There are 8 things that I’m giving up for Lent this year. This is the most number of things that I’m giving up in the history of me doing things like this. It is inspired by Daily Kos in a way. On Fridays on facebook when I’m on facebook on Fridays if I am, I tend to post 8 links to Daily Kos then. Daily Kos is one of the eight things I’m giving up for Lent as I won’t be visiting that site for all of Lent. After Lent is over, I plan to start sharing 9 links from that site on facebook on Fridays.
Speaking of Fridays and facebook, I will not be getting on facebook for any Friday during all of Lent. I can get on facebook during the other six days of the week throughout Lent, just not Fridays. I learned that there is a thing that facebook users can do if they want to boycott it in a way by refusing to get on facebook on Fridays. I might end up doing that all year round, but won’t for now. I might do this in other years. I have no idea why Fridays were picked. I do know that I am giving it up like a Catholic gives up meat on Fridays during Lent.
Two more things that I’m giving up for Lent are Screen Junkies and TV Sins. They seem to have a habit now of exploiting streaming content far too soon after it is available. Thus, this is my way of punishing them by not watching them during all of Lent.
And the other four things that I’m giving up for Lent are also all YouTube channels that I watch a lot of to some degree outside of during Lent where I am not watching them at all. They are CinemaSins, Jay Exci, Channel Awesome, and Brian Tyler Cohen.
Let’s get to the one time challenges from the seventeenth season. I have already blogged about all of the season of Gabon already so now I’ll talk more about the challenges from it that have not been used a second time. Maybe I should go into some more details about how challenges are done when I do my blogs about them. Let me know what you think if you actually care.
Lake Launch (immunity challenge from She Obviously is Post-Op!): In this challenge, contestants would have to slide down a slide to swim out to get a numbered tile back up a hill which would then have the tiles used to solve a puzzle to open a chest and get the axe to open their chest to cut a rope to raise their tribe’s flag to win. Regardless of if this is a tribal one done by a relay race or individual one, it is easy to me to see this done by social distancing.
Big Oar Deal (immunity challenge from It Was Like Christmas Morning!): In this challenge, the game would be played in rounds. It is like lacrosse, but on the water and in rafts. Players would have to pass a ball to another player and score a goal. The first to three goals win. This could not be done while social distancing in any way that I can see.
Fruit Flies (reward challenge from This Camp is Cursed): In this challenge, tribes would have five minutes to throw fruit through a hole in a wall then another one while the other tribe tried to block this fruit from going through. Whoever got the most fruit by weight through won the challenge. I’m pretty sure that this could not be done while social distancing.
Cliff Bowling (immunity challenge from This Camp is Cursed): In this challenge, a member of each tribe would be blindfolded and have to prevent points from being scored by listening to a caller as another person would throw a ball down a hill into a goal of specific points. Whoever had the most points after five rounds would win the challenge. This could be done while social distancing.
Elephant Eggs (reward challenge from It All Depends on the Pin-Up Girl): In this challenge, people on a tribe pass a breakable ball around to each other in a game of keep away from a member of the other tribe while the other tribe does the same. If someone breaks the opposing tribe’s ball, they would score a point. If they got three points, they would win. This could not be done while social distancing.
Super Golf (reward challenge from The Brains Behind Everything): In this challenge, contestants would have to work together to shoot an oversized golf ball into a hole using the fewest number of shots. They would need to score two points in order to win. It could not be done while social distancing.
Now or Never (reward challenge from The Good Things in Life Aren’t Easy): In this challenge, there are two parts to it. The first part has contestants roped together racing through a swamp to collect sprocket pieces and then assembling them together to raise a flag. The second part is a simple sliding puzzle. Only the second part could be done while social distancing. The challenge is named similar to a line from the Bon Jovi song It’s My Life.
Swamp Monkeys (reward challenge from The Good Guys Should Win in the End): In this challenge, the players would have to go through a swamp over several obstacles to get a ball (eventually three) over a net in order to win. This could be done while social distancing.
У випуску Time від 18 листопада 2019 року говорилося про багато речей, у якому були статті на тему першого імпічменту Трампа, що розпочався на сторінці 34, а також дві інші точки зору були наведені на сторінці 39 щодо імпічменту та на сторінці 40 проти нього. . Слова Джеймса Брайса та автора цієї статті, розміщені на сторінці 36, кажуть, що «попередження про небезпеку президента-ренегата» як «справжню загрозу Конституції виходило як від народу, так і від Білого дому», як у президента «може виникнути спокуса скасувати закон». У першій статті, написаній Джоном Мічамом, він зазначає, що стосовно злочинів Трампа, які підлягають імпічменту, «факти продовжують накопичуватися».
Одну з відповідей на це написав Ніл Катял разом із Семом Коппельманом. Він навіть зазначає на сторінці 39, що «всі докази, які нам потрібні, щоб довести, що Трамп брав участь у обмінах за квитанцію, є в відредагованому резюме телефонного дзвінка, опублікованому його власним Білим домом». Справді, незважаючи на всі ці розмови прихильників Трампа, які кажуть людям читати транскрипцію, я був би здивований, якби хтось сказав, що насправді сам прочитав транскрипцію. Справді, він згадує, чому це має статися зараз, а не чекати до дня виборів. Він каже, що це «як просити вирішити суперечку за допомогою гри в «Монополію», коли вас звинувачують у шахрайстві з «Монополією».
Тим часом Роберт Рей наполягає у своїй статті, що «Ви не можете оголосити імпічмент, якщо немає злочину» на сторінці 40. Варто зазначити, що багато республіканців стверджували інакше, коли Біллу Клінтону було імпічментовано, і багато замахів на злочини все ще є злочинами, в т.ч. спроба хабара, більш спеціально іменована як вимагання хабара. Роберт помиляється у своїх поглядах, і його статтю варто прочитати лише для того, щоб вивести обидві сторони з цієї проблеми, чого цього разу вам не знадобиться.
The only thing that I could really make sense of in this link from an Madam Secretary blog post is that it is a terrible recap of whatever this was supposed to be about. It didn’t help that I have to pause the episode during the commercial break (probably) to write the post, but not really make sense of much of what was going on in it. Ugh. I’m still bad in some ways. It seems like the only blog where I can do fairly good recaps (at least in my mind) is this one, the one on Survivor.
Movie update: On Friday, I watched I am Sam. I replaced it with Hancock. On Saturday, I watched The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. I replaced that with its sequel: The Two Towers. On Sunday afternoon, I watched Tower Heist. I replaced that with Space Jam. On Sunday night, since I was not interested in watching the Oscars, I watched primetime since new shows were inexplicably on as they normally are instead of refusing to air against that. I guess that the Oscars messed up if other networks think that they can air new shows against it. Anyways, on Monday, I watched Absolute Power. I replaced that with Blank Check. On Tuesday, I watched Celtic Woman: Songs from the Heart. I replaced that with Believe.
Let’s get back to March Madness. We have the final four now and I will mention which of them (if any) I am rooting for. But first, I have to update you more on what has happened thus far. Arkansas beat Gonzaga (upset), Duke beat Texas Tech, and then Duke beat Arkansas. Meanwhile, North Carolina beat UCLA (upset), Saint Peter’s beat Perdue (upset), and then North Carolina beat Saint Peter’s.
Meanwhile, Houston beat Arizona (upset), Villanova beat Michigan, and then Villanova beat Houston. The last grouping had Kansas beat Providence, Miami (FL) beat Iowa State, and then Kansas beat Miami (FL). This makes the final four Duke, North Carolina, Villanova, and Kansas. I will want either Duke or North Carolina to win the tournament. Since they face either other in the semi-finals, then only one of them even could win. I have the feeling with geography now planning such a huge role in who I root for that it may always ensure a matchup of one team that I like and another one that I’m not rooting for to face either other in the finals. That happened last year, after all.
The only link that I’m sharing this time is one on the TV show Power Rangers: Dino Thunder. I’m sharing the theme song on that. I’m going to not share anymore yet as the next one in line was one that was set in 2025 so I might as well wait until then to share it. That is only three years away right now.
Before I get to the blog post, I should state that there could be storms in the area that could potentially affect coverage of the show. I am planning to record it and won’t know if coverage might be on instead of the show itself depending on the timing of it or other aspects of it. Do know that if I do have to watch this online, this post will be on Sunday as I know that I won’t have time to watch it until that Saturday if I have to see it online. That would change a lot of the planned blog posts, but not too much. I also hope that the network’s site both works for me and doesn’t spoil the outcome. I can only hope that this will be on either Wednesday or Thursday. But enough of my ramblings.
In the first segment of the show, the tribe gets back from tribal council and Daniel wants to wait until the next day to talk about all of this. But Chanelle wants to talk. She won’t admit that her plan was to vote out Lydia because that would ruin her game. Hai thinks that everyone on the tribe was blindsided that night and was glad that he could manipulate Daniel who folded like rocks. What kind of rock folds? You are thinking about paper that beats rocks anyways. Mike doesn’t like Daniel anymore. Daniel said that Chanelle was his number one. He is upset that she isn’t in trouble for also playing both sides.
We then get to the next challenge. It is a reward challenge. In the challenge, they have to untangle a rope to be able to use it as a grappling hook to get balls up into a target. One can get tangled as they make their way through this. The orange tribe has a huge time advantage on the other two. They are such a good tribe, it makes you wonder how they ever lost a challenge. They were fast. Hai talks about how Jonathan is like Thor.
In the second segment of the show, Lindsay thinks that the other tribes aren’t eating and that’s why they are losing. Some think that it was bad that Jonathan openly said to the other tribes that they are a super tight 4. Even Jonathan thinks that might have been a bit too much. He is a strong player. I now have to wonder if The Super Tight Four will now be a superhero group. Jeff Probst or Mark Burnett will now make it happen.
Romeo thinks that Rocksroy or Rocks is bossy. They don’t like rocks in this game. They just need paper to beat it. And keep him away from scissors. Many think that it is between Rocks and Drea. Drea has an extra vote. Tori tells this to Rocks and he, of course, tells Drea about this as both of them feel that Tori is dangerous and should be voted out. This is becoming a common part of Survivor and the truth bomb tends to explode at the wrong person. Maybe it is like a grenade. You have to throw them away from you. You don’t just hold onto it after you pull the pin.
In the third segment of the show, we are gathered at the immunity challenge again with Maryanne again saying her secret phrase and Mike still not saying his. She is convinced that no one found theirs. Indeed, it is illogical not to say the phrase. Anyone but Mike can see that. I really hope that no one on the blue tribe is doing this as well.
What was with the weird arm thing with the two women right before the challenge started? I don’t know how much Survivor uses Chekhov’s gun since they want to have red herrings in there as well to not make the outcome obvious. And what’s with hugging the fish? Is that a thing either? The Super Tight Four come in first place. I’m going to call them that now and not the orange tribe. There is a close finish between the two remaining tribes with the green tribe getting second place. The blue tribe loses with Tori trying to fight her way out of it and maybe wanting to do her shot in the dark. Shot in the dark and you’re to blame, darling, you give love, a bad name. *guitar riff*
In the fourth segment of the show, there is a turbulent sea with fish trying to navigate it. Rocks wants to get rid of Tori. But he should get rid of scissors! Wait, that’s not a player. Romeo thinks that they should get rid of Swati. Swati even admitted that she wanted to work with Tori at one point. Drea thinks that Swati says that she has said that everyone is in her number one. She’s like Zane from Philippines who said that he was in an alliance with everyone to everyone and was voted out by everyone. Swati sees to be playing well. Maybe she is trying to make the impossible unimpossible. Drea doesn’t think that she can trust Tori or Swati. Maybe Tori turned evil after a wild wipeout on the sea. Could this be the end of Drea’s million dollar deal?
In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. Drea is asked what the vibe of the tribe is and can’t explain it after a silence that was thankfully shorter than that of Trudeau’s. Swati says that she is not going home over Tori’s move to blindside Drea, but Tori says that it was Drea who was trying to make this move in the end. Swati says that of everything that has happened in relation to what has gone on, it’s not her fault. Republican.
Romeo thinks that they should be more cohesive. Yes, Romeo. End the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets. That was a shorter tribal council than I thought that it would be in the end. A spider is crawling at the set. And that might not have even been from this episode, just seen in this one. Swati played her shot in the dark. She’s not safe. And she’s voted out, although there is one vote for Tori in the mix as well. I wonder who and why.
On the next Survivor, Rocks isn’t doing that well, there is a stupid fight between Omar and Maryanne, Daniel is fishing despite his injury, and someone doesn’t like being fooled. Maybe he will raise his glass to the new constitution, get on his guitar and play, just like yesterday, get on his hands and knees and pray, that he won’t get fooled again. Rocks is revealed to have voted for Tori.
Total confessional count: Chanelle- 9, Tori- 5, Lydia- 3, Maryanne- 8, Daniel- 8, Mike- 8, Drea- 6, Jonathan- 6, Omar- 12, Rocksroy- 3, Lindsay- 6, Romeo- 4, Hai- 6, Swati- 3.
New confessionals this episode: Swati- 2, Chanelle- 1, Tori- 2, Lydia- 0, Maryanne- 2, Daniel- 2, Mike- 1, Drea- 2, Jonathan- 1, Omar- 1, Rocksroy- 2, Lindsay- 2, Romeo- 2, Hai- 2.
It is weird to see Lydia as the only one without a confessional as she never said anything about being the target in the previous vote at tribal council. I’m not going to post a schedule yet this post. It is weird that there are a lot of 6s and 8s in the total confessional count. And that’s where I end this post. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.