approach to the game. Wendell thinks that his style of play has been criticized even though he isn’t doing his current style of play. Wendell thinks that he was being real with Parvati and he is willing to work with her for a fire token. They have to figure out what to do. She has to say a name for who they should work for. Michele feels like an emotional wreck in some way. Nick thinks that they have to work together or someone will be screwed up. The voting starts- cut to commercial.

In the fifth segment of the show, none of the casted votes are shown as Jeff is shown reading the votes and no one plays an idol. It is clear that Parvati and Wendell didn’t work together as she winds up voted out of the game. She does give her fire tokens to Michele, falling for the Sarah con.

When the next tribe gets there, people talk about how they are threats. Sandra mentions people like Denise that she feels are and aren’t threats. Tony talks about weighing all their options and what it means for them. Jeremy admits that they don’t want to be back here again. He is nervous and losing his mind. Sandra thinks that it is either them or you when it comes to who is voted out. Well, duh!

Sandra votes against Denise in a show vote. Denise plays an idol, probably Sandra’s idol, but maybe not. She then plays another idol for Jeremy. Votes for Denise won’t count. With only one vote counted, Sandra is shocked to be voted out of the game. The others wonder how that is possible. This is the second time that Sandra was voted out on day 16.

On the next Survivor, Michele and Wendell have some sort of issue. Tony has problems and continued weirdness. Sandra randomly gives her fire token to Yul before going to the edge of extinction. There is not much else to say about that right now.

Total confessional count: Sophie- 9, Jeremy- 10, Sandra- 8, Ben- 11, Michele- 8, Wendell- 5, Adam- 16, Yul- 8, Sarah- 8, Parvati- 10, Kim- 5, Denise- 7, Tony- 9, Nick- 5; Natalie- 8, Amber- 12, Danni- 7, Ethan- 8, Tyson- 10, Rob- 15.

New confessionals this episode: Jeremy- 2, Sandra- 1, Ben- 1, Michele- 2, Wendell- 1, Adam- 2, Yul- 0, Sarah- 0, Parvati- 2, Kim- 2, Denise- 2, Tony- 1, Nick- 1, Sophie- 0; Natalie- 0, Amber- 1, Danni- 0, Ethan- 0, Tyson- 2, Rob- 1.

Fire token count: Tony- 1, Nick- 2, Sophie- 1, Jeremy- 1, Ben- 1, Michele- 4, Wendell- 1, Adam- 1, Yul- 2, Sarah- 0, Kim- 1, Denise-1; Natalie- 4, Amber- 1, Danni- 1, Ethan- 1, Tyson- 0, Rob- 0, Parvati- 0, Sandra- 0; Jeremy- safety without power, Sarah- steal a vote advantage, Sophie- regular idol.

Adam barely squeaks out with most confessionals with sixteen total. He has the highest. The lowest is a tie between Kim, Wendell, and Nick with five a piece. The lowest this episode is a tie between Sarah, Sophie, Yul, Natalie, Danni, and Ethan with zero. The highest is a tie between Parvati, Tyson, Denise, Kim, Jeremy, Michele, and Adam with two. I am pretty sure that Parvati’s advantage means nothing now so I am taking it out. I will see you later with next week’s post. My church is live on the radio at the same time as the show so don’t expect posts to change times yet. I doubt that it will in the future. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Episode 40.5

There’s not much to say in my introduction as I’m just going to post what I’m giving up for Lent. I like to give up watching certain YouTube channels for the duration of Lent. The ones that I’m giving up this year are CinemaSins, CinemaWins, Jay Exci (formerly SinsSins or CinemaSinsSins), and Channel Awesome. Also, since I spend far too much time reading the articles on the site, I’m not visiting the Daily Kos website for any of Lent. I do plan to join the site at some point, but am currently unsure of when or if I will do such a thing. There’s a lot that I’m not doing until after I finish writing something for my grandpa that he wants done.

There was a special news event the day this episode aired on the coronavirus. I think that it has now been officially labeled as a pandemic. I am worried about it in some ways, but maybe not as worried about it as I could be. One of my lesser concerns about it is that it could affect the filming of Survivor in the future and the airing of the series as a result. You’d think that it would be over by then, but we’ll see what will happen and hopefully the show won’t be affected as a result.

Fire token count: Adam- 1, Yul- 1, Sarah- 0, Rob- 2, Parvati- 2, Kim- 1, Denise- 2, Tony- 1, Nick- 2, Sophie- 1, Jeremy- 1, Sandra- 0, Ben- 1, Michele- 1, Wendell- 1; Natalie- 4, Amber- 1, Danni- 1, Ethan- 1, Tyson- 0; Sandra- idol good for one more tribal council, Jeremy- safety without power, Sarah- steal a vote advantage, Denise- regular idol

In the first segment of the show, people talk on the trip. Nick talks about getting Tyson’s old fire token. Others talk about a problem going on with Jonathan Penner’s wife who now has ALS and Yul talks about this negative effect. Yul is in the game to get money for research for it.

We get to the tribes gathering for a trip swap. Rob didn’t like it the first time he played, even though he lasted until the merge. Michele is now with her ex-boyfriend Wendell whom she briefly dated. There are now three tribes. The new Sele or blue tribe is Parvati, Nick, Yul, Michele, and Wendell. The new red or Dekal tribe has Jeremy, Denise, Tony, Sandra, and Kim. This makes the other, new tribe, Ben, Adam, Sarah, Rob, and Sophie. Adam thinks that the trio on his tribe is fractured.

In the second segment of the show, Jeremy talks about the camp and who to potentially crack from the three that have a majority on his tribe. He thinks that Kim is on the outs based on what she admits. She is the weakest link. Goodbye. Denise also works with new dynamics. Tony thinks that it will be the hyenas versus the lions. Be prepared for meticulous planning. Be prepared for sensational news. Kim finds good food there. Nick likes his new tribe. Parvati connects with Yul despite them not working well the last time that they played. Nick admits to having a crush on Parvati and Yul’s wife said that Parvati (and thus not Yul) was her favorite player. Parvati thinks that this tribe is awkward. Wendell talks about how he and Michele “kicked it.” Does that mean have sex? You can say had sex. You are adults. Michele thinks that she and Wendell have bad blood. You know, it used to be mad love.

Ben talks more about his terrible tribe when they arrive. Rob tries to figure out what happened with Amber and Sarah claims that it was Tyson who put that in motion. Sarah thinks that she can feel the tension between the men on her tribe. Has there ever been a swap before where the men were from one tribe and the women were from another? Sophie thinks that there are too many cracks and goes out looking for an idol. She’s not alone. Sophie found an idol and has to give half of it away. Needless to say, she gives the idol to Sarah since it wouldn’t be that wise to give it to a man.

In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge in question. The red tribe struggles at the early part of this challenge. Sele, the blue tribe, wins the challenge. You’d think that after this had appeared in Blood versus Water, they should know that it shouldn’t be a three tribe challenge and it only works with two tribes. The red tribe comes in second with the green tribe coming in last. Rob hates to lose, but knows that his tribe has expendable members.

In the fourth segment of the show, we return to Yara, the losing tribe, after their loss and Sophie thinks that she can feel the game slip through her fingers. This isn’t like the end of Thailand. The men agree not to vote each other out. They wonder who to target and think that Sarah is the better target. Rob works out a new buddy system which means that he has to stick with both of his alliance members at once. Adam is skeptical of the way that they want to build trust on this tribe. Ben wants to work in some way forward while Sarah thinks that she might want to steal a vote in order to ensure a majority. Sophie gets a whole idol and the women wonder what to do.

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. Jeff talks to Sophie about being past the one third part of the game. Adam thinks that everyone is very good this season and Ben thinks that they don’t poke the bear. Jeff asks Sarah if there is a crack and they said that no one is looking to talk to them from the man on the tribe. Sophie gets upset at the word crack and she wants an alliance. Sarah wants to offer herself as a person to stick around.

Rob thinks that the three men aren’t that good a group since they all blindsided each other. Ben mentions that they didn’t talk much about the vote when they were around the campfire. Sophie thinks that Rob won by getting people to have group mentality. Jeff wonders if he missed anything and the votes are cast with no steal a vote being played. I think that Sarah should have played her advantage and play it safe. Rob is voted out of the game with only four votes revealed. Someone flipped. There is no such thing as a simple vote in this season of Survivor.

On the next Survivor, Adam’s tribe thinks that they can do whatever they want, Tyson is being tricky in some way, and both of the losing tribes will vote someone out. We then get to Rob giving his fire tokens to Parvati with him wanting her to make a run for it.

Total confessional count: Parvati- 8, Kim- 3, Denise- 5, Tony- 8, Nick- 4, Sophie- 9, Jeremy- 8, Sandra- 7, Ben- 10, Michele- 6, Wendell- 4, Adam- 14, Yul- 8, Sarah- 8, Rob- 14; Natalie- 8, Amber- 11, Danni- 7, Ethan- 8, Tyson- 8.

New confessionals this episode: Sarah- 2, Rob- 5, Parvati- 1, Kim- 1, Denise- 1, Tony- 1, Nick- 2, Sophie- 3, Jeremy- 1, Sandra- 0, Ben- 2, Michele- 2, Wendell- 1, Adam- 2, Yul- 1; Natalie- 0, Amber- 0, Danni- 0, Ethan- 0, Tyson- 0.

Fire token count: Ben- 1, Michele- 1, Wendell- 1, Adam- 1, Yul- 1, Sarah- 0, Parvati- 4, Kim- 1, Denise- 2, Tony- 1, Nick- 2, Sophie- 1, Jeremy- 1, Sandra- 0; Natalie- 4, Amber- 1, Danni- 1, Ethan- 1, Tyson- 0, Rob- 0; Sandra- idol good for one more tribal council, Jeremy- safety without power, Sarah- steal a vote advantage, Denise- regular idol, Sophie- regular idol.

Rob had the most confessionals this episode with Sandra and those on the Edge of Extinction tying for the least with zero. The second most was Sophie with three. In terms of total confessionals, Rob and Adam tie for the most with fourteen with Amber as the second highest with eleven and Ben as the third highest with ten. Kim is the lowest with three. There’s not much else to say so I will let you go. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Episode 40.4

It is finally time for the shameless plug of the day! That’s when I promote myself in a work that you may or may not have seen before. I was once in a Survivor podcast called Survivor Showdown for one of their episodes. We talked about a whole lot of things as I tried to get the most points. One of what we had talked about was who the most likable Survivor was. One of the other people on the podcast mentioned that he thought Ethan Zohn was the most likable. If you want to watch for yourself, see what happens here. I marked around where this start of the podcast was. Also see if you can figure out whether or not being lovable is better than likable.

Whenever people think about standoffs, people might think of this tune here called The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. You have probably heard it before, even if you didn’t know the name of it. Enjoy it here and you’ll understand why it might reveal why no one left to strategize at first in the last episode since there was a standoff going on at the time.

I can only hope that I can accurately keep track of who has what in terms of fire tokens and other of the advantages in the game. I’ll always start with a reminder of the fire token count going into the episode and then what changed after it. If there are any errors, then let me know. I’m not sure how I feel about the whole fire token twist yet. It seems like it could be interesting, but it could also run into introducing what accounts to legal bribes in the show. Granted, there is no guarantee that they get the advantage if they give their fire token away, but there could still be issues with the whole twist.

Fire token count: Nick- 1, Tyson- 1, Sophie- 1, Jeremy- 1, Sandra- 0, Ben- 1, Michele- 1 Wendell- 1, Adam- 1, Yul- 1, Sarah- 0, Rob- 2, Parvati- 2, Kim- 1, Denise- 2, Tony- 1; Natalie- 3, Amber- 0, Danni- 0, Ethan- 0; Sandra- idol good for two more tribal councils, Jeremy- safety without power, Sarah- steal a vote advantage, Denise- regular idol, I think

In the first segment of the show, we see the Sele camp after the tribal council. Adam blew the vote, but why was Ethan voted out? Adam wants to make an apology tour. At least he knows that he did wrong. Ben doesn’t think that they should give them much rope since one could be hanged with it. Meanwhile, on the other tribe, Yul is feeling happy and thinks that his alliance is doing good and in control. There are people on this tribe that can see the Edge of Extinction.

On the Edge of Extinction, they learn that if they want a fire token, they have to take 20 pieces of logs, one at a time, before sundown up from where they are until down to a new place. Natalie seems to do the best at this. Danni compares the grueling ordeal to childbirth, but points out that you get more after childbirth and not just one measly fire token. Can everyone get a fire token or just the first one who gets the job done? Ethan isn’t okay doing the sort of challenge. A doctor or someone visits him when he is just four trips away. He needs rests, but seems able to finish it. People get emotional completing the task at hand. They feel like they have a bound now as they all finish successfully.

In the second segment of the show, Rob talks to Michele about the age difference between them and how she shouldn’t take her win negatively because if you win, you win. Adam is working hard since he wants to prove himself to his tribe. Parvati wants to avenge Ethan. Who even voted Ethan out?

Parvati and Rob are generally annoyed by Adam. What did I do? Oh, wait, a different Adam. Jeremy isn’t sure that he can keep Adam around. Tyson wonders what to do on his tribe potentially going forward. Sandra doesn’t trust Tyson and is okay with anyone going home “as long as it ain’t me.” When will people think that maybe it should be her?

In the third segment of the show, we get to the challenge of the game. The winning tribe gets chickens and immunity. Parvati wants to call the sit out bench the Sandra bench since Sandra is always sitting out of the challenges. Sandra doesn’t mind this label. Why not call it the Abbi bench? Remember her? The blue tribe continues to do poorly in the challenges. But will they do poorly? For some reason, it seems that only Adam is going after the keys. Why can’t someone else try for it? He is getting worn out. Rob is doing the puzzle again despite constantly failing at it in previous challenges. I somehow knew going into this that the blue tribe probably wouldn’t lose. They pull a great come from behind win despite doing quite terribly at first. Adam mentions his late mother after his success at the challenge.

In the fourth segment of the show, Tyson wants to get rid of Nick since Nick blew the puzzle. Tyson also wants to get rid of the unconnected players such as Sophie who he couldn’t remember at first. It does seem too easy in a way and they will certainly show more than one possibility most of the time.

Nick and others want to vote out Tyson since they feel that he’s too big for his britches. But Tyson is a shield and needs to stay in the game. They want to keep Tyson and Sandra might be the swing vote. Sandra doesn’t trust Tyson, finding him to be dangerous. Which is better, revenge or the money? Sandra thinks that it is the money that is better.

In the fifth segment of the show, Tony says that the state of the tribe has things not being clear cut. Yul isn’t sure where the math lies for this vote since they don’t keep going to tribal council. Some say that they will stick with each other after potential tribe swaps. Jeff points out that Sandra likes to make it so that anyone outside of her is a target.

Tyson says that being someone else’s idol isn’t a good thing since they might want to get rid of their idol in order to make a huge move for others. Sandra says that she does not get star struck. Nick says that he has a crush on Parvati even though they haven’t met yet. Nick is worried that it could be him. Everyone has a plan going into the vote. Tyson is voted out. He gives his fire token to Nick. What? Why?

On the next Survivor, the tribe switch happens and Rob isn’t sure of what will happen. Are they going to three tribes? Some woman, maybe Michele, gets stuck on an island with her ex-boyfriend or maybe some other weird thing happens. Tyson arrives at the Edge of Extinction and is amazed at all of the fire wood that they have there.

Total confessional count: Sandra- 7, Ben- 8, Michele- 4, Wendell- 3, Adam- 12, Yul- 7, Sarah- 6, Rob- 9, Parvati- 7, Kim- 2, Denise- 4, Tony- 7, Nick- 2, Tyson- 8, Sophie- 6, Jeremy- 7; Natalie- 8, Amber- 11, Danni- 7, Ethan- 8.

New confessionals this episode: Jeremy-2, Sandra- 1, Ben- 1, Michele- 0, Wendell- 1, Adam- 3, Yul- 1, Sarah- 2, Rob- 1, Parvati- 1, Kim- 0, Denise- 0, Tony- 0, Nick- 1, Tyson- 3, Sophie- 1; Natalie- 2, Amber- 4, Danni- 2, Ethan- 3.

Fire token count: Adam- 1, Yul- 1, Sarah- 0, Rob- 2, Parvati- 2, Kim- 1, Denise- 2, Tony- 1, Nick- 2, Sophie- 1, Jeremy- 1, Sandra- 0, Ben- 1, Michele- 1, Wendell- 1; Natalie- 4, Amber- 1, Danni- 1, Ethan- 1, Tyson- 0; Sandra- idol good for one more tribal council, Jeremy- safety without power, Sarah- steal a vote advantage, Denise- regular idol

Adam has the most confessionals in the game right now with Amber as the most of those living on the Edge of Extinction. Nick and Kim tie for the least with two a piece. Meanwhile, Michele, Kim, Denise, and Tony all had no new confessionals this episode, although I might have missed one that Tony had. Amber was the highest this episode with Tyson and Adam tying for highest of those in the game. There’s not much else to say so I will let you go now. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.