Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Episode 31.6

As promised, I will now talk about how tribes have gone from more than two to just two. I will not focus on the four tribe seasons, which was basically just a switch from four to two very early in the game. Now Cagayan and Worlds Apart had tribes divided in a certain way at the beginning so it made sense to just randomly divide the three tribes into two tribes. With All-Stars, the first season to have three tribes (well, since the outcasts were not a tribe at the beginning of Pearl Islands) had it so that the loser of a reward challenge would be dissolved right afterwards. With Philippines, it worked so well that Matsing had just two members left so they were dissolved in a way that one of them left for one tribe and the other one left for the other leaving their old tribe behind. A lot of people criticized that, but I found it to work perfectly. It was the best choice.

Joe Anglim Worlds Apart Vytas Baskauskas Blood vs. Water Spencer Bledsoe Cagayan Jeremy Collins San Juan del Sur Teresa "T-Bird" Cooper Africa Max Dawson Worlds Apart Terry Deitz Panama Ciera Eastin Blood vs. Water Stephen Fishbach Tocantins Latasha "Tasha" Fox Cagayan Abi-Maria Gomes Philippines Mike Holloway Worlds Apart Yung "Woo" Hwang Cagayan Kimmi Kappenberg The Australian Outback Peih-Gee Law China Kassandra "Kass" McQuillen Cagayan Keith Nale San Juan del Sur Shirin Oskooi Worlds Apart Monica Padilla Samoa Shane Powers Panama Troy "Troyzan" Robertson One World Andrew Savage Pearl Islands Natalie Tenerelli Redemption Island Jeff Varner The Australian Outback Kelley Wentworth San Juan del Sur Kelly Wiglesworth Borneo Mikayla Wingle South Pacific

A lot of the long term readers of this blog know that I support the idea of medically evacuated players returning to play again. Philippines brought us the way that others could potentially return. Only if there is a medical evacuation in the future (whether it be this episode or not) will I mention my idea of how some should return. I would do groups of either three or two, using two only when groups of three don’t work in the long term.

I’m really hoping that some of the promos for this episode reveal more of the weird situation that will be going on. Is it a quit? Is it a medical evacuation? Is it a near miss? They had what could be considered a near miss in Heroes versus Villains with Boston Rob. Is it some other weird thing? Or, are they just messing with us and nothing weird is going on? They are making it seem like it happens to a person on Ta’Keo. But will it? Who will it be? And why? I just know that I’m not looking up spoilers. I can wait until it airs like everyone else. Or, like others at least hoped to be before getting spoiled.

Should I even bother speculating what might happen? I’m not sure that I will. It almost seems pointless when I know that I could easily be wrong about things. I’ll find out what happens, if anything, when I watch the episode. Meanwhile, it would just make sense in a sad way if there were a medical evacuation this season. I mean, the French Survivor tried to film a season in Cambodia, but then a contestant died. So it makes me wonder if someone is destined to get medically evacuated from not just this season, but from the next one as well that was filmed in the same place. To date, the only back to back seasons to have medical evacuations are Tocantins and Samoa.

Also, we finally have Christmas commercials. That’s unfortunate if you ask me. But, this happened over a month after it has the first two years. Also, it is a different company that aired the first Christmas commercial of the year. And, it’s one that I can boycott without affecting gifts that I would buy for Christmas. Of course, you can read my TV blog to see the number of Christmas commercials when I finally get caught up on them. It might be because of that long time between the end of Christmas and when I was able to post it that information in May that nobody read my post about those commercials from the previous year. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we begin at the Ta’Keo camp, practically proving that whole Bayon tribe worthless. Jeff Probst, hence force to be referred to as Jeff, tells Terry about the news of his son having a bad enough problem that he has to leave the game immediately. Is this considered a quit? You would think that this is something new to the game that’s not a quit somehow. But maybe it is. It would also explain why Terry’s facebook account was active during the filming of the season. Maybe he lied when he said on facebook that someone else was using his account during this time. But, it looks like he’s out of the game now.

In the second segment of the show, at the reward challenge, it seems as if Terry was respectfully removed from the game. Jeff isn’t calling it a quit. Maybe he knows that it wasn’t like that. Maybe they knew that since Jenna Moresca in All-Stars, they knew that something like this would be best to tell players in the game. The players have an emotional moment talking about Terry before there is a tribe swap back to two tribes. The new Ta’Keo is Kass, Spencer, Andrew, Abi, Kelly Wiglesworth, Woo, and Ciera. The new Bayon is Kelley Wentworth, Joe, Keith, Tasha, Stephen, Jeremy, and Kimmi. We get to the challenge. Ta’Keo ends up winning it. If only I could remember what players haven’t been to tribal council yet. That would help.

In the third segment of the show, Spencer tries to bury the hatchet with Kass, or, at the very least, tries to ignore her. Andrew is happy about his new tribe for now. Also, before I forget to mention it Panama has been eliminated from the game. Kass is rallying her tribe to vote out Spencer. Meanwhile, various chaos is unraveling at the Bayon tribe as they all try to quickly turn on each other. Stephen gets emotional when talking about the game. He talks about what would be the best move for him.

In the fourth segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. This is the gross food eating challenge. For the first time, we get pairs competing instead of one on one. Well, it starts that way and then goes individually. Kimmi doesn’t eat pig’s brain again. Ciera twice fails at the challenge. Kass also twice fails at the challenge. It is Bayon that ultimately wins the challenge. So it will be Ta’Keo heading back to tribal council. Kass is still trying to get rid of Spencer, but things could easily turn on her or someone else.

In the fifth segment of the show, it seems like everyone is on the idea that Spencer will get voted out and they are saying that Ciera will get voted out as a cover. Of course, this leads to Ciera deciding to go out her own way. Kass tells Spencer of the secret plan. Will he believe her? Enough people are thinking about voting out Woo that he might be leaving. We get to tribal council next which reveals nothing about the planned change in vote. I love Spencer’s voting confessional. In the end, the person voted out of the game is Woo. This surprises Woo and Andrew, of course. We get Woo’s exit confessional before the credits for some odd reason. Maybe this is to include an update about Terry.

On the next Survivor, the merge happens at thirteen for some odd reason. We then see more about Terry who talks about his son. And they use this to get a CBS cares update about organ donation. So I don’t think that anyone died except the former owner of the heart.

Total confessional count: Kimmi- 4, Joe- 6, Kelly Wiglesworth- 3, Spencer- 19, Kass- 10, Jeremy- 8, Keith- 3, Terry- 5, Ciera- 5, Stephen- 9, Andrew- 15, Tasha- 10, Abi- 14, Woo- 8, Kelley Wentworth- 10.

New confessionals this episode: Stephen- 3, Andrew- 4, Tasha- 0, Abi- 0, Woo- 2, Kelley Wentworth- 1, Kimmi- 0, Joe- 1, Kelly Wiglesworth- 0, Spencer- 4, Kass- 5, Jeremy- 1, Keith- 0, Terry- 0, Ciera- 2.

It looks like Spencer is on the top for a change, in terms of confessionals in the game at least with 19. Kass and Kelley Wentworth now have 10 confessionals and Andrew is above 13 with 15. The lowest remain Keith and Kelly Wiglesworth with 3. Those with no confessionals in this episode were Kimmi, Kelly Wiglesworth, Tasha, Abi, Keith, and even Terry, unless you count his special thing at the end. Terry had 5 confessionals total and Woo had 8. In this episode, Woo had 2 confessionals. He is the first finalist to be eliminated from the game.

The whole Terry situation is more than incredibly weird. This type of thing has never happened before. You wouldn’t think that it would be a type of thing that should happen. I mean, they have never told contestants about things that happened outside the game except for that one time back in the first season when Gervase’s son was born. You wouldn’t think that they would have wanted this to happen so it does seem very strange again that this happened. Now it isn’t a quit. It doesn’t seem to have a classification of what is previously known at least. I just don’t get how weird it is.

It seems way too early for a merge to happen in the next episode. I wonder if they aired the wrong promo somehow my mistake. And I guess that voting would have to have the last names of either Kelly or Kelley or the wrong person would get voted out. Too many people are forgetting the second e in Kelley Wentworth. Plus, I can’t remember who, if anyone, has not gone to tribal council yet. This would be the first time since Philippines that some contestants made the merge without having previously attended tribal council. Anyways, I should save some of my ramblings for the next post so I have something to talk about. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Episode 31.5

Sometimes, long standing Survivor records can be broken. Like, after the hidden immunity idol was introduced, it wasn’t until just last season until the winner was a person who successfully used it. Kimmi doesn’t have much of an edit to her and Jeff Varner’s elimination makes me wonder if a player from Australia won’t make the finale episode as one always has in a season with a returning player from Australia. Pretty interesting, right?

Joe Anglim Worlds Apart Vytas Baskauskas Blood vs. Water Spencer Bledsoe Cagayan Jeremy Collins San Juan del Sur Teresa "T-Bird" Cooper Africa Max Dawson Worlds Apart Terry Deitz Panama Ciera Eastin Blood vs. Water Stephen Fishbach Tocantins Latasha "Tasha" Fox Cagayan Abi-Maria Gomes Philippines Mike Holloway Worlds Apart Yung "Woo" Hwang Cagayan Kimmi Kappenberg The Australian Outback Peih-Gee Law China Kassandra "Kass" McQuillen Cagayan Keith Nale San Juan del Sur Shirin Oskooi Worlds Apart Monica Padilla Samoa Shane Powers Panama Troy "Troyzan" Robertson One World Andrew Savage Pearl Islands Natalie Tenerelli Redemption Island Stephanie Valencia Redemption Island Jeff Varner The Australian Outback Kelley Wentworth San Juan del Sur Kelly Wiglesworth Borneo Mikayla Wingle South Pacific

You know, for the last two years, Christmas commercials started so early that it was normally the first or second week in September that I would first see one. Well, that hasn’t happened this year and I don’t think that I’ve seen one just yet. But I know that it is coming and it is possible that it won’t happen until after Halloween. Could I go all November without seeing one? I doubt it. What’s really annoying is when the Christmas commercials still happen after Christmas ends.

I think that this season has been good so far. I don’t know if it will stay that way. It could be bad if Abi continues to advance in the game. How did she get enough votes in the poll? Maybe she was the number ten woman. I hope this isn’t rude to say. But we’ll see if the season is good in the long run.

When you look at the number of confessionals that contestants have had thus far, remember that the number to beat is 13 as that was the number Jeff Varner had when he was eliminated. Those that can beat it will have a better chance at the game. Also, in case you were wondering why I kept calling him Jeff Varner instead of just Jeff, that was to differentiate between him and Jeff Probst. Well, I don’t have to do that anymore, this season at least. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we see Angkor after tribal council. Abi talks about Woo again. I don’t think that anyone owes her anything, although she certainly owes other a lot. Monica is going clamming. She and Kimmi have a bit of a disagreement about the clams they are looking for. Kimmi even talks about this in her confessional. I’m taking Monica’s side here as she has a point with the clams. Kimmi is trying to change, but it seems like she’s failing at it.

In the second segment of the show, we get to the reward challenge where the second place team gets a tarp and the first place team gets comfort items that can easily be destroyed without a tarp. Ta’Keo comes in first at the challenge. Angkor comes in second.

In the third segment of the show, the various tribes have their reactions to the reward challenge. Terry is seemingly at the bottom of his tribe. Woo tells people of his mother’s struggle with cancer. Tasha is still talking about what is best for her game. She’s getting a pretty good edit this season.

In the fourth segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. I’m convinced that they are only showing Ta’Keo winning the dream team version of the challenges. Stephen scores a point for the wrong tribe. Angkor finally wins immunity. The second place team is Ta’Keo. This means that Bayon will now be going to their first tribal council. Spencer thinks that he’s in danger along with Kelly Wiglesworth.

In the fifth segment of the show, the tribe discusses who to vote out. Is it as simple as they are making this? I don’t think that Kelly Wiglesworth has a long term edit. But Monica wanting to keep Kelly Wiglesworth makes Kimmi turn on Monica. This is yet another failed attempt at an all female alliance. It can be a bit of a surprise that two of them have been successful in the past. So it looks like that vote is between Monica and Kelly Wiglesworth. Will Spencer slip through? Will Kimmi somehow be the target? I doubt that they are turning on her just yet. In the end, the person voted out is Monica. A lot of people must have been out of the loop on this one, including her. This makes Samoa the second season to be eliminated from the game.

On the next Survivor, it looks like there’s either a quit or medical evacuation. I doubt it’s a quit, but it could be. If it’s a medical evacuation, then it would be ironic in a way. I knew that this sort of thing might happen and not just because this is the same location that a contestant died in from the French version of Survivor. But would it really be a quit? Who would quit and why? Who would get medically evacuated and why? And just what is Stephen up to?

Total confessional count: Andrew- 11, Tasha- 10, Abi-Maria- 14, Woo- 6, Kelley Wentworth- 9, Kimmi- 4, Joe- 5, Kelly Wiglesworth- 3, Spencer- 15, Kass- 5, Jeremy- 7, Keith- 3, Terry- 5, Ciera- 3, Monica- 5, Stephen- 6.

New confessionals this episode: Kelley Wentworth- 1, Kimmi- 2, Joe- 1, Kelly Wiglesworth- 0, Spencer- 3, Kass- 0, Jeremy- 2, Keith- 1, Terry- 1, Ciera- 0, Monica- 2, Stephen- 1, Andrew- 0, Tasha- 2, Abi-Maria- 2, Woo- 2.

It looks like Spencer has the highest confessional count right now. Abi is above thirteen confessionals. Tasha joins Andrew and them with ten confessionals. The lowest confessionals are Kelly Wiglesworth, Kass, Keith, and Ciera with three a piece. (Newsflash, no k names are doing well this season, except for Kelley Wentworth who hasn’t been getting that positive an edit). Andrew, Ciera, Kelly Wiglesworth, and Kass all have no confessionals this episode. Monica had two this episode and five total. It doesn’t look like those with invisible edits are doing well. I mean, Kelly Wiglesworth was in danger this episode and we saw nothing about it from her. As I stated before, I don’t see a good edit for her. How will she leave the game? Will she? Jaclyn was ignored for a long time at the beginning and she came in second place. But it is clear that Kelly Wiglesworth is not seen as the same type of good player she was the last time. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Episode 31.4

Well, I’m still thinking sometimes about the season after this one. While it is typical for them to film back to back, it has never before been the case that the season of those that they filmed first would air second. Plus, I still don’t know if the rumors of season 33 being filmed already are true or not. I hope that’s not a spoiler. But, it just seems like a rumor that might not have any truth to it. I’m afraid of googling information about future seasons for fear that I might find out spoilers about it. So I’ll just be surprised like almost everyone else. I guess that with the hype of a season where we choose the contestants (something I wonder if they would ever do with an all new player season), that it wouldn’t make sense to not make it the next season, even if that means the next logical season 31 is now season 32. Will this be the only time that it happens?

Joe Anglim Worlds Apart Vytas Baskauskas Blood vs. Water Spencer Bledsoe Cagayan Jeremy Collins San Juan del Sur Teresa "T-Bird" Cooper Africa Brad Culpepper Blood vs. Water Max Dawson Worlds Apart Terry Deitz Panama Ciera Eastin Blood vs. Water Stephen Fishbach Tocantins Latasha "Tasha" Fox Cagayan Abi-Maria Gomes Philippines Mike Holloway Worlds Apart Yung "Woo" Hwang Cagayan Kimmi Kappenberg The Australian Outback Peih-Gee Law China Kassandra "Kass" McQuillen Cagayan Keith Nale San Juan del Sur Shirin Oskooi Worlds Apart Monica Padilla Samoa Shane Powers Panama Troy "Troyzan" Robertson One World Andrew Savage Pearl Islands Natalie Tenerelli Redemption Island Stephanie Valencia Redemption Island Jeff Varner The Australian Outback Kelley Wentworth San Juan del Sur Kelly Wiglesworth Borneo Mikayla Wingle South Pacific

I hope that this section here isn’t too confusing to anyone. I also hope that it’s okay to put this here where the most recent elimination was from the previous episode and not this current episode. We’ll see how I end up getting rid of names in the future. I just know that only those who didn’t make the cast will have their names removed over time. I’m removing them in just random order that probably only makes sense to me and no one else. Just remember that I’ll only get rid of the names of people who didn’t make the cast and not others who were on the cast and got eliminated.

I’ve been wondering about some of the new twists this season. Like the hidden immunity idol being hidden at challenges. The clues are still at camp and the idol is at the challenge. Now here’s what I’m wondering: is it still one idol per tribe? You’d think that’s how it should be, but I’m not entirely sure that’s what will happen. They have done screwy things with idols before.

Also, this is the first time that they went from two tribes to three tribes during the game. It makes me wonder what will happen with potential merges/dissolves. You see, in every season thus far that started with more than two tribes, they were always at the two tribe phrase before the merge having gone down from more than two to just two at some point. It makes me wonder if they’ll do a dissolve this time as usual or if they’ll shake things up by merging at three tribes. I also wonder how they would potentially do a dissolve this season. I’d like to see it be at an immunity challenge. Jeff Probst can say that the tribe that loses the potential future challenge will have to be dissolved into the other two tribes after they vote out a member. Thus, right after tribal council, they would get new buffs and head right off to their now new tribes. I’ll discuss how they’ve done dissolves from three to two in my next blog post. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Angkor arrives back at camp after tribal council. Jeff Varner is glad that he survived tribal without a vote. Was he ever in danger? He’s a bit more cocky than I would like. Also, how do people know nowadays who voted for you? That didn’t use to be the case. How do people know that? They shouldn’t be able to. Jeremy is talking about the idol to Stephen and sending him on worthless hunts to find it. This doesn’t seem like a smart move on Jeremy’s part.

In the second segment of the show, Andrew talks about the struggle that his tribe has been having. Also, it appears that different contestants like the same spot for confessionals at the Angkor beach. Finally, we have a reward challenge. Since only one person plays, I wonder if this means that Jeremy and Terry will have to both sit out the immunity challenge. They didn’t say that this would happen, but it could. But will it? It might have been a mistake to have Jeremy play the challenge. It does seem weird to have just one person play the challenge. Why do that now at the tribal part of the game? Angkor comes in first at the challenge. Ta’Keo comes in second place. I could tell from that one weird noise as Jeremy was chosen to play the challenge that it probably meant that his tribe would lose. Meanwhile, Andrew is glad that he could carry his tribe to victory.

In the third segment of the show, for some odd reason, it is nighttime when they get back to camp or enjoy the reward. It looks like Andrew’s edit is picking up and he could be a contender for the win. You may think that all of the contestants technically are, but you can tell sometimes when the edit supports a candidate and when it doesn’t. Those that stay invisible for a while may never have a good chance in the long run. Meanwhile, Kelley Wentworth is getting suspicious of Kass. It turns out she’s making a birthday present and it not up to the evil that Kelley Wentworth thinks she is. Kass knows that Kelley Wentworth is suspicious of her. Spencer has a strategy that backfires in Monica’s mind.

In the fourth segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. It is a personal favorite of mine, although I probably wouldn’t want to play it. Also, it seems like Ta’Keo is the only tribe that they show winning the challenge, it seems. Maybe they’ll shake things up, but this isn’t the hint that I thought it would be. It looks like Kass may contribute to a loss for her tribe based on the edit that she’s getting. There are various injuries at the challenge. All of them seem minor or minor enough. Bayon comes in first.  Ta’Keo comes in second. I’m not sure why Angkor fell apart the way they did. Maybe Andrew isn’t getting that good an edit after all.

In the fifth segment of the show, Andrew is upset that his tribe lost. It seems like he’s becoming the liked leader of his tribe again, like he was the first time. Also, Jeff Varner is injured in some way. It must be a lasting injury from the challenge. I have the feeling that if Abi gets voted out, that Woo wouldn’t have voted against her and if she isn’t voted out, then he will have voted against her again. There are too many names coming up as to who might get voted out, that I can gather nothing about it from camp life. Can I gather anything from tribal council? Apparently, it is between Woo and Jeff Varner. I’m not sure who I want to progress at this point in the game, although I see Woo as the victim of the vote tonight. He seems to be doing what Spencer was a while ago. I also love all the wows that happened. Jeff Varner gets voted out in the end. It looked like he might be heading for a fall and he was.

On the next Survivor, something unlikely will happen to someone, by the looks of it. I guess they are saying that the game is going to get shook up by someone unexpected coming out of the blue to become more important now. Might there be a medical evacuation? That would especially suck in a second chance season.

Total confessional count: Spencer- 12, Kass- 5, Jeremy- 5, Keith- 2, Terry- 4, Ciera- 3, Monica- 3, Stephen- 5, Andrew- 11, Tasha- 8, Jeff Varner- 13, Abi-Maria- 12, Woo- 4, Kelley Wentworth- 8, Kimmi- 2, Joe- 4, Kelly Wiglesworth- 3.

New confessionals this episode: Kelly Wiglesworth- 0, Spencer- 1, Kass- 2, Jeremy- 1, Keith- 0, Terry- 0, Ciera- 0, Monica- 1, Stephen- 0, Andrew- 5, Tasha- 3, Jeff Varner- 2, Abi-Maria- 3, Woo- 2, Kelley Wentworth- 1, Kimmi- 0, Joe- 0.

A lot of people didn’t have confessionals this week. Those people are Ciera, Kimmi, Joe, Stephen, Kelly Wiglesworth, Keith, and Terry. Jeff Varner has the highest confessional count and he was eliminated in this episode. His elimination means that Abi-Maria and Spencer have the highest with 12 each. This also makes 13 the number that all contestants have to beat to have a chance in the game. Those that can beat that number in confessionals will have better chances at winning the game. Meanwhile, Keith and Kimmi have the lowest total confessionals with only 2 a piece. Andrew is above at 11 and is one of only three still in the game to have more than ten confessionals. But, are any of these people show em while you can contestants like Jeff Varner was? We will see. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Episode 31.3

For no good reason lately I’ve been wondering what would happen if there was a tie for win on Survivor. For some odd reason, I’ve been wondering if a new reality show could solve the answer. I imagine it being a more condensed version of Survivor that would have eight contestants plus the tied player. These would be competed separately from each other and whoever does better between the two games would be declared the winner of that Survivor season. Aspects if this supposed game that would remain the same would be immunity challenges, tribal councils, and juries. Basically anyone who gets voted out would be on the jury. Only quitters and expulsions could potentially mess up how the jury would work. And the best part about this idea is that it can become its own game that can air during the summer to fill the Survivor gap that some of us have.

Joe Anglim Worlds Apart Vytas Baskauskas Blood vs. Water Spencer Bledsoe Cagayan Jeremy Collins San Juan del Sur Teresa "T-Bird" Cooper Africa Brad Culpepper Blood vs. Water Max Dawson Worlds Apart Terry Deitz Panama Ciera Eastin Blood vs. Water Stephen Fishbach Tocantins Latasha "Tasha" Fox Cagayan Abi-Maria Gomes Philippines Mike Holloway Worlds Apart Yung "Woo" Hwang Cagayan Kimmi Kappenberg The Australian Outback Peih-Gee Law China Kassandra "Kass" McQuillen Cagayan Keith Nale San Juan del Sur Shirin Oskooi Worlds Apart Monica Padilla Samoa Shane Powers Panama Carolyn Rivera Worlds Apart Troy "Troyzan" Robertson One World Andrew Savage Pearl Islands Natalie Tenerelli Redemption Island Stephanie Valencia Redemption Island Jeff Varner The Australian Outback Kelley Wentworth San Juan del Sur Kelly Wiglesworth Borneo Mikayla Wingle South Pacific

Readers of this blog should be glad that I always update it on a regular basis. My other blogs aren’t updated as well as they should be. My TV blog has always had sporadic updates. Meanwhile, my blogs about Madam Secretary and the Good Wife are written at a good pace, but not updated as well as they should be. This is mostly due to OCD habits of mine. You know, I should form a blog about my OCD, but I don’t know yet if I ever will or not. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Spencer is glad that he is still in the game. Also, anyone who thinks that the tribe swap is for saving him is an idiot. There is nothing rigged about Survivor. That would be illegal. Anyways, Terry is a bit cocky, but is glad that he’s improving his social game. Both tribes arrive for the tribe swap. The new Bayon is Monica, Spencer, Jeremy, Stephen, Kelly Wigglesworth, and Kimmi. The new Ta’Keo is Joe, Keith, Terry, Ciera, Kelley Wentworth, and Kass. The new tribe is Woo, Andrew, Peih-Gee, Tasha, Jeff Varner, and Abi-Maria.

In the second segment of the show, the new tribes interact with each other. There’s not much to be learned here as I fail at mult-tasking. Nobody on Angkor, the new tribe, seems to like being on a new tribe. I still don’t know if it would have worked better if the losing tribe of a reward challenge had to be the new tribe, sort of like if how the losing tribe after the swap in One World that got a new camp. I guess they feel in a bad enough position already. Stephen and Monica share looking for the hidden immunity idol while Jeremy looks for it separately. He is the person who finds it. Cut to the immunity challenge. Ta’Keo is the tribe that I think will lose the challenge. Remember the hint that I’ve told you about before? That’s why I think it will happen. But, it isn’t always true. Something I didn’t notice before was how all of the brains members are now on separate tribes. I also think that only once a clue is found is an idol hidden at the challenge. Do they have to do new clues for every challenge? How many idols are there in the game? There could be too many of them in the end. Jeremy was able to find the idol. In the end, Ta’Keo actually wins the challenge, so it wasn’t an accurate prediction this time. Bayon comes in second and Angkor ends up going to tribal council. There’s some fall out for the new tribe after the challenge that the others tribe witness. We don’t know what that’s about just yet.

In the next segment of the show, animal imagery shows that something malicious is about to happen. Andrew starts to shake up the game and turn things against Jeff Varner. But, soon things turn against Abi. Am I the only one who missed this meltdown that happened? It didn’t seem like much of anything was actually shown. I do wonder if Jeff Varner pulled a Travis. Remember Travis from Vanuatu? “Merge. We got to think about the merge.” He was voted out that same day. But, I don’t think that this will happen. But I’m generally confused about this moment. Meanwhile, at tribal council, it seems like it is between Abi and Peih-Gee. Ultimately, the person that gets voted out is Peih-Gee. That’s a bit confusing. This makes China the first season to be eliminated from this one.

On the next Survivor, Angkor is in misery, but other tribes are suffering. I guess that they will be the tribe of focus for the next episode. But will they? We’ll see. I’m still not sure who we are supposed to be rooting for just yet.

Total confessional count: Abi-Maria- 9, Woo- 2, Kelley Wentworth- 7, Kimmi- 2, Joe- 4, Peih-Gee- 4, Kelly Wiglesworth- 3, Spencer- 11, Kass- 3, Jeremy- 4, Keith- 2, Terry- 4, Ciera- 3, Monica- 2, Stephen- 5, Andrew- 6, Tasha- 5, Jeff Varner- 11.

New confessionals this episode: Jeremy- 1, Keith- 0, Terry- 2, Ciera- 1, Monica- 1, Stephen- 2, Andrew- 3, Tasha- 3, Jeff Varner- 3, Abi-Maria- 2, Woo- 0, Kelley Wentworth- 1, Kimmi- 0, Joe- 1, Peih-Gee- 1, Kelly Wiglesworth- 0, Spencer- 3, Kass- 0.

Spencer and Jeff Varner are the highest in terms of confessionals. They are both the first to have more than 10. Could one or both of them be headed for a crash? Meanwhile, Woo, Kimmi, Monica, and Keith have the lowest confessionals with just 2 a piece. In today’s episode, Kass, Kelly Wiglesworth, Woo, Kimmi, and Keith have no confessionals at all. (Weird how almost all of them have k names.) Peih-Gee, who was eliminated, had 1 confessional this episode and 4 confessionals total. It seems that the lower confessionals for now are pretty bad signs. I remember that Jacyln last year was the last to have a confessional and she ended up coming in second place. But she didn’t have much to her edit and that’s never a good sign. It makes me wonder if a floater could win this season. I wouldn’t say that yet, but it was clear in San Juan del Sur that a floater would win and one did win. But, I’ve spoken enough for this blog post. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.