Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Episode 31.9

There will be some upcoming changes to this blog in the near future. Don’t worry: these are just the regular changes that happen from year to year. As usual, I’m not sure if next week’s episode will be something that I’ll be able to watch and post live on Wednesday. As usual, I’ll probably be able to watch the episode live as usual. But next week’s episode airs the day before Thanksgiving. It’s hard to believe that it’s coming up so quickly. The start of Advent means that my blog posts will be moved to Thursdays for the near future. I don’t know yet when the finale of this season will be. If it’s a Wednesday, then I’ll have to post the episode when I see it the next day on Thursday. If it’s a Sunday, then I should be able to live blog it. But Sunday finales may have become a thing of the past. Meanwhile, I’ll be updating other blogs of mine after this one is published since I don’t want to push it to later with potential problems that waiting would cause. Only rolling the right episode to watch on DVD would change that.

Joe Anglim Worlds Apart Vytas Baskauskas Blood vs. Water Spencer Bledsoe Cagayan Jeremy Collins San Juan del Sur Teresa "T-Bird" Cooper Africa Terry Deitz Panama Ciera Eastin Blood vs. Water Stephen Fishbach Tocantins Latasha "Tasha" Fox Cagayan Abi-Maria Gomes Philippines Yung "Woo" Hwang Cagayan Kimmi Kappenberg The Australian Outback Peih-Gee Law China Kassandra "Kass" McQuillen Cagayan Keith Nale San Juan del Sur Shirin Oskooi Worlds Apart Monica Padilla Samoa Troy "Troyzan" Robertson One World Andrew Savage Pearl Islands Natalie Tenerelli Redemption Island Jeff Varner The Australian Outback Kelley Wentworth San Juan del Sur Kelly Wiglesworth Borneo Mikayla Wingle South Pacific

Regardless of when this season finished airing, you will see posts during the hiatus between this season and the next one. I just don’t know yet when I’ll be posting these updates. I’m trying to catch up on Survivor: Palau on DVD, but I’m not able to do that as well as I’d like. This is so I can post a future blog post about Stephenie’s time on that season. It’s also so I can add a new post to my TV blog whenever I roll an episode. The only potential problem is rolling new episodes when I’d update this blog. This could change things during the planned hiatus postings. I already have some written now and will probably get more written than I need for this hiatus anyways.

Counting out how many players we have left in the game and when a finale probably should be, I realize that they may have to do a two hour episode as they have done in the past to catch up with eliminations so that this season ends at a good time. But will it happen that way? We’ll see. I just know that mathematically, the possibility of four finalists facing the vote seems more and more likely to me.

Here’s a paragraph that I felt was worth posting in multiple blogs. On the 13th of November (which was incidentally a Friday for all you superstitious people) a bad event happened. There were terrorist bombings in France. The news talked about how this could affect football games over the weekend. It could also potentially affect various programs on TV. While it doesn’t matter in the long run if shows are affected due to current events, I will keep an eye out for potential changes in these blogs.

This probably won’t affect this blog unless there is breaking news about the event on Wednesday. Like back when the Boston Bombings happened, there was a Friday when most programming was preempted on the east coast as they showed a live manhunt of the suspected terrorist there. (I’m actually glad that he both got a fair trial somehow and was found guilty.) I don’t know what we’ll be learning about it and when in the future. I just know that they tend to give a show like Survivor which has almost repeats some extra leniency. I might post more about that later. Then again, maybe I won’t. I don’t know yet if I will or not.

Hopefully people don’t think that it’s weird or trivial to point out how TV can be affected by terrorism, but it is important to mention in my blog about a TV show. Yes, I am more worried about the affects of terrorism (or is it effects of terrorism?) than about how it will affect shows. I’m also worried about whether or not I’ll be able to see the new Celtic Woman special. As long as it isn’t on a Wednesday, then it shouldn’t be too bad. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Kelley Wentworth likes her idol play. Gee, I wonder why? Also, doesn’t coven use the short o sound? #nitpick. Anyways, there is another search for hidden immunity idols. Even Jeremy wants another one. Abi gets a confessional. I thought she was irrelevant, but maybe not.

In the second segment of the show, we get to a reward challenge. I always hate it when the sit-out doesn’t get a shot at the reward. I especially hate that during loved ones challenges or events. Why can’t she pick a team to support and then win or lose with them? At least that makes it a bit farer. The opening maze looks far too simple to be a maze. Maybe it’s actually a labyrinth, which, believe it or not, is not actually a maze as you have probably been lead to believe. The challenge is a blow out, even though the losing team still has a bit of fight in them towards the end.

In the third segment of the show, the reward winners of Ciera, Spencer, Stephen, Joe, and Tasha enjoy their reward. Back at camp, Jeremy looks for an idol and finds a clue to it. Does he really need a second one? Maybe not, but he’ll probably find one anyways. Well, now he’s got two hidden immunity idols. He joins the ranks of James Clement, Parvati Shallow, Malcolm Freeberg, and Tony Vhalos. Well, I hope that I’m not forgetting anyone. We’ll see.

In the fourth segment of the show, Stephen starts trying to work with the so call three witches. Considering other names they could have used, witch isn’t that bad. We’ll see what develops from this. The immunity challenge is next. Why are they using so many freaking Cagayan challenges? Other seasons had good challenges. They seem to be overusing it. Is it just me or did they get rid of what should have been the earlier parts of the challenge? At the buoy portion of the challenge, Stephen barely beats out Spencer to win the advantage. The winner of the challenge is Joe.

In the fifth segment of the show, Kimmi talks about wanting to get rid of the witches. I don’t know how long it has been since Kelly Wiglesworth had a confessional, but she had one again this episode. Thankfully, the real sign of the end of the world is the Cubs winning the World Series. Stephen effectively wins the power to steal a vote. Why not just introduce the veto amulet? If you know what that is, then I hope you would like the idea of it being introduced to the American Survivor. Stephen tries to get people to vote out Kelly Wiglesworth. Will that happen? We’ll see. There is a lot of rain at tribal council. They typically don’t have storms this bad at tribal council. Everyone is miserable, even the jury, probably. The music is intense in some places. I don’t know who is getting voted out. It could be Kelly Wiglesworth. The person voted out is Kelly Wiglesworth. Not only is Borneo eliminated from the game, but now every contestant from that season has been voted out.

On the next Survivor, there is terrible rain and there’s a decision as to whether or not to compete in the next immunity challenge, presumably at least. Of course, there’s probably more interesting parts of it not shown in the promo. We’ll see.

Total confessional count: Jeremy- 15, Keith- 5, Ciera- 11, Stephen- 19, Tasha- 11, Abi- 15, Kelley Wentworth- 19, Kimmi- 6, Joe- 15, Kelly Wiglesworth- 4, Spencer- 25.

New confessionals this episode: Ciera- 2, Stephen- 5, Tasha- 0, Abi- 1, Kelley Wentworth- 3, Kimmi- 1, Joe- 2, Kelly Wiglesworth- 1, Spencer- 1, Jeremy- 4, Keith- 0.

Well, Kelly Wiglesworth’s elimination means that Keith has the lowest confessional count with just 5 confessionals. Meanwhile, the highest is Spencer with 25. Ciera is now above 10 confessionals. Jeremy is above 13. Keith and Tasha had 0 confessionals this episode. I’m not sure what I can say about the numbers that isn’t redundant. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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