I’ve been thinking that the
first in the finale might be a final four. But, that might not actually be what
is happening. Since Jeff mentioned it at a tribal council, it could be a null
vote. Think about it. Both Jeremy and Kelley are going to be considered huge
targets. If they both play their idols and they are the only ones to get votes
against them, then none of the votes will have counted. Pretty interesting,
huh? I guess we’ll see what the first is when it happens.
I don’t know if I’ll ever keep
track of contestants like this before. It is interesting that starting out with
all the people that didn’t make the cast and then getting rid of just one of
them as each episode went on I wound up with just the people who made the cast
at the very last episode. I don’t know if you’ll see this paragraph again in
the blog today. I might or might not. I haven’t decided yet.
What I haven’t talked much
about yet is my predictions for how this season would go. I don’t think that I
did well at all. Two of my finalist predictions left before the merge and the
other one did not make the finale. This is the first time that none of my
finalist predictions made it all the way to the last episode of the season. I
plan to post about my predictions towards the end of this blog post.
Meanwhile, I still need to
figure out different parts of my final blog post. I normally crown the three
dumbest moves of the season. But, I have to think about what they would be. Of
course, the finale might have one of the dumb moves. I will also rank both the
tribe swap of this season and the season as a whole against the others. Also
remember that I will be posting this blog at least once a week until the new
season starts. I’ll let you know if there are any changes. But I have ideas for
posts ready (I typically have 24 ideas on a single page in this document) and
some posts already written. So remember to read this blog during the winter
break between this season and the next one.
The way I see it, there are
different ways of knowing which characters will do well going into the finale.
Some of them have no chance based on their edits so far. You’d think that with
Kimmi they would have shown how she did much better this time than her previous
game. But the fact that they aren’t showing this makes me think that it won’t
matter. Does this mean that she won’t face the jury? It would be an odd elimination
this late in the game, but I’ve seen dumb vote outs in the finale before.
Keith has also been getting a
largely invisible edit. Maybe he’s ignored by the jury if he makes it there.
Otherwise, he is also a potential to get voted out in the finale. What’s
interesting is that all three players from San Juan del Sur are still in the
game. If they have been working together, they didn’t show it in any way.
Chances are at least one of them will be voted out in the finale.
Kelley seems to have good chances
thus far. Some have pointed to signs of her impending demise. But I’m not sure
if that will happen or not. It is a good sign that they have pointed out how
she has done better this time around than she did the first time. It will
benefit her in some way. But will it bring her the win or will she end up a
mere runner-up like many other premerge boots turned good places the second
time before her.
Jeremy seems to be doing
pretty well. He certainly has a lot to say/claim about why he should win. Will
he actually make it there? It seems like his fiercest competition for the win
is his ally Spencer. I’d love to see the two of them both being finalists as it
has been a while since the winner didn’t win in a landside. It’s unknown who
will actually do better just yet. Speaking of which…
Spencer is a player that I see
getting unnecessary hatred. Why don’t people like him? He’s a great player.
There are different signs pointing to why he could win. It could be between him
and Jeremy actually. (Might there be a tie for the win?) There are also enough
subtle reasons why it may not actually be him, so we’ll see if it is him or
Tasha is the last player that
I will predict something about. She might have something in her to pull out a
win. But I’m not sure that it will happen. She’s been ignored so much that a
win would just seem a weird conclusion to her story. It could happen and
wouldn’t be a bad thing. But there’s enough against her to make it seem like it
won’t happen.
Now I don’t know what some
people will think about the overall quality of this season, but I think that it
has been quite superb. You will see my ranking of it later. Also, any talk of
the next season will be done after the reunion show in this blog post, and, of
course, when it returns I’ll be sure to blog about it. Just remember, as I keep
saying, that I will be posting new things in this blog until the next season
starts. I just hope that I can get things all written in time. Knowing me, I’ll
get more than enough written. These posts will start this coming Wednesday and
I’ll let you know if anything changes as to when it will be published. You
might see some things on Sundays.
When I think about it, I might
have good picks for the three dumbest moves of the season for this blog post. I
also will rate the season and mention the most memorable moment of the season.
Also, promos have revealed for sure that there will be a final three this
season. I don’t know if I’m glad that they aren’t doing a final four. I’m not
glad that my prediction about it was wrong, but it won’t be either the first or
the last time that that happened. At least this means there is probably no
finale reward challenges like there has been in the past three seasons.
I was able to record episodes
from syndication of The Big Bang Theory. Since I do not have a second VCR and
this isn’t on the same channel as Survivor, I’ll have to record the other
episodes some other time. This close to Christmas, at least, I’ll gladly wait
until longer to get these episodes recorded. At least I don’t have to worry
about having to watch them for a while. Can you believe that Christmas is just
next week? I’ll probably have schedule posts for the future for my blogs. We’ll
see if I do that or not. I actually dreamed that I hadn’t done any Christmas
shopping and only realized that when I woke up on Christmas morning. So
hopefully, I’m prepared this time around. But enough of my ramblings.
In the first segment of the
show, we start with Jeff Probst showing the audience while introducing us to
the season finale. There’s then the long recap. Everyone in the final six gets
a courtesy confessional as part of the finale introduction. People then talk
about the vote out at tribal council. Kimmi thinks that she can take control of
the game.
In the second segment of the
show, we go straight into an immunity challenge. The challenge is mostly
puzzles. Spencer leads in the challenge, but it is pretty close between other
players. In the end, it is Spencer that wins the challenge.
In the third segment of the show,
Tasha is glad that Spencer won the immunity challenge. Kimmi talks about her
plan to get rid of Jeremy. Kelley is glad about this plan and the idea that she
can keep her idol. Spencer sees through this plan when Kimmi tells them about
it. She doesn’t want to be on the bottom of a foursome. I don’t think that
anyone does. But, wouldn’t you at least be glad to be part of a foursome? I
realize that I might be the only one who understands this innuendo that I’m
typing. Well, me and the folks at www.survivorshade.com.
Anyways, we get to the tribal council where a bunch a drama unfolds. People
don’t know what the plan is. Kelley decides to play her idol on herself. Jeremy
then decides to play his idol on himself. They are the only two people that get
votes thus nullifying all the votes. Also, Survivor: One World and Survivor:
Philippines are now on DVD.
In the fourth segment of the
show, there is some discussion before everyone gets to vote again. They will
not be able to vote for Spencer or either of the idol players. On the next
round of voting, Kimmi and Tasha are the tied players. Keith would go home by
default since he’s the only one that would not be immune. In the end, the
discussion is that Kimmi will get voted off. She could have made a huge move,
but it didn’t work out for her. Australia is eliminated from the game and is
probably the last season out of the game, although things could change. We then
get back to Orkun after tribal council. Everyone thinks that the tribal council
was pretty crazy. When you think about it, the threesome was doomed simply
because Spencer won immunity. We then go to the reunion show where Jeff Probst
does a chalkboard demonstration of what happened.
In the fifth segment of the show,
we immediately jump into another immunity challenge. This is the obstacle
course challenge. Jeremy takes an early lead in the challenge. Spencer falls
behind in the challenge. Kelley is the first to the puzzle part of the
challenge. In the end, it is Kelley who wins the immunity challenge. Keith is
certain that he will get voted out now that his ally is immune.
In the sixth segment of the
show, Spencer talks about how nobody wanted Kelley to win. She decides to make
a fake idol and she gives it to Keith. Jeremy notices them up to stuff. There
is nonverbal communication going on between Keith and Jeremy. Jeremy tells
Keith to vote for Spencer. Nobody knows what to expect at tribal council.
Ultimately Keith is voted out becoming the first player from San Juan del Sur
to be eliminated from the game.
In the seventh segment of the
show, we jump right into the final immunity challenge. They have brought back the final immunity
challenge from Tocantins. I wish that they had done more true classics this
season with their challenges. Kelley is the first person out of the challenge.
Tasha is the second person out of the challenge. Jeremy ends up winning the
challenge. He gets emotional about it. Kelley is also emotional about losing
the challenge.
In the eighth segment of the
show, Jeremy considers the move that he has to make. Spencer wonders whether or
not he make it to the final immunity challenge or not. Kelley tries to sway the
votes in her favor and Jeremy considers jumping ship. We then get to the tribal
council at hand. The vote is probably between Spencer and Kelley. Spencer does
whatever he can to get her voted out. In the end, it is Kelley that gets voted
out of the game.
In the ninth segment of the
show, the contestants go out to where a mirror waits for them. There is then
talk among people about who will do what at the upcoming final tribal council.
They each have different plans going into it. Andrew is the first juror to
talk. He thinks that Spencer was being arrogant. He thinks the same thing about
Jeremy as well. Stephen then talks. He brings up stuff for Tasha and then
Spencer. Ciera wonders how flipping has helped people and asks the final three
to defend it. Keith then goes up next. He asks Jeremy to pitch Spencer as a
winner and vice versa. Abi then talks next. She wants to know what subtle moves
got the final three to the end. Kimmi then talks about what happened towards
the end of the game. Joe is up next. He wants Tasha to explain what she did.
Kelly Wigleswoth asks the final three to pick a number between one and ten
since that’s how her win was decided. With Kass, she asks Spencer how she isn’t
like herself. Kelley Wentworth does the last jury speech. She wonders what
everyone’s second chance story is. Jeremy uses his wife even though he said
earlier that he wasn’t going to do that.
Total confessional count:
Kelley- 39, Kimmi- 14, Spencer- 49, Jeremy- 36, Keith- 16, Tasha- 25. New
confessionals this episode: Jeremy- 9, Keith- 6, Tasha- 4, Kelley- 7, Kimmi- 4,
Spencer- 6.
In the tenth segment of the
show, we get to the jury vote. They show none of who the votes were cast for.
Now, I knew some spoilers about this episode going into watching this since it
aired the day before I was able to watch it. Jeremy gets all the jury votes as
evident by the fact that they don’t show votes that anyone else received. Now
there were votes against him in the game so I don’t think that it’s a perfect
game. I forget if the final six was the only time people voted against him.
Even though they didn’t count against him, I don’t think that null votes
against someone would make a perfect game.
In the eleventh segment of the
show, Jeremy talks about his game this time versus his last time he played.
Almost everyone thinks that the game was different this time around since the
fans voted them into the game. Tasha and Ciera talk about this. They also talk
about how the idols were different this season. Kelley Wentworth talks about
her time in the game. Jeff Probst talk about how splitting the votes sometimes
helps and sometimes doesn’t. Stephen talks about how he couldn’t get rid of the
golden boy. Keith talks about why he didn’t play his fake idol. Keith has
savvyness with balls. Kimmi talks about the now famous final six tribal
council. Is that always going to be when crazy moves happen?
In the twelfth segment of the
show, Jeff Probst talks to Spencer about how his game worked the second time
around. He mentions his regrets this season. It’s weird that nobody voted for
him. He should have gotten some votes. He was as good a player as Jeremy. I
don’t know why certain fans hated him. He would have made a great winner. Joe
then gets some airtime. People talk about how they got Joe out of the game
which gives Abi some airtime.
In the thirteenth segment of
the show, we hear more about the intense medical situations in the game. Keith
was also in a bad situation at the point as well. Terry talks about his son’s
heart. They were able to get a heart after much, ahem, heartache (sorry about
that, really. I didn’t know a better way to phrase it). They make a case for
organ donation.
In the fourteenth segment of
the show, we get to the talk of next season. They mention who some of the
players are, but not the whole cast. There will be a lot of medical problems.
If there are more than two, it would be a record. The name of the season is
Kaoh Rong and it will reuse the brains versus brawn versus beauty twist.
In the fifteenth segment of
the show we basically get one last wrap up. The reunion show was pretty good
for the most part, but I will get to a complaint about it later. While Survivor
is gone, they will bring back the hour of comedy on Wednesdays that they used
to have while Survivor was still on Thursdays and it basically switched with
it. I’m not sure what all my Wednesday 7 Central watching habits will be until
Survivor starts again on February 17th, but my blog will be here
until then. I’ll keep you updated on if things won’t be on the Wednesday update
schedule if things change. You might see stuff on Sundays, but I don’t know for
sure if that will happen or not.
Points at Reunion Show- Vytas:
-5, Shirin: 0, Peih-Gee: 0, Jeff Varner: 1, Monica: 0, Terry: 1, Woo: 0, Kass: 1,
Andrew: 2, Kelly Wiglesworth: 0, Ciera: 1, Stephen: 1, Joe: 3, Abi-Maria: 1, Kimmi:
1, Keith: 2, Kelley Wentworth: 4, Tasha: 2, Spencer: 1, Jeremy: 4.
Note on predictions: I might
as well talk about the predictions that I made before the season started. I
don’t know if I’ll do an assessment of the next season or not. If I keep
getting worse at it, I don’t know if I can continue or not. Plus, I’m not sure
if I’ll have enough information about it beforehand to do a cast assessment.
You’ll see if there’s one in the end or not. First you’ll see what my
predictions were that were in an old post and then you’ll see what actually
Premerge boots: Woo, Shirin, Kass,
Abi-Maria, Keith, Ciera, Kimmi, and Vytas. Jury members: Stephen, Jeremy,
Andrew, Monica, Peih-Gee, Kelley Wentworth, Tasha, Spencer, and Joe. Finalists:
Kelly Wiglesworth, Jeff Varner, and Terry
Actual results- Premerge
boots: Woo (right), Shirin (right), Vytas (right), Monica (wrong), Peih-Gee
(wrong), Jeff Varner (wrong), and Terry (wrong). Jury members: Kass (wrong),
Abi-Maria (wrong), Ciera (wrong), Stephen (right), Andrew (right), Joe (right),
Kelly Wiglesworth (wrong), Kimmi (wrong), Keith (wrong), and Kelley Wentworth
(right). Finalists: Jeremy, Tasha, and Spencer (all wrong as my finalist predictions
were all out of the game before the finale). I got seven out of twenty right.
Was there someone that you
didn’t notice at the reunion show? You might not have even noticed that he
wasn’t there and I probably only noticed since I knew about his planned
disappearance ahead of time. Vytas, for reasons I don’t fully understand,
wasn’t allowed at the reunion show. It seems dumb and stupid. From what I
understand, it was over a facebook post that he might have made and that he
possibly left sequester early. Now Terry was posting on social media while
filming was still happening. Plus, without looking things up, I don’t feel that
I know the whole story about it. With any luck, we’ll find out on one of the
Survivor podcasts that I listen to when he does an interview.
Now I want to talk about next
season. I don’t know why they only mentioned six members of the cast in the
credits when they typically don’t show any of them until the cast is released.
Has the cast already been released? Meanwhile, one wonders why there are so
many medical problems and if there will be a lot of medical evacuations. The
location is harsh. They had to cancel a planned season of the French version of
Survivor that was being filmed there when a contestant died early into the
stages of filming. Also, there’s information I might now about it. SPOILER.
Someone on a facebook group posted a picture of the skinny Caleb Reynolds who
is now officially confirmed to be on that season of Survivor. Now him being
skinny could relate to a potential evacuation or at least a medical problem.
Either that, or he’ll make it far into the game. END SPOILER.
At first when I talked about
thinking about what the three dumbest moves of the season were, I wasn’t sure
if I’d have enough information about it. But, I think that I can come up with
three dumb moves. I don’t know if I’ll post what the nominees are. There are
also some things that others would consider dumb that I might not. Also, one
has to look at the right moment. It is possible that Kelly Wiglesworth getting
herself disqualified from the immunity challenge the episode she was voted out
was a pretty bad move, but it seemed so subtle that it might not have been that
important. And while Kimmi’s idea to get rid of Jeremy in the finale was dumb,
it was actually a good idea when you think about it. I’m not sure if it will
end up on my list.
Now to the choices: My choice
for third dumbest of the season, may be something that not everyone can agree
on. I feel that Joe made himself a target by winning immunity after the merge.
So I’m picking that as the third dumbest move. Meanwhile, the second dumbest
move will go to Abi for her overall terrible game play. When it comes to the
dumbest move of the season, I will have to give it Jeff Varner and his mistakes
that got him voted out of the game.
What’s the most memorable
moment of the season? There’s actually a lot of choose from. There’s the vote
stealer. There’s the fact that we the fans got to vote in the cast. There were
notable blindsides in the game. But what can top the final six tribal council?
I can’t think of anything.
When it comes to ranking this
season, it will rank very high for me. But before we get to that, I might as
well rank the tribe swap of the season. The combined tribe swaps this season
will rank 13 out of 20 tribe swaps. As for how high this season ranks, I will
rank this season as 6 out of 31. It ranks pretty high as it was a pretty good
So remember that I will keep
posting my blog over the summer. In fact, I will update my other blogs while I’m
at it. You will see a new post every Wednesday unless otherwise noted. But don’t
be surprised if Sunday posts pop up. The next season, Kaoh Rong, will start on
2-17-2016. I’ll probably post about it the next day, but you’ll find out about
that later. Meanwhile, it is interesting that CBS is airing an hour of comedies
in place of this show until it returns. I’ll be sure to hopefully make good use
of the time slot until it returns. I’ll certainly be posting in this blog in the
meantime as well. I wish a merry Christmas to those of you that celebrate it.
For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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