Sunday, August 10, 2014

Episode 1.11

I don’t know why, but I’m really starting to like this season. I don’t think that I’ll list it as my favorite season of all time, but I’ll definitely list it at a higher ranking than it already is. I currently have it ranked as 20th best out of 28 seasons, but I promise that I’ll change it when I’m finished watching this season. To be fair, only seasons ranked lower than that are what I’d consider to be bad seasons, although ranking this as the worst of the average seasons is pretty bad too. Also, in case you are interested more in the rankings of the season, I will post updates about them whenever possible. I don’t feel like telling you about all of their rankings right now, but I will as time goes by. If a contestant from the season dies, then I’ll tell you about the ranking of it. If I already have told you the ranking of one season, then I’ll mention another season in reverse chronological order.

Well on 7-21-2014, I rolled the number five and got to watch another episode of Survivor. The Tagi alliance could be falling apart, but it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. Kelly reneged on the alliance, but the other three members mostly remained loyal for the most part. The reward challenge happened next. The reward is a night on a yacht. Every answer they provide is a way up on the challenge and if you are that last one left on a stage, then you are eliminated. After a tiebreaker phrase in the challenge, Sean bested Richard and won the challenge.

While preparing to experience the reward, Sean was deciding who he wanted to bring on the reward with him. Kelly got the idea that it might be her. After asking what Kelly thought, she basically said that he could make whatever decision he wanted to. Then, like women typically do (no offense, but I do find this to be an annoying habit of some women, at least), she got mad when he made up his own mind not to include her. He chose Richard, who only got to include a small part of the reward. Sean picks Richard to go on the reward, probably since he came in second. Sean’s father was on the reward. This marks the first time that a loved one was actually present when someone won a reward involving a loved one.

Sean’s father visited the camp and gave the remaining players in the game a care package from different loved ones of each of the respective castaways. The immunity challenge happened next. Another noticeable difference of the challenge back then is that Jeff is actually in the water cutting the stuff needed to be removed at the challenge. Richard helps makes this challenge very entertaining. Richard is sure that Kelly is voted off tonight, but Kelly would wind up winning immunity. This would seal Colleen’s fate in the game.

Tribal council happened next. Kelly is deciding to vote to her conscious which didn’t help the Pagong players and wouldn’t help her. Since Colleen failed to keep Kelly from winning the challenge, people would vote her out tonight. While Colleen and Kelly voted against Sean, Sean, Richard, Sue, and Rudy voted against Colleen and she was voted out of the game. This would be the first appearance of the normally failed strategy of voting against a swing vote, in this case, the swing vote is Sean.

Colleen was a very likable contestant in the game of Survivor. She was considered to be on Survivor: All-Stars, but turned it down. You can read more about it by clicking on the following link on this page: I think that it doesn’t say that much anyways, but I thought that I would mention it, nonetheless. She was also considered for Heroes versus Villains, but no actual offer was made because they knew that she’d just turn it down anyways. Even though she’s been considered to play again twice, I don’t think that we’ll see her again on Survivor. I give it a 33% chance that she will play the game again.

Total confessional counts: Colleen- 38, Richard- 49, Sue- 44, Kelly- 38, Rudy- 29, Sean- 33. New confessionals this episode: Sean- 4, Colleen- 7, Richard- 4, Sue- 8, Kelly- 7, Rudy- 1.

Rudy is at the bottom of the confessional count while Richard remains at the top. You’d think that Rudy will get thirty confessionals before the end of his time on the game, but he might not. We are seeing a mix of numbers now, but things should even out towards the end. I, for one, will be glad when I’m done watching this season, although I do like what I saw. I’m so far ahead that it could be awhile before you see all this, but I will let you know about other random things in life that would affect this blog. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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