Well, we’ve come to the end of
the first season at last. This is sad, if I couldn’t just watch the whole thing
over again from the very beginning. Now the ninth episode of this season was
the most recent post that I’ve added, even though I’m ahead and started with
this post. I’ve even written some random blog posts about Survivor that you’ll
see starting on Wednesday after this is posted until the next season starts
airing. (If my calculations are correct, there should be some time before
season twenty-nine starts airing and I’m done with the first season’s blog
posts for me to post some random things. September 17th of this year
is when we’ll see the first of San Juan del Sur.) The point is that there are
some random things that happen starting in this episode that are considered
firsts. But, I think that I’ll get into more of them later when I’m posting
random things before a blog post actually starts.
Things became complicated when
I rolled the right number and didn’t have the time to watch the finale. But, to
make a long story short, I watched the finale on 8-16-2014. I can watch the
reunion separately, but I don’t know if I will yet. People talked about the
Tagi alliance or lack thereof. It probably did exist, but since only members of
the alliance are left, then it really can’t do anything they want it to. The
talk was mostly on how Kelly reneged on the alliance. Everyone wants Kelly out
of the game, but fate had something else planned. The immunity challenge Fallen
Comrades happened at tribal council. Sue and Kelly fought for the win
while the men trailed behind. Kelly won the challenge after winning a
tie-breaker against Sue. They then went right to the vote with no discussion
beforehand. In the end, the men voted against Sue and the women voted against
Richard. At the revote, before Rudy and Kelly voted against Sue and she was
voted off. It’s possible that Rudy voting first in the revote seriously
affected the game, provided that Kelly knew his vote was the same. It is in
this move that Kelly earns the silver award for dumbest move of the season. By
turning on her last ally in the game, Kelly cost herself the vote in the game
that could have won the game for her. (I just lost the game.)
Jeff woke up the contestants
and came to their beach. They then went through the Rites of Passage, which has
vastly improved since its first appearance. They then went to the legendary
challenge hands on a hard idol. Jeff had lunch in front of them. Richard made a
speech and dropped out of the challenge since he figured that either person
still in the challenge would take him to the end over the other person. The
challenge had people repositioning throughout the challenge at some point.
After a long time doing the challenge, Rudy accidently takes his hand
off of the idol giving Kelly the win. This gives Rudy the bronze award for
dumbest move of the season since his carelessness cost him the game. Kelly
thought about who she wanted to vote out of the game. She decided to vote
against Rudy and he was the last person voted out of the game. This means that
she and Richard were the final two.
The two of them complicated
what to do to the jury. They both decided to burn the camp down so we have them
to blame for why people usually do that nowadays. Kelly made too many
questionable choices in the game. Richard in the end has played the more
honorable game since he basically created the game for other players. He’s the
reason that so many other players have played such interesting game. Even
though he wins the award for resident asshole of the season, you can’t say that
he doesn’t deserve to win the game. Every member of the jury gets a
confessional before the final tribal council, so I added an other confessional
Total confessional counts: Kelly-
57, Rudy- 37, Richard- 64, Sue- 56. New confessionals this episode: Rudy- 6,
Richard- 8, Sue- 5, Kelly- 11. Other confessionals: Sean- 1, Gervase- 1, Rudy-
1, Greg- 1, Colleen- 1, Jenna- 1, Sue- 1. Note: last week, I posted the wrong
number of confessionals for Sue since I had ten more than I should have. The
real number for last week should be 51.
Richard and Kelly talked about
how each of them did the best to win the game. Gervase was the first juror to
talk and asked them both what they would have changed in the game. Jenna asked what
contestants they would rather have in their place at the final two. Sean gave
the first jury speech in the game. He also references something people talked
about that was edited out of the game, but is in the greatest and most
outrageous moments special that I plan to rewatch again. Colleen asked what
three things helped get them through the game. She didn’t like his answer since
he said that he was good at observation and he did pitiful in the fallen
comrades challenge. Rudy made an incredibly short speech. Greg asked the two to
choose a number between one and ten. This question would become quite infamous
and seemingly affected the whole vote. But Greg said in some interview that I
don’t have the link to and am not entirely sure he said that he was always
going to vote for Rich and only asked the question to mock the serious nature
of tribal council. Sue would give her famous rats and snakes speech which wins
the award for most memorable moment of the season. Sue is the real swing vote
whose vote does end up costing Kelly the win.
The vote happened next.
Colleen, Gervase, and Jenna all voted for Kelly to win. Sue, Greg, Sean, and
Rudy all voted for Richard to win. Their votes are what gave Richard the win.
I’m unsure of the order that they are showing the jury votes in. They might
have gone in any order and they rearranged it, but they might have shown us the
jurors in the right voting order. Apparently, Kelly’s exit confessional wasn’t
show in the actual broadcast, just the special that I told you about earlier.
Now, I might as well get on to the reunion show since there’s a cat on my lap
and I have nothing better to do right now and the reunion goes hand in hand
with the finale anyways.
At the reunion, Bryan Gumble
hosted because this was before the point where Jeff Probst hosted. All of the
castaways get an introduction at the reunion, which is something that I wished
they still did. Greg says at the moment that Kelly might have won if she had chosen
the right number and gives the same speech that he gave when he voted for
Richard to win. It’s hard to summarize what happens at the reunion show, but it
is interesting. We do get to hear some of Greg and Colleen’s nomance. That
means that they probably weren’t together in any real way. Also, does anyone
have any idea who the Reebok guys are? I’ve never heard of them before.
Points at reunion show: Sonja-
4, B. B.- 5, Stacey- 1, Ramona- 2, Dirk- 3, Joel- 5, Gretchen- 2, Greg- 6,
Jenna- 1, Gervase- 1, Colleen- 2, Sean- 4, Sue- 3, Rudy- 7, Kelly- 3, Richard- 8.
Before we go, I might as well
go through a list of which members of the final four would return for future
seasons. I’ll start with Sue. Sue played a great game and fell short due to
Kelly’s immunity streak. She ultimately returned for Survivor: All-Stars and
played quite a different game. In the end, she would quit the game after an
incident with Richard made her go on a rant. Ultimately, because of the second
appearance she had on the game, I’d give her a 6% chance of returning to play
another season.
Rudy is the oldest contestant
to ever play Survivor. He would break his own record when he played Survivor:
All-Stars. He didn’t last long into the game the second time as he was deemed
too weak by his tribe and was voted out, coming in 17
th place, a
place no Survivor had (or could have) come in before. He was an alternate for
Heroes versus Villains, but wasn’t chosen as he was deemed too old to compete
in the game again.
This means that it’s unlikely we’ll ever see him again since he’s only going to
get older. I give it a 15% chance that we will see him again in the future.
Kelly is an interesting
contestant and many people like her. But, by not sticking with the alliance,
she didn’t end up winning the game. She might have had a better chance at it if
she hadn’t turned away Sue’s friendship. But, she is still a favorite by many
fans. That doesn’t mean that she’ll return to the game though. She says that
she probably doesn’t want to and has not ever been considered as an alternate
for any season with returning players on it. People may want her back, but it’s
her choice as to whether or not she’ll be back. I give it a 30% chance that we
will see her in a future season.
Richard is a cocky person that
can still pull off the win. He might have gotten too cocky with his winnings
since he ran into legal problems with them. He says he’s innocent and I’m not
going to judge him. To me, it doesn’t matter whether or not he really caused
problems with that. But, like many people, he returned to play Survivor again
before this whole financial mess happened. He played Survivor: All-Stars and
pretty much did as well as he could, considering how everyone else was out to
get winners that season. He ultimately was voted out when his tribe first got
the chance to do that. As you might have guessed, he has been considered to
return to the game. But, his legal problems have prevented him from leaving the
country. He was considered for Micronesia, Heroes versus Villains, and
Redemption Island.
This link contains the information about him possibly being on Micronesia,
although I’m not sure if the link actually has the claim in the end.
This link has the information about why he wasn’t in Heroes versus Villains
because he would have been an obvious and great choice for that season.
This link explains why he wasn’t in Redemption Island. And for all you
Redemption Island haters, this is something that you’ll want to learn. Boston
Rob wasn’t even supposed to be in that season and only was because Richard
couldn’t play it. The reason he wasn’t in any of these seasons all stem from
the same issue: not being about to leave the country. If these problems
persist, we might never see him on the show again and that would be a shame.
But, the problems might be over and he would be able to play again. I give it a
51% chance that we’ll see him in a future season.
Well, that’s it for my blog
for now. I will go back to the regular blog posts on Wednesdays pretty soon
starting with random topics and then going to the new episodes of the 29th
season of the show. I might as well tell you the revised position of Borneo: it
now ranks as number nine out of twenty-eight seasons. There may be eight that I
find better, but the position is much better than it used to be. Meanwhile,
Survivor is going to be replaced with Family Guy episodes, but only the ones
that fully parodied Star Wars. That would put Power Rangers as numbers 5 and 6
on the list while Family Guy would become numbers three and four. I will not
tell you more about that part of the list for a while. But, what I will say is
that I plan on rewatching the episodes of the first season again to get a
perspective of B. B. Andersen’s time on the game. I will probably play a
drinking game while I do it. Since I will not have it on the list of stuff to
roll for, I will automatically watch it on Sundays as I slowly give up the movie
watching list on Sunday and put what I can from them on Saturday’s list. Of
course, the plan will change if I have to start posting another old season
which will more than likely be on Sundays moving when I watch Borneo to
Fridays. I will post updates about this in the blog as time goes by, including
how I will wind up watching the special on the season again first. If you don’t
care, well then as usual, just start reading the new blog posts starting at the
paragraph after I say, “But enough of my ramblings.” I’m sure there are people
who do that already. I hope that you enjoyed my blog on the first season. For
now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.