Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Episode 34.10

It can be hard to believe that there are this many people still left in the game and the end is coming later this month. Soon the show will end. It seems like they will have to do more double episodes or something like that soon in order to catch up. Otherwise, maybe they will be doing a twist that sees four finalists at the end. I doubt it and don’t think that I’d want to see it. So either there will be multiple eliminations in an episode or yet another two hour episode before the season ends. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, the minority voted for Tai, I think, as the recap put it. Brad makes it seem like a mistake. Michaela points out that nothing is solid as the majority voted out one of their own. Sierra talks about getting the legacy advantage to Sarah. I’m not sure if Sarah’s long term chances are good or not. She seems to have a fairly uneven edit, but could possibly win still.

In the second segment of the show, we get to the reward challenge. Things get instantly emotional when Jeff says that their family is coming. I do wonder how awkward it would be if a contestant said they wanted someone only for someone else to come out in their place. I’m sure that I would like any relative, but some I might want over others. I do think that these are more emotional than they might need to be. I’m starting to wonder how short this challenge is going to be. Monica returns to the island as Brad’s loved one. The competition is a team challenge with three teams. I lose track of which team wins and they invite two people. Michaela is not picked by Andrea.

In the third segment of the show, we get to the reward and what people are talking about regarding the decisions. I lost track of things for a moment as I prepared supper for myself. At least I don’t live tweet Survivor anymore. I couldn’t keep up with that. Michaela prepares to flip. I’m beginning to think that there are too many flippers this season.

In the fourth segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge and it looks like it might be balls to the wall. Wait, it is a buoy and not a ball. It looks like a larger than usual ball. It is larger than usual for us, but maybe not for someone like Chuck Norris. The challenge comes down to between Brad and Tai. People probably don’t think of someone like Tai as a challenge beast. But he doesn’t win this time. Brad wins immunity for the first time ever. Michaela talks about potentially flipping.

In the fifth segment of the show, we get back to camp and I need to come up with a more creative first sentence for these paragraphs. Andrea thinks that the vote will be easy. In Survivor, it is rare that things are ever easy and straightforward. Will Sierra be voted out? Sarah thinks that she could get the legacy advantage if she does. While Sarah may be evil, she is good at playing the game. Doesn’t Sarah have her own advantage already? Does she need to? I hope that Sierra doesn’t will the advantage to Sarah if Sierra does get voted out. Michaela talks about making the right decision.

At tribal council, Jeff talks about the reward and how it might have affected the game. Sierra doesn’t think that she’s the biggest threat so she talks about how Andrea is one. One shouldn’t do things like that if you want to advance in the game. Andrea thinks that the lie is either one way or another. Nobody plays an idol (will one ever get played?) and the person voted out is Sierra. This makes me wonder if she knows who flipped or not. Sierra does give the legacy advantage to Sarah.

On the next Survivor, tensions are high. People are still looking for an idol even though they should all be found. Are they? I guess that we’ll see. Cirie also has to make a potential tough decision of some sort. I guess we’ll see what it is later.

Total confessional count: Cirie- 22, Sarah- 24, Troyzan- 8, Sierra- 17, Tai- 16, Andrea- 15, Aubry- 12, Michaela- 18, Brad- 21. New confessionals this episode: Brad- 2, Cirie- 2, Sarah- 2, Troyzan- 0, Sierra- 3, Tai- 1, Andrea- 2, Aubry- 0, Michaela- 5.

Well, Worlds Apart has now been eliminated from this season. Even factoring in all the returning player seasons before they originally played, only Kaoh Rong still has multiple players left in the game. That’s if you don’t count the Cambodia rejects of Brad and Troyzan. As for the confessional count, Sierra had three this episode, only below Michaela with five. Everyone else is lower with Aubry and Troyzan having no new ones this episode. In terms of the total count, Sierra had seventeen, which is below Michaela, Brad, Cirie, and Sarah, with Sarah at the highest with twenty-four. A lot of the people with the highest count have been voted out this season. Will it happen again? As for the lowest in total confessional count, Troyzan is still there at eight. I wonder when he’ll get a new one. There’s not much else to say besides that. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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