Sunday, June 22, 2014

Episode 1.4

I’m already worried that I won’t be able to finish posting this season’s blog posts before the next season starts. I’m even more worried that people aren’t reading this blog. While I’ve always been sure that no one reads this, information on blogger tells me otherwise. When I said that I would be doing a look back, I began with a post that said to ignore this post. But most of what I said there was a joke. Basically, after reading something like that, I’d hope that people knew that they were in for something good. Only a great blog post would begin in such a crazy way. But I don’t think people understood that. Plus, that was only about that particular blog post and not any other ones regarding the first season. I told people that I would post during the summer too! So people should be reading this and maybe they are. This post could be old. But the point is, I hope that people read this or I do this blog for no good reason. Since that’s the point of blogs anyways, maybe I shouldn’t complain about that. I just find it odd that out of all the things that I’m rolling for, I only seem to get Survivor once a week. And I should probably be more surprised that people have read this blog then wondering why people would stop reading it.

My OCD kicks in a lot. The fact that I have a list of shows on DVD that I can only watch when I get a corresponding number on a die is proof of it. But I have to stick to the rolling list. On 6-12-2014, I rolled the number for Survivor. But, this roll was also for something else as well. So I didn’t actually watch the next episode when I rolled for it. But I will watch it, of course. I just don’t know when, yet. If you read my other blog relating to TV in general, you will notice a new blog post there with the corresponding dates mentioned here, provided that day was not a Wednesday or Sunday since that’s normally the time for this blog and yet another OCD rule of mine says I can’t update both blogs on the same day. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first part of the show, Pagong suffered from the storm during the night, but things improved when it became day. People liked Greg on the tribe and considered him the leader, even though Gretchen is like that too. I think that every episode this season has Jeff explaining the challenges for some odd reason. At the reward challenge, Jenna was the representative for Pagong and Dirk was the representative for Tagi. They get an explanation before the Distress Signal challenge. I’m surprised that this challenge isn’t still used in the show anymore, because it is one of the better challenges. Oh, and Sean was annoying some people at Tagi. In this season, it seems like being the leader isn’t a bad thing as it normally is today. This is the episode where Richard starts cheating, I mean, developing alliances in the game. That’s so commonplace in today’s game that you have to wonder why people thought such a thing would be cheating. But we’ll get to more of that later.

It seems like we are seeing very little of the actual challenge that the contestants are doing. In fact, it seems like barely anything important is actually being aired. Jeff, as usual, seems to be doing dangerous things whenever possible. How has he never gotten hurt doing stuff like this? Tagi won the reward challenge. Pagong seems only slightly disappointed that they lost the challenge. Richard’s alliance is already started and he gets a core group of four: himself, Rudy, Sue, and Kelly. Well, at first it didn’t actually have Rudy, but he would join later. Ramona seems to be getting better along with her tribe and she feels healthier, but, as some of her tribe mates put it, it might be too little too late. In fact, the name of this episode (Too Little Too Late?) might have been referring to Ramona since she gets voted out once Pagong loses. A bunch of confessionals all air at once, which is hard for me to keep track of. But, like I’ve stated during every season which I’m kept track of confessionals, I don’t know if they are accurate or not. The immunity challenge is a rally of some sort. I’m not sure if it’s the type of thing that still appears, although it should. Different contestants do different parts of the challenge. Only the contestants are making noise during the challenge which makes you wonder why Jeff feels the need to talk a lot during the challenges of today.

Gervase was probably the reason that Pagong lost the challenge since he failed and the jungle part of the race. I’m not sure that it mattered anyways. Pagong reflected on the loss of the challenge. Not much (if any) strategy was shown among the tribe before they got to tribal council. The tribe seemed to like each other too much at Pagong, although that didn’t prevent them from voting someone off (although they didn’t really have a choice in the matter anyways). Jeff feels that Gervase isn’t doing that well in the challenges. In the end, the votes were scattered. Gervase and Ramona voted for Colleen. Greg voted for Jenna. Colleen, Gretchen, Jenna, and Joel voted for Ramona and that’s how she was voted out of the game. In the end, her overall not coping with the game is what got her voted out. This is the first tribal council where only women got votes against them. I’m not sure how often this has happened again. But it seems sort of sad that this fits into the weakest part of the tribe edit, the whole only women getting votes against them thing.

What happens on the next Survivor? Greg and Colleen start their showmance in ways we don’t typically see. Well, they said that they had sex, but they probably didn’t. And we’ll probably never know since they definitely wouldn’t show us something like that on network TV. Greg will joke about this later in his exit confessional. I don’t think that they did. I’m pretty sure that Colleen was just joking about her and Greg hooking up on the island. But I’m not sure that I care anyways.

So, Ramona was an interesting player in the game. She may not be the only player to not like the conditions in the game, although she was the first to be notably negatively affected by it. I don’t think that she liked the game that much. But I don’t know if she’d ever return to the game. She might since this was a long time ago. She might not since she didn’t like it. I give it about a 40% chance that she will return to the game again. Maybe it should be lower, but I think that I’ll stick with it at the moment. I’m not sure what she’s doing nowadays, because like many other players, she seemed to disappear from the world after she played. She’s still alive, of course, but she isn’t that notable outside of this part of the game.

Total confessional counts: Gretchen- 11, Dirk- 5, Joel- 6, Sean- 6, Ramona- 11, Colleen- 8, Richard- 17, Gervase- 17, Jenna- 9, Sue- 11, Kelly- 7, Rudy- 11, Greg- 12.

New confessionals this episode: Greg- 6, Gretchen- 3, Dirk- 2, Joel- 2, Sean- 1, Ramona- 3, Colleen- 3, Richard- 3, Gervase- 8, Jenna- 5, Sue- 3, Kelly- 1, Rudy- 1.

So, Gervase is catching up in confessionals for the moment, but I don’t think that I counted him right. Ramona got more than ten confessionals throughout the game, but it helped that she was voted out in this episode. I don’t know what prejury boot had more than ten confessionals altogether in an episode that they weren’t voted out in. If it has happened, it hasn’t happened yet. Gretchen is technically prejury, although she does make the merge. I don’t know if Dirk or Joel will make it in the next two episodes, but prejury boots tend to not be shown as much, with some exceptions, of course. Meanwhile, I should stick to calling them premerge boots so autocorrect doesn’t think I’m talking about a crime people commit in court (perjury). But it doesn’t matter anyways, even though there’s a person who typically makes the merge but not the jury in these old seasons. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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