Thursday, March 31, 2022

Episode 42.4

There are 8 things that I’m giving up for Lent this year. This is the most number of things that I’m giving up in the history of me doing things like this. It is inspired by Daily Kos in a way. On Fridays on facebook when I’m on facebook on Fridays if I am, I tend to post 8 links to Daily Kos then. Daily Kos is one of the eight things I’m giving up for Lent as I won’t be visiting that site for all of Lent. After Lent is over, I plan to start sharing 9 links from that site on facebook on Fridays.


Speaking of Fridays and facebook, I will not be getting on facebook for any Friday during all of Lent. I can get on facebook during the other six days of the week throughout Lent, just not Fridays. I learned that there is a thing that facebook users can do if they want to boycott it in a way by refusing to get on facebook on Fridays. I might end up doing that all year round, but won’t for now. I might do this in other years. I have no idea why Fridays were picked. I do know that I am giving it up like a Catholic gives up meat on Fridays during Lent.


Two more things that I’m giving up for Lent are Screen Junkies and TV Sins. They seem to have a habit now of exploiting streaming content far too soon after it is available. Thus, this is my way of punishing them by not watching them during all of Lent.


And the other four things that I’m giving up for Lent are also all YouTube channels that I watch a lot of to some degree outside of during Lent where I am not watching them at all. They are CinemaSins, Jay Exci, Channel Awesome, and Brian Tyler Cohen.


Let’s get to the one time challenges from the seventeenth season. I have already blogged about all of the season of Gabon already so now I’ll talk more about the challenges from it that have not been used a second time. Maybe I should go into some more details about how challenges are done when I do my blogs about them. Let me know what you think if you actually care.


Lake Launch (immunity challenge from She Obviously is Post-Op!): In this challenge, contestants would have to slide down a slide to swim out to get a numbered tile back up a hill which would then have the tiles used to solve a puzzle to open a chest and get the axe to open their chest to cut a rope to raise their tribe’s flag to win. Regardless of if this is a tribal one done by a relay race or individual one, it is easy to me to see this done by social distancing.


Big Oar Deal (immunity challenge from It Was Like Christmas Morning!): In this challenge, the game would be played in rounds. It is like lacrosse, but on the water and in rafts. Players would have to pass a ball to another player and score a goal. The first to three goals win. This could not be done while social distancing in any way that I can see.


Fruit Flies (reward challenge from This Camp is Cursed): In this challenge, tribes would have five minutes to throw fruit through a hole in a wall then another one while the other tribe tried to block this fruit from going through. Whoever got the most fruit by weight through won the challenge. I’m pretty sure that this could not be done while social distancing.


Cliff Bowling (immunity challenge from This Camp is Cursed): In this challenge, a member of each tribe would be blindfolded and have to prevent points from being scored by listening to a caller as another person would throw a ball down a hill into a goal of specific points. Whoever had the most points after five rounds would win the challenge. This could be done while social distancing.


Elephant Eggs (reward challenge from It All Depends on the Pin-Up Girl): In this challenge, people on a tribe pass a breakable ball around to each other in a game of keep away from a member of the other tribe while the other tribe does the same. If someone breaks the opposing tribe’s ball, they would score a point. If they got three points, they would win. This could not be done while social distancing.


Super Golf (reward challenge from The Brains Behind Everything): In this challenge, contestants would have to work together to shoot an oversized golf ball into a hole using the fewest number of shots. They would need to score two points in order to win. It could not be done while social distancing.


Now or Never (reward challenge from The Good Things in Life Aren’t Easy): In this challenge, there are two parts to it. The first part has contestants roped together racing through a swamp to collect sprocket pieces and then assembling them together to raise a flag. The second part is a simple sliding puzzle. Only the second part could be done while social distancing. The challenge is named similar to a line from the Bon Jovi song It’s My Life.


Swamp Monkeys (reward challenge from The Good Guys Should Win in the End): In this challenge, the players would have to go through a swamp over several obstacles to get a ball (eventually three) over a net in order to win. This could be done while social distancing.


У випуску Time від 18 листопада 2019 року говорилося про багато речей, у якому були статті на тему першого імпічменту Трампа, що розпочався на сторінці 34, а також дві інші точки зору були наведені на сторінці 39 щодо імпічменту та на сторінці 40 проти нього. . Слова Джеймса Брайса та автора цієї статті, розміщені на сторінці 36, кажуть, що «попередження про небезпеку президента-ренегата» як «справжню загрозу Конституції виходило як від народу, так і від Білого дому», як у президента «може виникнути спокуса скасувати закон». У першій статті, написаній Джоном Мічамом, він зазначає, що стосовно злочинів Трампа, які підлягають імпічменту, «факти продовжують накопичуватися».


Одну з відповідей на це написав Ніл Катял разом із Семом Коппельманом. Він навіть зазначає на сторінці 39, що «всі докази, які нам потрібні, щоб довести, що Трамп брав участь у обмінах за квитанцію, є в відредагованому резюме телефонного дзвінка, опублікованому його власним Білим домом». Справді, незважаючи на всі ці розмови прихильників Трампа, які кажуть людям читати транскрипцію, я був би здивований, якби хтось сказав, що насправді сам прочитав транскрипцію. Справді, він згадує, чому це має статися зараз, а не чекати до дня виборів. Він каже, що це «як просити вирішити суперечку за допомогою гри в «Монополію», коли вас звинувачують у шахрайстві з «Монополією».


Тим часом Роберт Рей наполягає у своїй статті, що «Ви не можете оголосити імпічмент, якщо немає злочину» на сторінці 40. Варто зазначити, що багато республіканців стверджували інакше, коли Біллу Клінтону було імпічментовано, і багато замахів на злочини все ще є злочинами, в т.ч. спроба хабара, більш спеціально іменована як вимагання хабара. Роберт помиляється у своїх поглядах, і його статтю варто прочитати лише для того, щоб вивести обидві сторони з цієї проблеми, чого цього разу вам не знадобиться.


The only thing that I could really make sense of in this link from an Madam Secretary blog post is that it is a terrible recap of whatever this was supposed to be about. It didn’t help that I have to pause the episode during the commercial break (probably) to write the post, but not really make sense of much of what was going on in it. Ugh. I’m still bad in some ways. It seems like the only blog where I can do fairly good recaps (at least in my mind) is this one, the one on Survivor.


Movie update: On Friday, I watched I am Sam. I replaced it with Hancock. On Saturday, I watched The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. I replaced that with its sequel: The Two Towers. On Sunday afternoon, I watched Tower Heist. I replaced that with Space Jam. On Sunday night, since I was not interested in watching the Oscars, I watched primetime since new shows were inexplicably on as they normally are instead of refusing to air against that. I guess that the Oscars messed up if other networks think that they can air new shows against it. Anyways, on Monday, I watched Absolute Power. I replaced that with Blank Check. On Tuesday, I watched Celtic Woman: Songs from the Heart. I replaced that with Believe.


Let’s get back to March Madness. We have the final four now and I will mention which of them (if any) I am rooting for. But first, I have to update you more on what has happened thus far. Arkansas beat Gonzaga (upset), Duke beat Texas Tech, and then Duke beat Arkansas. Meanwhile, North Carolina beat UCLA (upset), Saint Peter’s beat Perdue (upset), and then North Carolina beat Saint Peter’s.


Meanwhile, Houston beat Arizona (upset), Villanova beat Michigan, and then Villanova beat Houston. The last grouping had Kansas beat Providence, Miami (FL) beat Iowa State, and then Kansas beat Miami (FL). This makes the final four Duke, North Carolina, Villanova, and Kansas.  I will want either Duke or North Carolina to win the tournament. Since they face either other in the semi-finals, then only one of them even could win. I have the feeling with geography now planning such a huge role in who I root for that it may always ensure a matchup of one team that I like and another one that I’m not rooting for to face either other in the finals. That happened last year, after all.


The only link that I’m sharing this time is one on the TV show Power Rangers: Dino Thunder. I’m sharing the theme song on that. I’m going to not share anymore yet as the next one in line was one that was set in 2025 so I might as well wait until then to share it. That is only three years away right now.


Before I get to the blog post, I should state that there could be storms in the area that could potentially affect coverage of the show. I am planning to record it and won’t know if coverage might be on instead of the show itself depending on the timing of it or other aspects of it. Do know that if I do have to watch this online, this post will be on Sunday as I know that I won’t have time to watch it until that Saturday if I have to see it online. That would change a lot of the planned blog posts, but not too much. I also hope that the network’s site both works for me and doesn’t spoil the outcome. I can only hope that this will be on either Wednesday or Thursday. But enough of my ramblings.


In the first segment of the show, the tribe gets back from tribal council and Daniel wants to wait until the next day to talk about all of this. But Chanelle wants to talk. She won’t admit that her plan was to vote out Lydia because that would ruin her game. Hai thinks that everyone on the tribe was blindsided that night and was glad that he could manipulate Daniel who folded like rocks. What kind of rock folds? You are thinking about paper that beats rocks anyways. Mike doesn’t like Daniel anymore. Daniel said that Chanelle was his number one. He is upset that she isn’t in trouble for also playing both sides.


We then get to the next challenge. It is a reward challenge. In the challenge, they have to untangle a rope to be able to use it as a grappling hook to get balls up into a target. One can get tangled as they make their way through this. The orange tribe has a huge time advantage on the other two. They are such a good tribe, it makes you wonder how they ever lost a challenge. They were fast. Hai talks about how Jonathan is like Thor.


In the second segment of the show, Lindsay thinks that the other tribes aren’t eating and that’s why they are losing. Some think that it was bad that Jonathan openly said to the other tribes that they are a super tight 4. Even Jonathan thinks that might have been a bit too much. He is a strong player. I now have to wonder if The Super Tight Four will now be a superhero group. Jeff Probst or Mark Burnett will now make it happen.


Romeo thinks that Rocksroy or Rocks is bossy. They don’t like rocks in this game. They just need paper to beat it. And keep him away from scissors. Many think that it is between Rocks and Drea. Drea has an extra vote. Tori tells this to Rocks and he, of course, tells Drea about this as both of them feel that Tori is dangerous and should be voted out. This is becoming a common part of Survivor and the truth bomb tends to explode at the wrong person. Maybe it is like a grenade. You have to throw them away from you. You don’t just hold onto it after you pull the pin.


In the third segment of the show, we are gathered at the immunity challenge again with Maryanne again saying her secret phrase and Mike still not saying his. She is convinced that no one found theirs. Indeed, it is illogical not to say the phrase. Anyone but Mike can see that. I really hope that no one on the blue tribe is doing this as well.


What was with the weird arm thing with the two women right before the challenge started? I don’t know how much Survivor uses Chekhov’s gun since they want to have red herrings in there as well to not make the outcome obvious. And what’s with hugging the fish? Is that a thing either? The Super Tight Four come in first place. I’m going to call them that now and not the orange tribe. There is a close finish between the two remaining tribes with the green tribe getting second place. The blue tribe loses with Tori trying to fight her way out of it and maybe wanting to do her shot in the dark. Shot in the dark and you’re to blame, darling, you give love, a bad name. *guitar riff*


In the fourth segment of the show, there is a turbulent sea with fish trying to navigate it. Rocks wants to get rid of Tori. But he should get rid of scissors! Wait, that’s not a player. Romeo thinks that they should get rid of Swati. Swati even admitted that she wanted to work with Tori at one point. Drea thinks that Swati says that she has said that everyone is in her number one. She’s like Zane from Philippines who said that he was in an alliance with everyone to everyone and was voted out by everyone. Swati sees to be playing well. Maybe she is trying to make the impossible unimpossible. Drea doesn’t think that she can trust Tori or Swati. Maybe Tori turned evil after a wild wipeout on the sea. Could this be the end of Drea’s million dollar deal?


In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. Drea is asked what the vibe of the tribe is and can’t explain it after a silence that was thankfully shorter than that of Trudeau’s. Swati says that she is not going home over Tori’s move to blindside Drea, but Tori says that it was Drea who was trying to make this move in the end. Swati says that of everything that has happened in relation to what has gone on, it’s not her fault. Republican.


Romeo thinks that they should be more cohesive. Yes, Romeo. End the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets. That was a shorter tribal council than I thought that it would be in the end. A spider is crawling at the set. And that might not have even been from this episode, just seen in this one. Swati played her shot in the dark. She’s not safe. And she’s voted out, although there is one vote for Tori in the mix as well. I wonder who and why.


On the next Survivor, Rocks isn’t doing that well, there is a stupid fight between Omar and Maryanne, Daniel is fishing despite his injury, and someone doesn’t like being fooled. Maybe he will raise his glass to the new constitution, get on his guitar and play, just like yesterday, get on his hands and knees and pray, that he won’t get fooled again. Rocks is revealed to have voted for Tori.


Total confessional count: Chanelle- 9, Tori- 5, Lydia- 3, Maryanne- 8, Daniel- 8, Mike- 8, Drea- 6, Jonathan- 6, Omar- 12, Rocksroy- 3, Lindsay- 6, Romeo- 4, Hai- 6, Swati- 3.


New confessionals this episode: Swati- 2, Chanelle- 1, Tori- 2, Lydia- 0, Maryanne- 2, Daniel- 2, Mike- 1, Drea- 2, Jonathan- 1, Omar- 1, Rocksroy- 2, Lindsay- 2, Romeo- 2, Hai- 2.


It is weird to see Lydia as the only one without a confessional as she never said anything about being the target in the previous vote at tribal council. I’m not going to post a schedule yet this post. It is weird that there are a lot of 6s and 8s in the total confessional count. And that’s where I end this post. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Episode 42.3

Since I hadn’t talked about it much yet, I’m going to mention the Wednesday shows that were on before this show’s return that I was watching. While I did check out Good Sam once, I didn’t really like it that much, even there have been so many worse shows just this season. (It has been unusually high and will probably get a post in my TV blog at some point.) The main thing that I was watching at 7 was Legends of Tomorrow. The other shows that I was watching then, nearly none of them either being on now still at the moment for the rest of this season or one of them being something I tend to not keep up with that much outside of when Survivor isn’t on, are the shows of Next Level Chef, The Goldbergs, Home Economics, Batwoman, and The Chase.


Note that Good Sam is not yet cancelled like I thought that it was because I saw a promo for it. It had been gone for two weeks with no promos for no episodes, airing new episodes, or even being seen in reruns. I’m not yet currently into any show at 9. I might check out either Chicago PD or A Million Little Things, but won’t check out either until after Lent is over. If Good Sam does wind up getting cancelled like it probably will, whatever CBS airs to replace it would probably get priority. I like to get into a show from the very beginning and not join an existing show already through part of its run.


Let’s talk about the one time challenges from the sixteenth season. One of them was rather infamous. It resulted in Jonathan’s medical evacuation and another injury of a person who wanted to be voted out as a result in addition to some other injuries here and there.


Reinventing the Wheel (tribal immunity challenge from You Guys are Dumber than You Look): In this challenge, the contestants would have to solve a puzzle wheel which would then be put on a cart that others would ride. After taking the cart through obstacles, the wheels are then turned into a turnstile that will raise a fire wok and ignite their tribe cauldron. I don’t see how this could be done while social distancing as it involves often being too close to each other.


Cat & Mouse (reward challenge from He’s a Ball of Goo!): In this challenge, pairs are harnessed together and are being chased by members of the other tribe. There is just one minute to chase them down. If they succeed in catching them, they will get a point. Otherwise, the other tribe will win. This challenge is the infamous one known for many injuries that resulted in Jonathan’s evacuation from the game. It was deemed too dangerous to ever be used again. It is physical and couldn’t be done while social distancing. It just may be the only challenge which is certain to never appear a second time.


A Stone’s Throw (immunity challenge from He’s a Ball of Goo!): In this challenge, contestants would have to throw rocks at hanging titles to drop bundles of puzzle pieces. These would then have to be used to solve a puzzle. It seems to mix existing elements of more well known challenges. I think that an individual version of this could potentially be done while social distancing.


Pool Party (immunity challenge from I’m Ruthless… and Have a Smile on My Face): In this challenge, there would be different heats with half of the players in each round moving on to the next one. The first round had contestants throwing rocks at titles to unleash puzzle pieces. The second round has players digging a key to get more puzzle pieces that would be used to crank a pulley and get planks. The third round has the planks being used to cross a rope bridge then race across a series of disks. All of this could be done while social distancing. What’s up with the name? Where are they getting pool from any of this? I have no idea where that would be from.


Сторінка 24 випуску Time від 14.10.2019 опублікувала статтю під назвою «Копси з змови Трампа». У ньому йшлося про початок скандалу в Україні, який призвів до першого імпічменту Трампа. У статті на сторінці 26 вказується, що використовувати «повноваження президента, щоб спробувати залишитися на посаді, неможливо». У статті побіжно згадується чоловік на ім’я Лев Парнас, який є важливою фігурою в цьому скандалі з Трампом. Теорія змови, яка існувала тоді, була однією з перших, яка стала козлом відпущення Хантера Байдена.


У ньому згадується брехня людини, яка неправдиво стверджувала, що він «був змушений залишити посаду [через] Джо Байдена... щоб зупинити розслідування компанії, де працював Хантер Байден», а наступне речення на сторінці 28 зазначає, що « Цей обліковий запис не витримав пильної перевірки, [оскільки] найвищі посадовці в США та Україні… підтвердили, що [цю людину] звільнили за його ймовірну корупцію, а розслідування щодо компанії Хантера Байдена на той час було бездіяльним».


In this blog post from my Madam Secretary blog, I talked about my hatred of the fucking Masters. I talked about the missing girls re Boko Haram. I will include a link about that as it is sadly not resolved still all these years later despite it having a somewhat happy resolution in the show. I also talked about not liking who had won that year’s March Madness. Since it was in 2016, this makes me wonder when the switch occurred of me liking every other winner since I didn’t like them in 2019 or 2021.


Movie update: On Friday, I watched Monsters University. I replaced that with Monsters Inc. On Saturday this time, I rented a movie instead of seeing one that I had. I had no time on Sunday to see a movie from either list. On Monday, I had no time to see any movie whatsoever. On Tuesday, I watched yet another movie that was rented instead of something from my list. If you read any of my blogs in the cast update stage, you’ll know just how far behind I am at reviewing newer movies and catching up on them. I may not see a lot of them after all. But I had to take this break and chance in order to do it.


Going back to March Madness, I might as well go through all of the first round games. I will include a note as to whether or not something was an upset as in the lower seeded team won. In the first four games, it was Texas Southern that beat Texas A&M-Corpus Christi, Indiana that beat Wyoming, Wright State that beat Bryant, and Notre Dame that beat Rutgers.


The West Regional had Gonzaga beat Georgia State, Memphis beat Boise State (upset), New Mexico State beat Connecticut (upset), Arkansas beat Vermont, Notre Dame beat Alabama (upset), Texas Tech beat Montana, Michigan State beat Davidson, Duke beat Cal State Fullerton, Gonzaga beat Memphis, Arkansas beat New Mexico State, Texas Tech beat Notre Dame, and Duke beat Michigan State.


The East Regional had Baylor beat Norfolk State, North Carolina beat Marquette, Saint Mary’s beat Indiana, UCLA beat Akron, Texas beat Virginia Tech, Purdue beat Yale, Murray State beat San Francisco, Saint Peter’s beat Kentucky (upset), North Carolina beat Baylor (upset), UCLA beat Saint Mary’s, Purdue beat Texas, and Saint Peter’s beat Murray State (upset).


The South Regional had Arizona beat Wright State, TCU beat Seton Hall (upset), Houston beat UAB, Illinois beat Chattanooga, Michigan beat Colorado State (upset), Tennessee beat Longwood, Ohio State beat Loyola Chicago, Villanova beat Delaware, Arizona beat TCU, Houston beat Illinois (upset), Michigan beat Tennessee (upset), and Villanova beat Ohio State.


The Midwest Regional had Kansas beat Texas Southern, Creighton beat San Diego State (upset), Richmond beat Iowa (upset), Providence beat South Dakota State, Iowa State beat LSU (upset), Wisconsin beat Colgate, Miami (FL) beat USC (upset), Auburn beat Jacksonville State, Kansas beat Creighton, Providence beat Richmond (Rich-what?), Iowa State beat Wisconsin (upset), and Miami (FL) beat Auburn (upset).


When I mentioned one time challenges from China, there was a challenge mentioned that was named after a song called Great Balls of Fire. It is one of the most well known songs that I’m familiar with even if it is an older song.


Speaking of songs, here is the theme song to Power Rangers: Ninja Storm which I’m mentioning now as I brought up one of the protagonists from that show. I’ll share the next season as well, but then take a break from going into future seasons like I want to for reasons that should make sense then.


The one last thing to mention before I get into this possibly crazy episode is something that I heard about regarding Tori. Apparently, she is anti-vaccine. From what I understand, contestants do have to get the covid vaccine in order to play on the show now. At some point, she came out against it. I can only hope that she can come to her senses. I plan to say this elsewhere. I don’t want any anti-vaccine person to die. I want them to get vaccinated. But enough of my ramblings.


In the first segment of the show, Maryanne finds the idol on her tribe and, true to fashion, other people know this as well since Omar was with her and another woman that I missed as well. On the other tribe, Daniel reads the fine print and learns that the idol will get full power at the merge with Mike getting his vote back. The paper is with the idol and is almost lost, but then is found again.


In the second segment of the show, Maryanne says her phrase, but the other tribe doesn’t say that. Mike was only going to say his if both of the others were in. Now wouldn’t it be hilarious if the other tribe was thinking the same thing and also not saying it? Anyways, the challenge starts with water getting bad really fast. I’ve never seen waves like that in a non endurance water challenge. It seemed to have gone pretty bad pretty fast. I think that the waves could be as high as 88 miles an house and when this baby hits 88 miles an hour, you are going to see some serious shit. The orange tribe comes in first with a blowout win for them. The other two tribes struggle a whole lot.


Jeff decides that both tribes should drag their ladders in. The keys are then retrieved by production with both of them continuing the challenge at just the beach portion. That was the right call. I understand why they did that. The blue tribe gets the second place position. Jonathan’s good performance is then singled out. He might be a player to look out for. Omar and Chanelle are then sent on a journey. She does not like being away from her tribe during the scramble before tribal council.


In the third segment of the show, they talk about the brutal challenge and people wonder about the journey at hand. It seems that people want to target Lydia and Mike is worried about Daniel. Daniel, Hai, and Lydia have a secret alliance. Channelle is likely the deciding vote. There is a lot of nonverbal stuff going on between the two of them. Both of them decide to risk their votes. Yikes. And that’s The Flight of the Bumblebee that played in the commercial that aired next for me.


In the fourth segment of the show, Chanelle says that she might not have a vote. She wants to get the vote split with the women voting for Jenny and the men voting for Mike. But Lydia is that target and Chanelle thinks that she can direct the vote without having one. If the vote goes correctly, it will be a 2-1-1 vote with Lydia getting voted out. At tribal council, Hai talks about how nervous the game makes him. Chanelle lies and says that she played it safe. Mike says that he believes her. Is he just saying that or does he feel that way? It seems that he genuinely feels that way. Maybe Mike will be the idiot of this season. Daniel is already convinced that he will lose. (I just lost the game.)


Lydia is unsure of what’s going on. Jenny mentions that she went on a summit and she talks some about what has gone on. The votes happen next. Nobody plays any advantage, at least publically. The vote is a tie between Lydia and Jenny. If only the great con of a 2-1-1 vote could have happened. I wonder, will there have to be a rock draw and if so, who all would draw? There is a reveal about who didn’t vote. Hai is confused about this. Only Hai and Daniel can make the consensus. And here the commercial is. I was wondering at first if that would happen at all. Maybe I shouldn’t count the segments of the show.


In the fifth segment of the show, we get to the two of the eligible voters talking about what to do, even if four of them have to draw rocks. Daniel doesn’t want to draw a rock. He is okay with going for Jenny instead. Hai admits his vote for Jenny. He doesn’t want to change his vote. But others still want to have Lydia out. Hai refuses to change his vote. How long is this allowed to last? I thought that this was not allowed to last that long. But maybe rules have changed. The decision is made to vote Jenny out. That was one of the craziest tribal councils that I have ever seen.


On the next Survivor, Jonathan is getting on people’s nerves, Rocksroy also seems to cause issues, and things are not well when the tribe gets back to camp after their tribal council. Dum-dum-DUM! We’ll have to see just how crazy things get.


Total confessional count: Omar- 11, Rocksroy- 1, Lindsay- 4, Romeo- 2, Hai- 4, Swati- 1, Chanelle- 8, Jenny- 2, Tori- 3, Lydia- 3, Maryanne- 6, Daniel- 6, Mike- 7, Drea- 4, Jonathan- 5.


New confessionals this episode: Hai- 2, Swati- 0, Chanelle- 6, Jenny- 1, Tori- 0, Lydia- 1, Maryanne- 1, Daniel- 3, Mike- 3, Drea- 0, Jonathan- 0, Omar- 4, Rocksroy- 0, Lindsay- 1, Romeo- 0.


I’m not even sure if Jenny did, in fact, get a confessional this episode. It is rare for someone not to get one in the episode that they are voted out of, but it does happen from time to time. I am only putting the counts of Chanelle and Omar as high as they are since they kept switching between what was the same confessional between both of them and I count it now so that any time a different person is seen doing a confessional, I count it as a new one. I’ve changed how I count them which will probably cause a lot of discrepancies between the counts that I have when doing the same season over again if there was a count it in the first time. Plus, I have no idea if my count will match up any official records or not.


Planned June blog posts









Not June

Not June

Not June

1: Survivor (maybe)

2: The Good Fight (maybe)

3: The Good Wife

4: TV

5: CSI: Cyber

6: Elementary

7: Madam Secretary

8: Survivor (maybe)

9: The Good Wife (maybe)

10: CSI: Cyber (maybe)

11: TV

12: Survivor (maybe)

13: freebie

14: Survivor (maybe)

15: Survivor (maybe)

16: freebie

17: Survivor (maybe)

18: TV

19: Survivor (maybe)

20: Madam Secretary

21: Survivor (maybe)

22: Survivor (maybe)

23: freebie

24: Survivor (maybe)

25: TV

26: Survivor (maybe)

27: freebie

28: Survivor (maybe)

29: Survivor (maybe)

30: freebie

Not June

Not June


Just note that for possibly the only known and planned time during Lent, next week’s update might be on Thursday instead of Wednesday. I might not be able to go to the earlier church service since I have a doctor’s appointment after work. I’ll probably have to record Survivor on tape. While I’m not currently watching any shows between 9 and 10, I don’t know yet if I will spend that time watching Survivor. I might and probably should. We’ll see what happens. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Episode 42.2

Something that I had wondered a bit about was why they hadn’t filmed Survivor 43 and 44 yet. This is not something that they had to do by any means. I was just concerned that due to the pandemic, they should be doing as much filming as they could at once to ensure that future seasons would exist. We’ll have to see over time if there are anymore variants of covid or issues with filming more seasons. I’d hate for them to be filming a season and have to stop for any reason like they did on The Amazing Race. Or we could have an issue where only one season is filmed, but not the other.


Let’s get to the one time challenges from the fifteenth season. As you know, I have already blogged about the season some, but haven’t talked too much about the challenges in them. In fact, I never spend much time describing the challenges like how they work or what’s happening. I often gloss over them. I will be going more in depth into them and spoiler! I’m going to talk some about what I haven’t yet put in this blog. I will post sometime in that season or a different one about why I consider spoilers to be fair game when blogging about an old season. Also, these challenges will obviously have a Chinese theme to them since there’s where the season was set.


Dragon Dance (opening challenge from A Chicken’s a Little Bit Smarter): In this challenge, each tribe has to maneuver a heavy Chinese puppet through a maze with the line leader removing obstacles. At the end of the course, the tribes must put their poles in the right place in the ground to win. This could not be done while social distancing.


Clear the Deck (reward challenge from I Lost Two Hands and Possibly a Shoulder): In this challenge, the players have to force the other ones off of pontoons into the water to score points. As this is a physical challenge, it clearly could not be done while social distancing.


Blade Runner (immunity challenge from I Lost Two Hands and Possibly a Shoulder): In this challenge, the players run one at a time to chop sections of wood to release puzzle discs to take back to the start line. The others would then place the discs on a puzzle pole to drag across the finish line to win. There are ways that this could be done while social distancing.


Great Balls of Fire (reward challenge from Ride the Workhorse Till the Tail Falls off): In this challenge, two players would have to use ever longer chop sticks to get a burning metal ball to a wok to ignite fireworks. Once all of them are lighted, the tribe wins. I don’t know if this could be done while social distancing, but it could if it were done one at a time instead of in pairs. This challenge was named after a song of the same name.


Warriors’ Duel (immunity challenge from Ride the Workhorse Till the Tail Falls off): In this challenge, the players are dressed in armor where they throw meteor hammers to break vases while trying to stop their opponents from doing the same. The most smashed vases win. It is possible that this could be done while social distancing.


Feast Memory (immunity challenge from I’m Not as Dumb as I Look): In this challenge, the contestants are quizzed on the merge feast and event that had happened earlier. The person who doesn’t answer any questions wrong wins. It is unknown what would happen if all of the players get a question wrong during a round. One would assume that they would simply edit that out and act as if that didn’t wind up happening at all. This could easily be done while social distancing.


Dragon Rider (immunity challenge from High School Friend Contest): In this challenge, the contestants have to sit on a barrel shaped like a dragon for as long as possible without falling off or touching the structure holding the barrel. I found this challenge to be notoriously easy. It could be done while social distancing, but I don’t want it done again as an endurance challenge where you just sit seems rather dumb in my mind.


Drum Roll (reward challenge from Just Don’t Eat the Apple): In this challenge, players work as a team to bounce balls with different sized drums down a course and into a barrel through waist high hurdles. They would have to start over or from the most recent gate if they hit puberty, I mean, dropped the ball. I’m thinking that a true individual version of this could be done while social distancing.


Star Struck (immunity challenge from Ready to Bite the Apple): In this challenge, contestants basically just throw stars at a target and attempt to get the highest score by getting closest to the target. This could easily be done while social distancing.


Swamp Donkeys (immunity challenge from Going for the Oscar ®): In this challenge, the contestants are attached to a rope and have to go down a swampy course over and under a series of hitching posts. Once they arrive at a set of color coded boxes, they must answer a question and hope that they got the right key. The right key is found by correctly answering a question about Chinese inventions. Once they have opened all three locks, they raise a flag to win the challenge. This could easily be done while social distancing as there is no need to be near another person during this.


Great Wall of Zhelin (reward challenge from A Slippery Little Sucker): In this challenge, contestants would have to construct a version of The Great Wall of China by racing down a ladder from the top, race to assemble a puzzle bridge, use a Chinese Yoke to stack puzzle blocks that are then carried to the top of the course up a ladder, and use the puzzle pieces to finish the wall. I’m pretty sure that this could be done while social distancing.


У випуску Time від 10-7-2019 була перша стаття про скандал Трамп-Україна у статті під назвою «Я хотів би, щоб ви зробили нам послугу…» — нині сумнозвісні слова, які сказав Трамп. Мені цікаво, наскільки це могло насправді допомогти Байдену зрештою. Справді, на сторінці 23 сказано, що «звинувачення в корупції з боку Байденів [наприклад, Джо, Хантера та, можливо, інших членів родини], які численні незалежні спостерігачі визнали необґрунтованими, український уряд спростував, а [Джо] Байден засуджує як мазок».


Я маю на увазі, яким жахливим ти повинен бути, щоб вчинити злочин, а потім відразу сказати, що в тому, що ти це зробив, винен хтось інший? Говоріть про відсутність відповідальності за свої дії. Можна подумати, що республіканці зроблять цей імпічмент кінцем спроби Трампа виграти переобрання. Але все було інакше в 1868 році, коли Ендрю Джонсону було оголошено імпічмент і він став одним із 5 президентів, які втратили реномінацію своєї власної партії, що було раніше первинної системи, про яку ми знаємо сьогодні.


У статті вказується на одну з найбільш часто чутих брехень від республіканців і адміністрації Трампа про імпічмент. На сторінці 26 сказано, що Тім Мерто, член адміністрації Трампа, просто відкинув імпічмент як «демократи [хочуть] скасувати... результати виборів 2016 року», що, за його словами, вони завжди хотіли зробити. Але як імпічмент скасував би результати цих чи будь-яких інших виборів, на яких можна було б виграти? Я не розумію, чому люди використовують цю лінію міркувань, коли вона настільки далека від істини. Імпічмент не скасовує результати виборів. Це було б правдою, якщо б Хілларі Клінтон якимось чином не стала президентом замість Майка Пенса.


In this post of my Madam Secretary blog, I mention a lot of different things. One is about the cheats in blogs as to when I update it. The history of that started when I wanted to make use of my unused offering envelopes at church when I didn’t use them the next year. It also included more regarding when I wound up putting months on them as in the month of whatever paycheck it was that I was tithing any of. I did this so that it would make sure that I could update my TV blog. But then I had to move it to my Madam Secretary blog as is stated in that post. It moved back to my TV blog then back to my Madam Secretary blog then to my Good Fight blog then my Elementary blog then back to my TV blog before it wound up back in my Madam Secretary blog where it is now.


Two other important things to mention is that I would root for Oklahoma in the March Madness tournament and would again if they were in it, which they are not this time around. The other important thing that I mentioned in this post was the Friday shows that I watched at the time. I will get to the ones that I watch now and will for the entirety of Lent as the schedule isn’t set to change for a while. I am seeing just the shows of Charmed, Dynasty, Blue Bloods, and Magnum P.I.


Movie update: On Friday, I would be leaving for a trip and decided that I didn’t have time for a movie as a result. I didn’t have time for a movie on Saturday or Sunday afternoon as I was still on said trip. I was busy with primetime on Sunday night so I didn’t watch a movie then. On Monday, I had plans that did not involve watching movies at all. On Tuesday, I watched Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. That was replaced by Zorba the Greek.


I’m going to get more into March Madness this year and probably will mention it every time that I do this blog for the foreseeable future. There aren’t any results yet known as the games haven’t happened yet, but I will go through them throughout the tournament. Now I will mention the teams of who I am rooting for (the ones that are underlined) and all the other ones as well.


First, I’m going to mention who I’m rooting for in terms of teams from last time that also in it this time as well. They are Gonzaga, USC, Michigan State, UCLA, Michigan, Texas Southern, Creighton, Norfolk State, Wisconsin, Perdue, Virginia Tech, Ohio State, Illinois, San Diego State, Rutgers, and Huston.


There is another team that I should add as a sort of special exception in to root for. I have a pin for the Texas Longhorns. They are the team from Texas. I could have added them in last year. I think that they are a team worth keeping up with.


Other teams that I’m rooting for are Boise State, Memphis, Notre Dame, Cal State Fullerton, Georgia State, Kentucky, Saint Mary’s, Murray State, North Carolina, Duke, Marquette, San Francisco, Indiana, Akron, Saint Peter’s, Seton Hall, Loyola Chicago, TCU, Providence, Wright State, Texas Southern, and Bryant. All of them make sense to me.


The other teams in the tournament are Texas Tech, Arkansas, UConn, Alabama, Davidson, Vermont, Montana State, Baylor, Kansas, Miami (FL), Iowa State, Richmond, South Dakota State, Colgate, Iowa, LSU, Colorado State, Auburn, Wyoming, Yale, Jacksonville State, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi, Arizona, Villanova, Tennessee, UAB, Chattanooga, Longwood, and Delaware.


One last thing to note is the first four out. I’m only going to mention them here and underline them in the future should any of them wind up being last minute replacements for the planned teams that are already in the tournament. They are Dayton, Oklahoma, SMU, and Texas A&M.


Now ever since they brought back three medically evacuated players for Philippines, I have done some groupings of people who were medically evacuated and haven’t played the game since this happened to them. I don’t want to put people from the same season in this grouping. I was a bit confused as to what had happened with Jackson in regards to his departure from the game. Well it turns out that he was on a medication and not a drug. I’m not sure why he wasn’t honest this earlier. Don’t contestants have to disclose their full medical history? I guess this is a lesson for the future. I thought that this could be like an ejection, but that was not the case at all.


Let’s get to the next groupings of medically evacuated players that I’m going to do. The ones that I feel count and are eligible are Bruce from Panama, Gary from Fiji, Joe Dowdle from Tocantins, Mike Borassi from Samoa, Kourtney from One World, Dana from Philippines, Shamar from Caramoan, Erik from Micronesia and Caramoan, Terry from Panama and Cambodia, Neal from Kaoh Rong, Joe DeCampo from Kaoh Rong, Pat from David versus Goliath, and now Jackson from this season.


The ways that I would group them are this: Jackson from 42, Kourtney from One World, and Pat from David versus Goliath are group one. Joe DeCampo from Kaoh Rong, Terry from Panama and Cambodia, and Erik from Micronesia and Caramoan are group two. Gary from Fiji and Dana from Philippines are group three. Neal from Kaoh Rong, Bruce from Panama, and Joe Dowdle from Tocantins are group four. Shamar from Caramoan and Mike Borassi from Samoa are group five. Those are how the 13 players are grouped. All of the others have already played again since they were medically evacuated. I hope that some of them do play and are able to since a lot of them are older.


I had mentioned Tori from Power Rangers: Ninja Storm in the last post. I can explain more about her in this one by simply posting a link to her fandom page. I plan to share more links relating to that season of Power Rangers in the future for a bit. I’ll be sharing the theme songs.


Here is some good news. I don’t remember if they advertised more relating to casting Survivor as in if they wanted more people for the show or not. What we do know now is that Survivor has been renewed for another season, presumably two.


I feel like it has been a while since I’ve had a Survivor dream. Well, I finally had one again. In this dream, Rupert was talking to Burton about different things. Only Burton was the governor of Arizona, who in reality is Doug Ducey. Rupert talked about why Burton hasn’t played Survivor again. And Burton looked just like Naseer from Survivor 41. Rupert’s campaign for governor was brought up. I think that was about the extent of the dream that I had.


There is one last thing that I should mention. I learned recently that I have an uncle in a hospital for a bit after he was injured hiking. I think that he will be okay in the end. I’m only bringing this up in case it winds up affecting this or other blogs of mine. But enough of my ramblings.


In the first segment of the show, people on the tribe Ika were upset over having to vote someone out. Tori is a bit upset that it wasn’t her. Hmm. Maybe she will quit. We’ll see. I hope not. I don’t think that there has been a quitter in a non Edge of Extinction season since Bi. And Sandra from Winners at War was the last person who quit the game. Anyways, I’ve missed a lot of who got confessionals. And I can’t say what happened to some of them since I didn’t know who was talking about what.


Marya talked about Maryanne. I might have some issues at times telling them apart based on their names. Maryanne is acting crazy at times to others in the game. Someone didn’t like eating meat. Another person talks about being Muslim. One person said that they are a Christian and another a Jew. Now as for the people that I know about, Drea talks about her amulet advantage and tells the other women about her other advantage of an extra vote. These women immediately want to get her out the moment that she leaves.


In the second segment of the show, Omar and Jonathan bond. Omar is the Muslim who was upset over the vote that he made. We learn that Marya is the sister of the first health care worker who died of covid in the United States. She is considered the target by other people. She wants closure more than she wants to win Survivor. I guess that we know who isn’t winning.


Mike found the beware idol. He tells two people about it. He loses it for a while, but it is found. Daniel knows about this the most. Mike doesn’t want to say the phrase because then others will know that he has the idol. I have the feeling that Mike is going to fail spectacularly at the game. Daniel tells Chanelle about his plan to make sure that the idol is never activated. You know, these idols would work much better if they didn’t tell others in their tribe about it. That way, only the activators know about it.


In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. Marya talked about having a crush on Zach. I’d rather have a fanta. The orange tribe just barely loses the challenge. This will lead them to voting out their first member. The green tribe was first and blue second. Jeff, it won’t be the third person voted out of the game, just the second. He means third person eliminated from the game. We see Maryanne talking about how she hasn’t like how things have happened thus far.


In the fourth segment of the show, the guys on the orange tribe want to figure out whether or not they are voting out Marya or Maryanne. They want to make sure that neither of them play the shot in the dark. But only one of them could potentially be safe. Marya is suspicious of them. Also, can one give up their shot in the dark? Maryanne looks for an idol since she doesn’t even know if she can vote. It is clear to Lindsey what Maryanne is doing. Omar trusts Maryanne more. He thinks that someone will be getting their dream crushed tonight.


In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. Omar talks about his disappointment with having to vote a family member out. How do they deal with the shot in the dark? I’m pretty sure that there is not an idol in play or we would know if someone lost their vote. Maryanne talks about the shot in the dark, as does everyone really. It seems that Maryanne doesn’t like being single. I have no idea what all that spiel was about. Marya is asked about Maryanne’s openness for love. Marya wants to be put first and considers herself like a mom of the group. Maryanne takes her extra vote that she found here. When asked about an advantage, it is revealed that Marya played hers. She isn’t safe. And she is voted out of the game.


On the next Survivor, Mike’s idol is missing and someone crazy seems to happen at the challenge which has never been done before. Is there a medical issue? And why does Jeff only say both tribes when there are three?


Total confessional count: Jenny- 1, Tori- 3, Lydia- 2, Maryanne- 5, Marya- 4, Daniel- 3, Mike- 4, Drea- 4, Jonathan- 5, Omar- 7, Rocksroy- 1, Lindsay- 3, Romeo- 2, Hai- 1, Swati- 1, Chanelle- 2.


New confessionals this episode: Jonathan- 3, Omar- 4, Rocksroy- 0, Lindsay- 2, Romeo- 0, Hai- 0, Swati- 0, Chanelle- 1, Jenny- 0, Tori- 1, Lydia- 0, Maryanne- 2, Marya- 2, Daniel- 1, Mike- 2, Drea- 1.


Well, I know that I messed up some of the confessional count and can only hope that I can get the one guy of Asian descent that talked about being a vegan in this episode in the next one, although I know that I missed all of the others, although it might not have been much missed. As for the numbers, make of them what you will.


Planned May blog posts









1: Survivor (maybe)

2: freebie

3: Madam Secretary

4: Survivor (maybe)

5: The Good Fight (maybe)

6: The Good Wife

7: TV

8: CSI: Cyber

9: Elementary

10: The Good Wife

11: Survivor (maybe)

12: freebie

13: Survivor (maybe)

14: TV

15: Survivor (maybe)

16: freebie

17: Survivor (maybe)

18: Survivor (maybe)

19: freebie

20: Survivor (maybe)

21: TV

22: Survivor (maybe)

23: freebie

24: Survivor (maybe)

25: Survivor (maybe)

26: freebie

27: Survivor (maybe)

28: TV

29: Survivor (maybe)

30: freebie

31: Survivor (maybe)

Not May

Not May

Not May

Not May


There seems to have been a schedule change on CBS so I’ll wait until they have a replacement for Good Sam until I mention the Wednesday shows that I watch right now. I might cover the first half of that, where I mention the shows largely on before Survivor’s return. They haven’t advertised a show that would be replacing Good Sam. There is also no evidence that Good Sam is still on the air. Still, there is much to learn about what could be going on with this. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.