You will see when I’m blogging
about the new season of Survivor my mention of a dead contestant from Gabon
that happened on the last day of 2016. Boy that year just had to end with
another death didn’t it? Well, Gabon has now joined Palau, Borneo, and Blood
versus Water as a season of interest for me as I’ll now be calling it. Anyways,
ignore this paragraph and go to the next one where I explain what the actual
point of this post is.
When contestants play the game
multiple times, there is clearly a difference between how their games went down
the first time versus how they went down the second time. Something I realize
going into this is how the three returning players from this season have done
worse in placement in the seasons that they have done thus far. But, I might as
well get to them and how their game changed from one season to another.
Randy was pretty much a random
contestant the first time around. There wasn’t much of an impression that he
made on me. He clashed a lot with other contestants this season and ended up
being the deciding vote in to who would win the game. When he played a second
time, in Heroes versus Villains, he was placed on the villains tribe.
Ultimately, he didn’t make much of an impact on the game as he was the first
voted out of the tribe after which, he then threw his buff into the fire of
tribal council. While I thought at first that it might be him not liking the
villain label, it was actually due to him losing his first buff and him being
told not to lose the second one. Main transition: From an angry jury member to
a forgettable, early boot.
Corrine might have only
retroactively made a negative impression on me. What’s weird is that she
probably doesn’t care that most people don’t like her. It seems that she
relishes in the fact. The first time she played, she didn’t really get along
with most people and said incredibly rude things to Sugar on the jury. When she
returned the second time, I honestly didn’t remember who she was. She didn’t
really stand out that much the second time around, except for being the third
consecutive rival of Phillip to be voted out of the game. Main transition: From
a mean-spirited player to a forgettable one.
Sugar is someone that I don’t
really like and don’t understand why others like. I think that my sister likes
her, but I can’t remember. She was constantly being sent to Exile Island over
and over again and due to a twist with it, got luxury after finding the idol.
That twist wasn’t ever used again, which is good. Of course, they never fixed
the problem of people being constantly sent to Exile Island over and over
again, but that’s an entirely different rant and not really needed since they
don’t have it anymore. While she never got voted against the whole season, she
didn’t get any votes to win at the final three either. She wasn’t that great a
player. She returned as a hero on Heroes versus Villains. I didn’t know why she
got to be a returning player and she did terribly the second time, annoying her
tribe and becoming the first person voted out that season. Apparently in
sequester, she was so negatively affected by her vote out that she had to be
medically evacuated due to sudden depression. I hope that she feels better now.
When people don’t like me, I typically just shrug it off and don’t care about
them. I don’t need people like that in my life. Main transition: From an
annoying player who made it far to an annoying player who didn’t make it far.
Contestant’s Name
Second Season
Angry at everyone
Just mildly irritated
Excessively bitchy
Easily forgettable
Really annoying
Very bad
Well, you will get more
information about Gabon as time goes by. You’ll see my thoughts on the cast
elsewhere and if this post is any indication, I really didn’t think fondly of
the cast. I guess that you will find out more about it later, if all goes well.
For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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