Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Survivor: Edge of Extinction Finale

I’m wondering something about this show that I never thought that I would: should I be worried about the show’s fate? Normally, not only would they have renewed the show by now, they normally have already filmed the next season by now. I wouldn’t think that the show is in danger, but maybe it is. I do not think that this blog would stop as a result, but I’ll explain more about that later.

Let’s get to the idols from Heroes versus Healers versus Hustlers. There were a whole lot of them so this might take a while. Ryan found a super idol and had to give it to someone else when his tribe won the first immunity challenge. He chose Chrissy who never needed the super idol and tried to bargain with it later. Joe found an idol and used it to prevent a tie against himself and another player, arguably saving himself. Mike found one and wasted it. Joe found another and wasted it. Ryan found another one and wasted it as well.

Ben found one and used it to save himself. Lauren found one and it would have saved her, but she gave part of it away and it was put out of play. Thus, she was voted out when it otherwise would have saved her. Ben found one and played it before people voted which scared away any potential votes. He did not get to keep his idol and we don’t know if he might have or not if he wanted it back. Ben played one last one and saved himself yet again, resulting in the first ever tie caused by an idol play.

I will tell more about the history of idols in the next season that I blog about. I’ll even go more in depth and give each idol from Ghost Island its own section in a different post in future seasons. What I know is that we should find out soon whether or not this show is coming back for future seasons. It might be a split thing like what they are doing now with The Amazing Race or maybe, it is going to suddenly end. My sister was worried about the show based on the name of the season so we’ll find out what’s going on hopefully. All I know is that if they have no mention of a future season during the reunion show, that is the biggest red flag regarding if this show will stay around. They have mentioned a future season in every reunion show thus far. Will renewal be announced then? We should know by today if the show is renewed so we’ll see what happens. But enough of my ramblings.

UPDATE: By now, it was announced that Survivor will be on the schedule for next season. One can only guess that it was renewed as a result. I guess that I had nothing to worry about, although I have not yet seen an official link with the news in it yet other than one announcing the schedule.

In the first segment of the show, we have Jeff talking to us and about the other players before we get to the second and final Edge of Extinction challenge. Even this challenge needs people to have two balls at the end. No women allowed then, lol. Chris wins his way back into the game. Jeff talks to the players who lost the challenge just now. This is the first season thus far where no returning players will be at the final tribal council as a player in all of them that have included them thus far.

Chris talks about how he will do everything in his power to win. Jeff then returns to the reunion show stage where he talks to Joe and asks if a player like him could win. Joe might want to return after a while. Should he cut or keep his hair? Who cares?

In the second segment of the show, we return to Vata beach. Chris wants to make sure that he does a good game so far. Victoria doesn’t buy his whole nice guy act. Is he trying to win the divorce? Is that a real thing? Does anyone know what movie I’m talking about? Chris talks to Rick and they seem to form an alliance over what had happened with them. Rick admits that his idol is real and he says that he will play it. Chris talks to Lauren about her idol. Lauren makes an analogy to Ryan Reynolds. Is he single? And would someone like her have a chance with him? We then get to the next immunity challenge. Julie wins the challenge and she picks Chris and Lauren to join her on reward. Rick questions why Chris worked with Julie during the challenge.

In the third segment of the show, we get to the reward where Julie talks about her decisions. Lauren wants to get rid of Rick while trying to put a target on Victoria. Victoria wants to work with Rick at least this one vote. Rick wants to make sure that Chris is working with him. Chris got the same idol back that David had used earlier. Would they reuse the same thing or is this an extra of the same thing? Chris does give his half of the idol to Rick and Rick might be more likely to trust him now. He wants to use Lauren’s idol in the meantime to ensure that he survives the vote.

We then get to tribal council. Jeff talks about some of what has gone on thus far. Rick gets emotional over the fact that everyone thinks that he’s a threat. Chris wants to take the roll of messenger on to the people on the tribe in the game. Why keep someone who tells them everything? Rick plays his idol on himself. Lauren then plays her idol for Chris. I guess his sway works. Victoria is voted out and the idol on Chris was wasted. Victoria says that she is voting for Gavin.

In the fourth segment of the show, Rick looks for a real idol after hiding numerous fake idols that he had made earlier all over the place. I think that I speak for most Survivor fans when I say STOP HAVING THIS MANY IDOLS ALL THE TIME! Rick does find an idol and gives Chris back his idol. They couldn’t turn on each other know, or can they? Julie thinks that she will find a second hidden idol. It is a fake one. Lauren finds one of Rick’s old clues and he laughs at her for searching for it. She found another fake idol and she sure is glad that she’s not an idiot this time around. Um… We then get to the immunity challenge. Rick wins the challenge.

In the fifth segment of the show, we get back to the tribe after the challenge. Rick is a superhero or super villain or anti-hero named the cockroach. Rick wants to give Gavin the idol, but Gavin does not want to return the favor by keeping him out of the fire making challenge. But that only works as long as Gavin wins and he doesn’t have to win. Lauren finally thinks that some of the idols could be fake. A lot of the other players want to vote out Chris. Chris wants to be on the same page with Rick for the vote.

We get to tribal council next, which Rick thinks will be fun since everyone thinks they will be safe in his own mind. Chris wants to use his little cards in order to stay in the game. There are too many unknowns and if they want someone who can beat Rick, they might have to keep Chris. Are people too focused on getting rid of Rick? We then get to the vote at hand. Julie plays her fake idol. Lauren also plays her fake idol. Rick plays his idol on Gavin. Chris plays his idol on himself. “Anybody else?” asks Jeff. Lauren is the one who gets voted out of the game as a result.

In the sixth segment of the show, we get to the final immunity challenge. They made this challenge way more difficult than they needed to. With as wobbly as Chris was shown to be, it only made sense that he was the person who won the challenge based on what the edit normally shows us. Chris thinks that this is the most important decision that he has to make in the game.

In the seventh segment of the show, Rick feels that he blew the challenge, but still wants to make sure that he can do what he can to last in the game. There is fire making material out for people. Rick pleads his case to Chris. Gavin wants to take on Rick at the fire making challenge. Julie wants to take on the mission herself. Everyone is trying to make fire in preparation for what is going on. Chris might have to go all in on this last part of the game.

At tribal council, Jeff thinks that the Edge of Extinction has really helped Chris at this game. You think, DiNozzo? He wouldn’t be in the game were it not for this twist. Chris doesn’t want to have any regrets. He gives his necklace to Julie and will make fire against Rick. He’s taking the risk that Domenick didn’t want to make. But will this result in his own elimination? (You’re a reflexive pronoun! My grammar check does not like the phrase his own.)

Due to the high winds, they have to make the challenge in the voting confessional. Is this being live streamed somehow? Or do they just have to take Jeff at his word. No one can really see what’s going on in the jury. Both of them keep losing flame over and over again. Chris gets his fire going. Rick gets his going too late. Chris wins the challenge and Rick is eliminated as a result. This is the biggest elimination in a finale since Terry was voted out. Now who will win and why did they get such a small edit?

After giving his exit confessional, we return live to the reunion show where Jeff talks to Rick. His time in the game has been awesome thus far. Rick talks about his decisions in the game thus far. Was Chris not being loyal? Rick thinks that Chris never broke his promise. Now this is around the time that we should be starting the reunion show in every season before San Juan del Sur so let’s have a moment of silence for the reunion time lost that we’ll never get back.

In the eighth segment of the show, we get back to Vata and the finale three get their feast. Julie is glad that she did as well as she did. She thinks that she played a winner’s game. Chris thinks that he was able to do a great game despite being voted out of it at one point. Gavin thinks that he has played the best game thus far. Who will win the game?

Total confessional count: Lauren- 22, Julie- 21, Gavin- 20, Victoria- 18, Rick- 46; Reem- 14, Chris- 16, Aubry- 14, Joe- 9, Eric- 10, Julia- 8, David- 22, Kelley- 24, Wardog- 17, Ron- 18, Aurora- 15.

New confessionals this episode: Victoria- 2, Rick- 9, Lauren- 4, Julie- 4, Gavin- 3.

Extinction Island confessional count: Reem- 0, Chris- 7, Aubry- 0, Joe- 0, Eric- 0, Julia- 0, David- 0, Kelley- 0, Wardog- 0, Ron- 0, Aurora- 0.

In the ninth segment of the show, we get to the final tribal council. We first get to the outwit part of the game. David asks what the most valuable part of each person’s game way. Gavin says that his biggest ally in the game was Victoria. Chris says Rick. Julie says Ron and Lauren. We talk about the major twist of the season and Gavin thinks that he’s not a goat although Chris asked that question of him. Joe wonders if Julie’s emotions weren’t controlled as well. Julie thinks that she was behind Julia’s vote. Gavin was able to sway the votes to get rid of the returning players. Chris thinks that he convinced Lauren to play his idol on the game.

A lot of the jurors are still undecided. I know that I would be because I have no idea who might win. I can only guess, but I think that everyone has around a 33% chance of winning. Chris talks about how he did well in the game and Rick wonders about how they all did knowing how he did. Chris feels that he did the best game that he could in such a short amount of time, but some feel that he got advantages that helped too much. Gavin admits that no one ever voted against him this whole game.

Gavin talks about how his dream was to play Survivor and all that he has done to do that. Chris talks about the theme of the season over and over again. He knows that without his third chance to get back in the game, he wouldn’t have one to even talk about. Without the twist, he’s nothing. Julie mentions that she has done a great journey thus far playing the game. Julie likes how she played the game. I do think that Gavin might be the most likely winner at this point in time.

In the tenth segment of the show, we get to people casting their votes for people to win. Will we see any of them? They don’t really doing voting confessionals anymore and that’s a real shame. I guess they think that we are all into other parts of the game. Will this be a unanimous vote? I guess we’ll see. It is not a unanimous vote. How many votes are there? I didn’t keep track. Chris wins the season. After all that we never saw from him. Was this really just camaraderie among the players who were on the edge of extinction with him? This is the weirdest win yet.

In the eleventh segment of the show, Chris is talked to regarding the win. Was there guilt in what went on in the game that Chris had over his decisions to take Rick out. Rick says that he is friends with Chris, but only because he won. David gives another one of his analogies about eating little, but feeling that he had still done well. David is writing for Star Trek: Discovery with John Cochran. I think I know what I need to do to start a writing career for television. But why didn’t this work for Mitchell from all the way back in the second season? Lauren is glad with how she played and Gavin talks about his experiences outside the game with Survivor. Rick wins the Sia award and wants to swing from a chandelier because of it.

In the twelfth segment of the show, Jeff talks to Reem about her doing the edge of extinction. She has to be on Survivor Shade if that ever starts again. I don’t think that it will, though. I’d still like to see her on a podcast in the future and if I ever start a Survivor podcast, she might be on it at least once. Wendy then talks about her Tourettes Syndrome. I also want to hear from her on a podcast. Ron talks about how he was a teacher and talked about his time in the game and villain like ways. Julia talks to her peace with her dad that I don’t think that I understood quite that well. Jeff talks to Aubry, Lauren, Victoria, Wardog, and Aurora about their games in largely brief mentions.

In the thirteenth segment of the show, Jeff briefly talks about Ponderosa. I haven’t seen that in a while so I might watch it this time. In the next Survivor season, Boston Rob and Sandra was returning, but are not going to win as they are just mentors who aren’t playing the game. It is called Island of the Idols so I feel that instead of some idols, they are going to give even more. In the immortal words of Gir, Yay! We’re doomed! I’m glad that neither of these winners are playing again, but they still have far too much exposure in the community, even if they haven’t been constantly seen again and again.

In the fourteenth segment of the show, we pretty much get a wrap up of everything and we get a send off to the season in general. I don’t know yet what to think of the next season as I’m not sure what the point of it is just yet. How many island twists do we need? As for the rest of this season, Chris does seem to be an even more unlikely winner than the last Chris to win the game back in Vanuatu. Did people vote for him simply because they spent time with him? That didn’t help Lillian, but she didn’t have nearly all of the outcasts on the jury to help vote for her to win. Who has been this underedited a winner? I do not think that we’ve seen a winner’s edit this bad since Sophie back in South Pacific, but unlike Sophie, I actually like Chris as a winner. It just seems kind of dumb that he did so little yet got so many votes. This ending lowers my initial ranking of this season which was going to be 19th best.

Points at reunion show: Reem- 1, Keith- 0, Aubry- 0, Wendy- 1, Joe- 1, Eric- 0, Julia- 1, David- 1, Kelley- 1, Wardog- 0, Ron- 1,  Aurora- 0, Victoria- 1, Lauren- 1, Rick- 3, Julie- 0, Gavin- 1, Chris- 1.

There’s not much to say about the reunion show in general. They keep cutting it done from the usual hour we are used to. I don’t like that Joe was the only person that was talked to out of all of the people who were on the edge of extinction after those people lost. Sure, we got to hear from more of them at the actual reunion show, but Jeff should never show this type of favoritism to anyone. At least he made a point to talk to some people that he hadn’t talked to before that we don’t always get each season. I do miss the rites of passage if only because of the prereunion bits that replaced it.

Now it’s time to figure out the three dumbest moves of the season. I don’t think that I’ll mention all of the nominees that could happen of it since I’m not really as into this part as I could be. Wardog gets the bronze award for playing too hard and too openly. The silver goes to Lauren for wasting her idol and then setting into motion the events that would lead to her own elimination. The gold goes to Aubry who did not sense that she was in danger and got voted out with both an idol and advantage in her pocket. It is interesting to note that so far, all the women who have been voted out with idols had played the game before their game ending mistake the second or third time.

When it comes to the breakout character of the season, there are a lot of people that I’d want to give the award to, but I can only give it to one. The people in consideration that haven’t won are Wardog, Reem, and Wendy. But I have to give the award to Rick as he provided most of the best moments of all of this season.

Now let’s get to the ranking of this season and the tribe swap in general. I have 29 tribe swaps ranked thus far, although that might not be the number of swaps that have happened thus far. This season will rank as 24th out of all of them. Out of the 38 seasons total, I’ve decided that this will be 23rd out of all of them. Some have not liked this season as much as others. I’m more okay with it, but I know that have been a lot better ones. I also couldn’t rank it lower than some others.

There’s not much else to say as I close out this post and end this season in general. I am almost done with watching Survivor: Borneo again to do a review of Sue’s time on the area. I then can hopefully get to do my look back on Survivor: Gabon. Any posts of that will be on Sundays. If I get Survivor: Blood versus Water on DVD, then I will do a look back on that again. If I’m doing a look back at one season and then introduce another look back, that will be on Fridays.

Something that you should know is that I am going to take a break from updating this blog for a bit in order to focus on other things in life. You should get a blog post of some sort before June is over. But do not expect there to be the usual posts next week or a bit afterwards. I should be back some Wednesday or other day of the week with new posts in the future at some point. So I will be back or plan to be, it just will not be what you are used to. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Episode 38.12

I wonder how some feel about Rick’s advancement in the game. I can’t tell if they are setting him up to be the winner or if a major blindside is heading his way. They seem to be setting him up like the same sort of edit that Sarah had when she won. I wouldn’t mind him winning even though he was voted out at one point. And I don’t think that production has been helping him the way some other people might have thought. They can think that, but it won’t make them right.

Let’s get to the idols from Game Changers. Tai found one and gave it to Sierra to play at a joint tribal council where she was the target and Malcolm was voted out of the other tribe as a result. If JT hadn’t slipped up and revealed the target, their idol might have been wasted. Speaking of JT, he also found an idol and had the chance to redeem himself after his epic blunder with one back in Heroes versus Villains. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t realize he was a target somehow and was voted out with the idol in his possession. At least that isn’t the most dumb thing he’s done with an idol.

Continuing the idols, Tai was able to find two of them after his previous idol play. Troyzan found an idol as well. At the final six, the now famous immunity train happened. Tai gave his extra idol to Aubry. He played one for himself. Troyzan played his idol at this point. Sarah used her legacy advantage which she had been able to con off another player. With Brad having won immunity, there was only one person left in the game who was voted out as a result at the final six with five players all immune. Thus, Cirie was voted out. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we get back to the tribe after their vote. Gavin feels a bit guilty over who he blindsided and feels that Rick needs to be voted out next. Rick lies about where the idol had come from in order to mislead her tribe. Aurora feels connected with her alliance and also wants to get rid of Rick if he can. He needs to find a way to get ahead in the game. Lauren knows that the idol was not gifted to Rick as she found an idol previously. She talks to Rick about his lie. She leaves him alone and he finds another idol as a result.

We then get to the reward challenge. People need two balls handled well in order to succeed. Even the women will need to handle balls. And these are two big balls. It’s the size of a hippo that head. Oh, wait. That’s not right. Some people just can’t handle their balls well. Some women do not know how to work with them. Gavin wins the reward when his balls go up well. He brings Victoria and Lauren with him on the reward. Aurora wasn’t picked as she’s hungry. She feels like she’s not in a group.

In the second segment of the show, we get to the people who are on the reward. Gavin hopes that Aurora is not upset over the decision not to take her on reward. Lauren wants to take Julie out. Victoria wants to do potential damage control when she sees Aurora again. Aurora wants to stick with her allies for now, but might turn on them if she can beat them.

Returning to Extinction Island, everyone gets a letter that they wrote to themselves before the game had happened. That seems new. Julia gets emotional about her own letter when she reads it. We see all of them reading parts of it. Chris feels that he’s done a lot despite failing at winning it. David wants to take his relationship with his girlfriend to the next level. Reem calls her letter weird and is now proud of herself and considers herself a Survivor. She is still here and does not give up.

In the third segment of the show, Rick messes with people by running around. Lauren thinks that he has gone crazy. Um, at what point was he NOT crazy? We then get to the immunity challenge. Who slides puzzles in their backyard? I’m heard of shuffleboard, but not much else. And aren’t backyards full of lots of grass, typically? Rick wins the challenge. He lies and says he’d be going home without immunity. Rick wants to keep Julie in the game. But why? Does he just want an ally?

In the fourth segment of the show, Julie and Rick go out to talk privately after an open discussion about it in front of all the other players. Aurora is worried about what they will do. Rick thinks that they should vote for Aurora. Is Lauren a good person to join them? She thinks that she could beat Julie and wants to convince Gavin to vote out Aurora. They want to tell Victoria about this to gain her trust. Rick is doing what he can to break up the power four alliance or whatever they are called. I don’t know the name of it if I should.

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council at hand. Julie talks about how she feels that she is the clear target. Can you stop calling Rick by his last name? How am I supposed to tell him apart from Gavin as a result? We are told of Rick going crazy over and over again. Aurora is considered the fourth person in the alliance. Rick pulls out his idol and says that he will play it on Julie. But was that a wise move? Lauren still has an idol. Aurora thinks that it might not be a real idol. Would he really not play his idol on Julie considering what all is going on?

Rick talks about how his time on the Edge of Extinction has helped shape his game thus far. He feels a bit drunk with power right now. After the votes are cast, Rick doesn’t play his idol. Aurora is voted out of the game. There was only one person voting with her. According to Aurora, people fell for the reverse psychology or ygolohcysp. She takes the torch and goes to Extinction Island.

On the next Survivor, the season finale happens. Five are left and one will return to the game. Not much can be gathered from it. Aurora goes to Extinction Island and talks about the vote. When she gets there, Reem talks to her about what’s going on and how long a time it has been.

Total confessional count: Rick- 37, Lauren- 18, Julie- 17, Gavin- 17, Victoria- 16, Aurora- 15; Reem- 14, Chris- 9, Aubry- 14, Joe- 9, Eric- 10, Julia- 8, David- 22, Kelley- 24, Wardog- 17, Ron- 18.

New confessionals this episode: Gavin- 3, Victoria- 1, Aurora- 5, Rick- 6, Lauren- 4, Julie- 0. Extinction Island confessional count: Reem- 1, Chris- 1, Aubry- 0, Joe- 0, Eric- 0, Julia- 1, David- 1, Kelley- 0, Wardog- 0, Ron- 0.

You could tell by Julie’s zero confessionals that she probably had no chance of being voted out during this episode. She had the lowest out of all of the people not on Extinction Island. Aurora had five, which was the second highest. Rick is the highest with six. In terms of total confessionals, Rick has thirty-seven total. That’s the highest out of everyone. Aurora had fifteen, the lowest out of all of the players not on Extinction Island. Victoria is second lowest with sixteen. She has to remind Jeff that she was playing in the challenge. Kelley is the highest out of everyone on Extinction Island and Julia has the lowest. We will see how that will affect the game still in the future. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Episode 38.11

I’m wondering about different people’s chances of returning to the game. I don’t know if the last of the returnees is on Extinction Island just yet. Maybe their story won’t matter which might be why they do not have the substance in their edit that they should. If you keep track of the confessional count, then you would have known how easy it was to predict that Rick would win reentry to the game since he is the one who had the highest confessional count at the time. It could be Kelley who comes back into the game. I doubt that it is David. Why would he have not been included in the last episode’s recap? He was voted out of the game and they didn’t mention him at all.

Something that I wonder about this season is that they are clearly doing the jury differently. I wonder what past contestants, especially Neal, would think of the fact that the first person voted out will have a place in the jury. This makes me wonder: should there be a jury security challenge? Should people have to last long enough in the next reentry challenge in order to be a part of the jury? I don’t think that they should have to as I think that they’ve gone through enough surviving on Extinction Island. Still, all they had to do was not go right or raise a sail to leave the game to be on the jury this season.

Let’s get to the idols from Millennials versus Gen x. David found one and gave it to Jessica who saved herself from being voted out. Adam gave one to Hannah who only cancelled minority votes. David gave one to Ken who did not get any votes, but then did not have to draw a rock and was safe from that tie-breaker as a result. Jay played one and wasted it. Adam found one and played it for himself the last time it could be played. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we get to the after effects of the tribal council. Ron wants to gain the trust of Rick by giving him his outdated advantage menu. Rick buys this up. Since when is the best way to gain trust lying? Is this a romantic comedy where they will all make amends at the end and fall in love before living happily ever after? I guess that Rick is a bit skeptical.

We then get to the reward challenge where loved ones show up at the challenge. Rick’s son doesn’t know that he’s on Survivor. I’m not going to go into all of what goes on at this point. We then get to the challenge in question. Ron and his loved one Roy win the challenge. Ron picks Julie to join him on this loved ones visit. He also picks Gavin as well. The rest of the contestants then have to instantly leave the loved ones as they lost and weren’t picked on the reward. Victoria talks about the crucial choice of who to pick on the loved ones challenge.

In the second segment of the show, people are emotional on the family visit. Gavin feels that he might not have made the best decision by going to play Survivor and abandoning his new wife. Ron wants to get Gavin’s loyalty. The people want to vote out Rick next. People look through his bad and he catches them doing it leading to a bit of an awkward situation. Aurora doesn’t think it is awkward. Now Rick says that people should question if they trust her or not. Rick keeps looking for an idol and finds a clue in a tree. (How many idols are in holes in trees?) The idol is above the shelter. He doesn’t know whether or not he should be coy about getting it or not.

In the third segment of the show, we return to Vata in the middle of the night. I’ve been walking in my sleep. Through the mountains of fate. To the river so deep. He gets the idol, but at least one of the people sleeping might have noticed this.

At the immunity challenge, Rick promises all of them the final three. He is bad at math. He’s also the first out of the challenge as he tries to taunt Aurora. Ron is then out next. Other women fall out after this. Gavin wins immunity. Ron feels confident that Rick is going to try to play his advantage and fail.

In the fourth segment of the show, we go back to camp after the challenge and Rick talks about what all went wrong at the challenge for him. No one wants to talk to him. But he has one immunity idol. Ron had told Rick to vote for Aurora in case Rick has an idol. Victoria talks about how they have to split the votes in order to cancel out a potential idol play. They want to get rid of Ron. Aurora wants to give her extra vote to Gavin in order to make sure that it works. She doesn’t want to go down as an idiot. Does this mean that she will? Gavin doesn’t want to vote out Ron. He doesn’t want to make the wrong choice about which side to vote for. Rick might want to use his advantage.

In the fifth segment of the show, we arrive at tribal council. Rick talks about how Aurora was looking through her idol. But sleeping beauty might have lost her chance to stay in the game. (I’ve been waiting a long time to make a reference like that.) People talk about the loved ones challenge about what had gone on there with who won.

Rick thinks that no one talks to him about what was going on and that no one was looking to work with him. This vote could go many ways. When asked about idols, he gives Jeff an advantage menu, but he says that it has no power anymore. He then goes back and plays his idol. A lot of people voted for him. Ron is voted out of the game as a result. Ron takes the torch to go to the twist of the season that had no airtime the rest of this episode.

On the next Survivor, people want to target Rick again and something is happening on Extinction Island. It is possible that Rick will find another idol or something or is at least looking for one. When Ron gets to Extinction Island, Reem is strangely warm to him. Has she softened a bit? Or is this temporary?

Total confessional count: Aurora- 10, Rick- 31, Lauren- 14, Julie- 17, Gavin- 14, Victoria- 15, Ron- 18; Reem- 13, Chris- 8, Aubry- 14, Joe- 9, Eric- 10, Julia- 7, David- 21, Kelley- 24, Wardog- 17.

New confessionals this episode: Julie- 0, Gavin- 2, Victoria- 2, Ron- 3, Aurora- 1, Rick- 6, Lauren- 1. Extinction Island confessional count: Reem- 0, Chris- 0, Aubry- 0, Joe- 0, Eric- 0, Julia- 0, David- 0, Kelley- 0, Wardog- 0.

The fact that no one from Extinction Island had a confessional this time around might have been the one biggest thing to note of this episode. We’ll see if that’s a marker of things to come. Ron had eighteen total confessionals. Those that are higher than him are David, Kelley, and Rick with Rick as the highest with thirty-one. Everyone else is lower with Aurora as the lowest with ten. As for new confessionals, Ron had three. The only person higher than him was Rick with six. Everyone else was lower with Julie as the lowest with zero. There’s not much else to say this time around so I’ll end the recap here. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.