Sunday, July 13, 2014

Episode 1.7

I am working ahead on this blog. I just posted the fourth episode’s blog post and now I started working on this one. I might have to post random blog posts with this one since these posts might go on a long while. There is at least one blog post that I’d probably post before the next season starts. There might be others. But, unless another old season has to be watched during the time, you’ll see the double random blog posts during the period between the fall and spring seasons like you did around last year. But I don’t know what will happen yet.

Since this blog is written a while before it is posted, I should warn you that stuff in it could easily be outdated. But you already know that, don’t you? I have an update with the random die roll list. Since the TV shows on DVD are limited to six, I am having a problem when I can’t watch one of the items on the list. That item is the random TV shows on VHS. So it looks like I’ll be ignoring the number six when it is rolled for now. But the more important thing is that I’m done watching Futurama. I am replacing that on the list with 8 Simple Rules. Since Futurama was number two on the list, Charmed will now be number two while 8 Simple Rules is now number one. 8 Simple Rules has bounced on and off of the list due to the rule I have of only watching a holiday related episode on that holiday, should that be the next episode to watch. Don’t expect to see it on the list for that long since there are only three episodes left on the DVD to watch. But there will be other changes to the list pretty soon.

This blog is very outdated when I finally update it thanks to writing posts in advance. I would edit previous posts, but I figure that there’s no real reason to since I’m telling you that some of the stuff is outdated. But there was very sad news in a Survivor community. On 6-24-2014, Caleb Bankston, a contestant from Blood versus Water, died in a train accident. This is very sad news indeed. I don’t know how long it will be until the twenty-seventh season is released on DVD, but I can wait as it aired very recently. Who knows? They could wind up releasing it with Samoa since they can’t pair Samoa with Heroes versus Villains since Heroes versus Villains has already been released to DVD. Besides, my sister would probably want the DVDs since she can’t see this season, even though I recorded the season on VHS for her, I think that she would want the DVDs as well. So, might we both get the same DVD or will I skip getting it since she’ll probably want it? We’ll find out what happens later. But Blood versus Water is a great season of Survivor and it would be a nice one to own. If you want to find out more about Caleb and his time on Blood versus Water, go here to the Survivor Oz interview with him. I’ll list more facts about him eventually, but for now, there’s not really much that I can say.

Now I believe that I already told you that for me, Blood versus Water ranks as the eighth best season of Survivor at the moment. So, I will tell you that I should tell you other season’s rankings and will tell you over the course of time. For instance, Caramoan, ranks thirteenth out of all the twenty-eight seasons. New seasons will always change the rankings and so could other things. Rewatching a season would probably improve its ranking, although this might not always be the case. The ratings are always subject to change and the newest season is to be added sometime around the finale. Now it would be nice to catch up on other old seasons and I will eventually, I just don’t know when. If you see me posting an old season on Sundays and I would want to start posting another old season in this blog, you would see it on Fridays. Although, when you think about it, no one will really care what day of the week this blog post is posted, especially after it has been there a long time. Besides, I should really have an OCD blog, but I don’t yet. Or maybe I should just keep stating non sequiturs. I like cherry pies. Do you like to use facebook? Movies are fun. I stop rambling now.

The rolling list has changed again. I’m about ready to trim it down to just three choices instead of six. I’ll let you know if that ends up happening. VeggieTales is now off the list and has been replaced with Power Rangers. This means that Power Rangers is now number four on the list and Survivor has moved to number five. On 6-28-2014, I rolled number five and was able to watch Survivor. Or, I would be if a cat didn’t get on my lap and change my plans. Well, we’ll see if I’m able to watch it later in the day. I guess that I will watch something online with breakfast instead. I don’t know if I’ll be able to watch the live feeds of Big Brother, but I should try doing that, if I can watch it for free. I know that it might give me too much information about the show before it airs on television, but I don’t think that it will make the show any less interesting when it airs the first time. I found out that I wouldn’t be able to access it without paying something so I won’t bother with it. But enough of my ramblings.

I wonder if the post merge of this season really is going to be more interesting than previous part of the season has been. I’m just hoping that I can figure out the strange vote in this episode. It just might be the most confusing vote in Survivor history. With little warning, there is a member from one tribe at the other tribe’s beach. Somehow, Jenna either knew or was pretty sure that there was an alliance at the Tagi tribe. Richard was wondering why people thought it was considered unethical to have an alliance. Both Sean and Jenna thought that the merge consideration dinner was supposed to be romantic. They both decided not to obey it being romantic. I don’t think that it was supposed to be that way. The merge deliberation seemed to take longer than people thought it should. Tagi is the location of the merge beach so Pagong had to leave. They had a set time before they had to leave and could only take certain items with them.

So this episode started the farewell to Pagong in more than one way. The tribes then all get to know each other after the merge. Greg feels that Richard is the one on Tagi playing the best game at the moment. This could explain his future jury vote that many incorrectly think was a swing vote. But I’ll get to the real swing vote later. There’s a ton of confessionals in this episode because of the merge. Of the fun merge party that they had at night, they showed very little of it. We then get to the upcoming immunity challenge. We get to the individual part of the game. The immunity necklace was originally called the immunity talisman. The simple challenge has people holding their breath under the water. I know that I would lose a challenge like this. This is one of the quicker challenges in the game. I don’t know how they are holding their breath for so long. Greg narrowly beat Sean in the second phase of the challenge. While he might have faced elimination before, they couldn’t get rid of him since he won immunity. It seems like they went to tribal council right after the challenge, although it’s possible that there was some stuff happening at camp before the tribal council happened. If it was right after the challenge, then it makes sense why the vote would end up being so confusing.

With little advanced warning for anyone, Gretchen would find herself voted out tonight. Let’s get to how the vote actually worked. Greg voted against Jenna, Colleen voted against Richard. Jenna voted for Gervase. Gretchen voted against Rudy. Sean started his alphabetical order voting strategy which is actually brilliant because the opposing tribe all comes alphabetically before his tribe. With this strategy, he voted against Colleen. Gervase voted against Sue. The Tagi alliance of Richard, Rudy, Sue, and Kelly, all voted against Gretchen. The vote still makes no sense. Gretchen would be the one voted out of the game due to the main alliance voting against her. I just wish that there was more in the edit to understand why she was voted out.

The Pagong tribe made a serious and terrible mistake by not voting together. This is the beginning of how they’d go down in infamy as a dumb Survivor tribe. This is the reason that not one of their members would outlast any of the remaining Tagi members. The remaining members of Pagong all win the gold award for dumbest move of the season.

Poor Gretchen is the one voted out of the game. I’m not sure how people even knew how to vote for her. But she is the first contestant voted out after the merge and the first contestant to come one short of making the jury. Many people want her back in the game. She’s actually never been considered to play again, but she might return. I’ll give it a 75% chance that we will see her in a future season.

Total confessional counts: Jenna- 23, Sue- 22, Kelly- 19, Rudy- 20, Greg- 22, Gretchen- 21, Sean- 19, Colleen- 18, Richard- 28, Gervase- 28.

New confessionals this episode: Sue- 4, Kelly- 3, Rudy- 3, Greg- 6, Gretchen- 3, Sean- 4, Colleen- 4, Richard- 5, Gervase- 4, Jenna- 6.

WARNING! RAMBLING PARAGRAPH. Bonus info about future Survivor seasons: last Thursday is when they finished filming Survivor (29): San Juan Del Ser and it will start airing on September 17th. Since the break between filming the fall and spring seasons are typically about two weeks long, that means that on either the 24th or 25th of July, they will start filming Survivor 30. If you know more of the info about Survivor 29 than you'll notice that Survivor 30 might have one of the contestants that was supposed to be on the 29th season, but I will talk more about this in a later, special, random blog post. END WARNING.

I’m almost certain that I messed up the confessional numbers in this episode. I’m not entirely sure that it matters. What I do know is that everyone is in the merge part of the game, every left in the game has a lot of confessionals. We are getting to the over twenty mark. By the next episode, everyone should have over twenty total confessionals in the game. I warn you a lot that the confessional count could be wrong. It doesn’t matter anyways. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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