Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Episode 33.9

Isn’t it weird that only one man has been eliminated from the game thus far? The merge has made me realize that somehow, men have taken control of the game, whether other people, including these men, realize it or not. You’d think that the women should band together but they may not realize this, nor would they see it as anything other than what it really is: women just happen to being the victims of the vote week after week. But this is unusual and I’m not sure there has ever been a season this successful for men before. Now things could turn for them, but I doubt that a woman would win this season. It’s a shame that we don’t see more women winners (or that they get such bad edits like last season’s winner). I wonder if I’m the first to notice the gender imbalance still in the game.

I don’t know if I like Adam this season or if I want him to win. I think that I should. I do wonder when/if he will be voted out or otherwise eliminated this season. He might be in it for the long haul. Only one other person thus far named Adam has played. He was in the Cook Islands season. He made it all the way to the finale and was the highest ranking member of his tribe. We still don’t know whether or not the name alone will prove successful or not. I think that Survivor Oz has done articles on this. But whatever great game play he had seems to be quickly deteriorating so I’m not sure he will make the finale. He could be good, but I just don’t know.

It’s a good thing that I was able to see the Price is Right Survivor special when I did. Otherwise, I would have only just watched it for the first time on Friday and you wouldn’t see the post until the winter hiatus of the show. It’s good to finally be at the end of watching the recorded from last season. Man I have got to stop procrastinating sometime. I think that I will later. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Jay talks about what happened after tribal council. Some people are worried about what secrets could come to light in the future. Taylor and Adam seem to have an agreement about not to rat each other out. Why is Taylor pulling a NaOnka? Vinara is the name of the merged tribe. Why is it called that?

In the second segment of the show, we get to the reward challenge that I miss a lot of as I’m preparing supper for myself. Hannah’s group loses the challenge which causes her to question herself. At the reward, the score sounds kind of like Gantsa’s Paradise to me. Back at camp, Adam, who did not steal the reward, talks to Jay and things do not seem to go well. I don’t think that Adam meant to be rude, but he was considered that anyways. If you want to know how a different Adam feels about things like that sometime, check out my facebook page. I should go back to twitter where I’m less likely to get in trouble for things that I post. I go on a political rant on facebook, I get into long arguments. I go on one on twitter, I get four new followers. Weird difference, right?

In the next segment of the show, Sunday is worried about someone. She wants to get rid of Jessica. Why are the women always trying to get rid of each other when only three of them are left? The immunity challenge offers a sit out or play option. I honestly wouldn’t sit out for a measly meal like that. Ball on a bow is a new one. Also, Screen Junkies, if you are reading this, please do an honest trailer for this show (Survivor) because I’d love to hear you talk about the ball fetish that the somehow straight Jeff has. Will and Zeke are the only people who sit out. Ken wins the challenge.

In the next segment of the show, David thinks that they should split the votes between Taylor and Jay. But the promos have basically revealed that something dramatic was going to happen. Jay doesn’t like being on the bottom. Jay doesn’t know what to do with his idol. He was a person with an idol, right? We then get to tribal council.

Taylor comes forward about the food, but lies and says that Adam had some of the food. Taylor then blabs about his advantage. Adam comes forward about it when comforted about it. Taylor is convinced that Adam would only use his advantage on the loved ones reward. I don’t think that I like either one of them. Here I was thinking that the mudslinging was over for a while. Maybe the vote isn’t as obvious or all this drama is supposed to make us forget it. No votes are revealed. No idols are played. Taylor is the person who gets voted out. Somehow, I didn’t see that coming despite the signs to the contrary. And I might be coming up with a nominee for dumbest move of the season.

On the next Survivor, the gen-xers are imploding and Will reveals Jay’s idol which them becomes common knowledge to people. Remember that crazy promo before the double tribal council episode of Gabon? That’s what this promo reminds me of.

Total confessional count: Sunday- 7, Chris- 14, Adam- 20, Bret- 10, Jessica- 11, Ken- 12, Hannah- 13, Zeke- 19, Jay- 18, Taylor- 20, Will- 7, David- 25.

New confessionals this episode: Bret- 1, Jessica- 0, Ken- 0, Hannah- 2, Zeke- 1, Jay- 4, Taylor- 3, Will- 1, David- 1, Sunday- 3, Chris- 2, Adam- 2.

Taylor had three confessionals this episode; the same number as Sunday. The only person with more confessionals was Jay. Everyone else had less. Jessica and Ken are the only people this episode without new confessionals. Ken didn’t even get one after winning, which must show how irrelevant either this episode’s immunity was or how irrelevant he is. In terms of total confessionals, Taylor had twenty, which is the same number as his rival Adam.  The only person higher than them is David with twenty-five confessionals. Everyone else is lower than those three are. The lowest are Sunday and Will who are the only two people still left with single digits. They both have seven total confessionals. That’s pretty much all the new things to talk about here. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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