Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Top Ten Funniest Players

Well, I thought that it would be a good idea to come up with a top ten idea that related to more of the funny parts of Survivor in question. And that’s what I’m doing in this post. Hopefully I came up with a good list and sorry if this seems biased towards one gender over another.

#10 Tai from Kaoh Rong and Game Changers: He was quite interesting when he played both times. Of course, there is a bit of a damper in his game due to him aligning with the bad guys for a while and then leaving them. But he was a pretty funny player a lot.

#9 Zane from Philippines: He was quite a wonderful and entertaining person despite being the first one voted out of the game. I’ll admit: his strangeness was probably the reason that he was voted out. But he was a pretty funny person throughout his brief time in the game.

#8 Tony from Cagayan and Game Changers: His oddness and llama ways may have made people feel strange, but it was more than enough to make him feel like a wonderful winner in the end. Now he was too bad when he played the second time due to being the same type of player that people already knew, but he was a pretty funny player the whole time he played.

#7 Shane from Panama: He was eccentric and kind of crazy (just not in a bad way). But he brought a lot of enjoyment to this otherwise lame season. And while people may question whether he is still good or annoying, I think that we can find a happy middle ground with him.

#6 Fabio from Nicaragua: This is another player that annoys a lot of people, yet he was also a good form of entertainment when he was in the game. Some of it may have seemed dumb to people, but I still think that he was pretty funny most of the time.

#5 Teresa from Africa: There’s a lot of good about her and she was pretty funny whether it was her having sex on an airplane or other forms of entertainment that she brought to people. Plus, I wanted a woman on this list and couldn’t think of any others.

#4 Coach from Tocantins, Heroes versus Villains, and South Pacific: I may not have liked him at first, but he was always very funny even if he was a bit of an asshole. He actually may have gotten less noticeable as he played again, even though I liked him better as he went along.

#3 Phillip from Redemption Island and Caramoan: Okay, so a lot of people don’t like him. But he was a pretty entertaining part of the game and his oddness helped bring brightness to his first season. People were even willing to work with him the second time around, although I’m not sure why exactly. Maybe they thought he was a buffer. But his pink underwear and feather helped bring a delight to certain parts of the season that we otherwise wouldn’t see.

#2 Rudy from Borneo and All-Stars: Nearly everything that he did was entertaining and funny in some way. Who doesn’t love Rudy? He’s one of the best classic players and while he may just seem like some old whippersnapper, he is still a pretty fun player.

#1 Tyson from Tocantins, Heroes versus Villains, and Blood versus Water: He’s my pick for number one because nearly everything he did was funny in some way, at least the most recent time he played. He might be kind of a reverse Coach because he seemed to get better in a way as he went along and played again. But he’s pretty funny. Remember his bulge?

Well, that’s about it for this blog post. I should hopefully have these written more in the future. I just finished writing this today. I need to get more ahead of these. Despite Lent starting next week, these Wednesday posts will continue until the new season starts. I don’t yet know if there will be a random post like this the day the new season starts. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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