Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Episode 28.10

Well, as you might have guessed already, I have a Survivor dream to tell you about. This may have to do with me watching Pirate Master online. So this is really more of a crossover dream. As usual, it spewed different details of Survivor seasons in the past. Apparently, Stephanie wanted to get to the final two in Guatemala with Bobby Jon but wasn’t able to when Gary played his hidden immunity idol. But I think that the alliance was made up in the dream. But Bobby Jon was playing Pirate Master with Rafe. My mind thought into the dream when this would have happened since there was only one season of Pirate Master and neither of those people were in that. So, maybe it was a similar show to Pirate Master or the show was somehow revived. Bobby Jon developed a rivalry with a man on the show (Pirate Master) which describes what has happened every season of Survivor that he was on. I still think that a good all-stars season of Survivor would have returning players facing their rivals on the other tribe. I was trying to think of who would work, but I couldn’t find enough women. Rafe, who would make a great returning player but never has been offered to return (to my knowledge), was doing well in the game of Pirate Master, even though the dream didn’t say what ended up happening. I don’t know why Stephanie was in the dream, but I guess that was for (false) clarity’s sake and she wasn’t in Pirate Master (the dream version, of course).

You know, with Jeremy out of the game, that means that one of my predictions for a finalist is wrong. You see, based on one of three alphabetical orders that I use to determine the winner, his place among them is no longer there since he was voted out. This means that Tony is now a winner instead of Jeremy. Jefra and Woo both remain as winners. It would be clear who would win in a final three among them. But I don’t know who would be in the real final three. It could even be a final two, although I don’t think that it will appear again, for a while at least. Tony being the winner of this season would give me mixed feelings. I can’t tell if I’d be happy or disappointed if he won. I don’t know who I’d rather have win (probably Spencer). I am WAY behind on my friend’s podcast which usually has good information relating to this. They don’t do spoilers, but the predictions mentioned there are usually right. But I plan to get caught up over time. In fact, I would constantly go to their podcast sometimes and find nothing new there for me to listen to, so this might be unplanned retribution. Of course, I will listen to their podcast more when I have time. But since I’m so behind on everything I typically do in life, then it makes sense for me to not use it.

You know, sometimes the Survivor Live after Show at gives a lot of good insight into the show. But when I saw an interview with Jeremy, he said something that might be a spoiler. This could just be speculative here, but let’s see what exactly he said. SPOILER ALERT! According to Jeremy, he didn’t know that Tony had the special idol until he watched the episode where Tony got it. Now this could be something that was just misleading. But he does know more of what happens because he’s at the final tribal council as a jury member along with other people. So how could he not know that Tony has the idol? Is the idol never played throughout the game? The rules of the idol say that he COULD (potentially, but might not, I’m guessing) lose it if he tells people about it and he can’t give the idol to anyone else. So I’m a little confused here. The last time an idol of this power was in play was in Panama and Cook Islands. They were found by Yul and Terry. They both still have those idols. So maybe Tony’s idol is never used. But that doesn’t seem to make sense. Surely, he would need the idol, right? I don’t know how Jeremy would never have known about this sooner. So I’m a little puzzled by this, although I guess we’ll find out more information about this later. END SPOILER.

There are just seven players left in the game. Jefra is the only remaining player left of the original beauty tribe. After losing three members after the first four tribal councils, the other three members of the brains tribe are still here. And the brawn tribe has three members left. Now, I already told you about my dream to have a final three in Survivor’s future composed of members of each of the three starting tribes. I don’t think that will happen this season. I don’t know if that will ever happen. It would be nice, but unlikely. Kass, Tony, and Spencer still lead in the confessional count. Like many people, I’m hoping that Spencer pulls a come from behind win. I don’t know if I’d love or hate the idea of Tony winning the game. I can tell you that I would be impressed if that happens. But it better not be the editing they did with Samoa (what a shame he doesn’t win) that they give to what they think is the best player but obviously isn’t because they didn’t end up winning the game. Of course, some more liked players never actually won (depending on who liked them) and some winners that weren’t so popular. I don’t understand why people don’t like Jenna Moresca, but I would understand not liking certain winners. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Jefra finally gets her tenth confessional this season. People talk about Spencer playing the idol. The next day, they get money for the Survivor Auction. Tony is going to make sure that he gets an advantage at the immunity challenge.

In the second segment of the show, the Survivor Auction happens. Tons of people aren’t buying anything at the auction. They are waiting for something good to happen. “Woo is going to get woosy.” That’s funny, Kass. There were no letters from home and the advantage was bought by Tony for $500 while Spencer, while trying to bid for it, got a useless rock for the same price. Tony, despite winning the auction, was upset that he didn’t really get any food. So he might end up getting two different hidden immunity idols. He also might be concerned about Spencer’s BS as one normally is.

In the next segment of the show, there was a dead crab in a box which might be symbolic as it normally is during Survivor randomness. Also, the immunity challenge was won by Tasha. And Tony found a regular hidden immunity idol to go with the special idol.

In the next segment of the show, Tasha might be doing stuff to get people to either flip or at least look like they are flipping. Spencer is glad that his lying has paid off. There might be an all women alliance, but there really isn’t. Spencer is holding onto this possible lifeline. However, him looking for the hidden immunity idol may make Tony vote for Spencer instead of Jefra. Anyone is fair game. After the drama at tribal council, it looks like the person voted out was Jefra. So there are now no more beauties left in the game. It turns out that the men and Tasha are the ones who voted Jefra out of the game. This might be the first time that a group of men were able to outsmart a woman’s alliance. Oh, and on the next Survivor, Tony might finally get what’s coming to him. Or is it?

Total confessional counts: Woo- 12, Kass- 24, Tony- 42, Jefra- 10, Spencer- 29, Tasha- 16, Trish- 17. New confessionals this episode: Spencer- 5, Tasha- 3, Trish- 1, Woo- 1, Kass- 3, Tony- 7, Jefra- 1.

Obviously, the low confessional count at this point is a terrible thing to experience. It reminds me of Jenn Lyon from the tenth season. Let me quickly add the confessionals this episode to the total count. I’m still unable to add Survivor: Borneo to the list, but we’ve reached the point where the special would have actually been able to be rolled for. So it may be a while after the finale of the current season before I can finally start watching the first season. Plus, I need to get my mother to watch stuff on the tapes that’s for her. And, a special thing on the tape for me can finally be watched. I still don’t know whether or not to have seconds of my food. Oh, that’s right. I’m supposed to be talking about the confessional count. Tasha looks like she might make it far, but whether she could actually win is unknown. I predict that I have no idea what will happen although it seems like someone will. Is it Spencer pulling a come from behind win? Will Tony get what he deserves? What does he deserve? I’ve lost the point of this blog post. Tony is probably going to win. But does he make a better villain than Ciera? It’s hard to tell. I think that he’s better than Russell Hantz if he wins. He’s just a wannabe if he doesn’t win. I’ll figure out how to rearrange these names. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Episode 28.9

So, another recent Survivor dream of mine was an altercation to when two people quit in Survivor: Nicaragua. At the challenge, Jeff let them just quit and be gone from the game. I don’t know if they were still on the jury in the dream either. What actually happened was Jeff made a special tribal council for them after which they decided to quit anyways. In Nicaragua, there was a contestant who asked to be voted out and his wish was granted too. This was not aired, more than likely because of the two quitters that season. I think that I talked about this person before, but I said the wrong name. After listening to my source again, it turns out that Jimmy Johnson was the person who asked to be voted out. So ignore the name that I might have said before. Marty was the person who was shown as the reason why he was voted out, although it turns out that he wasn’t responsible. There are tons of times that they don’t air why someone is voted out. Brenda from the same season also was voted out for reasons that weren’t shown on camera. I consider this one to be notable because Jeff Probst asked her at the reunion what happened that caused her elimination and she pointed out something that never actually aired. I’m not sure why I’m bringing this up.

Another medical evacuation might happen in this episode. I really hope that it doesn’t. I mean, Woo would have caused his own evacuation. Now, could it be said that any of the other people caused their own evacuation? I don’t think that they have, although it is possible. Maybe Michael Skupin shouldn’t have been tending to the fire. But I don’t think that was his fault. I don’t think that Bruce could have controlled his constipation. It may have been Gary’s choice to leave, but it wasn’t his fault that he had allergies. Jonathan’s knee injury had more to do with a challenge than anything else. I’m pretty sure that James can’t be blamed for his finger injury. Joe’s knee injury wasn’t his fault, that I can remember at least. Mike Borassi was the victim of a bad challenge. Russell Swan just had one bad event and he was gone. It might have been Kourtney’s fault that she was pulled straight out of the challenge, but that also had more to do with a faulty design of the challenge than anything else. Colton might have been responsible for his medical evacuation, but I think that he probably wasn’t. While Dana chose to leave in her season, it wasn’t her fault that she had the condition that got her quitevacuated. Shamar, who they didn’t show the real reason why he was medically evacuated (go to to look up his interview which explains what really happened with him that season), might have injured himself doing work around camp, but he might not have had to go had production treated his condition better. Erik was definitely not responsible for his evacuation because he’d have to be a fool to screw up at the final five twice.

Now we have yet to see what will happen to Woo. If he is evacuated, this would be the first time that they showed the person who would be pulled (to my knowledge, at least) in the promo for the episode. I hope that he’s okay. Well, he’s probably okay now. I wonder if he’d be fit to serve on the jury. I’ve always wondered that since Jeff Probst first suggested in Survivor: Panama that a medically evacuated player might not be fit enough to serve on the jury. Now, this might have actually happened in Tocantins. But what might be more likely to happen is that the jury might skip tribal councils like Paschal did in Marquesas. And he wasn’t even medically evacuated, but he might have been if he hadn’t been rocked out of the game. But now we get to my list. Here is the current set of groups of medically evacuated players of how they should return to the game should nobody be medically evacuated in this episode. I’ll amend it if these players either return to the game or more are pulled from the game. I won’t include people who have played since they were medically evacuated. So James, Russell Swan, Jonathan, Michael Skupin, and Colton will not be included on this list. And Dana will be included along with Gary. List one: Erik, Joe, and Bruce. List two: Shamar, Gary, and Dana. List three: Kourtney and Mike Borrassi. I will alter all the lists should anything change. I hope that nothing does, although I would find it strange for them to air the exact person getting pulled from the game. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, the tribe gets back from tribal council is what tends to happen at the beginning of every episode that isn’t the first one. Spencer wants to make a move against Tony at some point. He thinks that a good point would be now. I wonder if the special idol is found if it could result in other votes normally not read having to be read. But I don’t know if the special idol would do anything or if it would just be used as a bargaining thingy. Trish and Jefra are talking while Tony is secretly listening to them doing this. Obviously, they are talking about him and it looks like there might finally be a reason to get rid of Jefra and give someone else the lowest confessional count.

In the second segment of the show, we get to the reward challenge immediately. What? This seems unusually soon to me. This normally doesn’t happen, does it? Kass, Trish, Tony, and Woo are the orange group. Jefra, Jeremiah, Spencer, and Tasha are the purple group. Tony did something stupid at the challenge for some odd reason. The purple team wins the challenge and goes on reward. Tony is worried about what might happen. Will this be the point in which Woo goes through his crazy things? I mean, he was on the losing team after all.

In the third segment of the show, the losing team gets back from the reward and Tony is worried that his alliance is falling apart. This is the point where we get to what happens with Woo. He seems to be okay since he is giving a confessional about it and doesn’t seem to be taken from the game. He might have broken something, but we don’t know about that. Here’s where we get to the winning team from the reward. Is it just me or do we normally get the winning people first before we get to the losing people? Why the switch in order? Jefra and the other players get emotional when there are letters from home revealed at the reward and then they make a final four deal. But I still don’t know if this is typical mumbo jumbo when it comes to post merge reward challenges or if something real is about to happen. Plus, don’t one of the groups need a fifth member not from their group to help them with their plans in order for them to work?

In the fourth segment of the show, the immunity challenge is happening. The challenge has a ball on a platform. The hands go down and the contestants move to smaller platforms throughout the challenge. I’m starting to wonder why so many of the individual immunity challenges have the contestants just standing around not really doing anything except the challenge at hand. Now I will move upstairs at the moment to make myself a supper of chicken and dumplings. Wish me luck (although you’d be doing this after my problem). Tasha wins immunity.

In the fifth segment of the show, a lot of stuff happened while I was working on my supper. Tony found the special idol and liked to give the cameramen their exercise. Spencer decided to tell people about his regular hidden immunity idol and doesn’t want to use it wrong. Although, you do have to wonder why they’d point out that he might use it wrong. That’s when tribal council happened. People think that Tony is playing the best game should he make it to the end. If he wins, I’d give him the title: better Russell Hantz. If he doesn’t win, then he’s just a Russell wantabe. Is that even a word? Well, it doesn’t really matter that much. For once, Tony really does have something in his bag of tricks. Something interesting is going to go down in the vote and Tony doesn’t even have to play his idol before they are read. Spencer imitates Woo in his voting confessional. Spencer decides to play his hidden immunity idol on himself. Tony thinks that Jeremiah is really named Jeremy. Who’s Jeremy? Did Tony just say that his idol was fake? Does he have a fake one and a real one? As true to the edit, Spencer did the wrong thing with his idol and Jeremy is voted out. I guess that’s his new name now. Sorry Spencer for wasting your idol. Sorry Jeremy for the impromptu name change of yourself. But I’m going to call you by the wrong name for a while. If that happened to Barney Stinson, it can happen to anyone. At least Jeremy is much better than Swarley.

On the next Survivor, an auction happened and Spencer still tries to outsmart everyone in the game. Not really sure what else I can say about the future for now. I’m glad that nobody was medically evacuated because that’s never a good thing. I’m wondering what to watch next and that depends on if SVU is a rerun (which I think it is). Also, the holy week primetime schedule was a bit different than I said that it would be. I didn’t record as much as I thought that I would. But, I should get more to the point of this blog post at hand.

Total confessional counts: Kass- 21, Tony- 35, Jeremiah- 10, Jefra- 9, Spencer- 24, Tasha- 13, Trish- 16, Woo- 11. New confessionals this episode: Trish- 2, Woo- 2, Kass- 1, Tony- 4, Jeremiah- 1, Jefra- 2, Spencer- 3, Tasha- 2.

What do I make of the confessional counts? Jefra is now the only one to still be in the game and have less than ten confessionals. And my supper is getting cold because I still haven’t even been able to start eating yet, even though the food is right there, ready to be eaten. Well, before I wrote this next sentence, a lot of eating was done while I was working on the confessional count order for the next episode. Without Redemption Island, this order will be messed up a lot. There is no way that I can think of to rearrange these names in different ways. Notice how they have always appeared in the same order, even though a different name usually starts the order. I’ll figure it out. Plus, I can always return to wikia now that Lent is over and I can start going to those sites I gave up again. Well, I think that, for the moment at least, I have run out of intelligent things to say. For now, this is Adam Decker signing off.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Episode 28.8

What a season this has been so far. I still don’t know where I’d rank it in terms of seasons. Number 1 is the best and the total number of seasons is the worst. Now, a lot can still fall apart post merge. Typically, in both good and bad seasons, the post merge can change a lot of the game. It can finally bring real game play in a bad season. It can be real predictable what would happen in a good season. And suddenly, the season is neither good if it was good nor bad if it was bad. But I haven’t done a check through of all the seasons to know for sure. I did have a dream that I was watching Survivor: Samoa again. Apparently, it had been released to DVD and I bought it. (This makes me wonder if one of the contestants from the season had died. If any of them did, the dream didn’t say. I might have had it for other reasons because I’ve never dreamed that a contestant from that particular season died. This wasn’t my first dream regarding that particular Survivor season.) Now, since it was just a dream, various details about the season that I can’t remember were wrong. While I don’t downright hate the season (it does have interesting moments in it), I can understand why many people don’t like it. But I’ll reveal my rating of it later. Or, I might never real where it is on my list of best to worst seasons.

So this is Holy Week remembering the week when Jesus was in Jerusalem before he died. And while I don’t mind new shows on Mondays through Wednesdays during Holy Week, because there are nighttime church services on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, I’m unable to watch new shows that air during that time. For some odd reason, there always seems to be new shows on both of those days. I also wonder why other networks air new shows when the Golden Globes are on, but that’s beside the point. There are even three shows airing their season finales on Thursday and they aren’t guaranteed to even have future season since the networks like to trick us by airing the series finale of a show as a simple season finale of a show. I don’t know why every network does this since it seems to trick people. But, unless I record different shows, I will miss the great Thursday shows of The Big Bang Theory, Community, The Millers, Parks and Recreation, Grey’s Anatomy, Hollywood Game Night, The Crazy Ones, Parenthood, and Elementary. I’m thinking that I will record some of them. Here’s what I’d do: three hours of NBC on VHS and one hour of CBS on my laptop. Sometimes, I watch Two and a Half Men, but I typically don’t tune into that. Parenthood, The Crazy Ones, and Community are the three shows potentially airing their last episode on that day. None of them have been renewed (to my knowledge) and most of them don’t have that good ratings. Look up information on if you don’t believe me. While they could cheat death (again, if one is not the Crazy Ones which hasn’t been able to cheat death before), don’t be surprised if you never see them again after these episodes. I’m having problems with the number of VHSs to watch because there is a lot for me to get caught up on. In fact, I have to ignore the other TV shows on my random die roll list just so I can get caught up on these old shows. This is bad because there are rare times when what it on the tape isn’t something for me. And, without me able to watch other TV shows on DVD, I can’t finishing watching one, remove it from the list, and replace it with Survivor: Borneo. So, maybe I’ll get my wish of not being able to watch that season until the summer happens.

It should be a good thing to finally start watching Survivor when it originally airs instead of when I can watch the tape of it later. This is very good for me and readers of this blog to not be delayed at all. And I can probably figure out the VHS problem by using the smart mind that I have. Of course, there are a lot of great shows on Friday that I like to watch and could miss if any of them are new this week. There’s Last Man Standing, Unforgettable, Whose Line is it Anyways?, Grimm, Hawaii Five-O, Hart of Dixie, Shark Tank (normally I ignore this one since I can’t see four things at once and it isn’t something that you’d have to watch all the time), and Blue Bloods. There are also times I watch 20/20, although I don’t do it that much. Of course, that is more likely to happen then me turning into Dateline, which is also a good show, but also not always worth watching. I’d probably record three hours worth of CBS on VHS while recording an hour of the CW on my laptop. I record stuff on my laptop using a TV tuner.

You know, watching all of these old VHS tapes can give you a piece of the past that you normally don’t have. I got to see an old episode of Survivor: Amazon. It can be really strange watching just a random episode of an old season that doesn’t make a lot of sense. But I always watch through old Survivor episodes on VHS tapes because I’m such a big fan of them. I don’t even have to know what’s happening that season anyways. Besides, I’ll probably get caught up with a lot of old seasons in the future when my grim reason for getting them on DVD is met. I do have to wonder who would be the next contestant to die. And I do wonder who supposedly died in this Survivor: Samoa dream of mine which I told you about earlier. So, if this isn’t too upsetting to people, I will try to guess which contestant from Samoa could be the next one to die.

Of all the contestants from Samoa who might pass next, I wonder if I can figure out which one would be the most likely of the twenty players from that season. I’ll start with members of the Foa Foa tribe. Ashley isn’t someone I remember so I’ll say that she isn’t likely to be next. Ben was the only man voted out premerge that season due to his probable racist tendencies. I don’t know if that would make him more likely to die or not, so I’ll say that he’s more of a toss-up. Betsy was voted out after her tribe lost an immunity challenge, even though they just lost a different member to a medical evacuation. I’d say that she’d probably not likely to die next. Elizabeth is another person that I’m not sure if I remember so I’ll say that it’s unlikely for her to pass any time soon. Jaison was the only member of this tribe to make the merge and be on the jury. I’m not really sure why he would die, so I’d say that he won’t.

Continuing the list, Marisa was the first boot of the season and another person I don’t remember that much. So I say that she’s safe from dying at the moment. Mick was the poor leader of the tribe who didn’t do that well in any part of the game. So him dying is more of a toss-up. Mike was pretty old and was medically evacuated from this season. So he might be more likely to die than others. Natalie was the winner of the season and although people didn’t like her win, I’d say it’s a toss-up between what happens in the terms of who could be the next to die. Russell Hantz is the only member of that tribe left. I feel that I do not have to talk about him as most people already know who he is. Since he rubs some people the wrong way, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that he could be next. That would mean that I would get to watch the great seasons of Redemption Island and Heroes versus Villains as well, if he was next. Like many a great villain, he failed doing great at the game when he returned the last time.

This leads into the members of Galu. Brett would be very unlikely to die in my mind, but that’s mostly because I want to see him play the game again. He went on an immunity streak at the end and almost made the end of the game, but fell one challenge short of doing so. Dave was a pretty strange contestant, so it might be more of a toss-up with what will happen. Erik had a hidden immunity idol, didn’t play it, and got voted out with it in his possession. He then gave a memorable jury speech that might have helped Natalie win the game. I don’t see why he would die next. John was one of two people who flipped on his old tribe. I see him as a toss-up. Kelly lost the game because of a hidden immunity idol being played by someone else. I see it as unlikely for her to die any time soon.

Continuing the list, Laura lost the game to a tie vote and played with her lovable villainy daughter in Blood versus Water. (At the moment, Ciera is my choice for Survivor’s best villain. She’s a lovable villain too, unlike most of the others.) Her time as a Redemption Island queen was awesome, although she lost to a stupid challenge that shouldn’t even be in the game in the first place. I don’t see her as dying any time soon. Monica was another random player that I don’t remember from this season. I don’t think that anything as bad as death would happen to her in the near future. Russell Swan was the first leader of the Galu tribe until he was medically evacuated from the game. He also played Philippines where he was the first returning player voted out. Since he did get depression after he played again, I’d have to put him as more likely to pass away next. I hope that he doesn’t die, like every contestant of Survivor, not just from this season. Shambo was the second leader of the Galu tribe and was poorly treated by them. That’s why she flipped on them and became a more annoying contestant this season than Russell Hantz was (that season, at least). I’d say that it’s a toss-up with when she dies. Yasmin is the last contestant left. She was the only contestant of Galu voted out before the merge. I don’t think that she will die any time soon. Sorry for the rather strange topic to bring up in this blog of mine. I’m done with it for now.

So I’ll keep you updated on my list of quirks. Although, I really should just start a new blog about my OCD tendencies and various habits that I do regarding it. I’ll let you know when Survivor: Borneo is finally added to the random die roll list and I start watching it on a regular basis. Well, it will be regular if I roll the right number. And you will see me blog about each episode in a different post each episode to be posted on Sundays. But it’s good to be back live, even though I won’t be on twitter for a while. Plus, I’m into a new show call the 100 (although I haven’t seen a full episode or know if I’d like to watch on a regular basis) on Wednesdays and it would be best to not be online at all when the show starts so I can record it since I’m watching SVU. So it would be best for twitter not to interfere with when I could record that show, meaning I might not be on for the rest of the season. I heard that the Survivor finale is on a Wednesday, which is strange since it is normally on a Sunday. When was the last time they didn’t air a finale of Survivor on a Sunday? I know that Thailand’s was aired on a Thursday, but I can’t think of any other season finales that aired on a day that wasn’t Sunday (although I don’t know when the Borneo finale aired). And I won’t want to be online if the SVU finale is at the same time. Why must so many great shows be on at the same time? But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Solarrion got back from tribal council. Tony explained why Morgan got voted out and was upset that people voted against him. He does realize that someone else always has to get a second vote at tribal council, right? I’m getting vibes of crazy Lex from Africa whose paranoia ran rampart when just two people voted against him (and they were both throwaway votes too). Tony’s alliance now has enough numbers to split the vote. It’s a great idea, actually, even though it can get boring from overuse. Tony is either trying to get L J or Woo out of the game (I can’t tell which). Meanwhile, I need to figure out what great thing I should have for supper that I can make without missing any of the show. So I may have to record commercials or I may have to wait a long time before I can eat. I probably won’t wait that long. Who knows? We’ll see what happens and if I can finish these thoughts before it comes back from commercial. Guess what? I can’t.

In the second segment of the show, the reward challenge happened. They will be put into three teams of three which makes perfect sense and is what they normally do at the final nine. Jefra, Trish, and L J are the orange team. Jeremiah, Spencer, and Tony are the green team. Tasha, Woo, and Kass are the purple team. The challenge is new (I think), but I have no idea what really is and isn’t considering the sheer number of challenges that have happened on the game thus far. The green team won the challenge so Tony gets his wish of spending time with the winning team and form deals with them. So, you’ll have to wonder if this is one of the many faux alliances formed after winning the reward challenge or if Tony will get people to help vote out L J. I’m getting tired of Tony and hope that he doesn’t win, even though it’s looking very likely that he will. But, I don’t know any spoilers about this season and I’m glad about that too. So now I need to roll for what I’ll have for supper. I’ll be having chicken nuggets for supper. The show started again before I could make that.

In the third segment of the show, the two losing teams get back from the challenge. As usual (or maybe even always), the strategizing begins immediately. I’m not sure what the gather from what happened. We get to see more of Spencer and what he thinks. We continue to see Tony be full of himself and really egotistical. For better or worse, we may have found the next Russell Hantz. It would be interesting to see Tony win, since you’d think the other players would know better than to let him do that. Who would he bring to the final three with him to ensure that would happen? Plus, would his win remind people of when Richard won the first season? I don’t know since I still haven’t seen that. But I will.

In the fourth segment of the show, I missed something since I was hastily trying to make supper for myself. But the nuggets are in the microwave, ready to be heated up. I might have missed some confessionals. Tasha wanted to talk strategy with L J, but L J was rightfully worried about setting Tony off. This challenge, which could easily be a Redemption Island duel, seems very similar to another challenge that they’ve done. It’s a memory challenge. The first part is yellow, blue, red, and green. Trish was the first out of the challenge. Maybe this wouldn’t be a good duel. The second part is red, green, purple, black, blue, green, and blue. Woo is also out of the challenge before the second part. “Something you could do in grade school,” is what this challenge basically is. A lot of people got the question wrong at once. Tasha won the challenge by getting the last color right. Now I have to get supper ready so I can eat it. L J thinks that the split vote will be between Spencer and Jeremiah. Will there even be a split vote?

In the fifth segment of the show, Tasha was glad that she won the challenge and I’m wondering why the commercial is so brief. I need to eat food! I guess that I’ll eat things in a different order and miss part of the show, maybe. An apple is messy food anyways so I probably shouldn’t eat that. But a lot of drama is unfolding at camp and lots more could wind up happening at tribal council. Spencer wants to vote out L J since there isn’t a better plan for him. Tony continues to make waves in the game. He hasn’t even won an immunity challenge, but probably could and will before too long. Trish likes to point out that she’s gullible, but not stupid. Did you know that gullible isn’t in the dictionary? So we get to the tribal council and everyone has a confessional so anyone could get voted out. Tony says that he has a bag of tricks. Unless they didn’t show us him finding the special idol, he probably has nothing up his shelve but trying to get people to believe he has an idol so they don’t vote for him. Woo, one of the people talked about being vote out tonight, is one of the people who thinks that he’s safe. I sense a blindside tonight, but not necessarily of him. There was a vote for Spencer, but he was wise not to play his idol. L J was voted out tonight.

On the next Survivor, Tony is still doing whatever he can to stay ahead of the game and Woo might do something stupid that gets him injured. Please, Woo, don’t get medically evacuated over something this stupid. I don’t know if he will or not, but I hope that he doesn’t. I never want to see someone get medically evacuated, although it could help with the groups I do of people that are.

Total confessional counts: Tony- 31, Jeremiah- 9, Jefra- 7, Spencer- 21, Tasha- 11, Trish- 14, Woo- 9, L J- 14, Kass- 20. New confessionals this episode: Kass- 1, Tony- 7, Jeremiah- 1, Jefra- 1, Spencer- 2, Tasha- 2, Trish- 3, Woo- 2, L J- 3.

So I’m still not sure what to make of the confessional count. Since we keep losing members every episode, I’m going to have to merge the names at some point by putting both confessionals in the same paragraph. Since L J was the one voted out, I don’t have to worry about crazy rules that I have regarding how the names are rearranged in the same order, but with a different one leading it. The line split is typically how I know where to start the next order of names. Now I’m not sure if you can tell what I’m talking about or not. It probably doesn’t matter if you do or don’t. Plus, I can always change the way I do things should need be. I’ve already messed with the rules once. Jefra continues to be the bottom of the barrel and Woo and Jeremiah are the only ones left with her to have less than ten. Woo getting medically evacuated might explain his edit of why we’ve been seeing him so little. That doesn’t explain the others that much. Oh, and from now on, the confessional counts will come in one group instead of two. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Episode 28.7

You know, since I like to talk about Survivor dreams, I might as well tell you about another one that I had. You see, it had the supposed cast of an upcoming season that had returning players. I was annoyed because original players from Guatemala still haven’t returned to play the game again since this list didn’t have players from it (although it might have). But the dream not only mentioned various players that never existed on a particular season, it also made up whole seasons in which returning players were coming from. Now I still don’t know why none of the sixteen original players from Guatemala have never played the game again. Why hate on that season? Sure, Caramoan has no returning players, yet, but you do think that since it was recent enough that it wouldn’t matter since they obviously would want some of these players at some point. That’s also why we can’t count this season or the last season as not having returning players since they were too recent to have one. But I don’t understand how someone from the original season can play again for the first time after a long absence and Guatemala is treated like crap. Why is Guatemala considered the black sheep of the Survivor community and lacks a single returning player originally from that season? I know it wasn’t the only season considered to be bad, but tons of worse seasons actually have returning players or, at least, one returning player. But poor Guatemala doesn’t have any for whatever dumb reason it might be.

I have some good news. This will probably be my last blog post on delay for a while. During Holy Week, my church doesn’t have a Wednesday Lenten service. I don’t know if other churches do or not. So I will be able to watch it live and blog about it at the same time. I’m still giving up twitter for Lent (it’s weird that I’m getting new followers and other sorts of tweets from people when I’m not really doing anything right now) and the other things I’ve given up are going well too (is it cheating if I’ve given up Wikipedia for Lent and I visited I don’t think that it is) so you won’t see me on twitter for a Survivor episode again until after Easter (next week at the very soonest). I think that I will complain in my blog post next week about the shows that always seem to air when good Christians are at church. I’m tired of missing new episodes and yet they still keep airing them at times that I can’t watch it. But I will like being able to post this on Wednesdays where it belongs.

So it can be hard at this point in the game to predict who will win. Based on alphabetical order, it is Woo, Jeremiah, or Jefra. Based on high confessional counts, it is Tony, Kass, or Spencer. I would love to see a final three this season of people who started on the three different tribes where each tribe has a finalist. This normally can’t happen because there are normally only two starting tribes. This could have happened in Cook Islands if Sundra had won the final four tie-breaker instead of Becky. I don’t think that it could have happened in Philippines, although it is nice wondering what Kalabaw member would have been a finalist if they made it. You can’t count Denise as a Kalabaw member since she was originally part of Matsing. So it would be nice to see if, but understandable if it doesn’t happen. I mean, who would we even want to represent each tribe in the final three? Will there be a surprise final two? Will there be an even bigger surprise because we’ll see four finalists at one final tribal council? Will there be a tie for the win? How would they resolve it? Why do I keep asking so many questions in my blog? I like asking questions, that’s why. Like I said, it would be hard to guess who wins yet, but I hope that it’s a good person. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Spencer was mad that Jefra didn’t go home. Kass and Morgan then had a bit of a fight. Is it just me or are this season’s contestants the happiest fighters ever? I’ve never liked people who are smiling and happy when they fight with me. Well, it could be a fight, argument, or just a heated discussion. But I’ve always found that to be condescending. I don’t know if that’s what they think they’re doing, but I don’t like it.

In the second segment of the show, the reward challenge happened. While not the same Survivor challenge as always, it is typically the same sort of challenge that we always see on the show. The challenge was mostly neck in neck until the end. L J, Spencer, Jeremiah, Morgan, and Jefra were the winning team. I wonder if typical these alliances might happen to the winning team and the losing team but probably won’t because stuff like this typically never happens on the show even though they always fake themselves out by saying that sort of thing when we all know that it probably won’t happen, but they feel the need to show us for some odd reason. Did I just turn into Nathanial Hawthorne? I probably did since I just wrote a random, meaningless sentence that rambled on and on without a point and only succeeded in being very long and such a bore. If you’ve read the Scarlet Letter (my condolences if you did), then you know exactly what I’m talking about.

In the third segment of the show, we saw the losing part of the tribe get back to camp. I wonder if this is the part of the tribe that will do a mad search for the new hidden immunity idol. Tony is the one who starts looking first. That’s when we got to the winning part of the tribe. Spencer found the clue to a hidden immunity idol. But which one? Did he get a regular one or the new (old) special one? Whatever he got, the mad search for the idol began. Woo realizes that Spencer is probably looking for the hidden immunity idol. I mean, it is kind of obvious what is happening. Woo managed to find the clue to the hidden immunity idol, but I think that Spencer found out about it quickly. This might be the first time that a clue was left behind and taken by another player. Is the clue stolen? I don’t think that it is. I mean, Woo wasn’t punished and it was left in the final edit. So I do wonder if hidden immunity idol clues are not considered personal items that can’t be stolen even though the idols themselves are considered things as such.

In the fourth segment of the show, Woo gives the idol clue to L J and now everyone is in the mad hunt for the idol. Meanwhile, I seem to get distracted a lot from breakfast during the commercials and am never able to finish the breakfast. Did Tasha get a sort of but not real confessional? Does such a term exist? I don’t think that I’ve ever seen a whole tribe looking for the same one idol at once. I could be wrong about that, but that’s how it seems. Spencer has found the hidden immunity idol. It is a normal idol and not the special one. Nobody knows that he has the idol at the moment. We then get to the immunity challenge and it seems like a different take on the endurance challenge. This better not become the same type of challenges that we see over and over again for the rest of the season. The players fall out of the challenge one by one. I wonder why we aren’t seeing that many players in this episode, or normally for that matter. Do Jeremiah and Morgan still have a showmance? Why have half of the players not gotten a confessional this episode? Maybe that will change shortly. It seems interesting and possibly ironic that the two last remaining members are from the brains tribe considering how bad they were doing early into the game. But I’d actually love to see a brain member win and Spencer might be who I should be rooting for. As usual, as if some unspoken rule of Survivor has happened, the person who found the hidden immunity idol is the one who won the immunity challenge. That happens a lot, doesn’t it?

In the fifth segment of the show, the people wondered who they should vote out. The choice was between Morgan and Tasha. The other people wanted to vote out Tony when they figured that Kass might be a bad option to be voted out. Kass might be flipping yet again. Contrary to popular belief, there are some people who have flipped and gone on to win the game. But, typically it doesn’t work that well. Coach’s constantly flipping in South Pacific may have cost him the game. Now I have no idea who will get voted out since half of the people don’t have confessionals, but it is always possible that someone without a confessional gets voted out instead. Will king Tony finally get dethroned? Morgan wants to be a goat who makes it to the end. I do have to wonder if that strategy would ever work. I mean, I can understand being someone who wants to take the goat to the end. But being the goat instead of the person who takes the goat there doesn’t seem like that good an idea to me. That makes you wonder how they would suddenly convince people that they are not a goat when they do make the final tribal council and how they would end up winning the game from there. It doesn’t sound like a good strategy to someone who wants to win. If you want to be runner-up, then it’s the perfect strategy. So the vote started to happen next. The choice seems to be between Morgan and Tony. Morgan got voted out of the game. It turns out that it was someone with a confessional this episode.

On the next episode of Survivor, Tony and Woo might have some sort of fight. As usual, the preview was vague. In fact, I have now given Survivor promos this song parody, “you are so vague, you probably know this song is about you, you’re so vague, you probably know this song is about you, don’t you, don’t you.” Sorry about that.

Total confessional counts: Jefra- 6, Spencer- 19, Tasha- 9, Trish- 11, Woo- 7, L J- 11, Morgan- 10, Kass- 19, Tony- 24, Jeremiah- 8.

New confessionals this episode: Jeremiah- 0, Jefra- 0, Spencer- 5, Tasha- 0, Trish- 0, Woo- 1, L J- 0, Morgan- 2, Kass- 4, Tony- 4.

So, I’m still not sure what exactly to make of the confessional count and I don’t know if I’m doing it right or not. I sure hope that I’m doing it right, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I was wrong in some way. I haven’t always kept track of who gets confessionals in previous season, but it just seems weird to me that half of the players don’t get any confessionals. I guess that we’ll see them some when they get voted out. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Episode 28.6

So the last episode of Survivor brought us a strange event: Lindsey quitting. I don’t fully understand why she quit, although I’m hoping that I can find out in some way. I guess that she just simply had enough of the game. But there are strange events in both Survivor and real life that one is not sure if they will ever truly know what happened. This leads into a dream of mine. This dream was pretty much me wondering about an unexplained event in Survivor history. I’m not entirely sure that the rumor I heard about it is true or not. So be warned that this might be another example of something that never really happened that I might be bringing up as if it did. And I can’t tell you the source of this information because I myself don’t know where it came from. I just know that my brother either heard it from someone or heard it from a friend who heard it from someone. It has to do with something on the show. It happened during Survivor: Amazon. There was a fire that burned down the camp near the end of the game. It is widely believed that one of the five contestants who was still in the game at the time had accidently caused the fire. I forget who was blamed. But, apparently, this person who worked for Survivor at some point knew the real cause of the fire. It wasn’t that person who it was blamed for. But he said that he couldn’t reveal the true cause of the fire until six months after the series finale of Survivor aired. This seems very weird in my mind. What could have happened that caused a fire at camp that they can’t reveal to the general public about? And how was this person even able to tell that the contestant in question didn’t actually do this, even though he couldn’t say what else might have happened?

This weird event is very hard to explain. I’m not even sure if the information about it is right or not. It could have merely been the contestant’s fault as it seems to be. But then we get into questions from real life. Perhaps you’ve seen on the news about a missing airplane: flight 370. We still don’t know what exactly has happened to the plane and the people on board, although it is widely believed by some people that everyone on board it was dead. The thousands of people looking for the plane that had less than three hundred people in it remind me of the parable of the lost sheep as reported in the bible. If you have one two, you can look it up at Matthew 18:12-14 or Luke 15:3-7. It basically says that even if many people are found as part of the faith, there is still joy when a sinner turns from their ways by repenting and turning to faith in the Lord. The Gospel of Luke continues with another parable of a coin in Luke 15:8-10. I’m still trying to accomplish a life goal by reading the entire bible. But if you haven’t read any of the bible, one of those two Gospels (Matthew or Luke) would be a good place to start (although Mark and John, the other Gospels, are good ones to read as well). I won’t elaborate anymore about the bible at the moment since this is not a religious blog, although as usual, I will mention that I’d be perfectly okay with doing one if someone wanted me to. If not, then I’ll just bring it randomly as I usually do.

You might be wondering why I’m bringing up the missing Malaysian flight. This all has to do with something that I brought up at an early blog post. SPOILER ALERT! The location that I heard as a possible one for seasons 29 and 30 was in Malaysia. I’m not entirely sure that this will wind up happening. For one, I read this location on Survivor sucks forum and it’s hard to find much accurate information there about future Survivor seasons unless they are final three and winner spoilers. In fact, I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of an accurate location spoiler except for at Wikia, which is, strangely enough, a non-spoiler site. Another doubt I have about this being the location is that you wouldn’t think that they’d return there until the very end of Survivor. They still could return there and do other seasons of Survivor afterwards. Or, quite possibly, they have plans to end Survivor in the near future. I don’t think that it’s doing bad in the ratings, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t end for whatever reason. Another reason why they might not return to Malaysia at the moment is, of course, the missing flight. While I don’t remember something like this happening before, where an airplane goes missing with no trace as to what happened to it, that doesn’t mean that it has never happened before. But I’d completely understand if CBS decided to go to a different location that didn’t have problems with an airplane disappearing from the sky. So they might appear in Malaysia next season and they might not. I’ll let you know if I hear information about other potential locations for the next season. END SPOILER.

Now I need to get to more talking about this season. I’m starting to wonder why it seems that tribe swaps never seem to last that long before the merge comes. Then I decided to look back at how long tribe swaps have lasted in the past. The first tribe swap in Africa, actually only lasted for two episodes. The Marquesas tribe swap lasted for three episodes. The Amazon tribe swap lasted for two episodes. The All-Stars tribe swap only lasted for exactly one episode. If you count the tribe dissolve from earlier that season, that lasted for four episodes before the real tribe swap took place. There were three episodes after the tribe swap in Vanuatu. There were four episodes after the tribe swap in Guatemala. If you count Panama as having a tribe swap, it lasted for five episodes. There were also five episodes after the tribe swap in Cook Islands. The mutiny from the season gave us two more episodes before the merge came along. There were three episodes after the tribe swap in Fiji. There were two episodes after the tribe swap in China. There were four episodes after the tribe swap in Micronesia. There were four episodes after the tribe swap in Gabon. That was followed by another tribe swap that lasted for just one episode. In Nicaragua, there were three episodes after the tribe swap. In One World, there were two episodes after the tribe swap. While Philippines didn’t have a real tribe swap, only two episodes passed after Matsing was dissolved. There were two episodes after the tribe swap in Caramoan. While not considered a real tribe swap, when Rupert switched with his wife lasted season, it lasted a total of five episodes before a real one did happen. Then, the standard two episodes passed before the merge happened. And this season had just two episodes before the merge. So I shouldn’t be bummed out that tribe swaps don’t last that long a time when they never really do in the first place.

You know what I’m not bummed out about? There are many limitations I have of things to watch when I put it on a list and can only watch certain things depending on which number on a die is rolled. I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this before or not. I probably have in a different blog post in the past or, quite possibly, future. Anyways, some of the things that had annoyed me about the random rolling has now been fixed. It has taken a long time, but I finally finished watching all the Christmas specials and movies that I like to watch during that time of the year. I took a vacation out of the country during that time (you may have noticed a lack of blog posts at that time, which is understandable as the busiest time of the year is typically that time). And, as you might have guessed, a lot of Christmas specials and movies that I like to watch weren’t able to be watched. So using an overrun rule I established, I put it in the list of other movies that I watch until I have finished with Christmas. This messes up the list since certain movies have to be excluded from the list, normally the most recently added to the list. And it is especially hard with the specials since they can only be added to the list should a TV show on DVD be taken off of the list. But I was finally able to finish watching everything on the list and shouldn’t have the problem again unless I am overrun again at the end of this year. We’ll have to wait and see. So the moment that a TV show on DVD is taken off of the list, I will be able to start watching Survivor: Borneo on a regular basis. You should have seen me post some information about that already.

They have advertised a great tribal council in this episode. My mother, who already saw the episode before I did, also says that it’s a great tribal council. I don’t know if it really is or if just the advertisers being themselves and saying that everything is great. I hope that it is. I’ll let you know if there is a first in there or not. And while I was watching things on my laptop I found out more information about Lindsey’s quit on the Survivor Live after Show. I learned the information from Lindsey herself. Although she seemed very nice and well-minded when she fighting with Trish, she thought that she was about to physically fight her. This would have probably gotten Lindsey expelled, ejected, disqualified, or whatever term they would use for forcibly removing a contestant from the game for breaking the rules. This hasn’t happened yet in the US version of the show (although it has in some international versions, quite possibly even the Swedish version, which existed before the US or any other one did) and I hope it never does. I think that if it did, then they wouldn’t be able to stop themselves from doing something that they would regret beforehand. Or, like it is rumored with Willie from Big Brother, they may want to get expelled to avoid whatever potential doom they feel lurks in their future. So she might have made the best move by quitting the game instead so she wouldn’t get herself in a bad situation by staying in the game and fighting Trish with more than just words.

Lindsey may have done weird things in the game, but this wasn’t the first time that a person’s reason for quitting wasn’t really aired in the game. Did they show Osten Taylor’s staph infections in Survivor: Pearl Islands? No, they didn’t. For some odd reason, they don’t show everything that they should all the time. And Lindsey was what I consider to be the happiest quitter that we’ve seen. So I figure that I might as well get into the emotions of every quitter thus far in the show’s history. Osten seemed like a frustrated quitter. Jenna Moresca was a sad quitter. Sue was an angry quitter. Janu was a smart, but mostly irritated, quitter. Melissa was a relieved quitter, although I’m still upset that she agreed to play the game when she knew that her panic attacks might be a problem. Kathy was another sad quitter who didn’t really want to quit, but knew it was best if she did. I’m not sure why they couldn’t let her take the medication that she needed to survive or why she played if being without it would cause problems. Did she not know that well? Trust me, I would not do Survivor if I couldn’t take the medication that I do. But I probably would never end up playing there in the first place. And I have heard of some medications being allowed to be brought to the island and taken by the contestants so I’m not sure what exactly happened there with Kathy. NaOnka was just a bitchy quitter. Kelly Shinn was an unknown quitter. Dana, if you consider her a quitter at all, was more of a relieved quitter. Colton was a whiny quitter. And, as I’ve stated before, Lindsey was a happy quitter. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we see Aparri get back from tribal council. Spencer thinks that this tribe might be in a good place if they merge soon. Kass and Sarah are butting heads for some odd reason. Who might the potential flipper be?

In the second segment of the show, Solana gets news about the merge. L J feels that his idol is important and Tony feels the same way. That’s a pretty obvious way to feel. I notice that the Aparri tribe gets the new members and Solana is the tribe that has to merge. But, they are merging, right? They are. For the first time in a while, the merged tribe is named after a combination of both of the tribes’ names with poor Luzon not even being included. I haven’t caught the color of the new tribe yet.

In the third segment of the show, Tony tries to work on ways to swing Sarah to their tribe. This is the part of the game where you hope that it doesn’t get predictable. Pagonging would be boring and you could see the next six episodes be very predictable. Will Sarah flip? Which side will she join? When will I get to start eating my pancakes? I’m missing who’s giving a confessional here. It is hard to tell what is going on. But, I should inform you that voting against the swing vote is normally a bad idea. There should be rules against it that a good Survivor player would know.

In the fourth segment of show, Sarah and Kass were butting heads a lot. I’m missing a lot of the show because my mother feels that she must talk about various problems while she can tell that I’m trying to watch this. That, and a dryer nearby makes it hard to hear. So we then get to the first individual immunity challenge of the season. The challenge is fairly simple and has appeared many times before in the show’s history. It looks like everyone is doing well in the challenge. They then move to the final part of the challenge. It’s a bit boring to not have the food transitions. Many people fall out of the challenge all at once. You do have to wonder if someone from the brawn tribe will win. Since it is between Tony and Woo, then it will be someone from the original brawn tribe that wins. Woo wins the first individual immunity challenge. My mother has since left for work, but I have laundry to do now that she couldn’t get done before she left. You do have to wonder if some challenges will only benefit members of certain starting tribes.

In the fifth segment of the show, Sarah is deciding what she should do and which side she should join. All the scrambling starts at once. I would have to guess that Woo, Morgan, and Tasha won’t get voted out tonight. Sarah might want to vote out Tony since she must be on the side that Kass is on at the moment. I can see where all the drama at tribal council is going to unfold. As usual, the same three people (Kass, Tony, and Sarah) are getting the bulk of the confessional counts. I don’t think that voting against Sarah is a good idea, but it might happen. Now, everyone is saying that they should vote out the swing vote, which they could do, if they knew that they had the majority. I know that in Panama, Shane was a swing vote who was successfully voted out of the game. But could that really happen again? Is Kass the true swing vote instead? Tony revealed his idol to everyone and played it on L J, who ironically already has an idol. L J then plays his idol on Tony. This is very weird. Jefra got the first vote in the game and Sarah got the second one. It looks like both idols have been wasted. Will the swing vote get voted out or is Jefra the true target? The person voted out was Sarah. I wonder how that happened. They applauded someone getting voted out, which I think is the first time that’s ever happened. Now everyone wants to get Kass out of the game.

On the next episode of Survivor, Kass gets into another fight and everyone wants to find the ultra powerful new hidden immunity idol. Will there be old ones back in the game?

Total confessional counts: L J- 11, Morgan- 8, Kass- 15, Tony- 20, Jeremiah- 8, Jefra- 6, Spencer- 14, Tasha- 9, Trish- 11, Woo- 6, Sarah- 19.

New confessionals this episode: Trish-1, Woo- 0, Sarah- 6, L J- 1, Morgan- 0, Kass- 5, Tony- 5, Jeremiah- 1, Jefra- 1, Spencer- 3, Tasha- 0.

So, getting the bulk of the confessionals wasn’t that good a thing for Sarah. She was voted out when Kass magically became the swing vote instead of her. It looks like Spencer is the next highest person still left in the game, but we have yet to see if that turns into a good thing or not.