Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Episode 28.9

So, another recent Survivor dream of mine was an altercation to when two people quit in Survivor: Nicaragua. At the challenge, Jeff let them just quit and be gone from the game. I don’t know if they were still on the jury in the dream either. What actually happened was Jeff made a special tribal council for them after which they decided to quit anyways. In Nicaragua, there was a contestant who asked to be voted out and his wish was granted too. This was not aired, more than likely because of the two quitters that season. I think that I talked about this person before, but I said the wrong name. After listening to my source again, it turns out that Jimmy Johnson was the person who asked to be voted out. So ignore the name that I might have said before. Marty was the person who was shown as the reason why he was voted out, although it turns out that he wasn’t responsible. There are tons of times that they don’t air why someone is voted out. Brenda from the same season also was voted out for reasons that weren’t shown on camera. I consider this one to be notable because Jeff Probst asked her at the reunion what happened that caused her elimination and she pointed out something that never actually aired. I’m not sure why I’m bringing this up.

Another medical evacuation might happen in this episode. I really hope that it doesn’t. I mean, Woo would have caused his own evacuation. Now, could it be said that any of the other people caused their own evacuation? I don’t think that they have, although it is possible. Maybe Michael Skupin shouldn’t have been tending to the fire. But I don’t think that was his fault. I don’t think that Bruce could have controlled his constipation. It may have been Gary’s choice to leave, but it wasn’t his fault that he had allergies. Jonathan’s knee injury had more to do with a challenge than anything else. I’m pretty sure that James can’t be blamed for his finger injury. Joe’s knee injury wasn’t his fault, that I can remember at least. Mike Borassi was the victim of a bad challenge. Russell Swan just had one bad event and he was gone. It might have been Kourtney’s fault that she was pulled straight out of the challenge, but that also had more to do with a faulty design of the challenge than anything else. Colton might have been responsible for his medical evacuation, but I think that he probably wasn’t. While Dana chose to leave in her season, it wasn’t her fault that she had the condition that got her quitevacuated. Shamar, who they didn’t show the real reason why he was medically evacuated (go to to look up his interview which explains what really happened with him that season), might have injured himself doing work around camp, but he might not have had to go had production treated his condition better. Erik was definitely not responsible for his evacuation because he’d have to be a fool to screw up at the final five twice.

Now we have yet to see what will happen to Woo. If he is evacuated, this would be the first time that they showed the person who would be pulled (to my knowledge, at least) in the promo for the episode. I hope that he’s okay. Well, he’s probably okay now. I wonder if he’d be fit to serve on the jury. I’ve always wondered that since Jeff Probst first suggested in Survivor: Panama that a medically evacuated player might not be fit enough to serve on the jury. Now, this might have actually happened in Tocantins. But what might be more likely to happen is that the jury might skip tribal councils like Paschal did in Marquesas. And he wasn’t even medically evacuated, but he might have been if he hadn’t been rocked out of the game. But now we get to my list. Here is the current set of groups of medically evacuated players of how they should return to the game should nobody be medically evacuated in this episode. I’ll amend it if these players either return to the game or more are pulled from the game. I won’t include people who have played since they were medically evacuated. So James, Russell Swan, Jonathan, Michael Skupin, and Colton will not be included on this list. And Dana will be included along with Gary. List one: Erik, Joe, and Bruce. List two: Shamar, Gary, and Dana. List three: Kourtney and Mike Borrassi. I will alter all the lists should anything change. I hope that nothing does, although I would find it strange for them to air the exact person getting pulled from the game. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, the tribe gets back from tribal council is what tends to happen at the beginning of every episode that isn’t the first one. Spencer wants to make a move against Tony at some point. He thinks that a good point would be now. I wonder if the special idol is found if it could result in other votes normally not read having to be read. But I don’t know if the special idol would do anything or if it would just be used as a bargaining thingy. Trish and Jefra are talking while Tony is secretly listening to them doing this. Obviously, they are talking about him and it looks like there might finally be a reason to get rid of Jefra and give someone else the lowest confessional count.

In the second segment of the show, we get to the reward challenge immediately. What? This seems unusually soon to me. This normally doesn’t happen, does it? Kass, Trish, Tony, and Woo are the orange group. Jefra, Jeremiah, Spencer, and Tasha are the purple group. Tony did something stupid at the challenge for some odd reason. The purple team wins the challenge and goes on reward. Tony is worried about what might happen. Will this be the point in which Woo goes through his crazy things? I mean, he was on the losing team after all.

In the third segment of the show, the losing team gets back from the reward and Tony is worried that his alliance is falling apart. This is the point where we get to what happens with Woo. He seems to be okay since he is giving a confessional about it and doesn’t seem to be taken from the game. He might have broken something, but we don’t know about that. Here’s where we get to the winning team from the reward. Is it just me or do we normally get the winning people first before we get to the losing people? Why the switch in order? Jefra and the other players get emotional when there are letters from home revealed at the reward and then they make a final four deal. But I still don’t know if this is typical mumbo jumbo when it comes to post merge reward challenges or if something real is about to happen. Plus, don’t one of the groups need a fifth member not from their group to help them with their plans in order for them to work?

In the fourth segment of the show, the immunity challenge is happening. The challenge has a ball on a platform. The hands go down and the contestants move to smaller platforms throughout the challenge. I’m starting to wonder why so many of the individual immunity challenges have the contestants just standing around not really doing anything except the challenge at hand. Now I will move upstairs at the moment to make myself a supper of chicken and dumplings. Wish me luck (although you’d be doing this after my problem). Tasha wins immunity.

In the fifth segment of the show, a lot of stuff happened while I was working on my supper. Tony found the special idol and liked to give the cameramen their exercise. Spencer decided to tell people about his regular hidden immunity idol and doesn’t want to use it wrong. Although, you do have to wonder why they’d point out that he might use it wrong. That’s when tribal council happened. People think that Tony is playing the best game should he make it to the end. If he wins, I’d give him the title: better Russell Hantz. If he doesn’t win, then he’s just a Russell wantabe. Is that even a word? Well, it doesn’t really matter that much. For once, Tony really does have something in his bag of tricks. Something interesting is going to go down in the vote and Tony doesn’t even have to play his idol before they are read. Spencer imitates Woo in his voting confessional. Spencer decides to play his hidden immunity idol on himself. Tony thinks that Jeremiah is really named Jeremy. Who’s Jeremy? Did Tony just say that his idol was fake? Does he have a fake one and a real one? As true to the edit, Spencer did the wrong thing with his idol and Jeremy is voted out. I guess that’s his new name now. Sorry Spencer for wasting your idol. Sorry Jeremy for the impromptu name change of yourself. But I’m going to call you by the wrong name for a while. If that happened to Barney Stinson, it can happen to anyone. At least Jeremy is much better than Swarley.

On the next Survivor, an auction happened and Spencer still tries to outsmart everyone in the game. Not really sure what else I can say about the future for now. I’m glad that nobody was medically evacuated because that’s never a good thing. I’m wondering what to watch next and that depends on if SVU is a rerun (which I think it is). Also, the holy week primetime schedule was a bit different than I said that it would be. I didn’t record as much as I thought that I would. But, I should get more to the point of this blog post at hand.

Total confessional counts: Kass- 21, Tony- 35, Jeremiah- 10, Jefra- 9, Spencer- 24, Tasha- 13, Trish- 16, Woo- 11. New confessionals this episode: Trish- 2, Woo- 2, Kass- 1, Tony- 4, Jeremiah- 1, Jefra- 2, Spencer- 3, Tasha- 2.

What do I make of the confessional counts? Jefra is now the only one to still be in the game and have less than ten confessionals. And my supper is getting cold because I still haven’t even been able to start eating yet, even though the food is right there, ready to be eaten. Well, before I wrote this next sentence, a lot of eating was done while I was working on the confessional count order for the next episode. Without Redemption Island, this order will be messed up a lot. There is no way that I can think of to rearrange these names in different ways. Notice how they have always appeared in the same order, even though a different name usually starts the order. I’ll figure it out. Plus, I can always return to wikia now that Lent is over and I can start going to those sites I gave up again. Well, I think that, for the moment at least, I have run out of intelligent things to say. For now, this is Adam Decker signing off.

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