Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Episode 32.7

Since I started this blog about Survivor, the way I do it creates a bit of a problem regarding other shows that are on at the same time. The way I have it right now has me recording shows that are on at the same time to watch later. Since I’m using my laptop to blog about the show, I can’t use it for recording things. Plus, I end up using the VCR to record Survivor so my mother can watch it later. But I have come to accept this problem as part of life. I mean, typically one only watches one show at a time anyways, right? What I do is probably unusual.

Anyways, you might be wondering what shows I would watch from 7-8 on Wednesdays if Survivor wasn’t on. The ABC comedies The Middle and The Goldbergs are on at this time. I tend to not watch them as I can catch episodes of The Middle when it eventually reaches syndication. Plus, The Goldbergs will probably reach syndication at some point and even if it doesn’t, I don’t care too much about missing it. Now I was annoyed at first when Revolution was moved to the same time slot as Survivor and decided just to give it up entirely. Now NBC is airing a medical drama called Heartbeat at this time. I might like it, but I decided that I will live without it as I won’t be able to watch it anyways. Now there was a time when I didn’t watch Arrow, but I decided to watch that online from now on. Although, I will watch it live or recorded during the winter hiatus of Survivor in the future.

I live in an area that is prone to severe weather. Now while I’m typically okay during these storms, they can preempt the usual TV schedule. Normally that is actually the worst part of the storm is the usual program getting replaced by a weatherman talking about the storms. Hopefully on days like today when storms could happen, I’m not affected by program preemptions or power outages. If they do ever happen, I’ll be sure to make sure that this blog is still updated on the most recent episode sometime after it airs. But enough of my ramblings.

Now with little to no fanfare, it’s time for me to do my 200th post of this blog. In the first segment of the show, there are recaps over injuries and who has the idols. Scot is convinced that people switched their votes. He can’t decide who to vote for between Aubry and Joe. Joe feels that he’s in danger now. Cydney notices the idol that Neal has an idol or, at least, a bulge that looks like an idol. The people at Chan Loh learn that they have to get off of their camp in order to leave for the merge. You know, when the merge is done this way, it makes me wonder if they have to get off of one of the particular camps and that’s why they approach one to leave like that. I heard that happened in Marquesas, although I’m not sure if that’s true or not. A lot of what you hear and read about regarding Survivor might not be true, although you won’t always know what is and isn’t.

In the second segment of the show, people are glad that they made the merge. I’m still not sure if they aired some of the wrong promo or not before this episode as the part they promoted should have logically happened by now. Maybe it is something they edited out. People bond on their new tribes. I also miss some of the confessionals regarding who the new alliances are.

In the third segment of the show, we see more of the Dara tribe. I wonder if once again they didn’t air the thing behind the name or if I simply wasn’t paying attention. Is it just me or do Nick and Neal look too much alike? I can’t tell who is who. I hate it when people look alike on the same show. I couldn’t really tell who some of the male Friends were compared to each other. So much is happening right now I can’t really tell much of what is going on. It seems as if the brains tribe could be outnumbered by the brawn and beauty.

In the fourth segment of the show, it appears that they talk about various injuries before the upcoming immunity challenge. This has to be foreshadowing of some sort. Once again, we have a challenge that takes balls to win. Neal wins the challenge.

In the fifth segment of the show, there is a lot of talk before tribal council over what might happen. Then we get to the moment from the second promo which reveals people being looked at by a doctor that Jeff brings over. This has never happened before. How weird is this? They are putting Aubry on antibiotics. I wonder if we’ll wind up with a Missy situation where someone can’t compete in challenges but can’t play the game anymore. Maybe there won’t be a tribal council after all. Or will there? Suddenly, it appears that Neal is getting pulled from the game. This makes him the first contestant to win a postmerge challenge and not attend tribal council except as a jury member. He should be back as a jury member. What a strange exit. SPOILER. I’m not convinced that this is the last medical evacuation this season as I’m still pretty sure that something will happen to Cydney at night. END SPOILER. Neal’s idol is out of the game. Was he allowed to transfer it at all? You’d think that he’d probably want to. Did they give him the option? Now will it reenter the game at all?

On the next Survivor, the former brains tribe is on the outs, but not everything is happy for the other tribes in the game still. I wonder what all we have left in the future since this is the third merged episode of Survivor in which we are robbed of the postmerge tribal drama until the next episode happens.

Total confessional count: Michele- 11, Cydney- 9, Neal- 9, Jason- 15, Nick- 9, Scot- 18, Julia- 5, Tai- 19, Debbie- 19, Aubry- 14, Joseph- 8. New confessionals this episode: Cydney- 1, Neal- 2, Jason- 3, Nick- 1, Scot- 4, Julia- 0, Tai- 2, Debbie- 4, Aubry- 7, Joseph- 1, Michele- 2.

I know that the confessional count is wrong as I missed a lot of numbers from after the immunity challenge. I especially couldn’t figure out some of the numbers between Nick and Neal due to their similar appearance and probably didn’t have the number right for any of them. At least I don’t have to worry about that in the future. Meanwhile, it is interesting that Aubry doubled her previous confessional count in just one episode. She had the highest confessional count this episode with seven. Julia had the lowest with none at all. Neal had two this episode, the same number as Tai and Michele. Including Julia, Cydney, Joseph, and Nick had a lower confessional count than he did, although Nick’s number this episode is probably wrong. Meanwhile, Neal’s total confessional count is nine, the same number as Cydney and Nick. They are higher than both Joseph and Julia with Julia still scrapping the bottom of the confessional count. Tai and Debbie both have the highest with nineteen each. Hopefully my numbers will be more accurate in the future, although they probably never are. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Episode 32.6

I’m not sure when the merge will be yet this season. It could be soon, but might not be. I know that it will probably not be in this episode. I also don’t yet know when the jury will start forming, but it can be nice not being able to easily predict when stuff will happen. And as much as I love the tribe swap, they need to do a season without it in the future. It can be a bit overused.

I’ll probably complain about this every year since it happens every year, but they need to stop airing new episodes of shows on Maundy Thursday. There are a lot of shows that I watch on Thursdays. I can watch at least three at once since I record shows to watch later. I could record shows that air that day this year, but I’m not yet sure if I will. Since there is March Madness on CBS, I don’t have to worry about missing any of their Thursday shows. I watch The Big Bang Theory and Elementary, although Elementary is now going to be on Sundays.

As for the other networks, I watch The 100 and Legends of Tomorrow on the CW, although it looks like both shows are on reruns for now. On NBC I watch The Blacklist and Shades of Blue. The first one isn’t coming back until April for some odd reason. I watch Grey’s Anatomy on ABC and am planning on watching The Catch in the future, although I’m not sure yet if I will. I am not interested in anything FOX is airing on Thursdays at the moment. Meanwhile, there are other shows that I plan on watching when they either return or start on Thursdays. The penultimate season of Bones is coming back. Besides The Catch, the new shows that I’m interested in watching on Thursdays will be Rush Hour, Game of Silence, and American Grit. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Gondol arrives to their camp after tribal council. Tai talks about his strategy in the tribal council which wasn’t much of a strategy at all. While I find the floater game play to be underrated, it was sad to see Tai’s lack of a move last episode. Meanwhile, Peter considers flipping on his old tribe.

In the second segment of the show, we return to Chan Loh. He decides to form an alliance with Debbie. Might there be a showmance on the rise? I’m still not sure what to make of Debbie. This tribe is worried about the upcoming reward challenge as it involves basketball. Julia then joins Gondol. The challenge goes back and forth at the end, but it is Gondol that is able to win it.

In the third segment of the show, Julia starts to fit in with her new tribe, which was the same color that she was on earlier. You know, if the merge is in the next episode, then there will be people who didn’t attend tribal council before the merge for the third time. Aubry considers getting rid of Peter since he is bonding with Julia. People are convinced that Michele will be voted out next. Has someone who has blown a reward challenge ever been voted out? I know that people who have blown immunity challenges have. If it has happened to a reward challenge failure, then I can’t remember it. Maybe this will be bad for her since she’s getting an unusually high amount of airtime.

In the fourth segment of the show, people talk about getting rid of Aubry. Now both tribes aren’t going to vote someone out in this episode. Joseph thinks people want to vote him out, but Peter doesn’t know how to reply to this. I have no idea what to make of that at the moment. I think that the blue tribe (Chan Loh) will lose the challenge. But will they? We’ll see. The immunity challenge happens. The blue tribe actually wins the close challenge. Will things turn against Joseph? He might have been given the kiss of death confessional.

In the fifth segment of the show, the tribe (Gondol) gets back from losing the challenge. Aubry thinks that they shouldn’t vote out Peter since she wants her side, whatever that is and ends up being, to stay strong in numbers. Will Peter get voted out or will someone else face the vote. I have no idea what might happen as there are so many names being tossed around. Plus, some of the edits, in this episode at least, seem to be pointing for a blindside. The drama unfolds at tribal council and I’m not sure if the people in the middle are the most vulnerable as usual or not. There’s a subtle moment that the subtitles catch but it seems like the rest of the tribe doesn’t know that. Scot says to do the original plan, but I’m not entirely sure what that is. Due to Aubry’s last minute vote change (sort of pulling a Hayden Moss), she causes Peter’s elimination. She must be a Republican.

On the next Survivor, the merge happens. This leads to power changes as usual. Looks like a lot of beauties are able to make it far without attending tribal council. But will it turn out well for them in the end? I’m still not sure who has the best edit so far.

Total confessional count: Scot- 14, Julia- 5, Tai- 17, Debbie- 15, Peter- 15, Aubry- 7, Joseph- 7, Michele- 9, Cydney- 8, Neal- 7, Jason- 12, Nick- 8. New confessionals this episode: Nick- 3, Scot- 1, Julia- 2, Tai- 2, Debbie- 2, Peter- 3, Aubry- 3, Joseph- 3, Michele- 4, Cydney- 0, Neal- 0, Jason- 0.

Peter had three confessionals this episode, the same as Aubry, Joseph, and Nick. Only Michele had more than them and everyone else had less. Cydney, Neal, and Jason had no confessionals this episode. In total confessionals, Peter had fifteen, the same number as Debbie. Only one person had higher than them and everyone else was lower. Tai has the highest count with seventeen confessionals. Julia has the lowest still, this time with five. I’m not sure if I’ll keep track of the single digit versus double digit this time around. I’ll be back next time with the next episode. Hopefully it won’t be affected by my brother-in-law’s birthday. I’ll probably be normally scheduled as planned as I’m not sure that I’ll be with him for it as he’s busy. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Episode 32.5

How will they do the tribe swap in this episode? There’s an extra person. I know that they have done stuff like that before in previous seasons. Vanuatu comes to mind as one of the more stranger tribe swaps. This season is full of weird stuff already. Like the elimination in last episode was pretty weird. Has there ever been a vote out like that before? They didn’t even try to hide the fact that it wasn’t Alecia getting voted out. It was sad that she was.

There is one thing that I’d like to note before the tribe swap happens: the name of the twist of this season is brain versus brawn versus beauty. It’s not something like brain versus beauty versus brawn. There are people who don’t get the order right. Although, I don’t actually care that much if people get the order wrong. I only find it slightly annoying.

Since Caleb was medically evacuated, I might as well get to my next list of groupings of medically evacuated players like what they did in Philippines. The players in the mix right now for me are Bruce from Panama, Gary from Fiji, Joe from Tocantins, Mike Borrassi from Samoa, Kourtney from One World, Dana from Philippines, Shamar from Caramoan, Erik from Caramoan, Terry from Cambodia, and now Caleb from this season. I’d put Caleb with Mike and Shamar as one group. Erik, Bruce, and Joe still fit best as their own group. This leaves Kourtney and Dana as one group with Terry and Gary as the other group. These will be my groups for now until the next medical evacuation or until any of those players return for a future season. That’s why you won’t see some players on my list anymore.

One wonders if they’ll do that twist again, bringing back medically evacuated players at the start of the game like in Philippines. It has a connection to Michael Skupin who is now controversial due to an arrest for something he might not have actually done. But that could be all the more reason for them to do that twist again to give us a new season with players that hopefully won’t have any sudden change of perspective of them over time. We’ll see if they go with any of the lists of mine or not. Plus, I don’t know who of them are available or who all would want to return. There are probably some that production doesn’t want back for various reasons. They probably want Caleb back, although you’d think that they’d want most players back, even those that we didn’t like.

There are different things that I’m wondering about going into this episode. For one, I found it ironic that the brains tribe was dumb in Cagayan. Now we have a weak tribe labeled as the brawn one. Let’s just hope they never get the beauty tribe wrong. They tend to get tribes wrong more often than they should. That’s not to say that miscast seasons can’t be good, but it will always be something against those seasons.

Another thing that I’m wondering relates to what will happen with the tribes in this episode. At first I thought that it might be a tribe swap. Now I’m thinking that it could be a merge. They merged at thirteen players last season, which everyone found unusual. I don’t see how it was the producers playing favorites when you’d think that that, like nearly every twist, would be planned before the game starts. You do see sometimes when things don’t go as planned. Now this season was filmed before the last one and could have affected it in ways that we don’t know yet. One of them could have been a merge and thirteen. It could happen this season. It would be the first time that we go from three tribes to one instead of from three to two to one. That’s only if that happens. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Joseph has an injured finger. Will this come up later? Peter helps treat the finger. Peter feels that he is at the bottom. Neal looks for the idol. He finds all he needs to get the idol and he is the only one on his tribe to know it. The tribes than arrive at the drop your buffs moment. Good time for a commercial.

In the second segment of the show, we learn that whoever draws the brawn buff will be the odd person out until after the next tribal council. The other people will split into two tribes of six. There will be a blue tribe and a yellow tribe. Julia might finally get some airtime since she will be on a tribe by herself. The blue tribe has Cydney, Jason, Neal, Michele, Debbie, and Nick. The yellow tribe has Joseph, Scot, Tai, Peter, Aubry, and Anna. That’s who I think is on the new tribes, at least. Julia is the first person since Stephenie LaGrossa to be on a tribe by just herself. This is an interesting twist when you think about it. Makes you wonder if Exile Island was considered at all. It makes sense that it wasn’t. The yellow tribe talks about who they should vote out considering how a beauty would replace them. Debbie sends off a motherly vibe, but that could be a bad thing since most moms don’t win. She works on forming a new alliance on this tribe.

In the third segment of the show, Tai and Scot bond with each other. It seems like both tribes want to get rid of a beauty member since they know one will replace whoever is voted off. It’s hard for me to summarize some of what is happening. We then see Julia by herself on her tribe. She is not fending well by herself. She doesn’t know what’s going on and I’m wondering which tribe she will join.

In the fourth segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. The yellow tribe loses the challenge. Tai considers playing his idol, although he’s not sure if he has to. People on the tribe consider keeping Tai as part of the tribe and voting out Anna. Tai tells people about his idol and they consider using it to vote out Peter. Scot thinks that he’d be the only person who knows where two idols are. He tells Tai that Tai is safe, but Tai thinks otherwise. Anna and Tai go to their first tribal council. Will a bunch of drama unfold as usual? It is interesting, although maybe not as dramatic as usual. I don’t know how the votes will fall. When it comes time to play an idol, nobody plays one. Anna gets voted out.

On the next Survivor, Debbie looks for a new ally while Joseph is on the war path. I guess that things aren’t all happy among the former brain tribe members. But it was interesting seeing more dynamics of the former beauty tribe.

Total confessional count: Aubry- 4, Joseph- 4, Michele- 5, Cydney- 8, Neal- 7, Jason- 12, Anna- 7, Nick- 5, Scot- 13, Julia- 3, Tai- 15, Debbie- 13, Peter- 12.

New confessionals this episode: Peter- 3, Aubry- 0, Joseph- 0, Michele- 2, Cydney- 1, Neal- 1, Jason- 1, Anna- 2, Nick- 1, Scot- 4, Julia- 1, Tai- 4, Debbie- 2.

Anna had two confessionals this episode, the same number as Debbie and Michele. Aubry and Joseph had no confessionals this episode. Nick, Julia, Cydney, Neal, and Jason had just one confessional this episode while everyone else had more than two this episode. Scot and Tai had the highest this episode with four each. Julia still has the lowest total confessionals with three. Tai has the highest now with fifteen. Anna had seven confessionals, the same number as Neal. In addition to Julia, everyone with a lower confessional count than Anna is Aubry, Joseph, Michele, and Nick.

Well, with the last Wednesday Lenten service yesterday, I will be returning this blog to its regular Wednesday posts instead of Thursdays. It will probably remain on Wednesdays until Advent, but things could change during the summer hiatus. I don’t know yet if there will be any skips of Wednesdays just yet during random blog posts during the summer, but we’ll see what happens. So this blog is returning to Wednesdays, sometime after the episode airs in Central Standard Time. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Episode 32.4

You can skip this opening paragraph as I’m using it to speculate as to who I think might get medically evacuated from this season of Survivor. SPOILER. While it is probably not this episode, I don’t think that Cydney will avoid medical issues. The nighttime one could be hers. Meanwhile, someone who hasn’t been seen much in the edit thus far could be someone that goes. I don’t think that this episode will contain the only medical evacuation of the season. Julia doesn’t have much of an edit so I’m picking her as the person who gets pulled this episode. END SPOILER. It’s always sad to see someone leave the game over medical issues. It’s also strange that I would speculate something but still use spoiler warnings for it when I have no idea who is going. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we have the brains tribe returning from tribal council. Debbie talks about how her plans worked perfectly. Suddenly, we are at the reward challenge. That was soon. Guess that the medical problems will create a need for a longer episode. Once again, it takes balls to win this challenge. Maybe the medical stuff will happen here at the reward challenge. It appears that they buried the items too well. The brains tribe finally finds the last of the balls and has a head start on the other tribes at that part of the challenge. They win the reward. I’m wondering if there’ll even be a second place person, but then the beauty tribe finds their bag. Debbie is exhausted and they bring in medical while beauty continues the challenge. And cue commercial break.

In the second segment of the show, it seems that Jeff is distracted by the medical problem so he doesn’t continue with moderating the challenge. Debbie looks like she is okay. But will she stay okay? This could be a problem later down the line. Suddenly, the brawn tribe is suddenly back in the challenge and starts battling it out for second. Will the beauty tribe blow it and get their first loss? No. They are able to come in second handing brawn another loss. The medics tend to Debbie while there are players on other tribes that need medical themselves. Never has there been more than one medical problem at once before. It’s a good thing that they have so many medics available. But how long will these medical things last? Caleb and Cydney are the ones with problems now, although Debbie seems to be better. Caleb appears to have passed out before yet another commercial break.

In the third segment of the show, Caleb continues to struggle. Will he be okay? I have a feeling that he might be medically evacuated. Who are they evacuating? Cydney will be okay, but it looks like Caleb will be pulled from the game. Caleb has to be pulled from the game which upsets the other players. Typically, these things don’t happen in front of all the other players all at once. I wonder if there will still be an immunity challenge in this episode. It appears to be the strangest episode I’ve ever seen. Caleb is gone from the game, not able to recover from his condition. Do the tribes still win their respective rewards? I doubt that’s on anyone’s mind. But it’s hard to believe that there was a problem with a member from all three tribes. What will the rest of the episode hold? The tribes head back to camp now. They have an update about Caleb just so we know what’s going on.

Before I continue any further, this medical situation could affect twists in the future. Typically they do a switch from three tribes to two after four people are eliminated from a three tribe season. But it makes you wonder if there will not be another elimination in this episode and the switch occurs next time or if they will vote someone out in this episode, vote someone out in the next episode, and then do either a switch to two tribes or just a regular merge. It doesn’t seem like there’s enough airtime in this episode for an immunity challenge and tribal council so I’m guessing that we’ll just see the aftermath of different things in the rest of this episode.

In the fourth segment of the show, we return to the brains tribe after the challenge. Debbie talks about her situation at the challenge. At the brawn tribe, Alecia talks about a perceived slight at the challenge. She fights with Scot over what she believed was him insulting her. This affects Cydney. Jason seems to take Scot’s side in this fight.

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to an immunity challenge. Are they really still doing one? Plus, why haven’t we seen what the beauty tribe has been up to? You’d think that we’d see their reaction to Caleb leaving, but we didn’t. I wonder why. We haven’t seen a jungle course in quite some time. The brain tribe makes a bit of a dumb mistake in the challenge. I like the puzzle. Although, I don’t know if I’d still like it if I had to do it like they do in Survivor. The brains tribe wins the challenge first. Beauty wins the challenge second. Guess that the brawn tribe is heading back to tribal council. Once again, Alecia gets into arguments with her tribe after the challenge. We see no camp life and they skip straight to tribal council. This is the weirdest Survivor episode ever. Is this really going to be as simple as Alecia getting voted out? Turns out that it is. I liked her. And I don’t like most of the brawn tribe. Boy was this a pretty weird episode.

On the next Survivor, it appears that a tribe swap will be happening after all. We then get an exit confessional from Caleb. Also, since when did Metro Goldwyn Mayer start producing Survivor? Is this because they lost Mark Burnett? Did they lose Mark Burnett? Also, how would they do a tribe swap with only thirteen people in the game? That’s such an odd number.

Total confessional count: Jason- 11, Anna- 5, Nick- 4, Scot- 9, Caleb- 6, Julia- 2, Tai- 11, Debbie- 11, Peter- 9, Aubry- 4, Joseph- 4, Michele- 3, Cydney- 7, Neal- 6, Alecia- 12.

New confessionals this episode: Alecia- 1, Jason- 2, Anna- 0, Nick- 0, Scot- 0, Caleb- 0, Julia- 0, Tai- 1, Debbie- 3, Peter- 1, Aubry- 0, Joseph- 0, Michele- 0, Cydney- 1, Neal- 0.

There’s a general lack of new confessionals this episode. Debbie has the most with three. Jason has two. Alecia, Peter, Cydney, and Tai got one a piece. Everyone else got no confessionals including Caleb (unless you count his exit confessional, which maybe you should). As for the total confessional count, we are at an interesting point as Alecia had the most with twelve and she got voted out. The next highest, with eleven each, is Jason, Tai, and Debbie. Julia has the lowest still with two. Caleb had six confessionals, the same number as Neal. Including Julia, those that have less confessionals than he did are Aubry, Joseph, Michele, Anna, and Nick, putting the others not already mentioned as the new highest (Peter, Cydney, and Scot) between Caleb and Alecia’s total confessional count. That’s all there is to say about the confessional count for now. This is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Episode 32.3

A while ago in this blog, I would update you on what movies I would watch after rolling from a list of choices. Currently, I also decide what shows to watch on DVD by rolling from a list of choices. One of the choices on my movie watching list is Survivor: Australia- the Greatest and Most Outrageous Moments. Now I tend to update my TV blog whenever I roll one of these choices. I realize that I should probably update my TV blog whenever I watch this movie. Now that movie might not always be a choice in the future. For now, I have no interest in getting that season on DVD. In fact, I only have two seasons on DVD thus far and won’t know when I’ll get any others. Well, I do plan on getting Blood versus Water when it is released to DVD. But we’ll see what happens regarding that.

I don’t know what to make if Alecia’s edit thus far. The fire scene last episode made it seem like she had the possibility of slowly turning things around and ending goodly. Meanwhile, Alecia has been portrayed as dizty. Meanwhile, I also have no idea what to make of Tai’s edit right now either. It seems to be both positive and negative in different ways.

Whether or not I’ve mentioned it before, I am potentially looking for a new football team to root for. I don’t know yet if I’ll root for it over my current team, the Rams. The Broncos won the Super Bowl so if they ever play the Rams in regular season play, then whoever wins the game will be my number one team with the other being number two. I have no idea if those teams would even play against each other in regular season play or not. I mean, they could, but I don’t know how the leagues work or if there even are separate leagues in football. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we see the brawn tribe return to camp after tribal council. Scot says her strange reasons for voting against Alecia which she doesn’t buy. Tai thinks of how to best get what he needs for the idol and he loses a tool that he needs for it. He succeeds in getting what he needs out of the tree, this time by not trying to climb it. So Tai has the first hidden immunity idol of the season. He then learns of the super idol twist.

In the second segment of the show, people talk about tribe dynamics on the brains tribe. Debbie apparently thinks that a good strategy is to shut up which makes me wonder why we haven’t seen her do this thus far in the game. She seems a bit full of herself. Caleb wants to kill a chicken but Tai doesn’t want to do it. He seems to reluctantly agree to do that in a confessional. Tai is upset about the dead chicken. Why did he kill it himself? Meanwhile, Anna talks about her plans as to who to vote out.

In the third segment of the show, we get to the people on the brawn tribe looking for an idol. Alecia and Cydney look for the idol. Cydney does a bit of deception looking for the idol by getting Alecia to look elsewhere for it. But she still has to unlock it. Jason runs off looking for the idol. It seems as if all of the tribe is fighting for the idol. Jason finds the idol, but it seems like the rest of the tribe knows that he has it. Meanwhile, there’s not enough shown of the brains tribe right now that I’m thinking that they will lose the upcoming immunity challenge.

In the fourth segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. It’s yet another ball in the hole challenge. Don’t you love it when balls go in the hole? I like the small twist with the reward where the first place tribe gets to pick between two rewards and the second place tribe gets the other reward. It’s hard to fit the balls in the small hole. I wonder why the challenge designers like balls so much. Anyways, as predicted, the brains tribe loses the immunity challenge.

In the fifth segment of the show, there is a bunch of scheming again, but this time on the brains tribe. Will this lead to another great tribal council like in the last episode? Who are they voting out? It appears that Joseph is safe, for now at least. I always like not knowing what will happen as long as I understand why it happens at the end. A lot is said at tribal council. What’s going to happen? This is better than the last time as it isn’t someone digging their grave, I don’t think. Nobody plays an idol. Since there is the super idol, would you need another tribe’s idol to do that or are there more idols than usual? The vote is a three way tie as suspected. It’s between Aubry, Peter, and Liz. After the revote, the person voted out is Liz. That doesn’t make a lot of sense, but I guess it was her scheming ways or something that got the best of her. Does it make sense to you?

On the next Survivor, we get to the first of potentially multiple evacuations of the season. It must be serious enough if they are showing it in the promo. But who will it be? And it will it fit in with the new groups of people I’d have return that were medically evacuated? I just know that I wouldn’t put people from the same season on the same group for now.

Total confessional count: Debbie- 8, Peter- 8, Aubry- 4, Joseph- 4, Michele- 3, Cydney- 6, Neal- 6, Alecia- 11, Jason- 9, Anna- 5, Nick- 4, Liz- 7, Scot- 9, Caleb- 6, Julia- 2, Tai- 10.

New confessionals this episode: Julia- 0, Tai- 2, Debbie- 3, Peter- 3, Aubry- 1, Joseph- 0, Michele- 0, Cydney- 2, Neal- 1, Alecia- 3, Jason- 2, Anna- 1, Nick- 1, Liz- 2, Scot- 3, Caleb- 2.

Alecia has the highest confessional count so far with eleven confessionals. That seems a bit unusual. Meanwhile, Tai is second with ten confessionals with Jason and Scot tying for third place in the count with nine confessionals.  Julia has the lowest count with only two confessionals. She, along with Joseph and Michele had no confessionals this episode. Liz had seven confessionals total and two confessionals this episode. Debbie and Peter are higher than her and everyone else is lower, except those I already mentioned as having the most to third most. This episode, Alecia, Scot, Debbie, and Peter have more confessionals than Liz did, Cydney, Jason, Caleb, and Tai had the same confessionals, and everyone else had less confessionals. I’m going to try to point out who has what number of confessionals compared to who was eliminated in this episode. Meanwhile, I don’t know who to predict as the potential medical evacuation in the next episode, so I’ll be back next time and just guess than who it might be. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.