Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Survivor 42 Finale

It turns out that another Survivor contestant has died. This time, it was Clay Jordan from Survivor: Thailand. Now I’ll want that season on DVD at some point. I was going to talk about this later, but I do now have the seasons of both All-Stars and now Redemption Island as well. I still don’t know how I will get to either of them in these lists that I have as they have to replace other seasons of Survivor at the moment. Meanwhile, know that Thailand doesn’t rank highly as a season for me just yet. While I won’t yet reveal this season’s ranking, I can tell you that Thailand ranks 41 out of 42 seasons for me. I should get to this season’s ranking in the next post on Ponderosa.


Let’s get to the one time challenges from the twenty-sixth season. Something that I’m realizing now is that a lot of seasons had opening challenges, typically for immunity, that were never used again. This may not be as annoying in my mind as the final immunity endurance ones that aren’t used again, but maybe this is a problem as well.


It’s a Long Way to the Top (immunity challenge from She Annoys me Greatly): In this challenge, pairs would make their way up a four story tower. On each floor, the players would have to throw down crates with sandbags. The remaining pair will throw the sandbags into holes. Once all of the holes are filled, the orgasm happens, I mean, the flag is raised and challenge is won. I think that there are ways this could be done while social distancing. The challenge name references the AC/DC* song It’s a Long Way to the Top (if You Wanna Rock ‘n’ Roll).


*I can’t do the lightning bolt that should be there, so I’m using a slash instead.


Phoenix Rises (immunity challenge from Tubby Lunchbox): In this challenge, three members of each tribe will rescue a statue from underwater. Returning to the beach, they will attach the statue to a platform and then pull in five keys with a grappling hook. After unlocking the platform to hoist it up and get a flag, they would win the challenge. It is possible that individual versions of this could be done while social distancing. This was supposed to be used in the previous season, but weather prevented this. One wonders if it could have appeared in both seasons or not.


Тепер, коли я закінчив говорити про перший імпічмент Трампа, ви можете задатися питанням, що я можу зробити з цією мовою для цих дописів у блозі, чи я просто більше не буду використовувати її. Я відчуваю, що цілком можливо, що зможу знайти більше застосування для цього, зосередившись на республіканцях у певному сенсі, а також переконавшись, що ми не забуваємо про те, що вони хочуть, щоб ми забули. Мені буде сенс, що ще може використовуватися для цього в майбутньому, якщо я взагалі буду використовувати його більше. Але поки що це план, і я думаю, що ви повинні знати це, якщо я зможу ним скористатися. Згадаю й інші потенційні речі українською мовою, які б стосувалися цієї країни, як-от війна, яка там почалася у 2022 році.


In this old blog post from my Madam Secretary blog, I talk about Thanksgiving some since it was the month of November at the time. It also turns out that I had a FOX TV tuner problem that I didn’t think that I had later. Maybe the problem was different the next time around. Unlike what I mentioned in the post, I did not actually take points away from teams based on time delay after all. I made a mistake when I did not complete a thought on the 4 minutes of commercials that they aired after the game. I also had properly used scare quotes, something that is often misused by journalists. I also mention how 9/11 was not caused by Muslims. I didn’t even know that people thought that for a while.


Now I should tell you that due to various time constraints, I have not been able to make it far in the updates that I have of the football teams that I root for potentially. But I can finish out the tier one group of football teams.


Three teams have 3 wins and they are the Raiders, Steelers, and Titans. The lowest of this grouping are the Broncos and the Chargers with only two wins. In the second go around, the Steelers beat the Titans again and lost to the Raiders again (1 win, 1 loss). The Titans lost to the Raiders after previously beating them then lost to the Steelers (0 wins, 2 losses). The Raiders, meanwhile, beat both the Steelers and the Titans (2 wins, 0 losses). This makes this part of the ranking Raiders, Steelers, Titans. As for the other part with the tie between the Broncos and the Chargers, that was broken with the Broncos beating the Chargers after having previously lost to the Chargers earlier that same season.


I don’t know yet where in this blog (or even if I put it in my CSI: Vegas blog instead) I may get to more of the rankings of NFL teams that I have, but I can mention that the ranking that I know for sure now that I have are the Rams, 49ers, Chiefs, Colts, Raiders, Steelers, Titans, Broncos, and Chargers.


Movie update: On Friday, I watched no movies since I had to catch up on recorded shows on my laptop. This could take a good long while and I might not get caught up until August or even after the start of the next season. Yikes. Anyways, on Saturday, I watched Crazy People. I replaced it with the first movie called Downton Abbey. On Sunday, I watched nothing from either list, due to conflicting lunch plans for the afternoon list and wanting to see the season finales of shows instead of watching the evening or nighttime list. This means that starting next week, I should be watching the Sunday night list every week that I can for quite some time. And I have five choices already locked in.


On Monday, I watched The Omega Code. I replaced that with The Omega Code 2. On Tuesday, I watched Recess: School’s Out, one of the time sensitive things that had to be watched and now was. I replaced that with… I don’t know yet as I’m not done with the movie as of this writing. You will have to read my posts on Borneo to find out more about that.


Here’s how the list of movies currently stands: Tuesday’s list is Back to the Future part 2, Celtic Woman: Believe, Elf, Invictus, Pot O’ Gold, and Recess: School’s Out. Friday’s list is Air Force One, Baby Geniuses, The Great Race, John Q, Popeye, and Toy Story. Saturday’s list is Downton Abbey, Flight of the Phoenix, Grumpier Old Men, The Little Mermaid, The Pelican Brief, and A River Runs Through it. Sunday afternoon’s list is Bend it Like Beckham, Ghost Town, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Runaway Bride, Space Jam, and A Wrinkle in Time. Sunday night’s list is Bean: the Movie, Despicable Me, The Little Rascals, Rain Man, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, and True to the Game. Monday’s list is The Bourne Supremacy, crossover tape, The Fugitive, Nature Documentaries, The Omega Code 2, and The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood.


While I won’t know for a while when either Survivor 43 or CSI: Vegas will return, I know that Survivor will remain on Wednesdays while they will be putting CSI: Vegas on Thursdays. This means that my blog on CSI: Vegas will be on Thursdays moving my blog on The Good Fight to Fridays instead. Also note that since I won’t be watching this on tape and possibly running out of time for it, I will not be splitting the blog post up like I did on the Survivor 41 finale. But enough of my ramblings.


In the first segment of the show, Jeff talks about the plan for the finale and we get to the people who then talk about what is going on in relations to the final vote. I’m not going to count any confessionals from this intro. Anyways, the tribe gets dropped off at their new beach. Romeo talks about where they are now. Maryanne thinks that she has a chance of winning now that Omar is gone. She didn’t think that she had that before. Lindsay wonders why Jonathan didn’t tell her this. He is very condescending about the fact that she voted against him. She doesn’t like him anymore.


Romeo lies and says that he has an idol, making a fake one as “proof.” He is hoping that it will get him through a tribal council. It has worked before, but is unlikely to work now. Mike promised that he will give his idol to Mike to Maryanne. But she doesn’t need an idol, though, right? Mike claims that he will play his idol for Lindsay and she is very emotional about this. She might be screwed if something doesn’t happen soon. There is a riddle that all of them have to solve. This is for another idol. Sigh. Must they keep doing them over and over again in the finale?


Lindsay thinks that she has found it: toes of sleeping giant. Maryanne wants Lindsay to find it. Lindsay thinks that she has found it and gets closer to it. I hope that they follow the Gibbs rule: always watch the watchers. Which rule is that again? It is not an idol that she finds, but a slight advantage in the immunity challenge in the game.


In the second segment of the show, we get to the challenge at hand. Despite the advantage, Lindsay does not win. Mike wins. He takes Jonathan with him on the reward. Lindsay talks about her loss and how it sucks not to win.


In the third segment of the show, Lindsay hates that Jonathan didn’t try to win the challenge. Jonathan and Mike enjoy their reward where Jonathan promises to give his idol to Jonathan, but only if Lindsay plays one. It seems that Mike’s idol is the most sought after item right now. Birds scramble. Lindsay wants to guilt trip Mike in order to use his idol on her. What about Maryanne’s idol? We don’t know what all will be going on into the tribal council.


In the fourth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. Lindsay talks about how she solved the riddle at hand. The others talk about how they lost. Lindsay thinks that she is going home tonight since there was damage done. Jonathan isn’t sure that it can be Lindsay. Lindsay doesn’t think that she has that much of an edge, but Jonathan thinks that she is a good social player. Lindsay won’t stop trying. She is pitching her case. You have to face a fine line of who to ally with and go to the end with who won’t just beat you. What is the vote about? People need to fight until the very end. After the votes are cast, it is Maryanne who gets the idol play of Mike. Lindsay is voted out of the game.


In the fifth segment of the show, we are already at the next immunity challenge. Really? No downtime after the last tribal council? We don’t get to see anything that happened between the vote out and this challenge at hand. The final four talk some about things before we get to the challenge. Mike is the first out of the challenge with it slipping from his fingers. Maryanne is the next one out. This leaves the last group as Romeo and Jonathan. When it is time for four balls, Jonathan is out and Romeo wins the final immunity challenge this time.


In the sixth segment of the show, Romeo talks about his win. Mike makes his case to Romeo as to why it should be him versus Maryanne. Mike is a retired firefighter. He shouldn’t know how to start them. Not unless he’s one of those infamous arsonist firefighters. I’ll never understand that, but they are real. But I guess Survivor is different as it is a campfire. Mike tells Jonathan that he can be the safety pick. They all start to make fire. Mike seems to have issues starting it at first. He practices outside of the view of the others so they won’t know how good or bad he is at this. He is able to make it in the end. He feels that if he can win the challenge, he can win the game.


We then get to tribal council with Jeff making his grand assessment of everyone in the game. He lets Romeo talk first. Maryanne goes on one of her rambling speeches or whatever. Romeo goes through his decision making process in how he got to where he is now. Maryanne is the safe pick with Jonathan and Mike making fire tonight. We are about the make fire next.


In the seventh segment of the show, we get to the challenge. Mike seems better at  this and he winds up winning the challenge with Jonathan eliminated from the game. I guess that Mike wins? I just don’t see it being Romeo, although it could be Maryanne. Jonathan talks about his loss and Mike about his win in the end. Should it ever be the tribe has spoken anymore? Heck, the argument could (and has) been made that it should actually be the tribe has written. But you can speak through written words. It is a turn of phrase after all. I guess that Mike started a fire like Caleb did in Fireproof.


In the eighth segment of the show, we get to some of the insights of the final three. We also see some of the jury members talking outside of online exclusives for the first time in a very long while. I can’t get to all of them in the confessional count as there could have been a jury confessional count this time around, but it happens too quickly. This could be the most unpredictable ending ever. What about the ending to the Edge of Extinction? Anyways, this is where we get to the final tribal council with Jeff doing his grand introduction into it.


Total confessional count: Romeo- 24, Maryanne- 34, Mike- 39, Jonathan- 21, Lindsay- 29. New confessionals this episode: Maryanne- 9, Mike- 4, Jonathan- 1, Lindsay- 7, Romeo- 6.


I know that I don’t talk about the confessional count anymore as I just have it in there to see what the count is and show it to others, but it is interesting that Jonathan only had one confessional and Mike is the lowest of the finalists.


In the ninth segment of the show, we are going with three topics, social, strategic, and I missed the third one. This is different than the usual outwit, outlast, and outplay. All of the votes are open according to Omar. Starting with social, Tori gives how she sees the players and asks if it was accurate. Mike says that he is sorry for what he did to Rocksroy. Maryanne says that she was keeping her strategy there for later in the game. Romeo talks about throwing random votes out there, but Hai feels gaslit. Omar says that Mike lied more than just to Rocksroy. Mike isn’t owning things according to Chanelle. Mike thinks that others deceived him first.


Tori thinks that everyone is allowed to talk to each other, but Mike doesn’t understand this. People feel that Mike is not owning his game, like Jonathan. He feels that he is a social person. Omar thinks that Maryanne had a sloppy social game. She talks about why she got rid of Omar when she did. Romeo has to talk about his social game.


We then get to the physical part of the game. Since when did you become the physical type? Mike says that he has a strong work ethic and got things done. Romeo only learned how to swim before doing Survivor. At least he learned, unlike Gervase. Romeo thinks that learning how to do things meant the world to him.


Last is strategy. What did they do on their own in order to take control of the game? Romeo made a fake idol and won the final immunity challenge. He wanted to take someone playing a similar game to him to the end of the game. Mike think that he played both an emotional and strong game. He isn’t sure that he played with as much integrity as he should have. Maryanne talks about what she did in the game. Maryanne reveals her idol and why she voted out Omar. We then learn about their personal evolution in the game. Romeo gets emotional. Is it just me or is at least one person always emotional at the final tribal council? What’s up with that? Or maybe this is a more recent season thing.


Romeo is convinced that he didn’t give up at all. He is gay and his family won’t accept him. And here I was thinking that he was into Juliet. Maybe that’s why she was crying on the backseat, begging you please don’t go. Mike talks about how he wants to compete to a certain level. Maryanne learned a lot about herself in the end. She thinks that she was sabotaging herself. She didn’t want to lose friends. She is still growing as a person. They are held in high regard.


In the tenth segment of the show, we get to the vote at hand. We don’t see who anyone voted for other than an m being written down by one of them. We are getting to the vote read right away. I wonder what question leads to 42 as the answer. It could be the ultimate question. It is Maryanne that wins the season at hand, with Mike getting a vote.


In the eleventh segment of the show, we get to Maryanne talking about her win. A lot of the jury came in undecided. Hai is wearing a feminist shirt that might have thrown people off. I should get a shirt like that. I just hope that people understand what they are. Omar didn’t feel that he got what he needed out of Mike not owning his game. This might make him like Xander from last season. Mike says that he thinks that it’s a great day for him. Romeo was not sure if he could win a millionaire, but did want to make the end. It is a weird dream, but he got what he wanted, leaving a winner despite not winning. Jeff then leads into a needless break since this isn’t live. Or maybe they get breaks?


In the twelfth segment of the show, we talk about the opening challenge twist. Lindsay talks about the twist herself. Jeff is convinced that people had fun in the game. Drea talks about her advantages and she mentions all of the advantages she had in the game. She is worried that someone who looks through her bag would know all of this. Rocksrory is the only one who didn’t understand the phrases. Lindsay then talks about how she couldn’t play on 41 due to having covid at the time, but wound up on 42. I wonder who had replaced her on 41. I’ll have to check. Surely fandom would know. Jeff actually likes the do or die, but it is horrible and should be removed.


In the thirteenth segment of the show, Chanelle talks about how she did in the game. Jonathan also talks about how smaller numbers meant less options at tribal council. Omar talks about the summit. Mike talks about how voting twists affected things. Lindsay thinks that Survivor is like Jumanji. Beware the drums. Maryanne was very emotional. Tori was very emotional in the game. Her emotions are her strength as she admits that she’s a therapist now. Omar cried a lot out here as he never cries in real life. I’m kind of like that myself. I haven’t cried since my grandmother’s funeral in 2017. I’ve been to other funerals since then. Drea talks more about her time in the game.


In the fourteenth segment of the show, Jeff reveals that the camera crew is catering right now. Omar thinks that Maryanne is like an Amazon ferret, Mike is like a kola bear, and I missed who he said what Romeo is like. Romeo is glad that he went as far as he could go in the game. He might have won the game of life, if not Survivor. Mike is glad that he has what he needs from getting only second place and he thinks that Maryanne will do a lot of good with the money.


Maryanne isn’t sure how this was going to go and she felt that she can win. It feels like she’s dreaming now. Dreamer. Now you are a dreamer. Jeff wishes that the non jury could be there. Does he? He is allowing this to happen like this after all. We then get a look at Survivor 43. We are getting some of the players in the promo this time around. We see that one of the contestants has only one leg. That would make her the third person like that on Survivor.


Points at after show: Jackson- 0, Zach- 0, Marya- 0, Jenny- 0, Swati- 0, Daniel- 0, Lydia- 0, Chanelle- 1, Rocksroy- 1, Tori- 1, Hai- 1, Drea- 3, Omar- 4, Lindsay- 3, Jonathan- 1, Romeo- 2, Mike- 3, Maryanne- 3.


There isn’t too much else to post here now as I’m going to wait to give the end of season awards and Ponderosa to finish this season’s posts in a week from now. I may write the whole post tomorrow and get it scheduled in case I get too busy this coming week. I’ll even post updates about this blog more in that next post as well. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Episode 42.11

As we near the end of the season, I look forward to what the upcoming season of TV will look like. I also look forward to a general lull of not as many new programs to watch and care about so I can get more caught up on what I have recorded, which will be good given the cancelled shows to watch so I’m done and over with them and the one show that I have a lot of on tape that was renewed for a season 3 that I just don’t think that I’ll stay into once I’m done seeing what I’ve recorded of it. This is the peril of having a full time job that sucks a lot of time out of you, but leaves you with so much money that you don’t know what to do with it and just put money into your various bank accounts for later.


Let’s get to the one time challenges from the twenty-fifth season. I can’t think of much of a theme to any of these challenges so I won’t say much about them in the end. But here’s the section as there won’t be many others I can get in before having to take another break from them.


Manila Folders (challenge from Don’t be Blinded by the Headlights): In this challenge, pairs will pull a sled of foldable puzzle pieces. The fifth will act as a caller to form a puzzle. It is possible that some of the ways this could be changed would make this possible to be done while social distancing possibly.


Snare the Drum (reward challenge from Whiners are Wieners): In this challenge, contestants must flip over drums in a circle so that all of the colors are the same or all at the same time while preventing the other team from doing so. As this could be done physically, it can’t be done while social distancing.


Mud Slinging (reward challenge from Shot into Smithereens): In this challenge, contestants compete with their loved ones (which could be changed to pairs or even done individually) by throwing a ball covered in mud to their loved ones who has to knock over five targets from pedestals. I think that there are versions of this that could be done while social distancing.


Fish and Game (immunity challenge from Shot into Smithereens): In this challenge, contestants must cross a rope bridge then use a hook to get buoys out of a water that have a bag of sticks in it. These sticks must be tied together to knock over a target which will release a flag to win the challenge. This could be done while social distancing.


Sliders (reward challenge from Gouge My Eyes out): In this challenge, contestants must slide into the ocean, get five rings, then get toss the rings on each different pole. If there is a slide for each player and five different poles for each player as well, then this could easily be done while social distancing.


Dragon Slayer (reward challenge from Million Dollar Question): In this challenge, each player races through an obstacle course, collects three bags of puzzle pieces, return to the start, and solve a dragon themed puzzle. This might be the first challenge to be named after a Survivor nickname. I do believe that this could be done while social distancing.


У статті, написаній Брайаном Беннетом у випуску Time від 17 лютого 2020 року, згадується, що сталося з Трампом після фіктивного процесу імпічменту, коли вони навіть не викликали жодного свідка. Який суд без свідків? У перший раз, коли його «виправдали» від імпічменту, це було незважаючи на те, що це могло «вивільнити здатність президента використовувати величезні повноваження федерального уряду для своїх політичних цілей». Якщо «Кен Хьюз, експерт зі зловживання президентською владою» знає щось подібне, ми повинні взяти до уваги. У цій статті на сторінці 12 вказується, що сам Трамп «запустив розслідування імпічменту, тиснувши на Україну, щоб вона допомогла йому у 2020 році».


У статті вказано, що постійний негативний рейтинг Трампа був пов’язаний із «майже постійними скандалами та розслідуваннями його президентства, багато з яких він сам зробив». У цій статті під назвою «Сміливість Трампа доводить свою справу до 2020 року» вказується, що «він єдиний сучасний президент, який ніколи не проходив 50%» з точки зору рейтингу схвалення. Там написано сучасний, але міг би сказати колись.


Навіть Гаррі Трумен, який мав найнижчий рейтинг схвалення, не міг претендувати на таке найвище схвалення, як у Трампа. Жоден президент не може. Після цього Трамп мав промову про стан Союзу. Я його не дивився, але в ньому було вказано, що він сказав: «Якби ми не змінили невдалу економічну політику адміністрації [Обами], світ би зараз не став свідком цього великого економічного успіху». На жаль, ця стаття не вказує, що це ще одна з багатьох брехні Трампа. Економіка була чудовою, починаючи з адміністрації Трампа через Обами, і почала зазнавати невдач задовго до пандемії. Але принаймні Ненсі Пелосі посміялася востаннє, «вирвавши копію його промови з помосту».


In this old blog post from my Madam Secretary blog, I talk about my Elementary blog starting early, even if I didn’t quite understand that I would was doing that at the time. It all worked out well enough in the end. I mentioned the blog being behind, even though most of the posts were written at the time. All that I really needed to do was post them better and I did and would fix that in the future.


I mention the 20 year curse where presidents elected in years that ended in 0 ended up dying, a curse that has been broken as it didn’t affect Reagan or Bush II, even though we won’t know for a while if it will affect Biden. There has already been attempt on his life as the last president not to have any known attempts on his life was Lyndon B Johnson. Few of these attempts have been serious.


I also talk about the 50 year curse where every 50 years, major scandals affect the presidency. This happened in the 1870s with Grant, 1920s with Harding, 1970s with Nixon, and now 2020s with Trump. All four of these people were Republicans. What could happen in the 2070s?


Since I’ve put this off for maybe two blog posts now, I realize that I should get to the tier one of football teams that I root for and their official ranking from the 2016 season onward. I will include wins and loses and break possible ties. I will include head to head matchups starting with preseason with the only exception being the 2015 playoff game between the Steelers and Broncos. Anyways, the teams to root for are Titans, Chiefs, 49ers, Raiders, Colts, Broncos, Steelers, and Chargers.


Broncos against other teams: lost to 49ers, beat Colts, lost to Chargers, lost to Raiders, lost to Chiefs, lost to Titans, and beat the Steelers (2 wins, 5 losses). Steelers against other teams: lost to the Broncos, beat the Chiefs, beat the Colts, beat the Titans, lost to the Chargers, lost to the Raiders, and lost to the 49ers (3 wins, 4 losses). 49ers against other teams: beat the Broncos, beat the Chargers, beat the Chiefs, lost to Colts, beat the Titans, beat the Raiders, and beat the Steelers (6 wins, 1 loss). Colts against other teams: lost to Broncos, lost to Steelers, beat the 49ers, beat the Chargers, beat the Titans, lost to the Chiefs, and beat the Raiders (4 wins, 3 losses).


Chargers against other teams: lost to the 49ers, lost to the Colts, beat the Broncos, beat the Steelers, lost to Titans, lost to Chiefs, and lost to Raiders (2 wins, 5 losses). Raiders against other teams: beat the Broncos, beat the Steelers, lost to 49ers, lost to Colts, beat the Chargers, lost to Titans, and lost to Chiefs (3 wins, 4 losses). Titans against other teams: beat Broncos, lost to Steelers, lost to 49ers, lost to Colts, beat the Chargers, beat the Raiders, and lost to Chiefs (3 wins, 4 losses). Chiefs against other teams: beat Broncos, lost to Steelers, lost to 49ers, beat the Colts, beat the Chargers, beat the Raiders, and beat the Titans (5 wins, 2 losses).


This puts the 49ers as the highest with the most wins at 6. I’ll get to ties and break them later. The Chiefs are the second highest with 5 wins. The Colts are the next highest with 4 wins. Three teams have 3 wins and they are the Raiders, Steelers, and Titans. The lowest of this grouping are the Broncos and the Chargers with only two wins.


Movie update: On Friday, I watched a movie that wasn’t on my list that I will see again that is on the list as it is part of a series. I didn’t have time for a movie on my list. On Saturday, I watched nothing as lots of evolving plans for the day made it impossible. On Sunday, I watched nothing from either list as usual. This should change for the other list, the Sunday night list that I largely made for that time because of right before when it would have worked instead of when it was now. Anyways, on Monday, I watched nothing because of needing to catsup on laptop shows. And I finally was able to see a movie on Tuesday by watching Back to the Future and then replaced it with Back to the Future part 2.


As we near the end of the season, you might have to wonder where movie updates could go. They could wind up in the CSI: Vegas blog posts at some point in time. Where I will put them after this season is over is in my Borneo posts. They will not be going back to my China posts and are likely not to go to the Blood versus Water posts any time. And if you know me in real life, then get me the concert DVD of Celtic Woman: Homecoming for my birthday. But enough of my ramblings.


In the first segment of the show, Lindsay felt that the tribal council was the best one. I wouldn’t feel that way as I really liked the one where Phillip was voted out in Caramoan. Lindsay now has a full-fledged idol. I wonder why Drea didn’t have a steal a vote. Wasn’t she supposed to? Mike thinks that he is too likable and people want to vote him out. Maryanne reveals her extra vote to Mike while also thinking about getting rid of Omar since he is now a threat to win.


Lindsay, meanwhile, wants to get rid of Jonathan. Jonathan thinks that he can’t trust Lindsay and Omar. He was upset by what happened. It is clear to everyone that the Super Tight Four is breaking up. They are turning on each other. We then get to the reward challenge. It is Omar who wins the challenge and he picks the reward that allows him to bring more people to the reward. He worries about potential backlash and takes Mike, Maryanne, and Romeo to join him.


In the second segment of the show, Jonathan talks to Lindsay while the others are on reward. Omar wants to deprive Jonathan of feeling good. Lindsay thinks that Jonathan is being voted out unless he wins immunity, in which case it would be Mike getting voted out. Lindsay reveals her idol to Mike who then tells two others about her idol. He wants to target Omar. I wonder if there is a montage on YouTube of all of the people on this show revealing their secrets to others who then have more of this secret revealed. This show isn’t Tell me Your Secrets. It is Survivor. Maryanne wants to take charge of her game and make it known that she’s no goat.


In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. It takes two balls to win. Despite being a woman, Lindsay wins which messes up Mike’s plans. How will her idol still factor into things? I guess that we will find out.


In the fourth segment of the show, Lindsay talks about how she won the challenge. Jonathan did not want this to happen. Romeo might be a target now. Romeo talks about splitting the vote, but the others think that they don’t need to. Omar thinks that their plan is foolproof if all goes according to plan. They worry that an idol will go back into circulation. Can they still be played at the final five? Maryanne wants to use her extra vote the way she wants to against Omar. But Mike wants to keep his idol and does not want her to vote against Omar. This is also the last time that they can play a shot in the dark.


Maryanne tells Romeo about the extra vote and plan to vote for Omar, splitting the votes. It seems like there are a lot of plan and targets potentially with Maryanne worrying that her plan might go up in smoke. This could be crazy.


In the fifth segment of the show, we get to a stormy in I’m sure many ways tribal council. Mike thinks that there is nowhere to hide. Romeo thinks that the dynamics have changed. We are thinking more long term now. Maryanne is worried about self preservation and then taking charge. Lindsay is asked about her time in the game. Omar is Survivor confidant for now. Jonathan thinks that this could be the first tribal council where no one lies, but only if it goes the way he thinks it will. Maryanne brings up the shot in the dark. Jeff brings up splitting the votes. Omar says that he could be on the receiving edge of a blindside. After the votes are cast, no idols are played, it is Omar who gets voted out. I guess this makes it the not as tight three left of Jonathan, Lindsay, and Maryanne. The tribe heads to a new camp.


On the next Survivor, it is the season finale, people scramble, Romeo makes a fake idol, and I’m sure that a lot of crazy things happen as usual because nothing else seems to happen on Survivor at all. That’s all there really is to say for now.


Total confessional count: Lindsay- 22, Romeo- 18, Maryanne- 25, Mike- 35, Jonathan- 20, Omar- 35. New confessionals this episode: Jonathan- 3, Omar- 5, Lindsay- 6, Romeo- 1, Maryanne- 5, Mike- 3.


I can’t tell who might win or not win. Romeo seems like too invisible an edit so far. Jonathan seems too cocky and like Xander from last season. Mike is too all over the place with his edit. Maryanne seems too crazy. This leaves Lindsay who I guess could work? I guess we’ll see. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Episode 42.10

Since I never seem to tire of telling you sometimes which shows on what day of the week that I watch, then I might as well tell you the Tuesday shows that I watch since one of them is an Arrowverse show. That show is Superman and Lois. I also watch FBI, FBI: International, and FBI: Most Wanted on CBS. I watch the penultimate season of New Amsterdam on NBC and would watch Mr. Mayor more if only it didn’t air against so much other shows that I like. I watch The Resident on FOX.


Let’s get to the one time challenges from the twenty-fourth season. Some of them were coconuts as they featured them a lot in the challenge like all seasons done in Samoa. I should note that it seems a bit odd that instead of coconuts being featured in challenges a lot, it is balls that Jeff is obsessed with. Is he bi? He has had female romantic partners, but not any men as far as I know. Maybe he just likes balls. I think that straight men can feel that way.


D.I.Y. Knots (reward challenge from Total Dysfunction): In this challenge, the tribes would each have a crate containing a metal ring inside a huge knot. Once you got the ring out, you would win. If this were done individually, then this could easily be done while social distancing.


Coco Connection (reward challenge from Bum-Puzzled): In this challenge, a coconut is flung through a slingshot on a grid. If you get a diagonal, column, or row, you would win the challenge. This could easily be done while social distancing..


Puzzle Relay (immunity challenge from Bum-Puzzled): In this challenge, the players would have to solve a puzzle and collect a key with the last contestant unlocking all the keys and raising their tribe flag. I think that any relay could potentially be done while social distancing. I should note that this is infamous for being an immunity challenge where the win was given up to the other tribe.


Coco Pops (reward challenge from Thanks for the Souvenir): In this challenge, contestants would have to run to the top of boxes where they will find coconuts then bounce them off of a trampoline to break targets on the other side and need to break all five targets. I think that this could potentially be done while social distancing. I’d have to see it done again to know for sure.


Sea turtles (reward challenge from The Beauty in a Merge): In this challenge, contestants would have to collect puzzle bags which others would then have to solve. This could probably be done while social distancing. I’m pretty sure this was supposed to be the immunity challenge in the previous episode, but that didn’t happen due to Colton’s medical evacuation.


7UP (reward challenge from Just Annihilate Them): In this challenge, teams would have to go down a huge water slide and get a crate. Once all of their crates are gotten, they would have to solve a puzzle with them. I think that versions of this could be done while social distancing.


Spinning wheel (reward challenge from It’s Human Nature): In this challenge, the contestants would have to spin around a post to get each disc where they get numbers in a combination and pull a lever to get a flag to raised. I can’t tell much about how this is supposed to work since the challenge is so poorly worded on fandom. Maybe this could work while social distancing.


Є дві речі, про які можна поговорити з номера журналу Time від 3 лютого 2020 року. Один із них ставив просте запитання: «Чи можна усунути президента з посади, якщо не було злочину?» Анотація про це була на сторінці 12 розглядуваного питання. Менеджери з імпічменту в Палаті представників зазначають, що ідея «про те, що злочин, який підлягає імпічменту, має включати злочинну поведінку, спростовується двовіковими прецедентами і, якщо буде прийнято, матиме нестерпні наслідки».


У статті говориться, що «ідея про те, що поведінка під час імпічменту не обов’язково є фактичним злочином, добре встановлена», а сам Олександр Гамільтон пише, що така річ стосується «зловживання чи порушення певної суспільної довіри та шкоди, завданої безпосередньо самому суспільству». Алан Дершовіц, власний адвокат Трампа, навіть сказав під час імпічменту Клінтон, якщо «хтось... повністю розбещує офіс... хто зловживає довірою і представляє велику небезпеку для нашої свободи, вам не потрібен технічний злочин, щоб отримати імпічмент». Зайве говорити, що тепер він хотів повернути це назад, коли його колись добрі переконання в кінці кінців більше не збігаються з його сьогоденням. Кожен тупий республіканець тепер має розумну версію себе в минулому.


Інша відповідна частина цього питання вказує на сторінці 16 у статті про Хакіма Джеффріса, одного з керуючих імпічментом Палати представників, що «Для Республіканської партії ризик [не засудити Трампа з посади лежить] у тому, щоб викликати принциповий захист навколо [короля] Трамп], який, зробивши [республіканську] партію своєю, можливо, позбавив її принципу». І це говорить про те, що спочатку навіть був один.


In this old link from my Madam Secretary blog, I talk about Once Upon a Time and Elementary. I also had mentioned some of a slightly different delay that I didn’t realize at the time was largely the same. I was also posting this blog in the wrong order and at wrong time as in too late.


I don’t have time to get into all of the tier one of football teams that I root for yet this time, but I will go through which ones all of them are in this time while putting off the ranking again until potentially next time. The teams that I root for are Titans, Chiefs, 49ers, Raiders, Colts, Broncos, Steelers, and Chargers. Why would I root for all of them?


Well, the Titans, Chiefs, and Colts are all local teams with the Rams not being the local team anymore. The 49ers beat the Rams during the regular season of the Rams being back in LA first. The Steelers and Broncos were the first game I saw after the Rams move was approved with the Broncos winning. The Broncos were also the first team to beat the Rams during preseason and the winners of the Super Bowl the previous year.  The Raiders and the Chargers would have moved instead of the Rams had the Rams move not been approved instead.


There were two teams that had voted against the move of the Rams to LA while all of the other teams approved of it. And while there are other potentials as to who those two teams could have been with it possibly still being unknown, those make the most sense. The last two got to move from their old cities anyways, one of them to LA in the end.


Movie update: On Friday, yet another family visit meant no movie once again. Or that was more of how the day was supposed to go. My mother was sick and I wound up watching more shows that I have recorded on my laptop instead of any movie this time around. On Saturday, with the family visit not yet going on, I was able to watch Kingsman: The Golden Circle. I replaced that with The Little Mermaid. On Sunday, I watched no movies from either list due to the finally happening family visit. On Monday, I watched another nature documentary. There’s still one left after that. On Tuesday, I had to once again watch shows on my laptop instead of a movie.


While it shouldn’t be long until we know the fate of most, if not all, shows on TV and the schedules for the next season, I can’t help but wonder if there will be a Booster Gold TV show that the CW will have next season. It could explain more of how he became a fixer, why he wanted to bolt, and what all will happen next to him and the remaining Legends after this. I might want some resolution to at least the show Legends of Tomorrow so maybe there will be a finale movie special? I can only hope. But enough of my ramblings.


In the first segment of the show, people talk about the vote out and how the amulet is more powerful. The game is getting spicy. Would people want spice on Survivor? They might. That’s weird. Also weird: Maryanne talks about losing her pinky toenail all the time. She thinks that this is normal for it to happen a lot. I wouldn’t think so. Mike misquotes the Shakespeare line by asking where Romeo is as Romeo becomes the target by others. Wherefore art thou actually means why and not where. Drea’s name is also brought up as a target as well. Mike has become the new Hai. Mike is also a target now.


In the second segment of the show, Jonathan is kind of lazy as he eats less so he doesn’t eat more than the other tribe members. He claims that he struggles a lot. But then he helps with the fishing, but gets irritated with others. They blame this on him being hangry. And now he is another target. And all of this targeting may be for not due to the do or die. Also, they are applying for more Survivor contestants even as they should have already filmed Survivor 43: Moderna versus Pfizer versus Johnson and Johnson.


In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge and the twist involved with it. There is some unseen contestant narrating about this. I think it was Romeo, but am not sure. In the end, the only two people that decide to compete are Lindsay and Jonathan, meaning that one of them will win immunity and the other will do or die. During the challenge, a fly lands on Maryanne. Does the fly still mean what it used to or has it lost its meaning since Natalie won San Juan del Sur? Or has it regained its meaning ever since it landed on Mike Pounce during the vice-presidential debate? While it seems like Jonathan takes his hand off at times, he isn’t disqualified and just barely wins the challenge.


In the fourth segment of the show, Lindsay is upset that she competed in the challenge. But what would have happened if she hadn’t played? It would have only been Jonathan competing. But then what would have happened with the do or die? Would they have to redraw as if the first round never happened or act as if that choice was never even there? With so many complications going into the tribal council, Drea tells others about the knowledge is power advantage with Omar once again possibly in control of everything, maybe just in his mind or maybe in reality too. Drea thinks that she could be in danger. A plan could get rid of Mike’s idol. We can’t tell too much else about other things as I missed some of what I wanted to cover in these notes.


In the fifth segment of the show, we finally get to tribal council after a very long commercial break. Jeff asks why people needed to compete in the challenge. Jonathan knows that he’s a target. Lindsay says that her decision was poor. Mike think that she’s a warrior. Shooting at the walls of heartache. Bang bang bang. I am the warrior. Omar talks about his strengths in the game. Mike thinks that people know the ins and outs of the game. Jonathan was talking to various people. People go to the water well, but don’t get water or get wood without any visible signs of wood. Well, it would be embarrassing if there was visible sign of wood to other people.


After Drea’s horrible movie vibe, they have to realize whether or not someone is getting voted out of the game after all. Mike says that people may say the wrong thing unintentionally and feelings could get hurt. I do that a lot and feel bad when I do provided that people go about the right way talking about it so I can respond in a good way myself. Lindsay gets to make her decision. She picks the middle box and Jeff opens the one on the right. She is offered to switch as her backup plan was a skull revealed. She goes against the odds again, but it is right again.


Drea then plays her knowledge is power advantage. Jeff knows who has what. Mike doesn’t have an idol since Omar revealed this advantage to him. Omar has the idol like he planned. No idols or advantages are played this time around. An extra vote must have been played as Drea is voted out. She gets a much better exit from the other players then we’ve seen before as she gives final words to all of them. She gives a dramatic no. It’s like Dib in Zim Eats Waffles. NNNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!! Whatever. There has never been this much fierce game play and comradery before.


On the next Survivor, the Super Tight Four might be breaking up, nothing can leak (so something more than likely will), and other things that I missed some of. It is interesting how far those four players have made it thus far.


Total confessional count: Romeo- 17, Maryanne- 20, Mike- 32, Drea- 21, Jonathan- 17, Omar- 30, Lindsay- 16. New confessionals this episode: Omar- 3, Lindsay- 3, Romeo- 3, Maryanne- 2, Mike- 6, Drea- 4, Jonathan- 3.


It seems that the Super Tight Four might not last even though they have a majority over the last two players in the game. We have Strong Jonathan, Cunning Omar, Eccentric Maryanne, and Thoughtful Lindsay. What will happen when they start to turn on each other? Stay tuned for the conclusion here in one week. Same Survivor time. Same Survivor channel. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Episode 42.9

With all this sharing of old post posts in this blog, you might be wondering, what if I wanted to share old blog posts of this blog somewhere? Well, this may happen in either my Good Fight blog or my CSI: Vegas blog, if not both. Or there could be even more blogs to share this one in, depending on what happens. I am not planning to do that many new ones and only know what could happen, but not what will.


Let’s get to the one time challenges from the twenty-third season. Like other seasons filmed in Samoa, there is a coconut theme to some of the challenges themselves. There’s only three of them this time as most of them had been done before.


Coconut Conundrum (immunity challenge from I Need Redemption): In this challenge, tribes would race to go through pathways that zig zag, over a wall, dig up a machete, cut ropes to release coconuts, then shoot those coconuts into a net to raise the tribe flag and win the challenge. I think that if this were a relay race or individual challenge, it could be done while social distancing.


Coconut Cradle (immunity challenge from Double Agent): In this challenge, contestants would stand on a perch with a coconut between two ropes. The rope length would increase over time. This could be done while social distancing.


Batman Wall (immunity challenge from Then There were Five): In this challenge, a rope would be used to climb a wall to get five bags of puzzle pieces. These pieces would have to be paired up to find the three that are unmatchable. Once these pieces are found, they would reveal a numeric code that would unlock a box at the top of the wall that would then win them the challenge once it’s unlocked. This could be done while social distancing.


У випуску Time від 23 і 30 грудня 2019 року була опублікована стаття про «Охоронці року», починаючи зі сторінки 74 цього номера. У ньому зазначалося, що ці люди є «державними службовцями», які «служять країні над собою». Хоча ми, можливо, ніколи не дізнаємося напевно, хто є викривачем, ми знаємо, що багато важливих людей мають відношення до першого імпічменту Трампа.


Підполковник Олександр Віндман був важливою особою для цього, оскільки він підслухав дзвінок, і «після цього він повідомив про свої проблеми адвокатам Білого дому». Зрештою за це його звільнили. Такою ж була і Марі Йованович, тодішній посол в Україні. На сторінці 88 вказується, що вона «була мішенню наклепницької кампанії, яку проводили Трамп та його союзники». Сторінка 80 зазначає, що «[Руді] Джуліані просив зустрітися з новою українською адміністрацією і закликав [нового президента цієї країни] Зеленського розпочати розслідування щодо суперників Трампа».


Пізніше людям стало зрозуміло, що повстанець «домагався розслідування Байдена, перш ніж допомогти новому українському уряду», як йдеться на сторінці 82. Імпічмент міг навіть негативно вплинути на сенаторів, які балотуються на пост президента, допомагаючи забезпечити висунення Байдена та стати наступником Трампа, чого Трамп не хотів би, але тепер гарантував, що це станеться, навіть не усвідомлюючи цього. Хоча докази корупції були очевидні для демократів, лише один республіканець того року проголосував за імпічмент.


There was a lot that I talked about in this old post in my Madam Secretary blog. I talked some about alternating what blogs to post and update. I don’t do that as much now anymore, but could. All it would take is a roll of Survivor on Saturday. I risked that not too long ago, but that wasn’t what happened as I had my first legit roll of home videos instead.


I talked some about Brad Kern, the showrunner for the third season of Charmed until the end and part of NCIS: New Orleans. While he was at times a great writer for Charmed, I can no longer think of him as a good person. He was fired from NCIS: New Orleans when allegations against him came to light. It would explain the departure of Shannon Doherty from Charmed and the departures of Zoe McLellan and Shalita Grant from NCIS: New Orleans. I also touched some upon “pranks” that are actually crimes.


Now there are two things to discuss from the NFL still in this blog before the season ends. I might even talk some about my facebook group regarding it. For now, I’m going to mention the winning streaks of NFL teams from before the 2016 season (that is, the 2015 season) to maybe the 2021 season. I’ll list all of the teams that had a winning season in 2015. I’ll work backwards to see their last losing season that each of them had before that. And I’ll see who still has winning seasons today of all of them.


The teams with winning seasons in 2015 are the Chiefs, Cardinals, Panthers, Bengals, Broncos, Packers, Texans, Vikings, Patriots (ugh), Jets, Steelers, Seahawks, and Redskins, now known as the Commanders. Looking to see which seasons they each has a losing record previous to this was this: Chiefs (2012), Cardinals (2012), Panthers (2014), Bengals (2010), Broncos (2011), Packers (2013* or 2008), Texans (2013), Vikings (2014), Patriots (2000), Jets (2014), Steelers (2013), Seahawks (2011), and Commanders (2014). Now let’s see who kept having winning seasons after 2015.


*Would have been an 8-8 tie with winning season counting due to a tie game counting instead of a eighth loss that it could have been, making the record 8-7-1


Looking forward now, the following seasons were losing seasons for the teams: the Commanders (2016* or 2017), Cardinals (2016), Panthers (2016), Bengals (2016), Broncos (2017), Packers (2017), Texans (2017), Chiefs (none or present, ongoing streak), Vikings (2016), Patriots (2020), Jets (2016), Steelers (2019), and Seahawks (2021). This means that the Chiefs are currently the NFL team with the longest streak of winning seasons that’s ongoing. It wasn’t true when I thought it was in my Madam Secretary blog. But it is true now. Anyways, more NFL talk will be in the next post as I don’t have time for it in this one. I’ll get through the ranking of tier one teams I root for then.


*Same note as for the Packers re 2013 winning season


Movie update: On Friday, I watched Monsters Inc. I replaced it with Popeye. On Saturday, I watched Front of the Class. I replaced it with Flight of the Phoenix. On Sunday, I didn’t watch any of either lists’ movies largely due to pink eye. And yet I did watch things on Friday and Saturday when I also had it. I don’t know why I do things sometimes. Anyways, on Monday, I watched a nature documentary. And there are still more of them to be watched so that won’t change from the list just yet. And on Tuesday, I am once again unable to see a movie from that list. I may wind up having to dissolve that list when one of the options on it winds up passing an as of yet unknown time limit likely in July if I can’t see a certain choice on that list before then. I also didn’t finish Monday’s movie until Wednesday yet again.


I was shocked to find out that both Batwoman and Legends of Tomorrow were cancelled. I had talked about liking these shows in this blog. Both of them ended on cliffhangers. The cliffhanger regarding Batwoman wasn’t much of one since it was just setting up a potential future villain. That show was at some point supposed to have a crossover with Superman and Lois at some point so maybe this will happen in the end. I can only hope that Legends of Tomorrow gets wrapped up via crossover as they ended that with the characters arrested by time cops. That’s a terrible way to end a show, even if it was always about outlaws in a way. But enough of my ramblings.


In the first segment of the show, the first group gets back from tribal council and talks about how glad they were about the vote going the way it was. Omar feels that Mike isn’t weary enough of Hai. Hai has been running things. The next group comes back with Drea saying that she’ll be playing as hard as it is going to be even though she still has advantages. Lindsay doesn’t think that Jonathan is playing as good as he can. She then looks for an idol. She doesn’t find it as Maryanne does.


We then get to the reward challenge. That’s right. Those exist on their own sometimes. There is a lot of rain. Let the rain pour down. Everywhere you want to. It is Lindsay that wins reward. She now gets to go to the sanctuary. She picks Omar who hasn’t gotten a reward and then Mike. The boat won’t get them until later tonight, meaning they all have to go back to camp together at first.


In the second segment of the show, the players are miserable. The experience of being out there in the rain isn’t as easy as it looks on TV. Does it look easy on TV? Hai talks about being brought to the US as a refugee. At the sanctuary, the three people there see videos from their loved ones. Omar then tells a lie about Hai to make it seem like Hai is against Mike. Lindsay then talks about her amulet to the others while saying who else has it. They want to target Hai now.


In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. If you hit New Year’s you will be out of the challenge. Put your ball on the bow. You are good. You can grab your balls. Drea grabs her ball once she is out. Lindsay is solid with her ball. Jonathan’s ball is moving a lot. He has to get control of his ball. He recovers his ball. Jonathan doesn’t lose out despite his ball being on the move constantly. It is Lindsay that wins immunity in the end. Mike is convinced that King Hai will be dethroned tonight.


In the fourth segment of the show, Hai wants to get rid of Jonathan. Mike talks to Hai. Mike says that he isn’t anybody’s puppet. But he is Omar’s. Mike tells Jonathan that he’s the target by Hai and that they should vote out Hai. Lindsay thinks that everyone but Hai is on board with the plan to vote out Hai. Hai tells Jonathan that the vote is for Romeo, claiming that an idol will be played for Jonathan. Jonathan then relays this plan to Omar. Omar thinks about actually working with Hai to vote out Jonathan. What is he doing? Forget about shot in the dark. This seems more like shot in the foot. But maybe now is a good time to get out Jonathan as others might be on board with this.


In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. There didn’t seem to be much fallout from the reward. A lie about no strategy being discussed is told. Romeo doesn’t think that it is true. People have to deal with the worst part of their lives being what’s on Survivor at times due to the climate and all that. It seems like there is a lot of scrambling constantly going on. It is like Jenga. The vote is like making an even playing field. No one ever wants to odd the playing field. Jonathan doesn’t know what this means, evening the playing field. There are eight different perspectives. The votes are cast and there is nothing played. Hai is voted out after all. Maybe his name should now be Bi. Bye, Hai!


On the next Survivor, there is a straight line to the final four. There is a dangerous twist to the challenge. Are they doing the do or die again? Ugh. Many names are potentially brought up as the target because it is rare for them to be straightforward about who is getting voted out next and why.


Total confessional count: Maryanne- 18, Mike- 26, Drea- 17, Jonathan- 14, Omar- 27, Lindsay- 13, Romeo- 14, Hai- 22. New confessionals this episode: Hai- 4, Maryanne- 2, Mike- 5, Drea- 2, Jonathan- 1, Omar- 3, Lindsay- 4, Romeo- 1.


Well, I can’t talk about too much else as the season is winding down. There’s so much going on and I can’t tell who might be the winner. There’s too much misdirection as it seems like there are doubts of a lot of them and no clear person in charge. Maybe there is a person hiding there. Maybe it is more likely obvious than not. Or maybe it could be someone with a bit of a more negative edit in some way. I can’t tell who might win. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.