As promised, here is a bunch of questions for Would You Rather? This is a Survivor edition. Feel free to answer them in the comments if you so desire. If you aren't familiar with this game, it is when you have to choose between two different bad choices happening to you. My questions have to do with Survivor. Most of them are my own making. Would you rather be the first one voted out or medically evacuated? Would you rather play with Russell Hantz or Brandon Hantz? Would you rather play with the Outcasts twist or Redemption Island twist? Would you rather be the last one voted out or the finalist with no jury votes? Would you rather have to quit the game because you are sick or injured or ask to be voted out because you are sick or injured? Would you rather waste a hidden immunity idol by playing it or get voted out with an idol in your pocket? Would you rather go to Redemption Island and then get medically evacuated or get medically evacuated with no way of going to Redemption Island? Would you rather give up the immunity necklace or the hidden immunity idol? (The previous question might be obvious to some people.) Would you rather get voted out because of a tribe swap or a hidden immunity idol? Would you rather play the game with a little rain every day or one huge rain storm on the very first day? Would you rather get voted out because you didn't play an idol or get voted out because someone else played an idol? Would you rather be voted out right before a loved ones challenge or get voted out after winning a loved ones challenge? Would you rather win a car or win the game? Would you rather make the merge and not the jury or get medically evacuated after the jury starts forming? Would you rather watch Survivor without sound or listen to it without picture? Would you rather get voted out on your birthday or have the episode where you are voted out air on your birthday? Would you rather create questions for this game or leave me to fail to come up with more?
My hope is the Tyson's injury doesn't affect him that much. If he were to get medically evacuated, would he deserve another chance considering how it would then be his fourth time playing the game? One would wonder if someone who was medically evacuated should play again if they've already played the game enough times before, if they won the first time, if they were already voted out and pulled when they were on Redemption Island, if they were a runner-up the first time, or if they chose to be medically evacuated which is called quitting due to illness (or in this case, injury). I heard a rumor that there aren't any medical evacuations this season. Well, I didn't actually hear it because this source is never very obvious with what he says anyways and retweets what people are saying whether they really know something accurate or not. Maybe he wouldn't count some anyways. I hope that there aren't because that would mean five people left for medical reasons in the past three seasons. Three seasons in a row already have that problem appearing and four would be way too many and could result in lawsuits (even though the players know what dangers they are getting into when they agree to play the game.
Candice and John are at an interesting situation right now. One of them could throw the challenge so that the other one stays in the game. I do wonder if one could switch with their loved ones after the merge if they are on Redemption Island. Probably, it would happen at tribal council if it happened at all. As far as we know, Rupert could be the only one to do it this entire season. I'm not sure if what Rupert did was dumb or not, but Colton is definitely winning a stupid award for this season. I don't know why quitters aren't considered stupid players to some. They always had that choice that they didn't have to do. They didn't have to play in the first place. Anyways, I have the feeling that if Marissa wins the duel, that we could see one of the other players left in the duel throw it for the other one to win. Candice might not reenter the game considering her few confessionals. John might be eliminated since he has a lot of confessionals. I have no idea which one is better. I still don't know if John has an idol or not. But he could bring that back into the game. I have the feeling that no one has found it yet. I also don't know if my confessional count is right since I don't use the same standards that everyone else has.
New shocking events will happen in this episode. Two of them, actually. Will they have someone leave Redemption Island and reenter the game while others stay on Redemption Island? Will either Rupert or Rachel make a surprise reappearance because of Colton quitting? Is it a good thing or a bad thing that Colton got to keep his buff? I don't think that he should keep it, but apparently it is an honor to destroy it in seasons with Redemption Island at least. It might be too early for there to be double tribal councils, although something interesting is probably going to happen. I just hope that someone like Brad doesn't get expelled from the game. It could happen although it never has and they haven't even hinted that it will. That kind of shocking first would be in the original promo and not the second one, right? Would they give someone like that any confessionals at all? Candice not going to tribal council and getting eliminated from the game would be a first: three players all out of the game in one season where not one of them went to tribal council. Will John somehow get back into the game and then idol someone out? Is someone getting seriously blindsided? Will someone destroy a real hidden immunity idol? Will somebody quit Redemption Island? Will someone through a Redemption Island due? What will happen at tribal council? Would someone other than Laura Boneham be the first person voted out of Galang? Will Tadhana win a challenge? If Hayden Moss opens Pandora's Box, would that make Galang haves and Tadhana have nots? (In case you are wondering, haves and have nots work much better on Big Brother than their ill fated attempt in Survivor: Fiji. Also, Pandora's Box is a Big Brother twist that has a good thing and a bad thing released to the house. Hayden Moss himself has opened it, to my knowledge at least). Will a fake one ever come back to the show? (I hope so, because I miss them.) Will someone who could have been unanimous voted out play an idol on themselves and cast the sole vote to eliminate someone else? I should stop asking questions and wait for the show to air so I don't have to wait any longer.
Colton thinks that Aras is one running the show on Galang. Is he right? Let's find out. So, this is how the episode started. John arrived at Redemption Island to be with his wife Candice. I wonder if this means they'll have sex at some point. Well, they've already done that but I actually doubt that they'd do it on national television, even though we know it won't air. Plus who would want to have sex in conditions like this? Tadhana came back from tribal council, Brad talked about the way of the new Survivor this season. Caleb worried about not having a loved one. Candice complained to Jeff about her husband being on Redemption Island.
In the next segment of the show, the people talked about Brad being the new Russell Hantz of Samoa. He didn't have the dominance the other two seasons he played, or at least it wasn't as strong. So the duel started and I'm starting to think that Candice is throwing the challenge for John to win. There are rumors that someone (Steve) had already thrown a Redemption Island duel. Jeff said so himself. I have the feeling that since John won Redemption Island, Candice might lose. Or I might be wrong about that. Marissa lost. So a couple gets to stay on Redemption Island together and Brad's plan may have backfired horribly. Who will Brad give the clue to? In a somewhat strategic move, they give it to Monica. In a strategic move and possibly at her husband's command, Monica burned the clue without even reading it. Never has a reward disappeared so quickly. Nobody used it. Jeff calls this a first, but he must be forgetting about the time that Boston Rob threw a clue into a volcano. Will this backfire against Monica? Will she get blindsided tonight? John and Candice are both on Redemption Island together and mention that this could be a fun story to tell the kids someday. They might show this to them when they release this season in the future. They might even be making some. But this can only bring a couple together. Gervase no longer has a partner in the game. He thinks that Survivor changes people. Caleb looks like an easy vote of for Tadhana. That way, nobody (Brad) gets blood on their hands. But would it work? Off topic: if injuries don't end up affecting the game that much, are they ever shown? I mean, Brenda had a largely unexplained injury last season that no one focused on the much because it didn't get her pulled from the game. But they didn't show the real reason that either Shamar or Erik were medically evacuated.
In the next segment of the show, Tyson talked about how his injury gets him to do less and people might not like this when it airs. There are also coconuts bandits between Gervase and Tyson. That's a hashtag now because apparently it is important in the rest of the game possibly. Now we get done with the random camp stuff and to the immunity challenge. This challenge has been used a lot in different Survivor seasons. I forget when it first premiered. Tyson decides to risk the challenge and not sit out of it. Also, anybody notice that he's not in a sling when he's doing confessionals? That implies that it could get better or that he doesn't need it all the time. Anyways, Tadhana started the challenge leading. Will they finally win one? Who knows? Galang could be a tribe that only goes to tribal council once. But we don't know if that would happen to them or not. Brad is a wiz at this challenge. Tadhana messed up the challenge by getting things off of the boat by accident. So the challenge stays neck in neck mostly. So poor Tadhana is going to go back to tribal council again.
In the next segment of the show, people talk about what is different with this immunity loss. Will Caleb get blindsided or will Ciera get voted out? What shocking first will happen at tribal council? I don't know but it better be interesting and a real first. I'm not on twitter today because I don't have time with the series premiere of the Tomorrow People about to happen. Plus, I have to watch Law and Order: SVU. So I guess the tape that's recording Revolution right now will have to record the next show. Too bad I can't watch any other shows at the same time. I can't set this up to record something since I'm busy with this blog. And only one VCR can record something at a time. At least the other show isn't coming in. Anyways, lots of drama is happening at tribal council, too much for me to talk about here. Hopefully Caleb isn't pulling a Caryn and getting himself voted out because of this drama. Brad stayed true to his word and voted for Ciera. Caleb voted against Brad. I have the feeling that the return of and first proper use of the purple rock could be the shocking "first" that also isn't a first. Or Brad could get blindsided since it looks like Ciera probably isn't getting voted out. Hayden decided not to flip, but that didn't matter since Vytas did and Brad got voted out. Kudos to Hayden for casting the most confusing vote ever in Survivor history after changing your mind twice as to who to vote for. So Brad could become a strong player on Redemption island. Or this might be the last we see of him.
Will Monica switch with Brad on Redemption Island? That could throw off Caleb's plan which we will see more of apparently. We just know that Redemption Island will be interesting either way. Will more than one person get back into the game? I don't know. I also don't know how voting out Brad is a first, so feel free to explain that to me.
Confessional counts of players on Redemption Island: Marissa- 5, John- 10, Candice- 5. Confessional counts of players in the game: Kat- 3, Laura Morett- 3, Hayden- 5, Gervase- 4, Tina- 3, Tyson- 6, Caleb- 6, Aras- 7, Vytas- 8, Laura Boneham- 3, Katie- 3, Brad- 15, Monica- 6, Ciera- 5. New confessionals this episode: Aras- 1, Vytas- 0, Laura Boneham- 0, Katie- 0, Brad- 3, Monica- 2, Ciera- 1, Kat- 0, Laura Morett- 1, Hayden- 1, Gervase- 2, Tina- 0, Tyson- 1, Caleb- 3; Marissa- 0, John- 2, Candice- 3.
So I'm not entirely sure how the blindside of Brad is a first. I guess this is the first time that someone said they were the target without the votes being changed for him. I don't know for sure. I just know that a friend of mine might be disappointed that he's getting voted out today. Brad may not last that long and we are finally getting to see more of Candice. Candice is doing pretty well, but I fear that she's still getting the Christine edit from South Pacific. Both her and John can't both get back into the game (I think at least). So maybe I don't hate Candice as much this time. If she gets on the jury, she will be a three time juror, something only one other contestant can claim. Marissa is out of Redemption Island which means that she doesn't have a streak that lasts until the final premerge duel and first reentry point. She did get the Christine edit. There are also other interesting things that could happen with the contestants in the game. Will Tina be on the jury and be a premerge boot, finalist, and jury member over various seasons? Tyson can do that too if he somehow becomes a finalist. Tina might not be on the jury and thus be the only three time player besides Russell Hantz to play the game three times and never be on the jury. Who will be the first one out of Galang if they ever go to tribal council? What will happen if Tadhana's losing streak continues? Will they become the new Matsing? (At least Matsing had the winner of the season.) Will Galang become the next Tandang? Will some other twist happen if Galang keeps winning? I will leave these questions for another day. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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