As promised, here is information regarding B.B. Andersen, the second Survivor contestant to die. He was the first player voted out of a tribe that did not go to the original tribal council of the season. He was the first male voted out of Survivor and the second player voted out of Survivor. He is the lowest ranking member of Pagong as he was the first person voted out of that tribe. Some consider him a quitter since he didn't mind going home and might have broken the sequester rules regarding staying in Borneo while the filming still happened. He still had a personality that made him unlikeable at the time. Hopefully, he has a better following now that he's passed. Since he's one of the earlier boots, he'd be a great focus of a special DVD of some sort. I still wonder if any of his family, in-laws, or friends will ever become contestants on Survivor. You can always hope, even if that doesn't seem likely to happen. I will get the first season in his memory at some point. Besides, people don't need to know that it's because there's a dead contestant from that season. I really want to see the first season because I haven't seen it before. There have been many selective episodes that I've missed here and there in various Survivor seasons. But the first one I've seen none of, except a sort of movie like special that was just pretending to be the season it claimed to be (the greatest and most outrageous moments). But I will still watch the special again before I end up seeing the complete season.
Here's a quick summary of what you need to know about this season so far relating to trivia and facts like that. This is Monica's first time making the merge. Will she be on the jury? We don't know yet. Every player who made it this far will make day 39. We just don't know if they will be a member of the jury (I'm guessing of eight) or if they will be a finalist. If Tyson is a finalist, he'll be a juror, pre-merge boot, and finalist in three different seasons. That same rule applies if Tina joins the jury this season. Tina or Aras could become a two time finalist. That would mean Tina would never serve on a jury, unless she plays a fourth time. There could be two tribal councils and people voted out in this episode. I don't know yet, but it might happen considering how Colton quit earlier in the game and might have messed things up in terms of jury/merge configuration. Then again, maybe they always planned to have a merge at eleven again. I didn't catch the merged tribe name. But I do know that every previous season including Redemption Island had double tribal councils post merge. They actually did that twice. One was just two tribal councils spread out over different days. The other was a tribal council followed by an immunity challenge and another vote. So there might only be one double tribal council episode because of Colton quitting the game.
Remember when I joked about who would win the game? You'll notice that when a season is done airing, the names are in a certain order on a page on or on relating to the winner who would end up at the top of the voting records chart and the bottom of the challenge history chart. With that being known, the winner is Aras, Tina, Caleb, or Vytas (but Aras might be on the jury since he was voted out and is no longer where the winner ends up). I don't have any idea who the real winner is. But they could end up having a low confessional count. I'm starting to wonder if I should judge that or not. Look at the person who won Redemption Island. She had the least amount of confessionals of all the players there. But Laura Morett, henceforth to be referred to as Laura, made Survivor history by not being voted out immediately after returning from Redemption Island the first time she wasn't immune from getting voted out. Ozzy on South Pacific avoided being the first one voted out after returning from Redemption Island both the first and the second time he won it. But since he won the immunity necklace, he was still voted out the first time he wasn't immune. (Sorry if the formatting on this paragraph turns out bad because of the links.)
So I'm not sure who my favorite to win this season is anymore. I'd have to say that it is probably Hayden, Vytas, or Laura. I don't have a favorite to win Redemption Island yet, because there is only one person there right now and I'd have to root for him by default. I'm not sure that I like Aras that much and I don't see things ending well for Vytas either. I do wonder if pairs will end up in the end of the game together or if they won't. People without partners in the game could form an alliance with others that don't. Gervase, Monica, Hayden, Tyson, Caleb, and some might even count Vytas, as not having partners and could form an alliance. Tina, Katie, Laura, Ciera, and Vytas have partners in the game, but Vytas would be more likely to join to join those without since it would be a majority and avoid a tie vote. But I don't know if I'd want to have this happen or not. It has already fallen apart if it was going to happen at all.
If there were a tie vote with a final three, one would wonder how they'd handle it. Only a jury of nine and final three could produce a three way tie. Someone could win the game with a plurality of the votes and not have the regular majority, even though both are the most votes given to the inevitable winner. A tie between two people would be more likely and could end up being resolved in the same way as a three way tie for the win. Here are the different solutions that I see happening: 1- the tie is resolved before the reunion show by a revote, potentially of only the juror members who caused the tie by voting for a third person instead of the two who got the most votes. 2- A live revote happens at the reunion show during a commercial break after the jury is given a chance to reconsider how voting might happen after having seen what happened during the season. 3- A live fire making tie-breaker occurs at the reunion show. 4- The contestants affected by the tie are both considered to have won the game. 5- No winner is declared at the reunion show. Instead, the affected players are the returning players in a one returnee per tribe season designed to have a final two with an odd number of jury members and whoever makes it farther the second time is considered the winner of the previous season. I don't know if they'd have to prevent the contestant from potentially winning twice in a tie-breaker like that or what they would do if one of the people were medically evacuated. One also would wonder in a situation such as this if the new players that season would have to not know about these players or if they could know that they are playing to resolve a tie for the win. 6- The winnings are split between the two or three people affected and they all share the title of sole Survivor for the season. 7- Previous votes against contestants are taken into account, regardless of if they plaid a hidden immunity idol. 8- The viewers vote to break the tie. This could mean that whoever gets more votes as the Sprint player of the season is considered the winner of the game provided they beat just the people or person they were tied with and regardless of if they won the vote with the other players. 9- The players from the season that didn't make the jury also vote for the winner of the finalists who were in the final three. 10- There will coincidentally never be a tie that we have to worry about being resolved. 11- Something else entirely will happen that may or may not be revealed to the audience.
You know, since Redemption Island is being featured after the merge, one could wonder why they are doing this if people don't actually like it that much. But I guess it wouldn't be fair to only get a chance to reenter before the merge and after the merge, you just join the jury. I do wonder if the reentry point will still be the final five, with the winner as part of the five. It would be interesting if the winner of the final duel on Redemption Island was automatically in the final three with the other two people that remained. It might not be fair for the other two people and might seriously ruin how they do the last three days of filming, which are among the most important of all the 39 days. But at least nobody has messed it up horribly. Not even quitting messes it up. Getting medically evacuated whether you are on Redemption Island after you were voted out or before you are voted out and being unable to go there would both be interesting to see, but we have no idea if this twist will keep getting used or not. I hate seeing people medically evacuated so it might be better if neither happen at all. But enough of my ramblings.
In the first segment of the show, the fallout of the first vote happened and I have decided that I am giving up recording Revolution. The only way to fix the timer programming is finding a remote that works for it, hoping that I can get another VCR, getting a different universal remote that would work for timer programming, going through a lot of tape on very few episodes, figuring out if the remote I have does work for timer programming, hoping that someone else I know has a working VCR and would record something like this, or something else entirely.
Kasama went to their first immunity challenge of the episode. Two interesting tribal councils happen this episode, but since that's always the case, it is hard to classify how this one might be different. Tyson, Monica, and Vytas win the first round of what Tyson likes to call gross gummy worms. No one is doing well this round, unlike the last round which went better. Hayden, Gervase, and Caleb don't quit the challenge and win by actually doing what they are supposed to do. This challenge is gross, which makes me glad that I'm not eating supper yet. True to promos they didn't realize they showed, Gervase is in the final round with Monica. It should be noted that Gervase's tribe won this challenge when it first appeared in Survivor history. Gervase goes crazy trying to eat the gross food and Monica also has problems, but she ends up winning.
In the next segment of the show, people think about splitting the vote. Tyson thinks that he shouldn't reveal having the idol. Monica is doing stupid things possibly, but it's unknown if she can be that paranoid since she has the immunity necklace. People are wondering if Katie is the real target or if Vytas is the real target. So tribal council ending up happening next. Drama unfolds as usual. I can't tell what might end up happening so I'm making no guesses here. And wouldn't you know it, they put a commercial before the votes are revealed.
In the next segment of the show, Vytas ends up joining his brother on Redemption Island. I should have seen that coming. They should Kasama coming back from tribal council instead of showing what happened to Vytas going to Redemption Island. They ended up showing that later. The brothers discussed whether they were or weren't in the game. Finally, they start showing Redemption Island again. A feud happened between the two brothers, I think. So it could be an interesting Redemption Island, but only if they can keep winning for a while. The final immunity challenge from Nicaragua reappears as the immunity challenge this season. Oh, and Monica should have voted for Katie, but ended up voting for Vytas instead. Nothing bad happened, unless they didn't really want Vytas gone. Monica and Ciera quickly fall out of the challenge in the beginning. I have been unable to eat supper. Tina is out of the challenge next. Gervase is out next and Laura is quickly behind him. Caleb is out of the challenge next. After that Hayden and Tyson both drop out and Katie wins the challenge. There was a lot of wobbly coins in the first place.
In the next segment of the show, Tina looks for an idol that isn't there. Tyson doesn't want to be a target. Nobody even considers making a fake hidden immunity idol. I miss those. Funny scenes happen. Are they getting rid of Tina or are they getting rid of Monica? Monica is getting paranoid, like she was in the earlier parts of the episode, which makes it seem like she will get voted out tonight. So Tina got voted out and this could create an interesting Redemption Island, but I won't say how. Will Katie find a place in the alliance? Will she at least team up with the last pair in the game?
On the next Survivor, Ciera might vote out her loved one. But this is probably a twist edit. It could have already happened tonight. Meanwhile, I need to eat the rest of my supper and worry about tape issues later. Hopefully, I can record it for me and my mother at least if I can't for anyone else. Besides, I already know that I probably wouldn't want to risk recording any other Survivor seasons for my sister anyways because she can probably wait until the long time passes and the seasons are finally released on DVD. Hopefully, she won't be confused by players in the thirtieth season she'll be watching when she comes back. Four seasons missed, but a landmark season like that could end up happening and be pretty good. At least she'll be able to watch it if they make it. Oh, and feel free to post Revolution spoilers in this blog so I know what's been happening.
Confessional counts of players on Redemption Island: Aras- 15. Confessional counts of players in the game: Tina- 10, Tyson- 20, Caleb- 10, Laura Morett- 9, Vytas- 20, Katie- 8, Monica- 15, Ciera- 12, Hayden- 10, Gervase- 9. New confessionals this episode: Laura Morett- 1, Vytas- 3, Katie- 3, Monica- 3, Ciera- 0, Hayden- 1, Gervase- 2, Tina- 2, Tyson- 4, Caleb- 1; Aras- 1.
I know that I missed two confessionals this episode and I always think that my numbers are off. Not sure if I'll ever do this again, or, at least, not in a season I'm watching the first time. I could end up doing it for a season I'm rewatching. If you know the real numbers and I don't have them, let me know. I liked Tina's fake out with the hidden immunity idol.
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