Wednesday, June 6, 2018

What Other Island Twists Could They Do?

If Ghost Island had anything good to it, it is that it makes me wonder what other twists they could do with islands in the future. We had islands where people get exiled and islands where people who got voted out sought redemption and could get back in the game. But what other twists could an island play into in the future? Here are my thoughts on the matter as I come up with some of my own.

Foresight Island: Imagine getting a glimpse at what is to come in the game. That’s what this island could be all about. People are sent here and they will learn information about what is to come in the game. It could be about upcoming twists, challenges, or anything that could be deemed interesting. But it would not just be a clearly painted picture. It would be some sort of unclear thing that they would have to figure out or be confused about.

Curse Island: In this twist, the exiled person would be confronted with three things: a challenge, a time limit to complete the challenge, and a curse that would either be affected on himself should he lose the challenge or anyone of his choosing if wins. It would take the theme of reversing the curse, but use other newly made twists of whatever the producers come up with.

Luxury Island: One of my ideas for a season involves it being one tribe from the very beginning with the members randomly divided for reward and immunity challenges. In case there are an odd number of people in the game, this would be used as a special reward place that they could go to as they enjoy immunity and some limited comforts before they have to go back into the main game.

Espionage Island: Imagine if what you say or do could be witnessed by someone else in the game. If you are sent to this island, you would get to see footage from the other tribe’s camp or any type of normally hidden thing that the always filming camera would capture and get to witness it for yourself. People would have to be way more careful about what they say and do if they know it will be shown to anyone who winds up on this island.

Well, that’s all that I can think of right now for this blog post. Maybe there are other twists that could work as well. Then again, maybe none of these would work out. Some islands could be rewards that a person on the winning tribe could go to instead of punishment that someone on the losing tribe would have to go to instead. We’ll see what happens. I was not a fan of Ghost Island so I hope that they do some more interesting twists instead. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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