Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Episode 37.10

This season is ending in the near future. Well, it won’t be for a while yet as we are still on the final ten of them. I do wonder when they will do the random, double length episode that they often don’t tell us is two hours in advance. I don’t like that they often do that. Well, it is once a season, but normally not as much as they could do.

Let’s get now to the Idols from Samoa. Russell Hantz found an idol and wasted it. Erik found an idol and never used it, being voted out with it in his possession at the same tribal council that Russell wasted his at. Russell found another one and then used it successfully. He then found yet another one and used it for leverage in order to show his control over the game. But he wasn’t as in control as he thought he was as he didn’t wind up winning. Why people think that he should have won that season is beyond my understanding. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, people are glad that the advantages were played correctly. Angelina is upset over the votes against her. She believes that the Goliath tribe is dead. Davie and Nick look for an idol in the morning. They have to wait until the night to potentially find the idol. We then get to the next challenge for reward. The reward is a Survivor picnic. Is it just me, or did they not tell us who was on the two teams? The orange tribe of whoever wins the challenge.

In the second segment of this show, we see the people on the reward. The Davids probably have the power, according to Gabby. I have the power! The reward winners get letters from home and they get very emotional over it. Carl wants to get rid of Alec. But Kara doesn’t seem to like that idea. Alec eats too much at the reward. How does that happen? Other people are sick as well. Nick then goes on his quest to find an idol. Davie worries about covering for him. Why is an idol just on display like that? I got it last season due to Ghost Island, but this seems too straightforward.

In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. People are given the option to sit out of the challenge for food. Angelina, Carl, and Nick are eating instead of competing. Christian then starts talking, possibly trying to annoy his last bit of competition, Alec, out of the game, when it comes down to just the two of them. I was going to do that if I ever competed. Christian talks for hours and, for one reason or another, Alec drops out and Christian wins. Christian wonders if they should still vote out Alec. What do you think? Well, you don’t have to wonder for long.

In the fourth segment of the show, Alec is upset over his loss. He literally let go of his chances in the game. But this is Survivor. There is likely some other target going down. Gabby thinks that Carl is being far too obvious about who he is targeting. Gabby gets emotional after being called paranoid, and also emotional too. She’s calling Carl the Godfather. Perhaps they made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. I am a godfather. But I don’t work for the mafia, as far as you know at least.

There is talk now about getting rid of Carl. Some people want to get rid of him, including members of his own “alliance.” Christian wants to get rid of Carl since Alec is a shield. Where will Christian vote? And will any of this come out at tribal council?

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. Christian thinks that he won’t play the game again. I doubt that. Alec explains his loss at the challenge. Carl tries to justify sitting out of the challenge for nachos. Angelina thinks that a nachos decision is more than a nachos decision. Carl thinks that his decision was a good one at the time. Those are famous last words and should be written on tombstones. After the votes are cast, Alec is voted out. I think that’s a good move in the end. Did Kara even vote with him? That seems odd that she doesn’t appear to have.

The show is still going after eight. TELL US IF IT IS 2 HOURS AND DON’T SAY IT IS 2 TRIBAL COUNCILS AS WE ALL NOW THAT 2 TRIBAL COUNCILS CAN HAPPEN IN 1 HOUR! Sorry for yelling there. Nick is glad that the vote went the way it did. Alison is worried that she is next. She prays that she can work with the David tribe. We then get to a reward challenge where a person sits out as there are only two teams despite the fact that they could do three. Christian is the sit out. The orange team wins. Angelina has not won a reward yet. Kara thinks that she can work with the Davids.

In the sixth segment of the show, Carl is glad that he is on his first reward. Did he win won before the merge? I don’t know for sure as I’m not as good as keeping track of things. Kara doesn’t want the next target to be Alison. Davie is glad that he proved himself to be an athlete. Kara doesn’t want to play as a pawn. They are essential, though, in pawn games, and can get promoted in regular games to something more valuable.

Gabby thinks that they have to off the godfather. Just make sure that you are at this baptism in question while others do your bidding. The people back at camp make plans to get rid of Carl. He probably won’t be able to escape the vote if he wins immunity. Who is Carl trying to get rid of? Christian is working on trying to get rid of Carl. Alison is compared to Wonder Woman.

In the seventh segment of the show, Christian tells Gabby that Alison is the target. Angelina notices that the rice is almost out of supplies and wants to exchange things to get more rice. She has taken some classes in negotiation. Maybe I need to do that, if I had the time to do so. I hope that I wouldn’t have to make a case as to why I’d have to be in the class. I’d probably fail the entrance exam. Angelina then goes through her spiel at the start of the immunity challenge. Will someone give up immunity to get the rice? Yes. Angelina does this herself in a risky move. But will this backfire? I’m not sure that it is a bad one just yet. Even if she is voted out, then it wouldn’t be that much of a waste as a whole. Davie wins immunity and Angelina thinks that she’s safe.

In the eighth segment of the show, we get to the tribe getting back to camp after the challenge. Carl thinks that everyone is on board to vote out Alison. She thinks that it will be a five-four vote. Mike wants to make sure that both sides think that he is on their side. Christian is worried that Mike might be on either side of the vote. He thinks correctly. But will Mike be the target? Gabby thinks that the plan has to be executed flawlessly in order to work. It’s going to be utter chaos, isn’t it?

In the ninth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. Jeff talks about the dynamics of the vote. There are scrambled eggs, according to a person, in terms of new tribe dynamics. Christian thinks that it could be more like poached eggs. Carl thinks that he knows whether or not someone is vulnerable and if they should use his help or not. Blurred lines is a common theme of this season in addition to the whole Goliath strong theme. Forgive me for not wanting to share that video of that song with you. I haven’t even seen the Robin Thicke song in question, although I heard it once at a wedding reception. Does that seem like a good wedding song? At least it isn’t like the movie Made of Honor where they are expecting us to believe that a DJ would play Gold Digger at a wedding.

I sadly miss a lot of tribal due to thinking about these references. But I do not think that I can gain much about what’s going on. Between Carl and Alison, it is Carl that gets the boot in this episode. Now the godfather will be taking a dirt nap. I need to see that movie sometime. Maybe then I could make better references to it.

On the next Survivor, the family visit happens. The ultimate betrayal might happen next as well. Will the other players get rid of Christian or is this another red herring? It is hard to tell for sure what all is going on with this game for sure. Christian is either an obvious winner or obvious blindside. And that is why nothing ever is really obvious.

Total confessional count: Carl- 13, Christian- 27, Kara- 19, Angelina- 22, Alec- 17, Gabby- 21, Alison- 10, Davie- 15, Mike- 23, Nick- 18. New confessionals this episode: Kara- 4, Angelina- 6, Alec- 4, Gabby- 5, Alison- 3, Davie- 3, Mike- 4, Nick- 3, Carl- 6, Christian- 6.

Let’s look at the last confessional counts of Alec and Carl. Combining the two hours into one episode does have some complications in question. Alec had four confessionals, the same number as Mike, Kara, and Alec. Gabby had five. Carl had six in this episode, the same number as Christian and Angelina. All the other players are lower than four, tying at three. Those people are Alison, Davie, and Nick. Then we get to the total confessional count. Alec had seventeen. Carl had thirteen. The only person who has less confessionals than Carl is Alison with ten. Davie had less than Alec. Everyone else is higher than Alec with Christian as the highest with twenty-seven.

Well, Advent begins next week so this blog is moving to Thursdays for the rest of this season. I don’t yet think or have any reason to believe that this blog will be delayed for more than that. I don’t know if I have told you that I’m watching Survivor: Borneo on DVD and how Survivor: Gabon is going to be on the list after it. I also don’t know if I’ll get Survivor: Blood versus Water on DVD yet. Well, I plan to get it at some point in time (or hope that someone gets it for me as a gift) so we’ll see when or if I get it. What I do know is that you should keep an eye out for Sunday posts for this blog. I just don’t yet know when it will be. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Episode 37.9

It is a good thing for me that they don’t air any new episodes of TV shows the day after Thanksgiving. I normally don’t watch what they air then, but I’m glad that they aren’t airing new episodes of show that I like. Otherwise, the shows that I could wind up missing are Blindspot, MacGyver, Dynasty, Fresh off the Boat, Hawaii Five-0, and Blue Bloods. There are even times that I watch 20/20. I have seen Dateline on occasion, but I normally don’t tune into that.

With this episode setting up possible issues with the showmance of this season, I might as well figure that they are headed into Endangered Love. This video will hopefully explain what I mean by that. One cannot do all that they want to with love.

The idol from Tocantins was found by Brendan who was voted out with it in his possession. Taj found the other idol and gave it to Stephen. Stephen never used it and was able to blindside her at the final four when I don’t think that the idol could have been used anyways.

Now while I know that I mentioned that this blog would probably be late, I thought that I would explain why. I had to work last Wednesday night and waiting until after the show was over would be a very bad idea. I did not have time later on Wednesday to watch the tape of the show. On Thursday, I was too busy with Thanksgiving to have any time for this. Thankfully, there’s nothing good to do on the Friday after Thanksgiving so I was able to watch the episode then. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Davie seems a bit cocky after the vote. Some women talk about what they want to do next. Alison wants to figure out where her loyalties lie. Alec points out that the Goliaths still have an advantage, but he isn’t sure that he wants to stick with them. Dan feels that he has been taken advantage of. Kara thinks that Dan is too emotional. Dan thinks that he wasted his idol. Who is the person who still has an idol? We then get to the reward challenge.

Angelina, Christian, Gabby, Alison, and Nick are the purple team. The orange team is Mike, Davie, Alec, Dan, and Kara. Carl is not on a team and won’t be a reward as a result. The orange team makes a bit of a mistake by not covering their answers. But they still win reward despite the mistake. Gabby thinks that she can get Alison on her side.

In the second segment of the show, Angelina is emotional over the loss for some reason. Gabby and Alison talk and I’m getting tired of the phrase Goliath strong. Mike wants his tribe to stick together. Kara wants to get rid of Dan. Kara tells them about Dan’s second idol.

In the third segment of the show, Davie and the rest of the Davids look for another idol. Christian wants to make sure that he does a through all search everywhere. He finds an idol. We then get to the next challenge for immunity. It has been a while since we got to a ball challenge. There are changes when the ball drops. Make sure that you work well on your second ball. Land the balls in the right spot. Dan lands a ball. Others work on landing their balls. Are the balls in the right place? People can’t get second balls in this game. Alec wins immunity, becoming the third straight Goliath to win immunity. Dan wants to make sure that Christian is voted out next.

In the fourth segment of the show, Kara wants to get rid of Dan. She wants to split the votes between Angelina and Dan. But Alison isn’t sure that this is what she thinks will happen. Alec wonders who he should trust. Kara wants to vote out Dan. Nick is worried about what is going on. The Davids tell each other about all of the powers that they have. Christian thinks that things can go wrong and that they can’t screw up the vote. What will happen next?

In the fifth segment of the show, Alison is glad that they know what to do after the last tribal council. Many think that the vote was a wakeup call. Mike doesn’t want to be seen as a traitor. Nick thought that they were supposed to vote out Angelina at the previous tribal council. Not much is gathered from what is talked about at tribal council.

Nick decides to steal the vote of Alison. Dan wonders if he should play his idol for Alison or not. Dan plays his idol on himself. Jeff pulls out the idol nullifier and it was played correctly against Dan. Christian has votes against him. Dan is not the man and is voted out. Carl then bings, revealing that he played the nullifier. Have the lines blurred? I hate these blurred lines.

On the next Survivor, betrayal causes a woman to have fury. I wonder if a good hell analogy would be good in a season like this or not. I guess that we will see in the future what all will happen. I just wish that I knew for sure when the next post will be. I’ll explain at the end.

Total confessional count: Nick- 15, Carl- 7, Christian- 21, Kara- 15, Angelina- 16, Alec- 13, Gabby- 16, Alison- 7, Dan- 15, Davie- 12, Mike- 19. New confessionals this episode: Davie- 2, Mike- 1, Nick- 1, Carl- 0, Christian- 2, Kara- 5, Angelina- 1, Alec- 3, Gabby- 2, Alison- 3, Dan- 2.

In terms of confessionals this episode, Dan had two, the same number as Christian, Gabby, and Davie. The only people who are higher are Kara, Alec, and Alison with Kara as the highest with five. Carl is the lowest with zero. As for the total confessional count, Dan had fifteen, the same number as Nick and Kara had. The people who are higher are Mike, Christian, Angelina, and Gabby, with Christian as the highest with twenty-one. Everyone else is lower with Alison and Carl as the lowest with seven, the only two who are still left in the single digits.

Advent services do not start next week, but I’m still not sure when the blog will be updated as I have yet another family visit taking place during the near future. While I can hope that I can be back here on the next Wednesday as I normally am, if I’m not, then at least you would know why. I wish that I wasn’t as bad with these posts since they are normally not updated late. I might have to share with you the post of someone who doesn’t update their blog late (as far as I know). I’m glad that I can get it to you at all. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Episode 37.8

I don’t yet know if I will include more than one other VeggieTales song in the future. I don’t know how many of them could be relevant to this show in question. I need to be more familiar with some of the works of it. There’s a lot of it I haven’t seen. But that might be a good thing. The series itself had a point to how one shouldn’t have to have everything. That was in the episode Madam Blueberry, among a lot of others with similar points. Besides, I wouldn't like the newer episodes with the changed animation style.

There is someone to do prayers for this time around as I wait for responses for my church’s two other missionaries as to whether I should put it in this blog. But after seeing the results of a safety check on facebook, I think that a Survivor contestant we should pray for is Phillip Sheppard from Redemption Island and Caramoan due to him being in the area affected by the Woolsey Fire. While we are at it, we should pray for everyone affected by the fire in question that is affecting areas in California.

Going now to the idols from Gabon, Sugar is the next contestant who found one. She gave her idol to Ace only to get it back from him. She was so certain to find the idol from constant visits to Exile Island (of which she went a record five consecutive times). I’m not sure if the rules of idol possession are the same each season. What I do know is that Ace might not have been able to hang on to the idol since it was Sugar who found it. He might have just been holding it as long as she let it happen.

Whatever the rules, she gave it to Matty and he played it by default at the last chance it could be played. It was a play that was wasted in the end. Another idol was found that was technically Randy’s, although he never used it as it was the one that was infamously throw into the ocean and hopefully taken out of it by production as it has enough litter in it. Do you know what NASA does to certain satellites? It sends them to die in the oceans and become junk there. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Angelina is upset over her name being dragged through the mud, in her words, at least. She lies about why she revealed the name. Dan sees through this. People besides him also sort through her lies. Christian then talks about the strike force alliance and how they should vote against Angelina. People are worried about Gabby and how she was during the tribal. If she didn’t want to risk a David getting voted out, then why did she vote against Elizabeth? People search for an idol and find some sort of weird clue. A vote steal is found. Nick finds it. Only Carl and Davie know about all of the advantages that they have, I think.

We then get to the reward challenge. The winning six will get a dozen pizzas. Is that two pizzas for each of the winners? That doesn’t make sense. Why would they need that much pizza? Are these smaller sizes? This challenge seems like the around the circle one that we see with people having to drop out of it at some point. Angelina doesn’t understand what the dream team is. They test the challenges. The only contestant who has been part of the dream team was Hunter from the fourth season. Dan loses his challenge for the purple team, given orange the win. Mike tells Jeff that they have nothing for him, which is something Jeff has been waiting to hear for years.

In the second segment of the show, the tribe arrives back at their camp and the reward happens. Mike wants to talk about how he should stay focused on the game. Mike doesn’t want to be screwed over in the end. He wants to target Christian.

In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. It comes down to a showdown between Angelina and Dan. The flies come out for both of them. It has been a while since we have seen the flies on Survivor. Dan wins the challenge. Mike wants to vote out Christian.

In the fourth segment of the show, John wants to vote out Christian. What is the hashtag? Why can’t it just be a regular blindside hashtag? Angelina is worried that she might be voted out next. Some other players want to vote her out. Christian figures out that he might be the target. Davie doesn’t know if he should use his idol to save Christian. Nick wants to use his steal a vote, but thinks that it might not be a good move in the end. What’s this surprise ending that promos were talking about?

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to the tribal council at hand. Jeff wonders if the last tribal would put Angelina in trouble. I am distracted some with this part, which is one of the most important parts, so I miss some of what goes on. Christian thinks that he should be better at threat management and might have made himself one at the very beginning. Angelina thinks that there will be issues after the vote. There are not advantages used at this part of the game.

Davie plays his idol for Christian. Will it be the right move? Dan then plays one of his idols for Angelina. Sadly, I don’t think that Davie can do his idol nullifier at this point. Christian got the most votes, but none of them count. Who randomly voted against John? Was there a split vote that we didn’t know about? Or did Davie and someone else know when to flip? I don’t think that they read all the votes. I think that they faked out the promo in a way when they did surprise ending on a parchment.

On the next Survivor, there’s a bad break-up between people and Dan might be voted out. I have been waiting to post another video until it was relevant. But it is likely that if the relationship that is in danger is the one between Alec and Kara, that it is more for the cameras as they are or were together after the show was done filming, based on information that I have.

Total confessional count: Angelina- 15, Alec- 10, Gabby- 14, Alison- 4, Dan- 13, Davie- 10, Mike- 18, Nick- 14, Carl- 7, John- 7, Christian- 19, Kara- 10. New confessionals this episode: Carl- 0, John- 1, Christian- 2, Kara- 0, Angelina- 2, Alec- 1, Gabby- 0, Alison- 0, Dan- 1, Davie- 1, Mike- 1, Nick- 3.

I know that I missed some people’s confessionals, which is likely to happen when they only show who the person is, but not their name. I still don’t know the difference between everyone yet, especially when we get similar looking people to each other. I still have a hard time telling the male Friends apart when I watch that show. Anyways, John had just one confessional this episode, the same number as Alec, Dan, Davie, and Mike. The people lower with zero were Kara, Gabby, Alison, and Carl. Everyone else was higher with Nick as the highest with three. As for the total confessional count, John had seven, the same number as Carl. The only person lower is Alison with four. Everyone else is higher than the rest of them with Christian as the highest with nineteen.

It is hard to believe that next week’s episode will air the day before Thanksgiving. That sure snuck up on all of us, didn’t it? I don’t think that I’ll be able to live watch next week’s episode and while I should be more than likely to record it for later, I don’t think that I’ll be able to watch it on Wednesday like I want to meaning that this blog won’t be updated on Wednesday next week like it normally is. I will be at work as soon as I can be and doubt that I will have much time to myself later that day to watch it, nor do I need to see it that quickly. We’ll see what happens or when this blog will be updated in the future. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Episode 37.7

A good song that I think describes the contestant of Christian this season is a Weird Al song called White and Nerdy. That describes him well and his nerdiness which has proven to be quite an asset thus far for his smart ways. But will they get rid of him? I guess we’ll see. For now, enjoy this song.

Let’s get to the hidden immunity idols from Micronesia next. Ozzy found one but never used it as he got voted out with it left at camp. Jason then found the rehidden idol. This was after he had previously used a fake idol on another player, thinking it was real. He was also voted out without using the idol. We then get to Amanda who did find an idol and used it to save herself from elimination. She is the first woman to have found an idol. While it wasn’t shown, Parvati also found an idol and left it there on Exile Island as she wanted to prevent trouble and correctly thought that she wouldn’t need it.

I can’t think of any contestants right now that should be prayed for. I also haven’t yet got permission from my church’s other two missionaries about if I could include links to them in this blog. But what I do know is that I could pray over some sort of current event. Since the midterms happened yesterday, then we have something that we should pray over.

Let’s pray for the future of this country over the next two years until the next election happens. Although, I guess it would be two years for Congressmen, four years for most governors, and six years for the senators sans Tina Smith and whoever winds up winning the run-off in Mississippi. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, the green tribe is awakened to see the other two tribes arrive at their beach. But this isn’t when the game starts and it has already started for everyone a while ago. The new tribe gathers for the merge feast. Since we reached the merge or halfway point, enjoy this silly song that Larry did halfway through the David and Goliath story.

Gabby wonders if an idol is hidden somewhere. Angelina learns of the blindside of Natalia and that it was Alec who was responsible for it. Dan learns from a drunk Carl about a potential target. Christian is glad that Nick is still around and learns that Dan has an idol. Christian is the Dixon and finds a huge piece of wood. Dan tells Kara about his second idol. The Goliaths keep thinking about how they should get rid of an idol. This is so obvious that a Goliath has to be voted out tonight. A Goliath does want to flip. I did not catch for sure who it was.

In the second segment of the show, Elizabeth notices that Dan and Kara are too close. But this seems to be unrelated to what comes next. Mike wants to get an alliance of solid six people, but I didn’t catch who all of them were. They discuss what to do. Christian realizes that a counter Goliath insurgency is happening. He uses a lot of big words. Elizabeth knows that they have to work with a Goliath at some point in the game. Dan learns that he is a target. This makes him anxious. Will he be able to keep his cool or could this be the end of his game?

In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. It is kind of dumb. It seems like it is what is losing momentum, not all the people in it. Alison is the person that wins it. I don’t know why Jeff called her Ally when I can confuse that with the Alec in the game. Dan wants Elizabeth to be voted out of the game next. All because she might be targeting him?

In the fourth segment of the show, Christian might be the target. That is what Angelina wants to do. Dan doesn’t want to get rid of Christian yet. I wouldn’t be too sure that Christian isn’t a threat. He could be the person who wins or he could be a vote out before it. Alec doesn’t want to get rid of Christian. It does seem like people want to vote out Elizabeth. Dan still wants to do it. Angelina tells Elizabeth about the fact that Elizabeth is likely the target. Elizabeth then works to get Angelina voted out.

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to the tribal council in question. Alison talks about how there are a lot of people in the game and a lot of things to factor. People pause when asking if things are going their way. Elizabeth then outs Angelina as to what is going on. This leads to a lot of conversations going on at once. People whisper side conversations that we don’t see.

Gabby gets emotional. Angelina also gets emotional as well. Did she bury her own grave? Elizabeth is right in that Goliath had his head cut off and David carried it around. You don’t hear that part in Sunday school. There’s a lot of those stories that you don’t see the whole part of in the bible. Once it gets to the vote, it is Elizabeth who gets voted out. It seemed that no one voted with her. Has anyone gotten that many votes against them in a single tribal council before?

On the next Survivor, trust has dissolved and it might lead to issues with Angelina, Gabby, and some man in the game that we can’t quite tell yet during the promo in question due to not mention who the he is and thus, playing the pronoun game.

Total confessional count: Dan- 12, Davie- 9, Mike- 17, Nick- 11, Carl- 7, John- 6, Christian- 17, Kara- 10, Angelina- 13, Alec- 9, Elizabeth- 13, Gabby- 14, Alison- 4. New confessionals this episode: Mike- 1, Nick- 1, Carl- 1, John- 1, Christian- 2, Kara- 2, Angelina- 2, Alec- 4, Elizabeth- 3, Gabby- 2, Alison- 0, Dan- 5, Davie- 0.

Elizabeth had three confessionals this episode. Only two people (Alec and Dan) were higher with Dan as the highest with five. Everyone else was lower with Alison and Davie as the lowest with zero. While I am pretty sure that I missed one, if the immunity winner doesn’t get a confessional, that is typically a very bad sign for their chances. As for the total confessional count, Elizabeth had thirteen. Interestingly, the person with the same number is Angelina. The people who are higher are Gabby, Mike, and Christian. Mike and Christian are the highest with seventeen a piece. Everyone else is lower with Alison as the lowest with four. I’ll see you all next week as usual. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.