There are always alternate players that would come back to the game for certain Survivor season that have returning players. There are different reasons why these players did not ultimately return to play the game again. But what I'm wondering is this. This season had alternate returning players, but since they were paired with new players related to them, that means that there are potential new players relating to former players that could appear in future seasons. Even the 28th season which has already been made might have new players of the sort that I've mentioned. I should include a link as to where I got the information relating to the alternates for this current season. Hopefully that link works okay. Check out the rest of the site for other great related Survivor information with pages related to seasons, contestants, challenges, alliances, episodes, and various other stuff to that relates to Survivor. There's even other wikia related sites for various other things. This is the most recently updated page that I saw three days before the finale so there may be more people than have actually been listed. There is also the chance that some of the information here listed isn't right at all due to questionable links that the site accepts or contestants who aren't really saying what is right. All the contestants had a potential partner and back-up partner. Without listening to most of these sources, I am going to mention who the returning players would have been and who the new potential players relating to them might be as well.
There are twenty-two alternate players known for this season. The first was Greg from Borneo. It's unknown why he declined and this source isn't as reliable as others. This is his first time he's a known alternate. His potential partner was his sister. Amber from Australia and All-Stars was considered, but she declined as she considered her Survivor experience to be over. It's unknown if she would have had a new partner or not. If she wouldn't have, then it is probably best that they don't mess up the new/old ratio. That reason alone is why I figured that no Hantz was playing this season. They aren't alternates and I'd be surprised and upset if either of them return. Jerri from Australia, All-Stars, and Heroes versus Villains wanted to play this season, but couldn't get a partner so she didn't end up playing. Her sister and father were both considered as partners, but her sister was pregnant and father couldn't play either, I think due to work commitments. Tom Buchanan, from Africa and All-Stars, declined being on the season because he was working on a different reality show (Family Beef). Lex from Africa and All-Stars declined for the same reason. Boston Rob from Marquesas, All-Stars, Heroes versus Villains, and Redemption Island declined being on this season for the same reason as his wife did. Why would they leave their kids just to play a game anyways? Besides, they should let other players be given the spotlight for a change, even though Amber isn't as much in the spotlight anymore. There are no alternates known who were originally from Thailand or Amazon. Sandra from Pearl Islands and Heroes versus Villains was considered playing with her daughter. I'm not certain why she didn't appear again.
Eliza from Vanuatu and Micronesia was considered for this season but ultimately not chosen. She would have played with her mother. She revealed who the cast was (when it was originally RC instead of Candice) and mentioned considered players of which no alternate information has been revealed yet, if it was true in the first place. I'd mention those players if I knew who they were (which I do, but I haven't bother to look up any information regarding it that I could easily find). Besides, if I knew that they were really considered, they'd be on this real list. Bobby Jon from Palau and Guatemala was very close to being on this season with his female cousin, but he was cut for reasons I'm not sure of. Tom Westman from Palau declined being on the season due to work commitments, although he said that he'd probably be back at some point. There was an alternate originally from Guatemala. Jamie, who has an identical twin brother who would have been his partner, couldn't play because of his brother's work. I'm not certain that this source is legitimate. Cirie from Panama, Micronesia, and Heroes versus Villains was going to be on this season, but she couldn't find partners and couldn't play. Jonathan, from Cook Islands, Micronesia, and Philippines, was going to be on this season with his son, but his son was too young to play so he didn't end up coming back. Yau-Man from Fiji and Micronesia was considered to play again, but didn't come back.
An interesting thing about Yau-Man is that of all the players from Fiji, he's the only one that we have knowledge of being asked back for another season. That doesn't mean that they've never asked any other players from that season back. That means that if they have, we, the general public, don't know about it. So if you know of anyone from Fiji who was offered to play again and have a legitimate source to back it up, let me know. I don't want this blog to only have one comment from someone other than me for the duration of the time I do this blog. But I should at least be glad that there are no haters on this blog spamming the comments. And no comments doesn't mean that no one reads this blog. If there are no people reading this, then I post this for no good reason. At least I'll never know if people don't read this. There were no alternates from China. Micronesia had no fans that they wanted back. Gabon had no alternates and the players from Tocantins and Samoa that they wanted back did come back.
Holly, from Nicaragua, wanted to play again with her daughter, but they weren't chosen. Jane from the same season also wanted to play again with her daughter but they were also not chosen again either. Marty was also considered to play again but didn't return. He was from Nicaragua and would have played with either his son or his wife. Ashley, from Redemption Island, was going to be on this season, but neither partner of hers could play again. Edna, from South Pacific, was considered to play again with her sister, but wasn't chosen for whatever reason. Edna is the highest ranking player from South Pacific who I'd want to play again from that very lame season. It's not the worst, but it's the only season after Heroes versus Villains that I feel deserves to be hated like it is. Troyzan from One World was the male/male alternate for this season with his brother as his partner. That means that he would have appeared instead of Colton/Caleb or Aras/Vytas. RC and her father were memorably cut from this season when her father had high blood pressure. But she's not the only player originally from Philippines that they wanted to be on this season. They also wanted Malcolm, from Philippines and Caramoan, to play an unprecedented three seasons in a row. He declined. But I still wonder if we'll see the brother he was supposed to play with in a future season. No fans from Caramoan have been asked back yet. Those are the only alternates for this season that I know of. Look out for future seasons for those potential great players, the partners of the returning players.
So as we near the end of this season, I'm pretty sure that we know this will be a good one to many fans. I hope that they use this twist again, provided that they do this many seasons still and people don't hate the idea of returning players. Even if they do, they will probably do that again at some point. I'd have to list this as the eighth best season out of the twenty-seven seasons they've done so far. I don't think that new players versus their family members would have worked out as well in the end. They could still do it, but we don't know who any of the players are or why we should care about them. Meanwhile, I will talk about the spoilers I heard relating to this season. Tina is the winner with Gervase and Tyson as the runner-ups. I have no idea how that could happen. But it will be interesting to see if it does. I have the feeling that the spoilers might be wrong. Now, hopefully, I don't hear any spoilers relating to the 28th season, because we'll find out more information about it tonight. I hope that the all new players rumor is true, although I also heard that it is all returning players, and a mix of new and returning players. Since that's the only three options there are, then anything can happen. But like I said, we'll find out more about what happens with it tonight.
I added a new section for this episode with the confessional counts. It involves how a contestant appears at the reunion show. The more points they get means the more appearance they had at the reunion show. I think that points will mostly only happen when that person is talking. Meanwhile, I'll be missing a lot of the great Sunday shows that air tonight. I won't miss the usual CBS shows that I watch on Sunday like The Mentalist and The Good Wife (yes, I watch the Good Wife) because they won't be airing due to the Survivor finale. And 60 Minutes airs before it so I won't miss the show I don't always watch in the first place anyways. I will miss Once Upon a Time. Hopefully that won't cause too many problems, although I'd love for people to post here what spoilers have happened on that show currently this season since I've missed a lot due to bad reception of the channel (it won't come in, not too many people hating it, although ABC does get a lot of bad press, I still watch it a lot of the time). I'll also miss The Simpsons, Bob's Burgers, and Family Guy. Since The Simpsons jumped the shark a long time ago and the fans generally don't care, I don't think that it matters that I miss an episode that I'll probably easily see in reruns anyways. The same can be said for Family Guy, although I'm not sure if it has jumped the shark. Has Survivor jumped the shark? I can't think of any other show that's had this many different seasons in primetime at least. And, here's good news you might not know about, Survivor has been renewed for seasons 29 and 30! That means that there will still be a lot of Survivor after the 28th season which starts sometime in the fall, probably February. But enough of my ramblings.
The episode begins in some regions but other regions are airing on delays from as big as 25 minutes to as short as 6 minutes. And this is already on top of the 3 hour delay that I'm pretty sure that the west coast has (could be more and could be less), and that's not accounting for whatever place they do the reunion show at. The different airing times on the east coast/central time zone is a horrible problem. I've seen this problem already since I get two different CBS affiliates in my area and they don't always air it at the time. I'm surprised that there isn't much backlash about it. So just be warned that I will post this the moment the reunion show is over in my region. Neither CBS affiliate of mine is airing on a delay. Jeff said that Ciera made the most emotional move in the show's history, but that might not be true since he says things like that a lot. Ciera is ironically number 4 despite making moves to not be number 4. At least she isn't number 6, which she could have been if she drew a rock. The six minutes take up the entire recap and then some. I'm hoping that Hayden wins Redemption Island, although I really don't care. I just want them to not be voted out immediately once they get back in the game. Also, it could be Monica is the final three instead of Tina. No idea who wins yet. Drama happens when they get back from tribal council as usual. Then the intro happens.
In the next segment of the show, Hayden arrived at Redemption Island. I wonder if the Redemption Island confessionals at the reentry point will somehow reveal who gets back into the game. They used the same challenge as a reentry point the first time they did Redemption Island, I'm pretty sure. Laura is pretty wobbly at the duel, but Hayden is the first one out. Laura loses the duel next. Tina then rejoins the game, but will she last that long back in it? Samoa is the next season to be eliminated from this season. So two people are eliminated from Redemption Island, Tina is back in the game, and the Survivor finale just started airing in some regions. Weird, huh?
In the next segment of the show, Tina has a clue to the idol, but there is still no fake one, Tyson has it, and probably not another one that we know of. Monica is unsure of what side to join. If she plays her cards rights, she could beat Michael Skupin's record of most improved finished in Survivor history. But I'll have to look up information about that after it ends up happening. The immunity challenge is a complicated one that involves keeping a lot of blocks on a board that wobbles a lot. Pretty strange challenge, but it's always nice to see something new. Jeff continues his annoying commentary that he's become quite infamous for. No idea who will win yet, so I might tune this out for a while. Meanwhile, I still haven't been able to eat supper yet, and I know that will make this more complicated. Tyson wins the challenge.
In the next segment of the show, people decide between Tina and Ciera as to who they should vote out. Gervase forgets that Sandra won the game twice when he said something along the lines of that they would not let a millionaire be a millionaire twice. Much drama happens before tribal council, and I'm guessing that a lot of drama will also happen at tribal council. And now I have to worry about eating supper as usual. Before the votes are read and possible idols are played, the show goes to commercial and we have to wait to see what happens. Tyson would be dumb if he didn't play his idol, but that wouldn't be the first dumb thing he ever did regarding hidden immunity idols.
In the next segment of the show, Tyson gives his hidden immunity idol to Gervase who plays it and cancels votes. We don't know if he would have gotten voted out or not (do we?) if he hadn't played the idol. Ciera is voted out and Blood versus Water is the next season to be eliminated leaving all the returning players in the final four. Tina is glad that she made day 38, although she is only one of two players to make day 42 in a single season. The immunity challenge happened and Tyson won it. He is now one of three players to be a finalist, jury member, and pre-merge boot in three different seasons. (Stephennie LaGrossa and Colby Donaldson are the other two and Tina could become one of them as well if she is the last one voted out. If she's the last one voted out, then Ozzy is no longer the only finalist to also be the last one voted out and Johnny Fairplay will no longer be the only player to be both first and last voted out. She also has the possibility of being the next two-time finalist since Boston Rob, the first two time winner since Sandra Diaz-Twine, and the only three time player besides Russell Hantz to never be on the jury.) No matter who gets voted out, one season will get eliminated from the game (two if it is Tina). I have the feeling that Tyson and Gervase could turn on Monica and that could lead to the rumored final three I've heard. Of course, the last words spoken at tribal council are always some interesting shit that could spill disaster. "Big moves could happen and they can happen at any time." Also, for the record, I realize that Tyson had won immunity earlier and shouldn't have play an idol on himself anyways. I'm too lazy to go back and fix it. So I have no idea who wins, but based on confessionals alone, Tyson has the highest. But I don't know if that means that he'll win.
In the next segment of the show, I realized that there is no rites of passage this season (unless it went unaired) just like there haven't been for other seasons with Redemption Island. And yet, the season with the outcasts did have a rites of passage and was the only one with a quitter to not have the quitter mentioned there. Tina is a winner who gets to be on a jury. Australia and All-Stars are the last seasons to be eliminated from the game. Tocantins, One World, Borneo, and Heroes versus Villains are the seasons that aren't eliminated from this season. I know that I probably shouldn't have eliminated Blood versus Water since all twenty contestants are from this season, but since all new players are out, in would be just like when Micronesia was eliminated from that season when Natalie was voted out. In my mind, the way I see it right now, this is Tyson's game to lose. He could lose it, but I don't know if he will. I couldn't gather much information from Vytas's speech expect that he probably won't vote for Tyson. Katie wondered about pulling rocks. In the fourth season, the jury member who drew a rock voted for the finalist who drew a rock. Caleb wondered what Gervase did in the game and Monica cries for some odd reason. Ciera wanted to know if Tyson was a hero or a villain (VILLIAN!). She also wondered if Gervase would have gotten rid of Tyson. Laura grilled Monica at the story who might have broken Michael's record of most improved finished. Tina asked for a one word answer from everyone for how they played the game. Gervase failed horribly. Hayden wanted to know if Tyson had the idol when they drew for rocks. Aras asked Gervase, Monica, and Tyson who they would vote for if they had to vote for someone in the final three that wasn't themselves. I'm guess that Gervase didn't get any jury votes since we didn't anyone do that in the promos. I think that Tyson just won the game and with seven of the eight jury votes. He seems to be crying over the win that he did.
The reunion started in some regions while other people just found out who won in the six minute delayed version. Tyson is the first winner who had to draw a rock in Survivor history. If you remember, Vecepia did not have to draw a rock in Marquesas, although nobody really should have drawn a rock in that scenario. He's also the first three time player to win the game. I'm hoping that a five time player will win the game when Rupert inevitably returns. Of course, not everyone loves him that much. I'm glad that the premerge boots are not in the audience again. I hope that they never do what they did in Caramoan ever again. By the way, Brandon wasn't banned. He chose not to go, although it is true that they didn't want him there. It was more of a mutual decision. Colton gets focus at the reunion show for some odd reason while some people just found out who won. Now I'm done keeping track of the one time zone that should be airing all at the same time. People must hate spoilers this time, but for reasons unknown as to why they are airing different football games in the first place. Rupert does not regret giving up his spot in the game. BBB and random pictures is the clue for season 28. If I didn't want to wait 25 minutes, then I'd google what it is. Hopefully, they explain before the end of it with at least a title of some sort. I'd probably already know what it was if I were up to date on the podcasts I listen to. John Cochran is writing for The Millers, but the majority of us already knew that so I'm not sure why they are focusing on this as if it is some big news that just happened. I'm still not sure if that's something that you'd like to watch, considering how it used to air in Survivor's old time slot (half of it at least). I love how the Survivor players are sitting next to the partner's they had in the game instead of the order they were eliminated like they usually were. The Weesons get airtime and they talk about their dead family member. It's a very sad event. I've lost three members of my family, although one of them was before I was born and I'm including extended families such as grandfathers.
So, what are they doing next season? They are doing brawn versus brain versus beauty and decided to do the twist with all new players, I've heard, but am not sure. I'm not certain that they'd use any returning players in a season like this, but that could always be a future twist. Does this mean that the tribes are evenly split by gender or that some tribes get only one member? What man would be on the beauty tribe? I'm guessing that this is not a normal season but I'm hoping that (knock on wood) they do that for the 29th season. Casting is probably underway, unless they are already planning on doing all returning players for both seasons. Not sure what else to mention regarding the next season.
Confessional counts of players on Redemption Island: Laura- 14, Tina- 18, Hayden- 23. Confessional counts of players in the game: Gervase- 18, Tyson- 36, Monica- 25, Ciera- 27. New confessionals this episode: Gervase- 3, Tyson- 5, Monica- 6, Ciera- 3; Laura- 1, Tina- 6, Hayden- 1. Appearance at reunion show: Rupert- 1, Colton- 1, Rachel- 1, Marissa- 0, Candice- 1, Brad- 1, Kat- 1, John- 1, Laura Boneham- 1; Aras- 1, Vytas- 1, Caleb- 1, Katie- 1, Hayden- 2, Laura Morett- 1, Ciera- 2, Tina- 1, Gervase- 1, Monica- 1, Tyson- 1.
So it looks like Marissa is the only player that didn't get any airtime at the reunion show. I suck at the game that I just invented regarding who gets what type of airtime at the reunion show. I missed a lot of people and there should be more than one mark for a lot of these people. Meanwhile, while tweeting on twitter was fun during the finale, I'm not entirely sure it was that fun an idea. I'm thinking of waiting a while before I post this blog. Expect random blog posts during the hiatus between this season and Survivor: Cayagan, as I think that it's going to be called. I'll get the spelling right when it airs later. Meanwhile, I have to get to the awards that the contestants earn this season.
I will not be giving a most memorable part of the season award because I have no idea what to choose from. I'm guessing that I'd give it to drawing rocks again if I gave it to anything at all. Drawing rocks is also the third dumbest move from this season, considering how those who were trying to use it to their advantage were the same people who had a two to one chance of drawing the rock (if I understand that term correctly). The second dumbest move is when Laura Boneham got herself voted out of the game by telling someone else that they were next and flipping the target to her. And what else would win the dumbest move of the season except for Colton quitting the game for no good reason. Thanks a lot Colton for doing something stupid like that. You made the win of dumbest move easy for me to decide. As for the breakout character of the season, I'd have to give that award to Brad. He may not have played the best game, but he was an entertaining player.
The different airing of the finale this season makes me wonder if this has ever happened at another finale I wasn't aware of. I don't think that my station was even airing sports. I don't give a damn about sports and frequently boycott the Super Bowl (although I boycott a lot of things of various reasons, a lot of them petty and the majority of which nobody would ever notice). But you can expect me to blog randomly about Survivor until the next season airs. Not sure when I'll be able to watch the first season of Survivor, but hopefully there won't be another season on at the same time. I'm glad that Tyson won. Does the most confessionals at the finale always make you the winner? I don't know. I'm fairly certain that no one had him beat for this season at least. I'm pretty sure that Tyson is the reason that Monica got Vytas's jury vote when he answered a different person's question. Hopefully this blog post doesn't make people on the west coast mad. I'm not sure I want to wait a long time until they air this there at hopefully no delay. I could post this tomorrow, but I won't. I find that it's funny that this show was airing at different times on the east coast, depending on where you lived. Hopefully, you didn't run into any problems with it if you were watching it. That's all I have to say at this moment. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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