Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Should Fans Cast an All New Player Season?

After Cambodia brought in the idea of fans casting a season, one has to wonder if they will ever do that with an all new player season. Now I may not have much to say on this topic, but I will mention what I think about this idea. What I’ll make sure to do is point out the pros and cons of doing this.

Pros: We are probably less likely to hate players that we had a hand in casting. We’ve done this once; we can do it again. Since we did this with returning players, we might as well do it once with new players. The people we choose to cast are probably all Survivor fans and we don’t have to worry about recruits who haven’t seen the game they are playing being on this season.

Cons: The fans don’t know what they want. Certain great people are certain not to get cast and bad people will get cast in their place. While you say that might happen in every season regardless of if the fans cast it or not, it does make sense given my first point. People will complain about the season no matter what happens.

Well, those are my brief thoughts on the subject at hand. I would say more, but I’m not really sure what else I would say. I guess that’s all for now. Do you think that we should cast an all new player season like we casted Cambodia? I say that we shouldn’t simply because what production does now typically works for the most part. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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