Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Episode 43.10

Since now seems like the best time to do it, I will tell you about the Wednesday shows that I watch. I see the shows of Survivor (obviously), Stargirl, Home Economics, Kung Fu, Lego Masters, and Chicago PD. I also await what CBS will air at 9 in the future, which I think is revealed by now. It won’t be relevant for this blog at this point in time anyways.


Let’s get to the one time challenges from the thirty-fifth season. If only fandom had more info. Then I wouldn’t be two posts behind so far with this. But that doesn’t matter too much right at this point in time. I can only get caught up to the season right before whatever the current one I’m covering is.


The Color and the Shape (immunity challenge from I Don’t Like Having Snakes Around): In this challenge, tribes will have to maneuver puzzle pieces through a table maze and under a cargo net. After unlocking a second set of puzzle pieces, they must solve the puzzle at hand. An individual version of this challenge could be done while social distancing.


Driving Wheel (second immunity challenge from Buy One, Get One Free): In this challenge, players would have to drive a key that’s on an urn through obstacles. The key will get them puzzle pieces. The driving wheel will transport the pieces to the finish where a word puzzle will be solved. This could be done while social distancing.


Love on the Rocks (reward challenge from Not Going to Roll Over and Die): In this challenge, each player must draw the same color marble as their loved one. It is named after the Neil Diamond song of the same name. I’ve always felt that this was the least effort they ever put into a challenge. It was like they forgot to do a challenge and came up with this shit on the fly. While it could be done while social distancing, this challenge of pure luck is incredibly stupid and doesn’t belong in the game. It seems more like a dumb event than an actual challenge.


Might as Well Jump (penultimate challenge from Million Dollar Night): In this challenge, the players have to swim to a crate, get a bag of keys, swim to then cross a balance beam, get more keys, unlock their puzzle, and move balls around so they match the right color. The name of this challenge is taken from the last line of the Van Halen song Jump. I think that it could be done while social distancing since people could be far enough away from each other doing this.


Я очень сильно отстал от написания этого абзаца на иностранном языке. Я отставал почти весь 2022 год с тех пор, как впервые начал делать это в своем блоге Survivor, который вы читаете. Мне повезло с абзацами на украинском языке. И вот мне снова повезло. Видите ли, с тех пор, как я начал делать эти абзацы на русском языке в этом блоге, у меня была только одна цель: закончить их выполнение. Я хочу отказаться от России из-за ее вторжения в Украину и вместо этого переключиться на то, что я обычно делал на русском, на персидском языке. Таким образом, это последний абзац на русском языке, а также первый абзац на персидском языке. Я хотел осветить персидский язык, язык Ирана, поскольку он также хочет повлиять на выборы в США, как Россия даже признала это в 2022 году. Таким образом, остальные абзацы этого сезона на иностранном языке будут на персидском языке.


من خیلی از نوشتن این پاراگراف ها به زبان خارجی عقب مانده ام. من تقریباً تمام سال 2022 را پشت سر گذاشته ام از زمانی که برای اولین بار این کار را در وبلاگ Survivor خود که در حال خواندن آن هستید شروع کردم. اتفاقاً با پاراگراف‌هایی که به زبان اوکراینی گذاشته‌اند، شانس آوردم. و حالا دوباره شانس آوردم. ببینید، از زمانی که شروع به انجام این پاراگراف ها به زبان روسی در این وبلاگ کردم، فقط یک هدف داشتم: انجام آنها را تمام کنم. من می‌خواهم روسیه را به دلیل تهاجم این کشور به اوکراین لغو کنم و به جای آن، کاری را که معمولاً به زبان روسی انجام می‌دادم، به زبان فارسی انجام دهم. بنابراین، این آخرین پاراگراف به زبان روسی و همچنین اولین پاراگراف به زبان فارسی است. من می‌خواستم فارسی، زبان ایران را پوشش دهم، زیرا می‌خواهم بر انتخابات ایالات متحده تأثیر بگذارم، مانند روسیه که حتی در سال 2022 اعتراف کرد. بنابراین، بقیه پاراگراف‌های این فصل به زبان خارجی به زبان فارسی خواهد بود.


There was one last video that The Odd Ones out did on his old job at Sooubway. It is even subtitled the final sandwich. This is the fourth video that he did in this series and he won’t be doing anymore, although it might be possible that he will cover this old job of his in other videos at times.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rB7zgPlC5M (Sooubway 4)


I am both too tired and still don’t have enough time for more football team updates. Don’t count on it being in next week’s posts, but we’ll see. With team #15 being decided, I have to figure out how to rank the teams of the Minnesota Vikings, Detroit Lions, Cleveland Browns, and Cincinnati Bengals by seeing who all played who starting in the 2020 season to see if and what certain teams have had match ups to the current season this year. But while 16-19 are still unclear, it is known for sure that the lowest rated of this grouping which thus isn’t included in it is the Green Bay Packers as number 20.


Getting back to what I promised in the last post, it turns out that Dan from Survivor: Nicaragua has died. This is now the second Dan who has died. Maybe I should post his last name sometime just to be clear who is who. While I have already revealed the ranking of that season, I will share it again. I will compare it to the ranking of a previous season that’s older than that. Nicaragua is 19 out of 42 seasons with the most recent not shared incidentally being the one right before it. Heroes versus Villains is 13 out of 42 seasons. But enough of my ramblings.


In the first segment of the show, we have Karla and her group coming back from tribal council. She was not left out of the vote, but did reveal that she acted like she wasn’t by how she voted in the end. There were a lot of people confused about the various votes that happened at the separate tribal councils. We then cut to the next challenge already. Jeff is back in black. Is he Darth Jeff? It is weird to see a reward challenge again since they are constantly being edited out now.


Noelle struggles a lot throughout the challenge due to her fake leg. But since only one sandbag needs thrown onto a target, she does wind up doing that well and getting the win in the end. She picks Sami to join her and then Jesse. The last person that she picks to join her is Owen. She talks about how she is glad that she won and proved that she can do what those goodie two legs can.


In the second segment of the show, Noelle talks about visiting this sanctuary. Owen is glad that he got letters from the outside. Jesse is emotional since he has been without talking to her family for such a long time. Sami, talking strategy as usual, wants to target Cassidy. People talk about splitting votes between her and Karla. Cody is depressed at the loss. Someone always seems to be. Cassidy thinks that every cloud has a silver lining so it’s more okay to lose reward. Gabler is too much of a loose cannon. How has he made it this far? Gabler talks about both sides wanting him. Is he in an ideal situation? Not every swing vote is.


In the third segment of the show, we go straight to the immunity challenge. There are a lot of setbacks for everyone. It is Cassidy who wins the challenge in the end. She talks about her win. That’s about it for this part of the show.


In the fourth segment of the show, we return to Gaia, the merged tribe. Noelle talks about the plan being different due to Cassidy’s immunity win and Karla’s potential idol. Noelle thinks that she is in a good position still. Jesse thinks that he has to take out Noelle now. He thinks that you have to be careful when blindsiding someone. He goes through the plan. 1- Have a cover story. He tells her that Sami is the target. A snake is seen slithering in the sand. It must be Jesse and he must win. This leads to the next step. 2- Throw the fall guy under the bus. That’s done as well. 3- Have a backup plan. It seems to be good, but Gabler talks to Karla about getting rid of Jesse and Cody who seem safe.


In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. Jeff starts at the reward challenge. He wants Noelle to talk about the odds against her. She wants to be a model for those with disabilities. She is happy to have this win. Jesse talks about ugly crying because of the letters. Gabler still does his weird, technical speech. Owen thinks that trust is what matters most. A one-two, a one two three four. Wait. I got distracted there thinking of the Billy Joel song A Matter of Trust.


Ryan isn’t sure of what all is going on since so much is happening at once. Gabler thinks that everyone is a killer and that they are all working with silencers. Can they get in the target zone? People can’t figure out what’s happening in advance of what’s going on. Noelle thinks that they could miss their target. Ryan thinks that today could make the rest of his game. But will it? I guess we’ll see. No idols are played after the votes are cast.  It is Noelle that gets voted out of the game.


On the next Survivor, Gabler has a plan to get to the final three by hiding in plain sight, everyone starts to scramble when a boat arrives, and there is tough immunity challenge. What else can I say? There ain’t no disguising the truth.


Total confessional count: Gabler- 20, Owen- 21, Noelle- 14, Sami- 14, Jesse- 20, Cody- 20, Cassidy- 10, Karla- 17.


New confessionals this episode: Jesse- 3, Cody- 1, Cassidy- 3, Karla- 1, Gabler- 2, Owen- 1, Noelle- 4, Sami- 0.


Planned January blog posts









1: TV

2: freebie

3: freebie

4: Survivor (maybe)

5: CSI: Vegas

6: Madam Secretary

7: CSI: Cyber

8: TV

9: Elementary

10: The Good Wife (maybe)

11: Survivor (maybe)

12: CSI: Vegas

13: Madam Secretary

14: CSI: Cyber

15: TV

16: freebie

17: freebie

18: Survivor (maybe)

19: CSI: Vegas

20: Madam Secretary

21: CSI: Cyber

22: TV

23: The Good Wife (maybe)

24: Fadam Secretary blog (maybe)

25: Survivor (maybe)

26: CSI: Vegas

27: Madam Secretary

28: CSI: Cyber

29: TV

30: The Good Wife (maybe)

31: The Good Fight

Not January

Not January

Not January

Not January


There are two things to note. One is that I’m not sure if the planned blog schedule will stay the way that it is now because I am hoping that things will change on Fridays even if things not changing then would mean that I could do my next post on China much sooner. The other is an explanation as to why this blog was late. Basically, I couldn’t get it done with all that was going on the week of Thanksgiving with all of the family visits then that I was dealing with and still might affect my blogs like this one going forward throughout the future. I should be back to normal tomorrow with a post on tomorrow’s episode then. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Episode 43.9

While I now know of two Survivor deaths, I will now mention the one that was covered first in fandom. That would be the death of Roger from Amazon. I had already sent out my wishlist really early at my brother in law’s request. This will be another old season that I will want at some point in time. Note that when it comes to the ranking of Amazon versus the other seasons, I have it ranked as 33 out of 42 seasons (as the current one isn’t yet ranked), which is incidentally the lowest of the average seasons with the next lowest being the best of the bad seasons.


В выпуске Time от 7 октября 2019 года рассказывалось о российской дезинформационной кампании на выборах в США, начавшейся в 2016 году. Они также пытались повлиять на те, что были в 2018 и 2020 годах. Вероятно, они будут делать это снова и снова. Статья под названием «Глобальная война против правды», начинающаяся на странице 37, была написана Ричардом Стенгелем и адаптирована из его книги «Информационные войны: как мы проиграли глобальную битву с дезинформацией и что мы можем с этим поделать». В статье говорится, что «русские купили вашу информацию, чтобы убедить вас в том, что в Америке полный бардак».


На странице 39 приводится список мер, помогающих распространять дезинформацию, включая, помимо прочего, следующее: «Запрет иностранным правительствам, организациям и частным лицам покупать онлайн-рекламу для оказания влияния на выборы в США… Обеспечение большей конфиденциальности ваших данных… Удаление поддающимся проверке и доказуемым образом ложная информация… [и] назначение [лица или группы людей] для борьбы с дезинформацией и вмешательством в выборы».


It seems that I once again stumbled onto a song that I possibly never would have otherwise. This one is called Unchained Medley, a song that was done by many others but was first done by Todd Duncan. I just wish that he didn’t look drunk while doing this.




While this is now my second time watching a Survivor Geek video, it doesn’t seem to be the best quality as the video and audio are out of sync at some point. It also seems weird that he is splitting this up into multiple parts when it should be quick enough. Just how bad of a copyright strike does he have? And why not learn from that? Anyways, watching the Full Tilt Boogey Survivor challenge, it is clear that the way that they do it can’t be done while social distancing since people are tethered together. If they did a version of this where it was just people individually doing it, then it might work while social distancing. It is hard to tell for sure.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXRvhhZBFuM (part 1)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyKS8XEcFeg (part 2)


Continuing on with more work stories from The Odd Ones Out, this is his third video on working at the place called Sooubway. He mentions how he earned more money doing just the first two videos on the place than he ever did working there. I doubt that I will have time to mention my vlogs about working at a shooting complex as much as I would like. But we’ll see if my channel will even get monetized.




I don’t have time for football updates this post but I should do the usual pre Thanksgiving warning that I don’t know for sure if I will be happening around that time of year or if I will be too busy to blog about or even see the show right away once it airs. I’m hoping that potential family visits won’t mess up or change things too much. The fact is Thanksgiving is next week and I have no idea what is happening. I think that I know where it will be and possibly who all might be there. But I don’t know much else about what all will be going on. But enough of my ramblings.


In the first segment of the show, Sami talks about how he didn’t want to vote out Jeannie, but didn’t have the numbers to do anything else. Owen is pissed about having been left out of the vote. James is starting to think that everyone who is close to him gets voted out. It isn’t long until we get to the next immunity challenge. They split into two groups. Each will go to separate tribal councils. The last group to have a member standing wins reward and right to go to tribal council last. Also, is it just me or is it hard to catch who all is on what group?


In merely writing that last paragraph, I can’t catch who all is in which group that drops out of the challenge. Ryan and Cody are the showdown in their group. Karla outlasts Sami in her group. She thus wins immunity as a result. But she doesn’t win reward for her group. Cody then wins his immunity and reward for his group. Karla talks about her win and still having stitches in her hand. When did that happen? I must have missed it.


In the second segment of the show, Cody talks about his immunity win. People want to vote out Cassidy. But she knows this and gets emotional wanting to stay in the game. Karla and her group have to go to another camp until their separate tribal council happens. Owen is nearing his breaking point. He and James get into it. And this starts to happen in front of the entire half of this tribe. Owen doesn’t like that James wasn’t honest about Jeanine getting voted out before it. James wants to vote out Owen.


In the third segment of the show, it is still uncertain who might be voted out. Do they want to get rid of Ryan? They think that how the other group votes might affect who they vote out. Meanwhile, Noelle wants to use her steal a vote power to get rid of James. She tells him about it under the guise that she is getting rid of the potential for Owen to use his shot in the dark by stealing his vote. This is to ensure that James doesn’t use his knowledge is power advantage. She would actually do this to Owen so that her advantage isn’t stolen.


In the fourth segment of the show, we get to the first tribal council at hand. Jeff gives a sum up of the tribe. We get to the issues between James and Owen. Does James have a robot voice to other people or is that a problem with my TV? James thinks that there will be more trust on the tribe going forward after the vote tonight. Karla thinks that people have to trust in themselves. Noelle mentions what she thinks is the best thing to do moving forward. She pulls out her steal a vote advantage. She takes the vote of Owen. He talks about the summit which had lead to this. The votes are cast and James is voted out. This group then goes away with James on the jury and the next group coming in.


In the fifth segment of the show, Jesse is surprised that James is voted out. Ryan wants to know now what had happened. Cassidy thinks that there is little wiggle room right now. She doesn’t think that people know what conversations people are having. Cody thinks that he has the most power, at least this time around. Ryan talks about having lots of clams. What? I’m confused. Anyways, after the votes are cast, it is Ryan who is voted out. I guess this makes sense? It is hard to tell for sure.


On the next Survivor, they want to get out big threats in the game with nearly every name being brought up as targets. Well that makes no sense. I guess that we’ll see what happens in the next episode and see if it makes any sense.


Total confessional count: Cody- 19, Cassidy- 7, Karla- 16, Gabler- 18, James- 15, Owen- 20, Noelle- 10, Sami- 14, Jesse- 17, Ryan- 9.


New confessionals this episode: Owen- 2, Noelle- 1, Sami- 1, Jesse- 1, Ryan- 1, Cody- 2, Cassidy- 1, Karla- 3, Gabler- 1, James- 2.


Planned December blog posts









Not December

Not December

Not December

Not December

1: CSI: Vegas

2: TV

3: The Good Wife

4: TV

5: Elementary

6: none

7: Survivor

8: CSI: Vegas

9: Madam Secretary

10: CSI: Cyber

11: TV

12: none

13: none

14: none

15: CSI: Vegas

16: TV

17: The Good Wife

18: TV

19: The Good Fight

20: Survivor

21: Fadam Secretary blog (new blog starts)

22: CSI: Vegas (maybe)

23: Madam Secretary

24: CSI: Cyber

25: TV

26: none

27: Survivor

28: none

29: freebie

30: TV

31: The Good Wife


As you can tell from the schedule, there will be a new blog that will be debuting. It will be one that is purely about politics and I will explain why I’m calling it that in that blog and why I feel the need to have that name versus any other one. I will share the blog here and other places once I have it up. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Episode 43.8

While I won’t be telling you about the shows that I watch on Wednesdays just yet, know that there have been some things to keep track of with the schedule. For the third time since Survivor has returned, I am putting a show that airs against it on my laptop to watch later. It is Stargirl this time around. As I know now about its impending end, I will still be putting it on my laptop and not switch to watching it live with this show’s watching and then blogging being delayed until later. I also know that I have had converter box issues in the basement with me not being able to live watch shows there or use the VCR either. I will get a new converter box tomorrow so I can hopefully go back to normal with that.


Let’s get to the one time challenges from the thirty-fourth season. While this is an all-star season, like the first one to use all returning players, there is at least one challenge that happened in it that only appeared once. The first season with all returning players was also like that. This has more than one.


Unchained Medley (reward challenge from Dirty Deed): In this challenge, players must do things one at a time. The first player must use a grappling hook to get a bow. The second must dig out a ball. The third would balance this ball on the bow and walk past two balance beams in order to get the ball in a compartment. The grabbling hook must be used to get a ball containing a handle. Once another ball is dug out, a fourth player will do what the third one did. A fifth player must then solve a slide puzzle. This could be done both individually and while social distancing. I’m not sure why some players in this challenge are doing more than others. This challenge is named after a song by Todd Duncan.


Cargo Salvage (immunity/only challenge from Vote Early, Vote Often): In this challenge, the players must dive and then climb on a platform, cross a monkey bar on a rope, lift puzzle pieces on a sled, take that sled to where it needs to go, and then solve a barrel puzzle. An individual version of this could be done while social distancing.


Full Tilt Boogey (reward challenge from It is not a High Without a Low): Well, I have no idea what this challenge is about as it isn’t mentioned on fandom. I could look it up on Wikipedia, but I don’t see a point of that right now. First, I’ll see if this is on YouTube. If it is, I’ll watch that and share the link of that in the next blog post. If it isn’t, then I’ll go back to Wikipedia instead.


Вскоре после того, как расследование Мюллера закончилось многочисленными арестами и осуждениями, но никого из критиков Трампа это не заботило, потому что до него так и не дошло, что Трамп позвонил по телефону и совершил один из многих актов импичмента, пытаясь вымогать деньги у Украины. преимущество на президентских выборах 2020 г. Таким образом, этот абзац будет размещен как на русском, так и на украинском языках. Это покажет вам, насколько похожи эти языки. Я буду продолжать публиковать соответствующие вещи на русском языке, поскольку они все еще будут здесь, чтобы снова и снова вмешиваться в выборы в США, а республиканцам все равно, потому что они извлекают из этого выгоду и чувствуют, что все это ложь, поскольку это никогда не указывало на Трампа в их разум, несмотря на то, что Мюллер сказал, что это никоим образом не освобождает Трампа. Это также будет моим способом представить все без исключения посты, связанные с Украиной и тамошним скандалом, из-за которого Трампу впервые объявили импичмент.


As he promised in his first video on Sooubway, James promised to do a part two on the annoying customers that he had to deal with. And that became Sooubway 2. There are four of them for sure with at least two others (one of which I can’t remember) mentioning his time there as well.




I’m going to give you just a taste so far of what is coming with the next football team updates. I will be ranking the next highest which I call the Midwest teams starting in 2020’s season. This features the teams of Minnesota Vikings, Detroit Lions, Cleveland Browns, and Cincinnati Bengals which includes the lowest rated of these, the Green Bay Packers. I’m too tired to do that today. We’ll see how all of these rank and why the Packers are separate at the lowest of them.


When it comes to doing the blog updates of mine, I should post that my December schedule will come the week before Thanksgiving at the absolute latest. I can always shuffle things around in the schedule even after the month has started. While I know that Advent services will be at 4 giving me the choice to watch Survivor live after going to these services after work. I don’t yet know when three things will happen that I’m hoping to know before doing the schedule. Those are 1- when the Cantata is, 2- when this season’s finale is, and 3- when the next season’s premiere is. I have no idea what all might be happening with the airing of CSI: Vegas so I’ll be guessing with that. But enough of my ramblings.


In the first segment of the show, it was a dark and calm night. The tribe returns from tribal council and they are talking about what happened with the vote out. Jeanine had given her idol to Dwight and now her idol is gone with him. That’s quite interesting. This idol is gone knowledge is told to everyone. But it is revealed that Dwight didn’t have the idol in the end. Jesse has it and no one else knows. This is in addition to the idol of Cody’s that he is holding as well. This is the craziest idol story ever.


Owen gives a tender moment about what is going on regarding his life. I like the fact that they are doing these stories. It makes the show much better even as it drowns itself out with advantages over players and their story arcs. He doesn’t like being left out of the vote. To quote my coworker: “Well no shit.” There is the talk of an alliance that doesn’t seem like it will last. What’s the shortest that an alliance has ever lasted in the game? Was it the Exile alliance back in Tocantins?


In the second segment of the show, we learn about a weird dream that involved Jeff Probst talking a selfie. How do we prevent this from becoming a reality? Ryan talks about being part of an alliance of seven. Sami wants to win instead of getting to the final seven. He wants to get through the window that is the right one.


In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge as we continue with Jeff’s ball fetish. I would love to see an honest trailer on this show just to see their thoughts on all of the times that challenges feature balls. Jeff offers five people to sit out of the challenge for rice. He says that this will be the only time that the number will be this small and he won’t go lower. He gets his five people. And we get to the challenge where hitting puberty gets you out.


Look at how big the balls are now. There has to be someone with a dirty mind doing these challenges. Or, they just want people like me to point out things like this out. Balls are on the pole. And it gets longer. Gabler’s long thing bent and his ball dropped. The last three are Cody, Ryan, and Owen. Ryan is the next one out. Being stuck with that ball on the pole is quite the ordeal. Owen wins. Gabler wants to figure out what to do. He doesn’t want his name to hit the parchment. Well, Will Smith isn’t around. If he were, then you’d have to worry about things being hit like that.


In the fourth segment of the show, people talk about how the vote will go potentially. Sami wants to get rid of Ryan. But is turning on his alliance a good move for Sami? Being a provider to your tribe isn’t the same thing now as it was back in the first season. James doesn’t want to turn on the loyal Ryan. He wants to take out Jeanine. They think that they could always take her out later. Never say that. And the women talk about getting rid of Ryan so a man will be gone and the women will have the numbers. I will admit, while I only know of two all female alliances that worked, I can’t think of any all male ones. This is a cutthroat game as we go to commercial in preparation for tribal council.


In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. Jeff asks about the social constructs of the show. Ryan thinks that people should slow down in the game at some point in time. Jeff asks if some of the players are laying low. Cassidy is playing a subtle game and could be making big moves. James, in Jeff’s words, says that the game keeps changing.


Jeanine has to see how things are going. Gabler says that things are switching between plan a and plan b. Cody says that people scrambled right away. People keep mentioning Ryan’s fishing. Jeanine is still worried about herself. It is a game of centimeters. A lot can be misinterpreted. Rules are being amended according to Sami. It will be crazy chaos here. Are those candles or crystals in that tribal council skull? Nobody plays idols or advantages. Jeanine is then voted out and joins the jury.


On the next Survivor, James lied, there is a steal a vote, two people are going home, and that’s all that I have to say about that. Jeanine is happy about her game in the meantime. I don’t think that there is too much else to say.


Total confessional count: Sami- 13, Jesse- 16, Ryan- 8, Jeanine- 12, Cody- 17, Cassidy- 6, Karla- 13, Gabler- 17, James- 13, Owen- 18, Noelle- 9.


New confessionals this episode: Cassidy- 1, Karla- 2, Gabler- 3, James- 2, Owen- 2, Noelle- 1, Sami- 2, Jesse- 2, Ryan- 1, Jeanine- 2, Cody- 1.


Well, there is some uncertainty in my life right now regarding the events of this month and what might happen with certain family members such as one in particular. I don’t have my blogs set up so that I can miss almost any posts of them. But that still might happen anyways. I also don’t know what all might be happening with me at work and if I’ll get the rest that I might need afterwards as a result or not. I don’t think that it is wise to power through things and should just take a break if I need it and there is no other option. If a family member of mine were to die, I’d give myself an out for any blog of mine. I’m going to post this here in this blog to direct other blogs to if needed. Anyways, I’m going to end this post here. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Episode 43.7

When shows were airing earlier this year before and then during Lent, I didn’t watch anything that aired at 9 during that time and wouldn’t again until a bit earlier this year. I never got into anything during that time. While I didn’t start seeing anything on the new schedule at first, know that I’m finally watching a Wednesday show at 9 again: Chicago PD. We’ll see if this remains the only one. I am watching this despite the fact that I don’t watch the rest of the franchise that the show is part of.


В выпуске Time от 7 августа 2019 года была опубликована статья под названием «Мифы об отчете Мюллера, который просто не умрет» на страницах 20 и 21 этого номера. Я назову некоторые из них правдой, а не мифом. Люди должны знать, что Мюллер действительно обнаружил сговор и препятствия. Два автора этой статьи (Барбара МакКуэйд и Джойс Уайт Вэнс) отмечают, что, несмотря на лежащее в основе преступление, существуют препятствия для отправления правосудия. Трамп мог совершить это преступление, не добившись прекращения расследования. И указывает, что президент может препятствовать правосудию при осуществлении исполнительной власти.


В важных частях этой статьи говорится, что «Российская разведывательная служба провела… операции против кампании Хиллари Клинтон», при этом заявляя, что «предвыборная кампания [Трампа] ожидала, что она получит электоральную выгоду от информации, украденной и обнародованной усилиями России», заявив, что Мюллер сказал, что «это… не освобождает его [от преступлений]», говоря, что никто «в этой стране не настолько высок, чтобы быть выше закона», указывая при этом, что «закон наказывает попытки [препятствовать правосудию]», и заканчивая указать, что «в преступлениях обвинялись 37 физических и юридических лиц, в том числе более двух десятков граждан России», доказательства чего доказывают вмешательство России в выборы 2016 года.


Last time, I mentioned different things that I want to set up to again, starting with the usual songs that had a challenge of this show named after it. The first one is Got to Choose, a Kiss song. It seems to work as a pretty good song. I don’t share songs that I don’t like in the end. I can’t even make it through the whole song at times.




Now, I’m getting to the Pinball Wizard song that the Who did. I don’t think that it would ever work for a theme song in the CSI franchise, but I did share this and a lot of other songs by the Who in my CSI: Cyber blog back in preparation for the premiere of CSI: Vegas.




I need to cover the Pinball Wizard Survivor challenge since I was able to find it on YouTube. It was split into two parts for some reason. But now that I can see it again, it is quite clear that it can be done while social distancing. I wonder if they’ll do it again. It does make the whole puzzle concept that is overused more interesting in my mind.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgzKdQ21gfQ (part 1)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIdr77G7288 (part 2)


Since I mentioned it in the last post (I think), I might as well get into some of what my favorite YouTuber has done on his channel. He is most known for a video called Sooubway. He actually did four of these so I will get to the others later.




Continuing on with the football team updates of mine, I should tell you that the next highest team that I root for is the Carolina Panthers. I forget why. Maybe the location was struck by a disaster. I don’t think that they beat a team that beat the Rams in the playoffs. It could have been affected by a mass shooting or some other act of terror. They are team 15 for me. This makes me wonder if I should get whatever player from these teams has that number, if any of them do. I could do that for every team that isn’t at the bottom of what I root for.


While I was wanting to do more research into who snooped through Gabler’s bag in episode two, I might have to go back to looking at True Dork Times since I didn’t put it in my blog, fandom doesn’t have it, and neither does Wikipedia. I hope that I have time soon for that between this week and next. I also seem to think that based on Gabler seeming to have an edit like Mike in season 42 and Xander in season 41, I am thinking that if trends hold, there will be a likely finale doom for Gabler with him coming in second place in the game. We’ll see if he even makes it that far. But enough of my ramblings.


In the first segment of the show, Jeanine talks about being left out of the vote. If I had a dollar for every time that this happened, then I’d have a lot of money. How many episodes begin this way? Owen thinks that Gabler is an issue and should be voted out. Gabler plants his now worthless idol at camp. The tribe then gets treemail about dividing into pairs for the upcoming challenge. Nobody wants to make moves. They decide to draw rocks randomly for partners. They just had that there? Is this like how JT just somehow happened to have pencil and paper in Heroes versus Villains when he gave his idol away?


In the second segment of the show, we skip to the challenge with more explanation as to how they did the rocks even with me wondering where the paint come from. Or was that part of treemail? More of the pair twist and when it doesn’t matter anymore is explained. Two people have struggles going through the net and lose it for both of their pairs. There is a tenderhearted moment before we get to the next part of the challenge in the next segment later.


In the third segment of the show, we continue with the long challenge. There are blunders that get two of the pairs out of the challenge. The last part has people giving inspirational stories as they do this. In the end, Gabler wins the challenge. Gabler tells people not to give up and that they can do Survivor. Then Jeff tells people that they can do Survivor.


In the fourth segment of the show, we get back to the tribe after the challenge. Gabler talks about his support for veterans. Sami then talks about how more people can be voted for. They talk about who they should target. At the well, a group of people learn about the advantage hidden at their shelter. James was going to wait until after tribal council, but looks for something. Oddly, we don’t yet know what it might be. Unless this is Gabler’s useless idol, which I don’t think that it is. James and Ryan are brought up as a potential split vote. But Noelle and Dwight are also brought up as targets.


James does have the knowledge is power and he tells a lot of people about this. Why does he tell Ryan about it? Jesse is given this idol in the meantime. Jeanine gives her idol to Dwight. Some people are now just playing musical idols and advantages despite not actually knowing, but still believing, that there could be a knowledge is power advantage. Who had the advantage given to Owen? It was some woman. It seems that Jesse thinks that something could go wrong.


In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. The challenge was to represent the struggles of the game thus far. Dwight seems to imply that they are all one tribe now and they don’t see the old tribe people anymore. It could be like surfing or Jaws. People seem to think that they know how things will fall. But one of the men (I can’t tell who) says that he is uncertain of where things will go. When the votes are cast, it is Dwight who is voted out. It is odd that he’s not on the jury.


On the next Survivor, I couldn’t get much out of the promo and might not have paid that much attention having somehow gotten distracted as it was airing. I don’t know what there is to say about it then. I don’t know how I missed it despite watching it.


Total confessional count: Dwight- 10, Jeanine- 10, Cody- 16, Cassidy- 5, Karla- 11, Gabler- 14, James- 11, Owen- 16, Noelle- 8, Sami- 11, Jesse- 14, Ryan- 7.


New confessionals this episode: Noelle- 1, Sami- 2, Jesse- 1, Ryan- 1, Dwight- 1, Jeanine- 2, Cody- 1, Cassidy- 0, Karla- 0, Gabler- 3, James- 2, Owen- 3.


While I haven’t finished writing either of them yet, I will have a post of Borneo ready right after this season is done airing and I will post it then. I’ll also have to get a post of China ready once this blog is able to be posted on Fridays again. I have no idea just how long it will be until Blood versus Water or Sundays will be available yet. But I don’t have any posts of that ready yet or will for a while. You’ll see them when you see them. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.