Thursday, March 5, 2015

Episode 30.2

I don’t know why my random blog posts about Survivor aren’t read that well, or at all, by people. I always say that I’ll be posting them ahead of time. But I shouldn’t really worry about this. I already have some written for the future that aren’t posted now. But I will post them later. I might add a new section of my blog post regarding anyone who was voted out or otherwise eliminated in the previous episode. I might not, but we’ll see if that happens or not. Basically, there are some thoughts they want us to think after the scenes from next episode and we sometimes wonder something about whoever was eliminated in the previous episode.

Movie update: For the future (the rest of this Survivor season at least) I hope to have movie updates limited to just one paragraph so that you’ll know which one to skip automatically. In less, of course, you want to read it. You might be wondering what the most recent version of the movie lists are. Well, let me tell you. Well, before I watched movies this week, there were six movies on each list. I will mention the lists in alphabetical order. Saturday list: The Chronicles of Narnia series, Enchanted, Fireproof, Ice Age, Our Lips are Sealed, and The Parent Trap (remake). Sunday list: Celtic Woman concerts, Finding Nemo, Graduations, Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian, Rat Race, and Seventeen Again. Monday list: Amadeus, Bible Video Stories, dancing videos, Monster’s University, Paulie, and A Walk to Remember. Tuesday list: Dumbo, Lilo and Stitch, Made of Honor, The Sound of Music (recording of a play version), The Toy Story series, and The Wizard of Oz (recording of a play version).  I was unable to watch a movie from my list on Saturday (although I did watch a movie that day), but I was able to watch one on Sunday. I watched Finding Nemo and replaced it with The Emperor’s New Groove. On Monday, I was finally able to see one of those Bible Video Stories. Since there are two more of those still to watch, that choice remains on my list. On Tuesday, I watched Dumbo and replaced it with Aladdin.

What other ramblings can I do? I know that I don’t have to do any ramblings whatsoever, but I do for whatever strange reason I have. I’m autistic! That probably explains everything. Of course, you might have already known that. It depends on how much one reads this blog of mine. I’ll be posting about the most recent Survivor every Thursday until I can go back to posting on Wednesdays. Until then, I’ll be here every week.

Keep a look out at the confessional count this week. So Kim had the highest confessional count last week with 5. Let’s see how quickly everyone else in the game can beat that number. The sooner they beat it, the better. I was actually able to see this episode live because the weather was bad enough to cancel church. I didn’t end up going anywhere that day. But I will still update this on Thursdays throughout the rest of Lent until I can change back to a normal schedule. I don’t think that it will happen again this year, although I could be wrong. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we have a nature shot of a bunch of crabs. I do wonder what that’s supposed to represent. Dan lost his underwear. It made the rest of his tribe feel uncomfortable and made some even doubt as to why that happened.

In the second segment of the show, they figured out how to start fire on the Masaya (white collar) tribe. Max strips naked for mostly no good reason. He wants private time yet, oddly, is not looking for a hidden immunity idol. Shirin thinks that it’s convenient to be naked a lot. She must be getting a lot of tweets regarding that. Hali finds it hard to talk to Nina. I do find it annoying when I have to repeat myself a lot which is why I typically avoid repeating myself a lot. Nina feels ostracized and rightfully so. This leads her to get mad at her tribe, as revealed in the promos for this episode. Jenn is very bitchy regarding that. I don’t think that I like Jenn.

In the third segment of the show, the blue collar tribe is a bit lazy or at least too lazy for Mike. The no collar tribe goes crab chasing. Vince is really jealous of Joe for some odd reason. This probably makes Vince more of a target than he would like.

In the fourth segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. DO REWARD CHALLENGES FOR GOODNESS SAKES! This better not become a habit of theirs this season. I predict that the no collar tribe will lose the challenge since they were shown winning it in the challenge description. You know what I really hate about combined reward/immunity challenges in three tribe seasons? There’s a bigger reward for the first place tribe and a lesser reward for the second place tribe. If they must combine the two types of challenges, why not just have one reward for the first place tribe? The second place can get no reward, but still have immunity. Why not do it like that? I mean, if you don’t have individual reward challenges, then don’t give two rewards at the immunity challenge! Sorry, but if I worked for Survivor, things would probably be done differently.

Wait, you want to know about what’s happening at the challenge? Well, the challenge is mostly evenly matched. But I might be right about the no collar tribe losing the challenge since Will did badly at the challenge. Can they pull a come from behind win? White collar and blue collar start fighting for first place. The white collar tribe wins the challenge, thus making Survivor history in terms of three tribe seasons. For once, the first two tribal councils are not attended by the same tribe. That never happened in a three tribe season before. The no collar tribe loses the challenge as I predicted. Maybe they don’t know how often that edit is obvious to some big fans like me. But they don’t always do that every time they do a challenge.

In the fifth segment of the show, the usual drama unfolded that always happens before a tribal council. A spilt vote is proposed, but is probably going to be abandoned. Will is a double agent and that doesn’t seem to be a good position for him to be in. Every no collar member has a confessional so they are probably all fair game. Will is the swing vote. Nina talks about her hearing problems and how it is a liability to herself. Everyone wonders who will be voting for who. That votes seem scattered. Vince is the one who gets voted out which surprises my sister and mother who are watching it upstairs.

On the next Survivor, a bunch of stuff happens and do do dee dee. (Simpsons reference). Anyways, I won’t even attempt to summarize that really really vague promo. The blue collar tribe might visit tribal council really soon. Already this season is pretty different. They lost a great character in Vince, but it looks like there could be more where he came from Jeff promised a great cast this season, right? I know he’s lied to us before so…

Total confessional count: Max- 5, Dan- 4, Hali- 5, Tyler- 4, Mike- 4, Rodney- 3, Shirin- 3, Nina- 3, Kelly- 1, Carolyn- 4, Will- 3, Joaquin- 4, Sierra- 1, Vince- 7, Joe- 4, Jenn- 5, Lindsey- 3.

New confessionals this episode: Rodney- 1, Shirin- 1, Nina- 2, Kelly- 0, Carolyn- 0, Will- 1, Joaquin- 1, Sierra- 0, Vince- 4, Joe- 2, Jenn- 1, Lindsey- 1, Max- 2, Dan- 0, Hali- 3, Tyler- 1, Mike- 2.

For the second time in a row, the person with the highest total confessionals thus far gets eliminated from the game. This makes Hali, Max, and Jenn the highest for the moment. The lowest are Sierra and Kelly. I still don’t know which tribe has the best long term chances in the game. I also don’t know which contestant is doing the best yet either. We’ll see what happens as time goes by. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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