Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Survivor: Heroes versus Healers versus Hustlers Premiere

Hopefully this season can be good. I should tell you right now that if I am blogging about an old season and haven’t finished those updates yet, they should still be continuing in the future. I don’t know yet what will happen in the future with this blog as I don’t know what could change in the future. I will mention it in previous blog posts if I haven’t already.

I’m going to make a prediction about something ironic that might happen this season. I’m going to predict that someone in the healers tribe will wind up medically evacuated. I also do feel that this season seems like a redux of heroes versus villains, only the hustlers tribe replaces the villains. They must have added the healers as another good tribe in order to offset the power that villains typically have. Plus, it will be interesting to see how this works with all new players and if they were correctly cast or not. The villains, I mean hustlers, will probably be the tribe to look out for this season. I am interested in seeing what all they can do with a healers tribe. And hopefully these heroes can be better than the terribly miscast heroes of the twentieth season.

I had a dream that I had missed most of a Survivor finale or somehow wasn’t blogging about it for some odd reason. It makes me wonder what would happen if I wasn’t able to continue the blog for any reason. Well, if you stop seeing updates, then I would suggest reading this blog.

Honestly, I’m going to include in future wills that I write a list of potential people who I would like to have as potential replacements for me in terms of someone who could write a Survivor blog. That’s not to say that it would need to happen or even have to happen. But there are plenty of people that I know that like Survivor that I feel could create a blog in their spare time. Even my sister used to have one for a while, but she has a baby now so I doubt she could focus her time and energy into that.

It appears that me potentially blogging about Survivor: Gabon will have to come later as I do not yet have a copy of it. Maybe I’ll get one in the future and I could always buy myself a copy in the future if I wanted to. We’ll see what happens, but it wasn’t a birthday present for me in the summer of 2017. I’ll let you know if I ever get it as a gift for myself.

On Candy Crush the TV show, they had Survivor contestants on at least the first episode. This reminds me of the time that I blogged about the special Price is Right episode that related to Survivor. But, after watching the first episode, I wondered if I could even blog about it as I like to blog in terms of summarizing, and it didn’t seem like I could summarize it.  Besides, the show is strange and I don’t know if I’ll watch all of it anyways. That is why you didn’t see this at all. But you probably didn’t care.

While I didn’t wind up needing to do a break with this blog, I was all ready to stop posting for a bit if I had to. It turns out that I didn’t have to. But a grandmother of mine died this month. If I had missed a post as a result, this would have been the first post that I would have done after it. I don’t know what I would do if a death occurred during the middle of a season and it caused me to miss any episodes. Of course, I’d be at the funeral or wherever I need to be instead of blogging. But I shouldn’t have any problems with this blog unless there are more problems with Thanksgiving related travels, another death, or some other problem.

I won’t know until I watch the show who all is worthy of being on the tribe that they were assigned. Some of the job choices that I originally saw seemed strange on first look but made more sense the second time I looked. I guess I’ll have to wait and see. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we don’t get that much of an intro which is actually a nice change. The extremely long introductions can be bothersome. It is weird that Jeff calls all the tribes good traits. How is being a hustler a good thing? Plus, I already don’t think that all of these people would be good since there would probably be a villain on any one of the tribes. Jeff thinks that hustlers are respected for their strong work ethic. Hold on while I look up synonyms for the word hustler. Sadly, Word does not offer any. Maybe I’ll look it up on Wiktionary. The opening challenge will get all but the losers some form of fire. It seems really early to give two of the tribes fire. Ryan gets a secret advantage. I think that I know the twist already, but I’ll wait for it to be described later. The hustlers fail at the challenge that just might have been the easiest one in the history of the show. I forget who was first.

The healers are shown getting to their camp first. Jessica seems to develop a crush on someone. I once had a crush on a Jessica. We knew each other in second grade before she moved away. If you are that person and are single, then let me know. I don’t know what happened to her and if she has the same last name. I tried finding her on facebook but don’t know how to spell her last name. Also, I don’t know what she would look like today. There are day one alliances forming already. The Tagi alliance might have done that if only Kelly stayed loyal. I can’t think of any others. Ryan is dying to get into his pants. Coby from Palau once asked producers where he would go if he wanted to masturbate. He didn’t get an answer and was embarrassed that he asked the question. Ryan learns of the super idol that is good at only the first tribal council and whether he is cocky or not, he feels that he has all the power.

In the second segment of the show, Mike was told by his ten year old son to look for the idol. It is a risky strategy, but it can pay off. It can also backfire and get you targeted like what people are doing now. I did watch Survivor at the age of ten and am still watching it sixteen years later. I don’t understand the whole idol conversation. Joe might not be trusted but I don’t know why. Ryan tells Devon about his advantage because he doesn’t know Survivor 101: keep any advantage or idols to yourself. Alan thinks that JP can’t be trusted. What all is even going on right now? This seems hard to follow. Alan tells people about an idol that doesn’t exist as this is a good idea?

In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge already. There is still a whole half of show left so this makes me wonder if things will be crazy as usual at tribal council and camp life. Or they might not have a fifth segment on this show this time. I predict that the hustlers will lose the challenge. Jeff confirms that ties are back in, but I don’t know if he fully explained it in a better way that we cut due to time constraints. Basically, a revote will happen if there is a tie. Healers win the immunity challenge and they were forced with the unpicked option. A ball needs to drop. I hate it when balls don’t drop like they are supposed to. The heroes tribe which picked first their puzzle loses. Chrissy has problems after the challenge happens but seems to be okay later. Ryan wonders who will get his idol. It seems kind of dumb that he can’t just keep it until his first tribal council. But I guess this way is more interesting and would have taken the sting of losing off. Also, a contestant on this season is local so I might have to tell you more about her that I learn on the news tonight in the next post.

In the fourth segment of the show, Ashley wants to vote out Alan as he isn’t trustworthy. Alan doesn’t trust anyone. Geez, this may be a worst heroes tribe than the first one. At least the other one sucked in a different way. A question that I wonder is who will get the idol and how? When will they get it too? Chrissy gets the idol to little surprise after her weird issue after the challenge. The tribe marches off to tribal council as a lead-in to the commercial break.

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to the tribal council at hand. Why is it worthy of its own whole segment? I guess that we will see, but I already sense tons of dysfunction on this tribe. Chrissy thinks that she is at the bottom of her tribe. Alan thinks that denying something that isn’t true is a sign that you can’t be trusted. He seems crazy, but hopefully one that wouldn’t get more crazy if you called him that. *cough* Phillip *cough* I don’t know what to think going into the vote, but it seems that the idol would not need to be used unless someone other than Alan gets the majority. Katrina gets the most votes and the idol isn’t used because Chrissy voted against Katrina as well. The heck just happened?

On the next Survivor, there’s a new power couple, but I can’t tell who it is since I don’t know who all is who yet. One of the hustlers is getting crazy and I can’t really gather much from what is going on only that each of the tribes gets a story.

Confessional count: Alan- 3, Patrick- 1, Ben- 2, Ali- 2, JP- 1, Chrissy- 1, Jessica- 2, Roark- 1, Cole- 0, Joe- 2, Simone- 0, Ashley- 3, Devon- 1, Katrina- 1, Lauren- 1, Ryan- 5, Desi- 1, Mike- 2.

Katrina had only one confessional, the same as Devon, Patrick, Lauren, JP, Desi, Chrissy, and Roark. The people lower are Simone and Cole who don’t have any yet. Everyone else is higher with Ryan as the highest currently. Why was Katrina voted out? That didn’t make any sense. Did they think that she would cause problems because a hurricane would later be named that? Stupid hurricanes have been ruining everything this year for just the past few months. Have we ever had this many at once? This world is far too sad and crazy nowadays so I can hope that things aren’t too bad in the future. I hope that I can be more positive in the future. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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