Sunday, February 1, 2015

Possible New Ways of Dividing Tribes at the Start

In Survivor history, there have been times when the tribes were divided by a certain way. Such ways have been pretty basic: men versus women (Amazon, Vanuatu, Panama, and One World), old versus young (Panama and Nicaragua), or returning players versus new players (Micronesia and Caramoan). Others have been more creative: battle of the cultures (Cook Islands), brains, brawn, and beauty (Cagayan), players versus their family members (Blood versus Water and San Juan del Sur), and the upcoming battle of the social classes (Worlds Apart). So you do have to wonder what new possible ways they could do that which they haven’t done it before. Well, that’s what this post is about.

Here, I start with seasons that would not involve returning players. Why not do a season that starts with players from rural areas fighting against those from urban areas? Would the rural people have an advantage by being most outdoorsy? Would the urban people do better at certain challenges? Call me biased, but I think that the rural tribe would do better. If people don’t think that will work, then why not have people from different states? You could separate the west coast from the east coast and add in the Midwest. Or you could put people from water related areas with people from more land based areas. There are probably other ways a person’s job can fit into a new way of doing a Survivor season. A season could do college students versus professors. Or you could get different graduating classes from different schools but the same year as competitors. Maybe fans of different types of sports could play it out. Now I’m just rambling (as usual) and I’m not sure I have much good ideas for that.

But, I do have ideas on how to do new returning player seasons. Everyone says that they should do old school versus new school, as in, the seasons that a contestant first played in being older versus the newer seasons. They might have to rename something like that as I’m pretty sure that more than two tribes would work best for it. Of course, a real second chances season is something that they should do and it’s a shame that they haven’t already done it. If you look through past blog posts that I’ve written, then you should notice that I’ve already done multiple ideas of which seasons would work with what returning players. They could do winners versus runner-ups. They could do runner-ups versus last voted out. They could do second-timers versus third-timers. There are probably other choices for any of this stuff, but I’m done with this post. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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