For a while now, I’ve been contemplating
whether or not to start a blog about the show Madam Secretary. This idea for
that blog all started with a dream. There are a lot of times when I’ve done
something because I dreamt about it. I’m not even sure the dream had a Madam
Secretary blog in it. It might have been a different show and I’m remembering
the dream wrong. But, I seriously might start a blog about it. This may only be
revenge for the lack of readers on this other blog of mine. And I’m serious
enough about it to have a poll about it on my fan fiction account. There are
many good things about having another blog. And there are many bad things as
well. So I might as well weigh in my OCD about it and mention it on this blog
because maybe one of my readers here will comment as to whether or not a blog
about that show is a good idea. The dream had some supposed link between it and
Survivor. That obviously hasn’t happened, but I might still start a blog about
it regardless.
If I do start a blog about
Madam Secretary, this might make me end up doing other blogs as well. I might
end up doing one about The Good Wife. And I’ll probably wind up doing one about
CSI as well. And if I do one about CSI, that might mean that I wind up doing
one about CSI: Cyber, Without a Trace, CSI: New York, and CSI: Miami. It would
also unsure that I have to get all these shows on DVD as time goes by.
Typically, I only get shows when they are no longer in production. At least
CSI: Miami, Without a Trace, and CSI: New York are all on my wish list. (Hint,
hint, readers of this blog who ever buy me presents for Christmas, birthdays,
or any other occasion.) Plus, I’d have to keep track of the creators of all
these shows and all the actors of all these shows even when the show ends. This
could lead to more blogs about their new shows if I like these shows as well.
Geez, it could become an endless cycle of some sort. And I’m pretty sure that I
will start this blog regardless of the fact that I’m not sure that it is such a
good idea. When my OCD takes over, it can get really complicated.
You know, just because it
happens in a dream, that doesn’t mean that I have to do it. And yet, that’s my
main problem with a lot of things sometimes. Sometimes I ignore various dreams
of mine. For instance, I have a facebook group called Firefly: Where are they
now? It keeps track of the careers of the former actors and creator of Firefly.
I had a dream that I did that with the show That 70’s Show as well. I will
probably not create that facebook group as there is not enough interest for me
to do it. There are tons are dreams that I ignore. Most of them, however, I wind
up doing again. There’s a list of different Playstation 2 games that I want to
play again because I dreamt about them. And, watching different movies comes
from dreams as well. But you see, I will probably start this blog on Madam
Secretary. I don’t think that the dream has anything to do with it. My TV blog
has a lack of readers and I plan to create a new blog and start to ignore the
TV blog. Of course, I’d be updating my TV blog if I ever figured out a good
schedule to update it on. Since I have yet to rewatch any of Survivor: Borneo
yet, it could be a long while before I have the schedule again. Plus, I don’t
want to get another Survivor season on DVD because that would mean that either
the twenty-seventh season is on DVD or that someone from the first twenty-one
seasons died. But, whenever the bottom of the post list is zero readers, then
we have a problem. And that’s when I’ll do the next blog.
When it comes to this Survivor
blog, it can be a bit easy to watch it and know when to update it. If I can’t
watch it live, then I record it to watch it later (and soon) after it airs.
I’ve had to stop watching a lot of good shows that air at the same time
(Revolution, The Middle, The Goldbergs, Arrow), but I think that the benefit is
pretty good. I would live tweet more, but since there are now more than one
show that I stay into right afterwards, I am almost never on twitter anymore. I
could not live tweet Madam Secretary. And I could also not give up the other
shows that I watch on Sunday. I typically record the episodes of Madam Secretary
on my laptop since I live watch Once Upon a Time and record The Simpsons and
Brooklyn Nine-Nine on VHS. All those shows are on at the same time. Of course,
since CBS Sundays are known for shows being on tape delay due to sports like
football. In those events, I might wind up recording the CBS shows on VHS as a
way to punish them. Of course, me punishing them will probably have little to
no affect on the viewership of the show. If you are not a Nielson family, then
any viewership you give a show doesn’t actually matter. I couldn’t tell you if
I was a Neilson family, which I’m not. I don’t know if I could do any TV
related blog if I was with them. Maybe I could, but I don’t know any of the
rules. Maybe I should ask someone I know who used to be in a Nielson family.
They can tell you that they were with them after they are done.
If you think about it, a lot
of this blog is just random meaninglessness. But, when you think about it,
aren’t all blogs? I should really stop the rambling that I do before the actual
point of the blog that people read. But I haven’t done that yet. I’m not sure
that I ever will. I’m not sure if I want to. If I ever try, I could wind up
failing miserably. Sometimes I just need meaningless filler. Speaking of which,
I should give you an update on the movie watching that I’m doing. I could not
watch a movie on Saturday so that list remains unchanged. On Sunday I watched
One Night with the King which was replaced by Pocahotas, which should have been
on Monday list when it was created but I had to wait to add it since there was
a different p movie to add: Pooh’s Grand Adventure, the Search for Christopher
Robin. Guess what I rolled to watch on Mondays? That’s right! It was Pooh’s
Grand Adventure and I got to watch it. That got replaced by the DVD of Power
Rangers: the Ultimate Rangers which has various noteworthy episodes that can be
watched all at once by clicking play all. That way, you see a good portion of
good Power Rangers episodes. I know that I’ll have to get more episodes on DVD.
I still have unused jump aheads for Power Rangers that I couldn’t use before
since I ran out of episodes to watch. But we’ll see how potential Christmas
gifts changes my list of things to watch.
Mysteries so far this season:
In Jeremy in control? Was he only in control for a moment? Will his game come
crashing down? Or is he still the biggest contender to win? Will Reed take
control of the game? Is he going to accomplish something important? Is he still
mostly irrelevant? What will happen regarding Keith’s idol? Is Keith a villain?
Is he going to accomplish things in the game? Who is getting blindsided
tonight? Will someone from the majority alliance be voted out? What is the
majority alliance? Does this mean that Jeremy’s time in the game is about to
run out? Who is the frontrunner? Why do I even have this section of the blog? I
might have to get rid of this. Maybe I should replace it with a better section
like “trivia of the week.” In a section like that, I can mention a trivia
question relating to Survivor and I’ll post the answer the next week. I don’t
know if I should keep changing this blog or not. I like things that are consistent.
It might be my OCD or Lutheranism. But enough of my ramblings.
In the first segment of the
show, Jon questions his decision at tribal council. Keith wonders how he could
eliminate someone with his idol. He doesn’t have the worst idea to get people
to vote against him so he can play his idol. But how one goes about doing that
is what makes the idea worthwhile.
In the second segment of the
show, we get to the reward challenge of the episode. The contestants seem to be
having a lot of fun during the challenge. I take this opportunity to eat
supper. The yellow team wins the close reward challenge. Jeremy and Natalie,
who were on the winning team, switch places with Jon and Jaclyn, who were on
the losing team. This could be their form of good payback and further helping
them stay in their alliance. Risky move. Not a choice that has never happened
before. Yau-Man also gave up a reward and then sent himself to Exile Island.
That was quite an interesting moment in Fiji. Anyways, Jeremy is now being sent
to Exile Island. Baylor, Alec, and Reed keep their rewards and go on it with
Jon and Jaclyn.
In the third segment of the
show, the losers and Natalie got back to camp after the reward challenge. Keith
thinks that opening saying that he doesn’t want blindsided is a subtle way of
telling people what he wants. Openly talking about things like that isn’t even
close to subtle. We seem very little of the reward, meaning that it has no
impact on the game. Reed is cynical about what happened regarding Jon and
Jaclyn. Clearly, it is them (Jeremy and Natalie) who want to use the swing
votes to their advantage. And Jon and Jaclyn might fall for it too.
In the fourth segment of the
show, Jeremy doesn’t like Exile Island and he thinks that Jon has the hidden
immunity idol. Jon realizes this and talks to Jaclyn about it. Jon thinks that
he’s in trouble, even though Jeremy probably wouldn’t talk about it with that
many people. Would he? We’ll see what ends up happening. We get to the immunity
challenge next. The challenge can only be done with their feet. I don’t know
how this would be enforced, but there might be some exceptions or ways around
it. The strange challenge was won by Baylor. There are casting calls for future
Survivor seasons. Since they already have the 30th season filmed
(please no quitters!), it would be the 31st and 32nd
seasons that they are preparing for. Here’s hoping that the casting call means
a future for Survivor. They were casting a second season of Pirate Master, so
don’t get your hopes to high. But, you can get them high enough since this show
is still a huge success.
In the fifth segment of the
show, Reed and the rest of the team gets back to camp after the immunity
challenge and we finally get to see the Reed drama that was promoted. Keith
learns of what’s going on with his idol. All this idol drama might be very good
for tribal council. Jeremy knows that Jon has the idol and Jon knows that
Jeremy knows, you know? Jon tells Missy about this for some odd reason.
Meanwhile, all I can think of for now is #blindsided. Who will be voted out
next? I haven’t got a clue as to what might happen. They get to tribal council
next. I can’t make out all the drama of what’s happening there. I don’t think
that I know anything. I just think that Jaclyn and Alec are safe for the
moment. I’m reminded of McLaughlin Group because of the humorous talking over
each other. Of course, I haven’t watched McLaughlin Group since I realized
their bias. Meanwhile, there’s far too much drama at tribal council to realize
what will happen next. Nobody played an idol after the votes were cast. Since
they said someone would get blindsided, I don’t know what to think. In the end
Jeremy gets voted out, thus leaving the game up for grabs for any of the remaining
players. How did this happen? Geez, this season gets interesting and they get
rid of all the great players.
On the next Survivor, Natalie
takes control of the game, Alec finally does something, and people look like
they will once again take out the strongest player: Jon. Please stop getting
rid of all the people who could win! There could be no deserving potential
winners at the end if you keep going like that.
Total confessionals: Keith- 20,
Wes- 8, Missy- 14, Jaclyn- 10, Baylor- 17, Natalie- 9, Alec- 10, Jeremy- 31,
Reed- 9, Jon- 25. New confessionals this episode: Wes- 1, Missy- 1, Jaclyn- 0,
Baylor- 1, Natalie- 1, Alec- 0, Jeremy- 4, Reed- 3, Jon- 4, Keith- 3.
Wes is currently scrapping the
bottom of the confessional count. Jeremy was the highest and his elimination
returns Baylor to the top three highest confessional count. She’s there with
Keith and Jon. Nothing else to note here. To post an update about this blog in
general, since the next episode airs the day before Thanksgiving, I don’t know
when I’ll update this blog. If all goes well enough, it will be updated on the
day the episode airs, but I can’t promise that. With Advent coming up soon,
keep in mind that I will move posts to Thursdays during that time since I
probably wouldn’t be able to live post on Wednesdays shortly after the episode
airs because I’ll be at church and have to record the episode to watch later. I
probably couldn’t go that long without watching it as I can’t risk learning any
spoilers. Plus, I think that the next episode won’t be a recap of any sort
since they still have a lot of game to play. The Sunday finale should be posted
here as usual on Sunday at which point I will start posting here on both
Sundays and Wednesdays about random Survivor stuff. Hopefully, I can keep both
posts going well at the same time. You’ll be hearing my last movie update for a
while. Christmas movies will replace the other movie watching that I do for
December and possibly longer. And to all my facebook friends who get links to
this blog on my page, keep in mind that I probably will continue posting this
blog, even though I probably won’t post the link there on facebook. So keep
coming back here for updates, even if they are a bit irregular. And let me know
if I should or shouldn’t start a blog on Madam Secretary. For now, this is Adam
Decker, signing off.
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