Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Price is Right Survivor Special

Remember when I said that it could be a while before I get caught up on tapes before I post about the Price is Right Survivor special? Well, it turns out that the special was recorded at the very beginning of a tape which worked out well. I didn't have anything else recorded after it when I was able to watch it so I will post it closer to the air date. I will be posting in this blog every Wednesday that I can. If you don't see an update on a Wednesday, then check my TV blog to see if something was updated there instead. I'm going to update one of these blogs on one of those days. If I ever skip a Wednesday in this blog, I'll let you know why in the next blog post I'm able to do. Sorry for the confusion. Now on to the blog post.

Okay, you are seeing this post sooner than I originally planned on doing. It would actually be better to post this sooner to when the actual special airs than whenever I get caught up on the special on tape. I do wonder if this will be released on some DVD with Survivor stuff on it. Maybe they can release it with memorial specials to the three dead Survivor players. It’s understandable if they don’t ever do these specials for dead people. I mean, they wouldn’t want to be seen as marketing off of someone’s death. Although, that doesn’t seem to stop whoever runs Elvis Pressley’s estate from doing that for however long he’s been dead. I simply feel that the dead should be remembered by those who are still living. But enough of that.

Now before I get to the special, there is something that I want to address. I do not understand why so many people hated Michele as a winner. Am I the only one who didn’t like Aubry? I felt that she was entitled, annoying, and rude. I’m glad that she didn’t win. I probably would have been okay with Aubry winning, but I like Michele as a winner better. I’m not sure what people have against Michele besides the floater argument. She didn’t attend tribal council until after the merge so it would have been hard for her to be more important back then.

I’m not sure what I felt was a bad decision by a jury. While I would have rather had Ozzy as a winner instead of Yul, I’m okay with Yul winning. Meanwhile, the winner I like least is Brian (I hate the fact that someone as despicable as him could win), but I’m not sure who from that season I’d rather have as a winner. Of course, the cast did suck that season. But enough of my ramblings.

On to the special! In the first segment of the show, Boston Rob is the first contestant brought down. Joe from Worlds Apart and Cambodia is the second contestant brought down. Cirie Fields is the third contestant brought down. Rupert Boneham is the fourth contestant brought down. The castaways are competing for charity. Of course they are. There is a fire table and furniture up for bid. Whoever is with Rupert is the win that wins based on the one thing I don’t like most about the Price is Right. There is a jeep up as the first price and the pricing game is lucky seven. She is given seven dollars. For every number she is off, she loses a dollar. She needs just one left to buy the jeep. She does not win the jeep as she’s off by too much.

The next castaway is Tina Weeson. The next item up for the bid is an apple watch and iphone. They are won the Boston Rob and whoever he is with. They play both most expensive between a TV, a scooter, and a washer and dryer. She guesses the TV, but doesn’t win.

In the second segment of the show, the next castaway is Jeremy Collins. The next item up for bid is camping gear. Cirie and the person she is with win the item. Thomas is his name. They play the punch a bag game. He guesses the first price right. He does the same with the other three prices. I’ve never really liked this game as it relies on random chance. For the first time that I’ve ever seen this game, the contestant actually gets the highest price.

In the third segment of the show, Alyse, who is with Rob, spins first and goes over after spinning a 60 then a 70. Rupert’s partner or whatever you call her gets 65 and decides to stay with that. Jessica is her name. In two spins, Thomas gets a 95 and goes on to the showcase. Woo is then brought up to the contestants row next. A kayak is up for bid next. Latrina, who is with Joe, is the one who gets the bid right. She plays for a trip to Borneo. The game they play is Now or Then. Is the price from now or May of 2000? She is able to win the price by getting her first three guesses all right.

In the fourth segment of the show, Kelley Wentworth is the next castaway brought down. A hammock and a tiki bar are the next items up for bid. Woo and his partner Inge wins the item. They then compete for a car. They compete on the game that’s too much. She goes one too many and thus doesn’t win the car. They then bring another contestant up playing with Natalie Anderson. Kelley and her partner Donald win the item of action cameras. They then compete for designer handbags and grills. The game they play is Double Cross. They win the item.

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to the wheel. Inge gets a combined 80 in her two spins. Donald gets two tens and thus gets his torch snuffed. Latrina gets a combined one dollar amount. She does not do well on her bonus spin. Also, can somebody please get rid of that fucking Ford commercial? It makes me want to kill someone.

In the sixth segment of the show, we get to the showcases. Thomas keeps the first showcase with a trip and a car. I think that he might have gone over. Then we get to Latrina’s showcase with a game room and computer. She could get a potential car as well. I fear she too may have gone over.

In the seventh segment of the show, Thomas is over as I predicted. Latrina is not over and Joe gets money to his charity Stand up to Cancer. I’m glad that she won. It’s nice to see this special. I’m not sure why they did it, but I’m glad that it worked out. I will not be starting a blog about the Price is Right anytime soon. I’m not sure why I’m mentioning this as I didn’t plan on it anyways. Anyways, I’ll be back each Wednesday (when possible, at least) with random blog posts until the next season of Survivor starts. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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