Sunday, February 16, 2014

Cagayan Cast Assessment

I have decided to do an assessment of this cast for the new season. I think since doing confessional counts are fun, I will continue to do them, but hopefully do more accurate ones than what I’ve apparently been doing lately. I might do more than just a cast assessment and do an assessment of the twists from this season as well as when they do the probable tribe swap/dissolve and what various ways they could do that as well. Here is some information about tribe swaps before I get into the more detailed information later. The episode it happens in various seasons (including dissolves and mutinies, or mutinies that happened at least). In Africa, it was the fifth episode. In Marquesas, it was the fourth episode. In Amazon, it was the fifth episode. In All-Stars, it was the fifth and ninth episodes. In Vanuatu, it was the fifth episode. In Guatemala, it was the fourth episode. In Panama, it was the second episode. In Cook Islands, it was the third and eighth episodes. In Fiji, it was the sixth episode. In China, it was the fifth episode. In Micronesia, it was the fifth episode. In Gabon, it was the fourth and eighth episodes. In Nicaragua, it was the fifth episode. In One World, it was the fifth episode. In Philippines, it was in the fifth episode. In Caramoan, it was in the sixth episode. In Blood versus Water, it was the first and sixth episodes. That makes nine seasons where the fifth episode had a tribe swap or dissolve. There were three seasons where the fourth episode had a tribe swap. There are also three seasons where the sixth episode had a tribe swap. Since the two tribe dissolves of seasons with three tribes both happened in the fifth episode, that’s where you can probably expect a tribe swap/dissolve of some sort to happen.

I’m not really sure of what I can say regarding the cast for this season. I notice a lack of older contestants in a season like this. But there also seems to be more racially diverse contestants than normal. I’m quite glad that all the Asians aren’t on the brains tribe. While I’m sure that people thinking they are smart is better than other stereotypes people have about other cultures, it still think that it is better not to have stereotypes at all. And does it matter that Americans, which include both those of Asian descent and those of other races, don’t have good test scores? Does that really matter? Do Americans have to be so prideful and always have to be the best at everything? Must we be so full of ourselves? What’s wrong with not having the best test scores? Aren’t there more things that are much more important in life? If you’re not in school all your life, you won’t be taking tests all your life. Unless you have an unfortunately short life, you will not be taking tests in the later and more important stages of life. And it doesn’t matter that Americans aren’t the best at everything. Does it really matter that we can’t do that well on largely unimportant tests throughout our lives? Will constantly pointed it out remove the stress and confusion that some people have about it and make the situation any better? Isn’t that just more likely to make things worse? Why do I keep asking questions that I’m not really sure people can answer? The point is, America is great at some things and other countries are great at other things. That is more than likely the way life will be for every citizen of every country! I’m perfectly fine with us not being the best.

Maybe I should start a different blog on subjects about this. Politicians are strange for wanting to cut educational funding while at the same time expecting us to do better at education. But I guess I’ve always let this blog have a little bit of leeway on various topics in life. Like about how much I miss watching Revolution and Arrow because they are both on at the same time as Survivor. I’m sure there might be people agreeing with me, disagreeing with me, or as usual, not even reading this blog in the first place. Google executives and the NSA are the only two groups of people that read this blog. I’d be pleasantly surprised if Survivor fans are among the people who bother to click on this blog link. I could be wrong. But of all the millions of people who are online all the time and all the people who like reading blogs, having less than 200 people being confirmed to read this blog (and it’s probably way less than that since many of the readers are repeat readers and me) then I’d say that I have a lack of readers. At least some people are confirmed to have read this blog, even if it isn’t that many people. Maybe I state the same thing over and over again way too much like my desire to have an original player from Survivor: Guatemala return for a future season. It’s not fair that they are the only season to not have returning players, unless you count Stephenie who wasn’t originally from that season or Survivor: Caramoan which is too recent to have returning players yet, although it more than likely will leaving Guatemala the red headed step child of Survivor returning players. At least they’ve asked people from that season back, although why no one has yet confounds me. I also wonder if a relative, friend, or someone somehow related to Jennifer Lyon (or B. B. Andersen) to play Survivor. Who was Jenn’s loved one on Palau? I forgot who was there with her at the final six episode. Since that season is being lent to someone else at this time, I can’t watch if for myself, although I more than likely can and will look it up on wikia, although I’m not certain if they have that information listed there.

I realize that I’ve been forgetting to talk about the contestants in this season. Since it is all new players, it is very hard to tell any stand outs at this point in time. I’m not certain that I can get the complete listing that some might want in a season like this. I might do predictions about where they will make it in the game based on what little information I have about it at the time. I’ll have to look back at older posts of mine to remember what it is exactly that I said on that post and if I will do something similar to that or not. There are two famous sports players on this season. One of them is Cliff, a basketball player. To my knowledge, he is the first basketball player to play the game of Survivor. Also playing Survivor this season is a person who I understand is very controversial for some odd reason. Since I live nowhere near Florida, I don’t know who David is. In fact, I could no sooner tell you who a famous sports player is then why a Kardashian is famous. In fact, if you do know why the Kardashinans are famous, please let me know so you can help me solve one of the greatest mysteries in life. There are other things I don’t know why people give a crap. You should mind your own business. Like with the Casey Anthony case. Why do people care? Does it matter what she may or may not have done? Is it any of your business considering how only twelve people were on the jury and few others were actually important to the case? I can’t stand the media circus murder trials. I avoid them at all costs. In fact, I typically avoid any and all celebrity rumors, haters, things that are considered controversial but really aren’t, things I find overrated for whatever reason, and just anything that I really don’t want to be exposed to for whatever reason. That’s why I’m fairly certain that nobody reads this blog, not even NSA agents or google executives. And that’s a real shame to, because I miss being able to simply post this blog as I have been able to in the past, but I guess that google wants me using my blogger account the more real way or whatever their problem is. I’m more than certain that they are the ones who probably messed with the format in the first place. But I don’t know if this has affected other bloggers or not. But as usual, I have more than delayed the actual real point of this blog post.

Luzon is a green tribe and the tribe they put the brains contestants on. It would be interesting and amusing if one of the next dumbest moves on this show was caused by a member of this tribe. The contestants on it are Garrett, Spencer, Latasha (Tasha), Kassandra (Kass), David, and J’Tia. Since Kass started following me on twitter (twice, somehow, for some odd reason, that’s possibly one of many twitter glitches), I will now have to root for her to win this season of Survivor. If you are a contestant from this season, feel free to follow me as well and I’ll be sure to root for you to win if Kass is eliminated before you are. In all seriousness, I’m not sure who would be the best here yet. Latasha seems interesting with her religious beliefs that might not show up in the show, but probably will since they normally do. I think that she’ll probably be on the jury, but not a finalist. J’Tia is considered the most popular contestant already in some Survivor communities. I’m not sure that I’m impressed by her, so I’ll put her as a premerge boot. Garrett seems like a premerge boot to me since he doesn’t really seem to be aware of how the game works. David seems like one of those in your face players who is there to win and nothing else. There have been mixed results for players like that, so I’ll have him out before the merge. Kass is one of currently three contestants to follow me on twitter. The TV guide special that gives me most of the list doesn’t seem to give much intel on this player. But Jennifer Lyon made it far in the game even though she wasn’t seen as much. With nothing to go on, I’m still going to have to put her as a finalist. Spencer seems interesting, so I’ll put him on the jury.

Solana is a purple tribe and the tribe they put the beauty contestants on. This is the most likely tribe to become the next Matsing. The contestants on it are Jefra, Brice, Alexis, L J, Morgan, and Jeremiah. Morgan seems like she’s more cut out for other reality shows so I think that she’ll be a premerge boot. L J seems like he could make it far so I think that he’ll be a finalist. Jeremiah doesn’t seem that interesting to me. He reminds me of JT in a way. I think that he’ll be on the jury. Jefra seems like a jury member to me. Brice is a gay contestant. Normally those contestants turn into great characters which is probably the reason why they are cast (nothing to do with appeasing minorities, in this case). I’m not really sure what to make of him, but since gay contestants seem to make it far, I’ll put him as a jury member. Alexis seems like a premerge boot to me since she doesn’t seem to have the smarts to make it far.

Aparri is an orange tribe and the tribe they put the brawn contestants on. Since the strong players are strangely medically evacuated a lot of the time (Michael Skupin, Jonathan Penner, James Clement, Joe Dowdle, Russell Swan, and Shamar Thomas), I would put this as the most likely tribe to have a medically evacuated player this season. I was originally going to mention more about medically evacuated players, but I ended up doing that in an earlier blog post. The contestants on it are Trish, Yung (Woo), Sarah, Lindsey, Cliff, and Tony. Tony seems kind of cocky, but since a lot of cocky players made it far in the game, I’d put him as a jury member. Trish seems interesting, but probably not that much to make it as far and others would have. I predict that she’ll be a jury member. Sarah is another Christian. I’m not certain if she’s that good for the game, so I’ll put her on the jury. Cliff is a famous basketball player who is playing this season. There have been mixed results of celebrities on Survivor so I seem him as more of a premerge boot. Woo is an interesting person and reminds me of Yul. Yul won the game, so I’ll put him as a finalist. Lindsey seems sure of herself, so I’ll put her as a jury member. The jury could be strange this season, but with only seven people on the jury being unlikely in my mind, then I thought that this would be better.

So with my rankings listed there, I’m not really sure what else I can say about them. I don’t think that I’ll do whatever strange things I did the first time again, but who knows what will happen. You’ll see this list very soon on my blog. While it seems like I can no longer post it through Word the way that I used to, I still hope that this blog is pretty good and normal to the people who read this. It might get strange from here on out, but that shouldn’t matter since it’s still the same blog with just a different format to it. I hope that we all enjoy the upcoming Survivor season. I also made sure that the jury members and finalists were about right for the prediction that I put them at. There are three finalists predicted and eight jury members predicted. All the rest of them are premerge boot. There are other interesting twists this season, but I’ll talk about them more as they happen in my first blog post or later. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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