Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Episode 33.2

There’s a lot of useless crap for me to talk about in the introduction to my blog posts. But I like doing it and I feel that sometimes there are good things to talk about. It doesn’t always relate to Survivor, but it is a good thing for me to talk about something of some sort or another.

I hope that people like the way I talk about potential spoilers in this blog by making sure that the beginning and end of the spoiler are separated for people to skip if they don’t want to read it. Speaking of which… SPOILER! Caleb Reynolds is rumored to be a contestant on next season. Until this is confirmed or not, I will include him on groupings I have of medically evacuated players. Keep that in mind if the list does change again. END SPOILER. So do you think that I do a good job with the way I mention potential spoilers or not? It might be better for me to never mention them (I doubt that I would know anything that serious), but I’m not sure if that can always be the case or not.

The promo seemed to imply that yet another man would be medically evacuated from the game. Why is it that nearly all of the medical evacuations are men and women never seem to be pulled from the game at all? Men are considered the stronger gender (although, let’s face it, if they had to give birth, mankind would be extinct by now) so you do have to wonder if it is their knack for doing more dangerous things that have gotten them hurt more. I should do an analysis of medical evacuations sometime. I have no idea who to guess for this potential evacuation and would probably just say that Zeke might be the person who might get pulled in this episode.

You know what I realized? The first time they were in Fiji, there was political turmoil that almost resulted in an evacuation of the cast. Now that they’ve returned to Fiji, they did have to evacuate the whole cast. I do wonder if we’ll ever find out what happened after the evacuation from the hurricane until they returned. I’m guessing that they were still kept separate as tribes. I’m hoping for a secret scene, but I might just have to wait for cast interviews to find out for sure what happened.

In case you were wondering what shows I’ll be watching now on Wednesdays, I’ll let you know: I finally have a second VCR to use which I will use to record Arrow on a regular basis; I will watch Blindspot online now, although I may see more of it live during the winter hiatus of Survivor; I will watch Law and Order: SUV after Survivor; I will record Modern Family to watch later; I might get into Frequency, if possible; I have gotten into Designated Survivor (yay, political thrillers!); and I will also watch Code Black. I especially love the Code Black promos for this new season as they are using a song that I’ve heard on Joy FM, a Christian radio station. Did they know that they are using a Christian song? I know, and I applaud them for it. Now I just hope that these shows are coming in.

When it comes to who I might root for this season, I haven’t made up my mind just yet. I’m not sure if I will have a favorite to win or not. I could root for Mari, but I’m not so sure that I want to put my support behind her just yet. The last time I rooted for a gamer to win Survivor was in Gabon when Ken was playing. While I liked Ken at first, by the time he was voted out, I no longer cared for him. He was a pretty dumb player, but I might have to wait until a possible look back at the season before I go into full detail about him. Anyways, like many people, I find Zeke to be an interesting person. We’ll see if he lasts. David is a disaster waiting to happen. I hope that he can actually last a long time, but he could easily be the next quitter of Survivor. Honestly, we’ll have to see what happens with him as it could go in many different ways. He could make it far or not far enough. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we get to the purple tribe who is still complaining about the game thus far. CeCe got votes as she was somehow close to Rachel. David thinks that he is more like Cochran than Ozzy. To be far, though, Ozzy has constantly gotten worse edits when he’s played and Cochran has gotten better edits as he’s played. David then looks for the idol. He finds it in a random coconut.

In the second segment of the show, there’s a showmance brewing between Figgy and Taylor. Michaela thinks that kissing in this environment is nasty. (Not to sound racist or anything, but do only black women call things nasty?) Jay forgets Rob and Amber when he says that no couple has ever lasted on Survivor. He thinks that the minority alliance he is in with them could crumble because of this (not realizing, of course, that the rest of the tribe could turn against them). Ken catches an octopus for his tribe. Remember when Tom hunted a shark? I think that this is different because it seemed, in a strange way, that the octopus wanted to get caught.

In the third segment of the show, things are strange as usual on the millennial tribe. Figgy seems to butt heads with Michaela. On the gen x tribe, there are problems with other people thinking that Paul is a problem. But the real problem is when Paul starts to have a medical problem.

In the fourth segment of the show, the situation with Paul gets serious enough that it seems like they might have to put a helicopter on standby. Paul is not medically evacuated. David thought that it would be good if Paul were pulled so we are being shown more negativity to David in the game. We then get to the day seven immunity challenge (when are they going to gain back that extra day? Will this be a 40 day Survivor season this time? I’m not sure yet) where the winning tribe gets a tarp. If I had to do a prediction, it would be that gen x wins the challenge. David struggles at the challenge. But, gen x still wins the challenge as I predicted. Mari gets the confessional after the challenge so we’ll see if this is a kiss of death confessional or not. Also, it seems that the person I know who coined the term is no longer blogging about Survivor. Guess I’ll need to think of a different back-up person.

In the fifth segment of the show, we get back to the tribe after their immunity loss. People think that they should just vote out Figgy. Jay thinks that his alliance is done considering how they will lose a member. There is drama being stirred up. I can’t tell if Jay is lying or not to save his alliance. While I’m normally against lying in general life, it does have advantages in Survivor.  Michaela points out that things are not going well on this tribe. A whisper makes Mari seem like the target of one person. We do not get the reason at the moment. This is happening during the real discussion. I can’t tell which two women are whispering. Michelle and Hannah are talking and it seems that Jeff creates drama by talking about it. Has there ever been a tribal council like this before? I don’t remember there being a side conversation ever. Hannah takes a while deciding who to vote for, which people notice. Mari is voted out. I guess that if I want to see more of her, then I should watch Smosh games.

On the next Survivor, Zeke and Adam feel betrayed by the vote off. There is also a twist in the end. SPOILER. Apparently they are switching into three tribes like they did in Cambodia. I got this information from a supposedly spoiler-free place too. END SPOILER.

Total confessional count: CeCe- 2, Paul- 3, Will- 2, David- 7, Michaela- 6, Sunday- 2, Figgy- 5, Chris- 3, Lucy- 0, Adam- 3, Bret- 2, Jessica- 3, Ken- 3, Michelle- 2, Hannah- 3, Zeke- 6, Jay- 3, Taylor- 4, Mari- 6.

New confessionals this episode: Mari- 2, CeCe- 0, Paul- 2, Will- 0, David- 3, Michaela- 3, Sunday- 1, Figgy- 4, Chris- 1, Lucy- 0, Adam- 0, Bret- 0, Jessica- 0, Ken- 2, Michelle- 1, Hannah- 0, Zeke- 2, Jay- 2, Taylor- 2.

Mari had two confessionals this episode this episode, the same number as Paul, Ken, Zeke, Jay, and Taylor. The contestants who were higher than her in the count for this episode were Figgy, David, and Michaela, with Figgy being the highest with four. Everyone else was lower than Mari, in terms of the count for this episode. Lucy, Adam, Bret, Jessica, CeCe, Will, and Hannah all had no new confessionals this episode. Lucy still has no confessionals total throughout the game. Mari had six confessionals total, the same number as Michaela and Zeke. Only David was higher than both of them and he has seven total confessionals. We’ll see what happens next time. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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