Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Interesting Potential Survivor Events that Haven’t Happened Yet

A lot of people think about Survivor and wonder if it would be interesting if different events happened. But there are plenty of great Survivor events that haven’t happened but could. I think that it would be interesting for me to go through a whole list of them. These will of course only mention ones that I can think of, although I’m sure that there are other great ones that I can’t think of. Some of these may just be personal things that I think of that actually don’t matter that much to anyone else. And some of these, I don’t want to see happen. I decided to number this page, so I hope that the copy and paste turns out well when I move this from my Word document to my blog. Without further ado, besides this sentence, let me get to this list.

1.     Two people flipping at once. While there have always been flippers in Survivor, one would wonder how funny it would be to see something like this. Imagine two alliances trying to control the game and they have fairly even number. Both sides have worked a member of the other to potentially flip. The first tribal council vote is a tie. Then, you have two people flipping on the alliances and you are suddenly left with another tie and no idea to most people that flipping had even happened in the first place.
2.     Null vote. Let’s say that people get votes against them at tribal council but everyone who had a vote against them played a hidden immunity idol. You are suddenly left with none of the votes cast counting against anyone at the tribal council in question. While it is believed to be known what will happen in terms of voting, we have yet to see this actually happen.
3.      Hung jury. That’s my best way of describing a tie for the win. What would happen next? How would the tie be resolved? There are many different theories and we may never know what happens regarding this because there may never be a tie. We just know that there has to be some sort of tie-breaker in place.
4.     Unanimous vote prevented and caused. Okay, a lot of these things in this list will relate to questions regarding hidden immunity idols. This is another one of them. Typically, when a hidden immunity idol is played and prevented someone from being eliminated, somebody voted with the person who played the idol. Now imagine this time, the vote against the person who played the idol would have been unanimous, thus making the person who played the idol cast the only vote that still counted. Wouldn’t that be interesting?
5.    Expulsion. This is one that I’m hoping never happens. But a contestant could break rules or get violent enough that he or she is expelled from the game. In foreign Survivor seasons when this has happened, it has also been known as ejected from game or even disqualified from the game. What could be serious enough for someone to leave this way? Would this type of thing ever happen? I really hope that it doesn’t.
6.   Idol wasted and idol holder voted out. This would be a cruel and ironic moment should it ever happen. Let’s say that people convince someone with a hidden immunity idol that an alliance member of theirs is in danger of getting voted out. So at tribal council, this player gives his idol to his ally to play. Only the ally isn’t the one who gets votes. The person who first had the idol and then proceeded to waste it on another player gets voted out instead. Wouldn’t that be interesting? It would go down as a huge dumb moment. That poor person would probably never live it down. But I’d love to see a blindside like that.
7.    Idol given at auction. Remember Survivor auctions? They seem like a fun event in Survivor. And in recent seasons, they tend to give clues to hidden immunity idols at them. Now think if they did something even more dramatic: giving away an idol itself. They could do this openly, in front of the other contestants so they’d all know who just bought and now has the idol. I don’t think that they’d ever do this, but it would be cool if they did.
8.   Double tribal council in three tribe season. For some odd reason, the great twist of double tribal councils hasn’t been used in a long time. An interesting way that they could do it that they haven’t yet is in a three tribe season. Think about it. One of the three tribes would be immune as usual. The other two tribes would then have to go to tribal council and vote somebody out. For the first time in a three tribe portion of the game, second place would get you nothing in an immunity challenge. It would keep people on their toes to suddenly throw this into the game at some random point, while there are still three tribes, at least.
9.   Medical evacuation in a Redemption Island season. Redemption Island is something that I have always liked in the game. Also, I’ve always found medical evacuations to be interesting even though they are unfortunate things to happen. But one would also have to wonder how medical evacuations would affect a Redemption Island season. Imagine that in a season where you would normally get a second chance if you are voted out of the game and you wouldn’t even get that since you would be pulled from the game before you were even sent there. But that might not be as bad as what else could happen. Let’s say that you are rejected by your tribe in the form of getting voted out of the game. Then you are on Redemption Island and fighting for your life in the game. After that, a Russell Swan like event happens to you, pulling you from the game. The other contestants or contestant on Redemption Island would probably like it in a way that without having to finish the challenge, they would still stay in the game and someone would be eliminated.  But that poor person wouldn’t know if they could have stayed in the game or not since a medical situation would have changed it all.

There might be other things in Survivor, cool or otherwise, that I can’t think of that hasn’t happened yet, but would be interesting if it did. I could mention stuff regarding foreign twists that could appear in the American version of Survivor, but that might be a different blog post. There’s at least one other thing that I would mention, but I’d like to keep it secret for now. I know that a lot of cool things could happen that I haven’t mentioned yet. Maybe I’m keeping it a secret or maybe I just didn’t know of it until it happened. We’ll see what they are as time goes by. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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