Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Survivor: Palau- Hero or Villain

Okay, so here’s what I’m going to start doing. You may know that there are some seasons that I either have or want to have on DVD. Those seasons can be called seasons that are special to me. Now, I will do an analysis from these seasons on each of the contestants. I will start with the players from Palau. You see, in my mind, on Survivor, you are one of three things: a hero, a villain, or neither. I only have the third category because of the many contestants who fail to meet either one. So, I will share my thoughts on the contestants from Palau and mention which of the three categories that I think they belong it. Also, something to remember when you read other blog posts like this is that you will only see my thoughts on them from this season. Their hero/villain status can easily change in other seasons.

Now when a person like me thinks about Survivor: Palau, I think about just how likable and heroic the cast was. Yes, there were villains. But the heroes pretty much ruled the game this time around. So I will mention who all were heroes and what other categories other players were.

Jonathan is someone that seems hard to classify due to just how little we saw of him. But, in the end, I think that he is, actually, easy to classify. He obviously fails to meet either category. He’s not a hero and he’s not a villain.

Wanda for me seems like a hero. I’m not sure if that’s the right or fairest assessment. But, I still think that based on what little we saw of her, that’s she’s pretty much a hero. She’s definitely not a villain and I’m pretty sure that she fits hero more than failing to be in a category.

Jolanda might seem like another strange choice for a hero, but in my mind, she fits that more than the other two categories. From what little we saw of her on the island, she definitely seemed to fit hero the best, in my mind at least.

Ashlee is hard to classify in either category. That’s why for me, she’s easily in neither category. In fact, if you see that a lot in the future, then I apologize. There’s a lot of the prejury boots that are neither heroes nor villains.

Kim also fails to classify in either category. In fact, with no disrespect meant for this candidate, she was one of the least seen contestants of this season. She failed to stand out as a player in general. I’m not sure why her edit was so bad.

Jeff easily fails to be either a hero or a villain. Some even call him a quitter, although I think that this is an unfair assessment. Now it could be argued that him wanting to get rid of himself since he thought that staying in the game would only weaken his already weak tribe is a heroic move, but I don’t see it as such. I could call Ashlee a hero if I wanted to as well, but that doesn’t fit them.

Willard is likable among the rest of his tribe and various fans of Survivor. Some would wonder if he actually fits in a category. I’d ultimately say that he’s a hero. That may be debatable and neither category might be a better fit. But I think that hero makes the most sense for him.

Angie might be close enough to being a hero that I can classify her as that. I’m not sure if she is or not. She seems to have some heroic attributes such as being targeted because a twist made the true target immune and she was then sacrificed as a result.

James means that we’ve finally gotten to the first villain of the season. While he’s a lovable guy, he’s most undoubtedly a villain when he played. With a lot of his time in the game spent warring with another player, he seems to fit the villain type perfectly.

Ibrehem fails to fit into either category. One can get offended that a player as bad as him got as far as he did. But I shouldn’t go around insulting people. I don’t see him as being heroic as he just stumbled through the game until he was ultimately voted out. And there was nothing resembling a villain in his game play or he might have stood out more.

Bobby Jon is easily a hero to me. What else could he be? He helps fight to the very end of Ulong only to lose at a random fire making tie-breaker that wasn’t at the final four that he supposedly won before it had to be redone. (Jolanda said this in a Survivor Oz interview. Unfortunately, she failed to go into much detail about this.) But he seemed pretty heroic from what I remember.

Coby, for me, is likable regardless of how you would classify him. In my mind, he’s a villain. That’s easy for me to see since he caused a lot of drama in the game that got him voted out. That’s easy for me to see, although the case for him being a hero wouldn’t be that hard to see.

Janu may seem like a random idea by me as to what type of player she was. I say that she was a villain. Why do I say that? Well, her biggest move in the game was basically to screw with other people and mess up their plans. That seems like a villain move to me and how I would define her.

Stephenie is someone whose status regarding hero/villain has changed based on what season she was in. Since I am only talking about her time on Palau in this blog post, I would have to say that she is a hero for outlasting her tribe yet still staying on top of the game.

Gregg may not be remembered by everyone, but I remember him. I believe that he was a hero. He seemed to do stuff in the game that resembled that of a hero. It might be hard to come up with a good example, but a hero he remains to me.

Caryn stirred the pot a lot when she played the game. She may not have been the best player who has done that. But, she helped cause a lot of drama in the game. Even at her last tribal council, she was still causing lots of drama. So, she’s a villain to me.

Jenn probably has a lot of fans nowadays. I’m certainly a fan of hers. She may not have been seen much throughout the game, but I saw enough to see her as a hero. She fought hard for her spot in the game and made it pretty far. The way she did it was pretty heroic.

Ian is all over the place. At times, he has characteristics of hero. He sticks with his friends throughout the game and is pretty well likable. But, he also displays characteristics of a villain as well. The way he was planning on turning on his friends to further his own standings was pretty villainous. He didn’t get much of a chance to be a villain, but he tired. I’ll have to say that ultimately, he’s not on either side.

Katie fails to be either a hero or villain. One could make the case for her being a hero, but you might not have much of a case. For someone who didn’t do a lot besides letting others make moves for her. She benefitted by this by making it to the end, but she didn’t do much on her own measures to bring herself there. So, I say that she’s not a hero or villain.

Tom was put on the hero tribe in heroes versus villains. Was that a far assessment? Did they put him on the right tribe? The answer is yes. He was most undoubtedly a hero when he played Palau. From leading his tribe to dominate Ulong to winning a (shared) record of individual immunity challenges, he was most certainly a hero when he played.

The Cast: Jonathan- neither, Wanda- hero, Jolanda- hero, Ashlee- neither, Kim- neither, Jeff- neither, Willard- hero, Angie- hero, James- villain, Ibrehem- neither, Bobby Jon- hero, Coby- villain, Janu- villain, Stephenie- hero, Gregg- hero, Caryn- villain, Jenn- hero, Ian- neither, Katie- neither, Tom- hero.

Well, I hope that you liked my assessment of players from Palau. I hope that you agreed with me as to whether or not they were heroes or villains. Did I get anything wrong? I hope not. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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