Well, here we are at another
top ten list of mine. Today we have what I consider to be the ten best tribal
councils in the show’s history. There’s a lot to choose from, but what are the
ten best? How to I decide what are the best? I’ll get to that shortly.
First, as always, I need to
have some rules about this top ten. #1 No season can be represented more than
once on this list. This shouldn’t be too much of a problem, although it will
get rid of other great tribal councils from a season in focus of the best of
all of them. #2 This isn’t so much of a rule as it is a problem: since
nowadays, tribal councils are remembered as crazy due to things like hidden
immunity idols and the like, you may see a lot less of earlier seasons on the
list, although I will do my best to put some of them on the list. #3 Craziness
is basically how you get on the list. Well, that and memorableness will get you
on the list. I am putting things on the list based on how good I thought the
tribal council was so it had to stand out in some way. #4 As usual, things are
mentioned solely based on my own opinion. One can disagree if they want to. #5
I’m only judging how good the tribal council was and pretty much ignoring both
the rest of the episode and the rest of the season, should it be considered
negative. Now, on to the honorable mentions
The first merge tribal council
in Australia was pretty crazy, but I feel that it wasn’t crazy enough compared
to future ones. The final four in Marquesas brought us an unlikely elimination,
but it happened far too quickly for it to mean much. The outcast tribal council
was one of a kind, but it didn’t stand out enough in my mind. Dabu’s first
tribal council was very crazy towards the end, but I’m not choosing it. Tyson’s
elimination in Heroes versus Villains wasn’t as stand out to one who knew
spoilers and even then, there’s still a better one that season. The second
tribal council in Nicaragua lead to a whole bunch of craziness, but I don’t
feel that it was good enough. Bum Puzzled is an episode that brought a bunch of
weirdness, but I’m not sure the tribal council stands out enough. And there was
a crazy one in Worlds Apart, but it didn’t turn out the way it was supposed to.
There might be another honorable mention that becomes forgettable on just the
very next episode, so I won’t mention more of it since that would spoil one of
my picks, if it hasn’t already. Now, on to the top ten
#10 From Philippines, we have
the tribal council from the episode Dead Man Walking. If you don’t remember,
this was at the final ten which had two different idols revealed. What made it
good for this list is simply how crazy a moment it was. What makes it only
number ten was how seemingly little it affected the overall game of the season.
#9 From Blood versus Water, we
have the tribal council from the episode Rustle Feathers. If you don’t
remember, this was the first episode since Marquesas in which a group of people
have chosen to draw rocks to eliminate a player. It was very interesting seeing
people ignore the fact that they didn’t have the numbers and still do what they
wanted to in order to get ahead of the game. We’ve seen tons of moves before
where people have avoided drawing rocks, but it was quite interesting seeing
people intend to draw rocks again.
#8 From Borneo, we have the
tribal council from the episode The Final Four. Which tribal council from that
episode? It would have to be the first final tribal council, or the last tribal
council from this episode. If you don’t remember this, then you probably
haven’t seen it. In it, we see truly great moments. Whether it is the question
that Greg asked to how Richard’s opening speech owned up to all his game play,
we see some interesting Survivor moments that don’t typically occur nowadays.
The Snakes and the Rats speech will forever go down as a great jury speech and
still might be the best thing anyone on the jury has ever said or done. Plus,
we get Richard Hatch winning at the end, a well deserved moment for him and
everyone else.
#7 From Cagayan, we have the
tribal council from the episode Head of the Snake. If you don’t remember, this
is when the tribes have merged and we see a whole different set of moves going
into play at once. There’s an idol played on one person who then plays their
idol on the first person. Plus, somehow we have a blindside in the middle of it
all. It’s hard to see many merge episodes besides this with as much craziness
as it has.
#6 From San Juan del Sur, we
have the tribal council from the episode This is Where We Build Trust. That is
such an ironic name for the episode. If you don’t remember, this episode is
known for its stick to the plan line and the first successful use of multiple
idols. What an episode! I mean, you may not notice everything about it at
first. But there is definitely a wonderful outcome to the whole thing.
#5 From Africa, we have the
tribal council from the episode The gods Are Angry. If you don’t remember, this
episode features the only appearance of the natural quiz tie-breaker challenge.
There were two sides going into the vote: each with the same number of members.
So we then have a deadlocked vote that can’t be resolved by previous votes
against a person and a quiz is ultimately what determines who will get voted
out. It is a crazy moment, the likes of which we’ll never see again. But it is
proof that interesting moments at tribal council do occur sometimes in classic
#4 From Redemption Island, we
have the tribal council from the episode You’re Looking at the New Leader of
Your Tribe. I don’t think that ever before or since has the first episode of a
season brought to us such a crazy tribal council. If you don’t remember, this
episode is known for Ometepe’s first tribal council leading to Philip’s well
known craziness and we also see a hidden immunity idol in play this early into
the game. While it doesn’t actually get played yet, it does lead to so many
crazy moments in just the very first episode of a season.
#3 From Heroes versus Villains,
we have the tribal council from the episode Going Down in Flames. If you don’t
remember, this was the first tribal council after the merge that season. This
is quite an interesting moment watching the Villains take back the game that
they might have never actually given up. They kept control of the game as
multiple idols were used to save the members on the Villains tribe and they
kept the majority afterwards. Watching the moment was pretty interesting and
proves that villains on Survivor tend to do better than heroes, especially
miscast heroes from this season.
#2 From Micronesia, we have
the tribal council from the episode If It Smells Like a Rat, Give It Cheese. If
you don’t remember, this episode featured one of the most memorable blindsides
in Survivor history. Erik could have kept winning challenges and made it to the
end. It’s very possible that he could have won. But he let various women talk
him into redeeming himself by giving up his immunity necklace. It’s hard to
believe that he actually feel for it after all the other contestants still in
the game did what they had to in order to get ahead.
Now you might be wondering
what I have as the best tribal council from every Survivor episode thus far. It
is remembered by many as a great moment and great blindside. While it
ultimately didn’t turn the game around the way it was intended to, it still
produced a tribal council so crazy that they pretty much had to promote it just
so we would know not to miss the episode.
#1 From Caramoan, we have the
tribal council from the episode Zipping Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. If you don’t
remember, this moment is when the Three Amigos, for one night at least, took
control of the game. With one of them having won immunity and the other two
possessing idols, we are then left with a moment where one of the main alliance
will get voted out. The moment is so awesome and wonderful, even if it seems
strange that certain circumstances lead to this that typically don’t happen
beforehand. I still list it as the best tribal council.
Well, those are my thoughts on
the top ten tribal councils in Survivor history. I hope that I didn’t miss any
notable ones. I also hope that I didn’t include moments that didn’t belong.
Should I have thought of more classic Survivor tribal councils to work for the
list? It seems sad that I wasn’t able to think of many besides the two that are
on the list. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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