Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Episode 32.7

Since I started this blog about Survivor, the way I do it creates a bit of a problem regarding other shows that are on at the same time. The way I have it right now has me recording shows that are on at the same time to watch later. Since I’m using my laptop to blog about the show, I can’t use it for recording things. Plus, I end up using the VCR to record Survivor so my mother can watch it later. But I have come to accept this problem as part of life. I mean, typically one only watches one show at a time anyways, right? What I do is probably unusual.

Anyways, you might be wondering what shows I would watch from 7-8 on Wednesdays if Survivor wasn’t on. The ABC comedies The Middle and The Goldbergs are on at this time. I tend to not watch them as I can catch episodes of The Middle when it eventually reaches syndication. Plus, The Goldbergs will probably reach syndication at some point and even if it doesn’t, I don’t care too much about missing it. Now I was annoyed at first when Revolution was moved to the same time slot as Survivor and decided just to give it up entirely. Now NBC is airing a medical drama called Heartbeat at this time. I might like it, but I decided that I will live without it as I won’t be able to watch it anyways. Now there was a time when I didn’t watch Arrow, but I decided to watch that online from now on. Although, I will watch it live or recorded during the winter hiatus of Survivor in the future.

I live in an area that is prone to severe weather. Now while I’m typically okay during these storms, they can preempt the usual TV schedule. Normally that is actually the worst part of the storm is the usual program getting replaced by a weatherman talking about the storms. Hopefully on days like today when storms could happen, I’m not affected by program preemptions or power outages. If they do ever happen, I’ll be sure to make sure that this blog is still updated on the most recent episode sometime after it airs. But enough of my ramblings.

Now with little to no fanfare, it’s time for me to do my 200th post of this blog. In the first segment of the show, there are recaps over injuries and who has the idols. Scot is convinced that people switched their votes. He can’t decide who to vote for between Aubry and Joe. Joe feels that he’s in danger now. Cydney notices the idol that Neal has an idol or, at least, a bulge that looks like an idol. The people at Chan Loh learn that they have to get off of their camp in order to leave for the merge. You know, when the merge is done this way, it makes me wonder if they have to get off of one of the particular camps and that’s why they approach one to leave like that. I heard that happened in Marquesas, although I’m not sure if that’s true or not. A lot of what you hear and read about regarding Survivor might not be true, although you won’t always know what is and isn’t.

In the second segment of the show, people are glad that they made the merge. I’m still not sure if they aired some of the wrong promo or not before this episode as the part they promoted should have logically happened by now. Maybe it is something they edited out. People bond on their new tribes. I also miss some of the confessionals regarding who the new alliances are.

In the third segment of the show, we see more of the Dara tribe. I wonder if once again they didn’t air the thing behind the name or if I simply wasn’t paying attention. Is it just me or do Nick and Neal look too much alike? I can’t tell who is who. I hate it when people look alike on the same show. I couldn’t really tell who some of the male Friends were compared to each other. So much is happening right now I can’t really tell much of what is going on. It seems as if the brains tribe could be outnumbered by the brawn and beauty.

In the fourth segment of the show, it appears that they talk about various injuries before the upcoming immunity challenge. This has to be foreshadowing of some sort. Once again, we have a challenge that takes balls to win. Neal wins the challenge.

In the fifth segment of the show, there is a lot of talk before tribal council over what might happen. Then we get to the moment from the second promo which reveals people being looked at by a doctor that Jeff brings over. This has never happened before. How weird is this? They are putting Aubry on antibiotics. I wonder if we’ll wind up with a Missy situation where someone can’t compete in challenges but can’t play the game anymore. Maybe there won’t be a tribal council after all. Or will there? Suddenly, it appears that Neal is getting pulled from the game. This makes him the first contestant to win a postmerge challenge and not attend tribal council except as a jury member. He should be back as a jury member. What a strange exit. SPOILER. I’m not convinced that this is the last medical evacuation this season as I’m still pretty sure that something will happen to Cydney at night. END SPOILER. Neal’s idol is out of the game. Was he allowed to transfer it at all? You’d think that he’d probably want to. Did they give him the option? Now will it reenter the game at all?

On the next Survivor, the former brains tribe is on the outs, but not everything is happy for the other tribes in the game still. I wonder what all we have left in the future since this is the third merged episode of Survivor in which we are robbed of the postmerge tribal drama until the next episode happens.

Total confessional count: Michele- 11, Cydney- 9, Neal- 9, Jason- 15, Nick- 9, Scot- 18, Julia- 5, Tai- 19, Debbie- 19, Aubry- 14, Joseph- 8. New confessionals this episode: Cydney- 1, Neal- 2, Jason- 3, Nick- 1, Scot- 4, Julia- 0, Tai- 2, Debbie- 4, Aubry- 7, Joseph- 1, Michele- 2.

I know that the confessional count is wrong as I missed a lot of numbers from after the immunity challenge. I especially couldn’t figure out some of the numbers between Nick and Neal due to their similar appearance and probably didn’t have the number right for any of them. At least I don’t have to worry about that in the future. Meanwhile, it is interesting that Aubry doubled her previous confessional count in just one episode. She had the highest confessional count this episode with seven. Julia had the lowest with none at all. Neal had two this episode, the same number as Tai and Michele. Including Julia, Cydney, Joseph, and Nick had a lower confessional count than he did, although Nick’s number this episode is probably wrong. Meanwhile, Neal’s total confessional count is nine, the same number as Cydney and Nick. They are higher than both Joseph and Julia with Julia still scrapping the bottom of the confessional count. Tai and Debbie both have the highest with nineteen each. Hopefully my numbers will be more accurate in the future, although they probably never are. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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