Wednesday, March 28, 2012

End to a Villian

So Colton has now become Survivor's first villian to be medically evacuated. The last episode featured his departure from the game due to appendicites. It seems a fitting end. This could have some people believing in karma now. Since he took the idol with him as he left the game, I'm not sure that they'll replace it. Another twist that happened a week ago was that both tribes went to tribal council without an immunity challenge (a first if you don't count the double tribals) were no one was voted off, the tribes instead merged. I have no idea what will happen next but I'm at least glad that Colton got what was coming to him, even if it wasn't a huge blindslide. Nevertheless, we will probably see him in a future season. Maybe and Colton versus Russell as to who is more devious. That would be good if you don't mind the fact that bring back two all stars in a season gives them a big advantage over the other new players. Colton is gone so a new villian might emerge but I still don't know if Survivor ever had a better villian. He might have made it to the end if he could have. That's not to say that I liked Colton, just that he was a good player. And now we'll see what happens next. I don't have a favorite to win, but I will enjoy the rest of what is the most interesting Survivor season to date.

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