Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Survivor Cambodia: Knowing the Returning Players

Now that an all-stars season is on its way to the future of Survivor, I might as well give a recap of each of the player’s original games. Since I have Survivor: Borneo on DVD, I might be including a bit more information on Kelly Wiglesworth than other players on Survivor: Cambodia. I might even write up a full-fledged recap of her time on Survivor: Borneo at one point, but not in the near future, probably. Stay tuned for posts during future hiatuses of Survivor. I have not decided yet if I will do a cast assessment for next season or not. This could be the only time I wind up talking about who the players are. So I might as well get to information about them.

Information about Kimmi: Known for her fight with Alicia over chickens, Kimmi is a bit of a random choice to return to the game again. She played Australia. She had trouble adapting to the game the first time and I’m not sure why she wants to play again a second time. Maybe it’s to prove herself. But her tribe got rid of her before the merge, but not before she revealed important information to the rival tribe that tipped the scales against her tribe after the merge.

Information about Joe: I’m not sure if there’s a player that I can easily think of that had to be voted out quickly after losing immunity besides Joe. He was in Worlds Apart, the most recently aired season. He’s an interesting player. Since he was on the most recently aired season, you probably know who he is. But he was an interesting no collar player who could have ruled the game if only he wasn’t such a huge threat. Known as the second incarnation of Malcolm, he’s pretty strong and likable.

Information about Vytas: I felt that Vytas should play Survivor again if only because of the stupid way he got eliminated over a single second. On Blood versus Water, he was actually a cool player, even if his brother helped overshadow his own game. He was a great player in his own right although his time was ultimately cut short when the singles teamed up against the couples.

Information about Peih-Gee: From the season filmed in China, you’d think that they’d have more than just one Chinese person. I liked Peih-Gee and hated how Denise treated her throughout the season. She may not have been that much of a standout player, actually.

Information about Kelly Wiglesworth: I apologize in advance if there’s too much information regarding Kelly Wiglesworth as compared to the other players from this season. I’ll get to why in just a moment. Anyways, she is a well liked player who is the first chronologically to never have a vote cast against. She played the very first season and was the runner-up against Richard Hatch. She might have done better if she hadn’t left the alliance. Since it’s been a while since she’s played, she might have the hardest time adapting to the new game. But, she might have learned from her mistakes the first time to change up her game and make it far again. I have the first season on DVD and after watching the finale (and every episode leading up to it), I had this to say about her:

Kelly is an interesting contestant and many people like her. But, by not sticking with the alliance, she didn’t end up winning the game. She might have had a better chance at it if she hadn’t turned away Sue’s friendship. But, she is still a favorite by many fans. That doesn’t mean that she’ll return to the game though. She says that she probably doesn’t want to and has not ever been considered as an alternate for any season with returning players on it. People may want her back, but it’s her choice as to whether or not she’ll be back. I give it a 30% chance that we will see her in a future season.

More thoughts on Kelly Wiglesworth: As you can see, I got the prediction wrong. I didn’t expect her to play again after the first season. You see, I don’t think that she was considered for any season. If she was, then we don’t have it on record. I’m glad that she’s back to play the game again and look forward to how she might play.

Information about Spencer: Ah, Spencer. From Cagayan, he is one of the greatest underdogs in Survivor to have not turned things around and produce the win for the season. He’s well liked by a lot of people, I think. In Cagayan, he managed to stay ahead of the brain tribe failing after other members proved to be more expendable. He made it far into the merge until his threat status got him voted out.

Information about Kass: Normally people who flip do not get very far after they are no longer needed in the game. But Kass made it all the way to third place and failed to win the final immunity challenge by less than a second. From Cagayan, she held more control of the game than people give her credit for. It makes sense that some people wouldn’t like her though, but I’m fond of her in a way.

Information about Jeremy: From San Juan del Sur, Jeremy was an alpha male who clearly dominated the game. In a way of messing with the audience, many of whom say Jeremy as a clear winner, he was voted out shortly after the merge but not before outlasting his rival by one tribal council. He’s a great player and was the leader of his tribe so it will be nice seeing him back.

Information about Keith: Also from San Juan del Sur, Keith managed to somehow be a serious threat to win the game despite not knowing much about how it works. He made it deep into it despite his blunders and was ultimately voted out last.

Information about Terry: One of the most requested contestants to return, Terry finally avoided being cut from yet another Survivor season due to all the votes the fans gave him. In Panama, he found an idol and with immunity too made it all the way to the final three before being voted out at the very end. Only one vote was ever cast against him that season and it got him voted out of the game. He is a popular contestant who conspiracy theorists say was why the final two stopped being used as much after the season he was on. I love to see him back and hope that he can avoid the curse that seems to affect a lot of the last voted out players who return to the game again. What curse? Well, I might hopefully tell you about that later.

Information about Shirin: From the most recent season (outside of what hasn’t aired), Shirin was an interesting player. It wouldn’t surprise me if people had mixed feelings about her due to her edit in Worlds Apart. The fans didn’t hate her enough to vote against her becoming a returning player. Sadly, she is remember for how Will attacked her. But even though her tribe mistreated her, she still became likable enough to return to play again.

Information about Ciera: She’s one of the more interesting villains that I know of. Some people think that she’s a hero, but I don’t understand why. In Blood versus Water, she helped vote out her own mother. Her ways made her the highest ranking member of the new players her season before she was ultimately voted out at fifth place.

Information about Monica: From Samoa, I can’t remember much, if anything, about Monica. She was on the Galu tribe and made it to the merge. Russell Hantz’s reign of terror that season got her voted out like almost everyone else from that season.

Information about Stephen: A very well-liked player within the Survivor community, Stephen is also known as the only person in a final two who didn’t receive a single jury vote. He played the Tocantins season. He also helps with Rob has a Podcast. Not sure what else there is to say about him.

Information about Andrew: From Pearl Islands, Andrew was the leader of the Morgan tribe. He was playing a great game until the Outcasts twist happened and he was voted out right before the jury would have started. I’m surprised that it took this long for him to return to the game again.

Information about Tasha: Isn’t it interesting that every member of the brains tribe that made the merge is returning to the next season? Tasha from Cagayan is pretty likable and proved herself to be a strong competitor in the challenges. This is what ultimately got her voted out.

Information about Jeff Varner: This likable guy from Australia could have lasted a lot longer were it not for previous votes against him being revealed to the other tribe and a majority at the merge that was prevented when Michael was medically evacuated. Now the other tribe knew that previous votes would be used in tie-breaker situations which is how they were able to know who to vote against. It is widely believed that Kimmi told the other tribe that Jeff had a vote against him. Well, it took a while, but he’s finally back for another season.

Information about Abi-Maria: From Philippines, this woman is considered to be a villain by many. She may not have been the best at playing the game, but she does, obviously, have her fans. She had a hidden immunity idol that helped her a bit but then got voted out right before the final four. There’s not much to say about her, actually.

Information about Woo: He is widely believed to be the player that was bumped up due to Mike winning Worlds Apart. Whether or not he actually was number 11 will forever remain a mystery. From Cagayan, this surfer dude had a carefree attitude about the game. His loyalties are ultimately what got him second place against the person he brought to the end with him.

Information about Kelley Wentworth: To me, she seems like another random choice to play the game again. I did like her in the season that she played: San Juan del Sur. She was voted out premerge due to reasons the editors seemed to have left out.

Well, I’m not sure what else to say about all this at the moment. I still have a lot of things to still post about the upcoming season and I’m pretty sure I can get that all in during the hiatus before it starts airing. I just hope that I don’t somehow have too much to say about this. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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