Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Top Ten Player Turnarounds

Well, I need to give myself more time to write posts in the future. Otherwise, it’s like I’m back in school and am doing all of the work the day the assignment is due. I really hope that I can keep up with all of the posts in this and other blogs of mine.

Anyways, what do I mean by player turnarounds? I decided to go with a more broad definition of it for this post. I’m going to include people with sucky games at the beginning who had better games more towards the end. I’m also going to include some people with terrible games the first time around who did better when they played in the future. I hope that I can come up with a good list in the end as I do not think that some of my planned ideas are going to work out as posts after all.

#10 Burton from Pearl Islands- Admittedly, he got a chance that was not offered to most Survivors in the past. But once he got back in the game, he did much better and wound up winning challenges and he became a threat to win. I’m still surprised he hasn’t played a second time.

#9 Cirie from Panama- I’m not honestly sure if she started out bad when she played the first time. All I do hear is that she got off the coach and didn’t seem to do much before playing Survivor the first time around. The fact that she made it all the way to fourth place on that is pretty noteworthy.

#8 Spencer from Cagayan- Jeff Probst hated this guy so much the first time that he thought that there was no way that he could win. And when Spencer played the game, he did come pretty close to winning. First, he was on a terrible tribe. But he could have done better if only things were a bit better for him.

#7 Lillian from Pearl Islands- She went from being on a horrible tribe to voted out of the tribe to back in the game to making it to the end as a finalist. Can you imagine being that terrible at the beginning and then doing wonders at the end?

#6 Amber from Australia then All-Stars- This and the next choice are those that were more obscure players in the first season they played and then winners the second time around. Who would have known who she was the first time around or consider her worthy enough to play again? Not many of us would have pegged her as the winner the second time around. But she was.

#5 Sarah from Cagayan then Game Changers- It is hard to peg for sure when her game failed the first time around and what got her voted out. Only she did much better the second time around. While she was the victim of a flip the first time around, she was the master of flips the second time.

#4 Mike from Worlds Apart- At one point, things seemed hopeless for him. He put himself into a bad hole and it seemed unlikely that he would get out of it. But he did what all he could and wound up being the one who came out on top by beating the axis of evil.

#3 Jenna from Amazon- She even wanted to quit at one point towards the end. She was up against a lot of great players and managed to beat them all. Not only that, but she got one of her greatest enemies to vote for her to win. No one before her won in a landslide. Why is she so hated?

#2 Denise from Philippines- First, your tribe fails to win a single challenge. Then, your tribe is dissolved. Next, your new tribe goes on a losing streak. After that, you have to attend every remaining tribal to stay in the game. People would know that you are a threat and wouldn’t have much reason to keep you around. Only, you do wind up staying around and wind up winning the game.

#1 Chris from Vanuatu- Sometimes you have to wonder how after such a terrible performance at the very first challenge of the game, you survive the first vote. But then, the women outnumber you at the merge of the game causing you to be the last man standing. With battle of the sexes being a main theme of the season, you’d think that you would be an easy target and the women would battle it out for the win. Instead, you wind up outlasting everyone until you win the game.

I hope that this is a good post. Sorry if I shouldn’t have included multiple people from the same season in this post. I hope that people understood this post. If you check the archive, you will see that I did one about redeemed contestants and I didn’t really want to include them in this post. That is all that there is for me to say this time around. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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