So something interesting is going to happen in this episode. But I don't know what. I haven't talked much about the potential spoilers that I heard on Survivor Sucks, but it says that Dawn would make the final two and be the runner up this season. But I don't know if there will be a final two or not. I don't know if that is even true or not. But we will find out by the time this episode airs. I just hope that I'm not spoiling anything to my readers based on information that I don't even know for sure yet is true. But, since I need a rambling thing to do like I typically do, I can talk about what I've been thinking about lately. There are a lot of Survivor final fours that could compete again in a future season. But, I will not go into detail about that just yet. I will do that during the summer (maybe). I'm just wondering: would it have to be an even number of men and women on each tribe considering how there could still be an even number of men and women in the game? Could any final four from any season potentially return for another season facing other final fours? While I like the idea of each final four from varying seasons competing against other final fours with at least four or even possibly five tribes in the game. The tribe would all be the final four from one season. I wonder if that could ever even happen. I'm the first person (I think) to think of this. I also wonder what Survivor would do if there were a medical emergency in the last three days of filming a season. The closest that came to happening was in the fourth season where the person who just got eliminated at a tribal council collapsed afterwards and couldn't even attend the next tribal council as a jury member like he was supposed to. In fact, that might be the only time a jury member wasn't at tribal council.
If you go to, which you probably do if you have access to the internet and like to waste time outside of reading blogs, then you might watch the Survivor Live after Show, which is an internet talk show currently hosted by Parvati who interviews eliminated contestants and other guests that typically relate to Survivor. I find it interesting and informative, although it can be kind of stupid at times. The most recent one had Michael, who was voted out in the last episode. As a jury member, he says that we are in for some crazy tribal councils for the rest of this season. I wonder if he's even allowed to say that, but I'm guessing that he is, since he did. I hope that he's right. Also, I'm trying to come up with a list of memorable rivalries from each Survivor season. If you know of any, feel free to comment. I can't really think of that many. Another thing I was wondering was if, hypothetically, two people could go to the final two in Survivor without getting votes against them. I'm not sure if this has ever happened before or if it even could happen. If it has, I'd like to know when. I actually just looked that information up, and to date, this has never happened. But that doesn't mean that it never could. Unless I don't know voting table math for Survivor. But enough of my ramblings.
In the first segment of the show, nothing interesting happened on the way back from tribal council. Then, we get to Dawn's freakout from the promo. As I thought, they were misleading the viewers. She didn't quit the game, but the tooth/retainer problem was a pretty unique problem. I'm glad that it got found and nothing bad happened. The team of Erik, John, Phillip, Dawn, and some male fan had a very short reward shown. The most best part of it was when Phillip said, "I'm naked." Dawn's meltdown was a somewhat minor part of the episode. Phillip chose to sit out of the challenge, which could be a stupid move like Reynold wasting his idol on Malcolm last episode. Malcolm considered playing his idol. They are pretending that another idol has reentered the game, but that typically doesn't happen when there are other idols in the game. I cannot think of a single time where the idol reentered the game after being played when others were still in the game. I'm actually surprised that there was another idol in the game. Malcolm now has two. That makes him the first player since Parvati in Heroes versus Villains and James from China to have two idols at once. Reynold won the immunity challenge. Jeff mentions Phillip's first at tribal council. It is a Survivor first that someone sat out of a challenge for no reward after the merge. Tribal council was a wonderfully crazy time where Malcolm gave his second idol to Eddie and they were both played, thus eliminating Phillip from the game. This marks the third time that two idols were played at the same tribal council and the first where neither was wasted. This was awesome. I think that Phillip will get a stupid award for sitting out at the immunity challenge. But I've never seen anything like it before.
Next time on Survivor, the Survivor auction happens as well as more entertainment. It looks like Malcolm and the two male fans are now a new and sudden very powerful alliance. It also looks like people won't have to worry about being Phillip's rival and getting voted out. I think that we have more interesting events in the future. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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