There will be a lot of changes in this blog over time and some of the past seasons can affect this blog more than others. If you know of why I like to blog about specific past seasons, then there isn’t too much to add about why this past season in particular stands out more than others.
Basically, with only the first season something that I’m able to watch again by my own rules, I will get a lot of future watches on the season to cover the players from Borneo who I haven’t already covered. Basically, that’s anyone who isn’t Sue (as she’s already been covered) with Rudy going next after the next regular look back and poor Kelly now with the lowest priority of all of them.
And that’s all that I really need to cover for this post. All you really need to know is that All-Stars will affect this blog in ways that other seasons won’t be affected yet. There will be a lot of seasons that will be covered in the future. Only future seasons will be covered in this blog as long as I keep doing this blog in the future. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.