Wednesday, August 30, 2017

What Three Medically Evacuated Players Should Return?

For those of you that read my blog during the summer, you may notice that I always tend to keep doing a post about trying to get medically evacuated players to return again like they did in Philippines. I don’t know if they will ever do this twist again and I’m not sure if they should considering how redoing a twist doesn’t seem to work out as well sometimes (in terms of major starting twists, that is). But I still thought that I’d make my case as to why a certain group of three should be the next players to return in a twist like what started Philippines.

Since I am choosing a certain group of three, you might wonder who out of all that I could choose would be good picks. I honestly might do this post again in the future with a completely different cast later. But I will go with my picks for a good group of three for this time and make a case for another group of three next time. Clearly, they can go with whoever they want or whatever ends up happening. So I will make this group a and next summer’s post can be group b. And once I am out of groups, then I’ll just have to come up with another random post. Anyways, here are my three.

Bruce from Panama is my first choice as he is the person who was medically evacuated longest ago who hasn’t returned to play another season yet. I think that he would be good as he is a nice player and he sort of just left without a clear resolution to his story.

Erik from Micronesia and Caramoan is someone who has told two incomplete stories so far and still needs a clear resolution to his story. Plus, it kind of sucks that he recovered so quickly after being pulled and couldn’t reenter the game even though next to nothing had happened since he left.

Joseph Del Campo from Kaoh Rong may be out of the oldest people to have played the game, but he can still get things done. It really sucks that he won a reward after the dumb rules of the challenge pretty much forced everyone else to do nothing until he did win only for the reward he won to effectively poison him and pull him from the game from the result. It seems almost as if they owe him as a result another chance at the game because of this.

Well, those are my three for this group of players. I feel that it would be best for them if they were all pulled around the same part of the game so that would be fairer to each other if not the new players that they would be playing with. I know age could be a factor instead, but I'd rather go with when they were pulled from the game. I do think that they should do this twist again, if only to separate it from the scandals of Michael Skupin. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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