Wednesday, July 27, 2022

50% BIPOC 2 Seasons in

As you can tell by now, I didn’t get any post done by Sunday. This is now the fourth post that I’ve missed in this blog during the summer hiatus. I normally don’t miss any. This is bad. Half of them I wouldn’t have missed if I wasn’t double posting on Sundays. I’m once again going back to just posting this blog on Wednesdays during the meantime until I finally have an old season’s episode of this show to post again or I mess up again.


Anyways, let’s get to the post! I thought that it would make sense to do an analysis briefly on the fact that half of the cast of each new season has to be BIPOC. Or, put another way, they have to not be white people. I think that I like it so far, although it will be hard to tell just how it will work going forward, especially if they keep doing it for the rest of Survivor’s run.


There’s not much else to compare it to compared to Cook Islands and Fiji when they didn’t really do that much right in terms of sorting the casts the first time around just to switch them around three episodes in when it happened in Cook Islands and the cast was the weakest it ever was in Fiji. What can we even compare all of the other seasons before 41 then? Seasons with returning players would change a lot of the potential of who could be cast.


For better or worse, they do talk about it and it is part of the show beyond simply who is on it. This has affected the alliances and the game play of the show. It also has affected who won the show as there are more potential for non-whites to win if there are more non-whites playing the game. I can’t think of anything wrong with it at the moment. I’m unsure if people even complain about the simple political correctness or wokeness of it if you will.


There’s not much else to talk about in this blog post. I look forward to seeing this be part of Survivor and hope that it doesn’t lead to anything to absurd happening. Besides, we are more likely to get absurd things from twists, the producers, and Jeff more than anything else from this casting change. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Jeff and His Jeffness

With not much time for me to write a post as usual, I was thinking about a modern problem with Jeff on the show of Survivor. Some would rather not have anyone else host Survivor. Some can’t stand him as much anymore. I have mixed feelings. I don’t want him gone as a host, but I also see ways that he can improve himself. Ever since he became a producer, I feel that him and his own personality have gotten in some of the way of the show.


This is where we get to the title of this post: Jeff and His Jeffness. By Jeffness, I mean his way of being himself in a way that can seem excessive. There are too many contestants on the show that can be full of themselves. Jeff isn’t a contestant, but he seems like having this issue at times as well. He tends to overhype every twist no matter how crazy or strange it is.


I think that the past two seasons seem to point to just how strange Jeff has become. He’s starting to do confessionals. And while narrating scenes was something he did in the first season, his way of doing it now seems too full of himself and he can get in his own way and the way of how the show might work in many different ways. While he may not be responsible for any of the strange twists like the do or die, sort of merge, and hourglass, he seems like it is good thing because it has to be and why he must present this as exciting television. The thing is: it is the contestants who bring the entertainment on the show of Survivor. He’s just the person who can’t do much of anything in terms of idol plays or blindsides. He is simply demanding more screen time despite his certainty of having it already.


I’m not sure that there is much else to say about this. I’m not even sure if this post makes sense. I do hope that people understand how Jeff seems to be influencing the game more than he should be. We need him as a host, not a wanna be player. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Sunday, July 17, 2022


First things first: I missed yet another blog post of this blog on Wednesday if you didn’t notice by now as no post was done. You might wonder what this means. Well, there was a lot going on that I had to do. I got a bit of heat exhaustion at work and might have had no choice but to accept the fate of one not getting done then. Ultimately, it was a power outage of less than 10 seconds that made me decide not to do a post on Wednesday. This means once again that I will be trying to double post in this blog by doing a post of this on Sundays and Wednesdays for the rest of this month starting today.


Now let’s get to what this post is about. It can be difficult to keep track of tribes in the newer world of Survivor. At least before its return after its pandemic hiatus, the tribes would switch too often for some of us to keep track of which tribes were which and who was on each tribe. But it seems like even today, tribal lines are still important throughout the life and history of Survivor. You will never seem to see any season go by without people sticking to tribe lines.


This was seen a lot throughout the classic seasons early on. People stuck by their tribe lines as often as possible. This was seen during seasons with tribe swaps. This was seen even when there were three tribes in All-Stars. And tribal lines became how alliances would go throughout most every season despite all of the craziness that would go on with twists and turns throughout the seasons.


It isn’t that hard to think of why this would be. After all, tribes are how things start each season even when you get weird opening twists where everyone is together until there are tribes later. But they still want to stick by their tribe mates season after season. This is also why you should treat members of your tribe good or they will turn on you when given the chance like John in South Pacific.


Tribe lines are always a good way of determining how the rest of the game will go. Throwing in different twists can affect it in some ways, but it doesn’t always change the way it works. Even when three tribes become a regular thing, it doesn’t always affect the game’s tribalism in the end as birds of a feather tend to always stick together. There isn’t much else to say. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Fans Should Get a Twist

While it is hard to know for sure if Jeff Probst is the one behind all of these newer derided twists or just the one who overly hypes everything all of the time for I don’t even know how long, there is something that I feel should be changed about Survivor once every season.


Let’s say that fans of Survivor throughout the whole world or at least in this country should get a place where they can submit twist ideas for Survivor seasons. Production would then have to accept one of them and include it in the season at hand that they make. If they are going to do shit like do or die, then they should let the fans have a twist.