Wednesday, August 8, 2018

David versus Goliath using All Returning Players

I had promised more of random blog posts ideas that are inspired by the upcoming David versus Goliath theme of Survivor. I thought that trying to do the theme with all returning players would work well. With the David tribe, they have to be an underdog to be on the tribe even if they didn’t win and weren’t the underdog the whole time. Those who can outthink their opponents are also worthy of this tribe as well.

With the Goliath tribe, I’m picking the players thought of as stronger and some, like him, had a failure to their name that also leads them to fit in the game. Goliath probably didn’t think that he would wind up losing, but he did. I would mention alternates, but I won’t. Just know that I’m not picking any player who would be playing a fifth time. I’m picking five players from each gender for the two tribes. Now, let’s get to the list.

Males for David tribe

Chris from Vanuatu- One of the ultimate underdogs, he should have by all accounts lost the game at many different points when it happened. He certainly fits the profile of someone like David who had all the odds against him and still wound up winning the all important battle.

Yau-Man from Fiji and Micronesia- He is one of the smartest players to ever play the game. Who needs to open a box by brute force when you can just drop it on a corner to open it? He could create fire for his tribe before they ever got flint. He knew various ways to outsmart opponents and the only sad part is that they knew it and got rid of him for it.

Brett from Samoa- Who would have thought that someone entering the merge on a tribe that had twice as many players as the other tribe would wind up being the one on it making a mad dash to the end with all of his tribe on the jury? He came one challenge within winning and could have done better if only there were smarter moves made by his tribe at the beginning of the merge.

Eddie from Caramoan- Many people hate him for some odd reason, but I still think that he could have won this season if only he could have won the last challenge. He had so little blood on his hands that he was a big underdog in the season and could have done better if only he could win the last challenge. I also would like at least one fan from this season to play again.

John from Blood versus Water- The weirdness of this season made him a player that I wanted to win his way back into the game. While he ultimately fell short at the challenge that mattered most, he is still a great player that I like a lot and hope plays again.

Females for David tribe

Sylvia from Fiji- She might not be the best example of an underdog, but she did get dealt a bad hand and didn’t last long in the game. But I still think that she was one of the best examples for this tribe as she was a leader and could have lasted longer in the game.

Sierra from Tocantins- I hate how the producers put her in such a bad position due to the horrible first impressions twist. She was then put in a situation where I don’t think that she could have won the game no matter what she did. I mean, why did people hate her? Did it mean nothing that she helped set up the camp for them when they arrived? She’s such an underdog, I’ll be disappointed if she never winds up playing again, although not so much if she doesn’t want to.

Natalie from Samoa- The fact that she was on such a terrible tribe for the first part of the game makes me wonder if they could ever take control of the game. She was able to turn the tables and then she made it to the end despite an ally just thinking that she was a “dumb ass girl” whom he could just take to the end and beat. She's the one who beat him and everyone else.

Christine from South Pacific- She was another great player thanks to Redemption Island. If only Ozzy hadn’t had the sense to get rid of her, then she would have gotten back in the game instead of him. I do hope that she plays again, even if she didn’t make the merge.

Denise from Philippines- It can be shocking with all of the problems with her tribes before the merge and the fact that she attended every tribal council that she managed to win the game in the end. She is the ultimate underdog, as I said in last week’s post. And she’s quite a popular player.

Males for Goliath tribe

Rafe from Guatemala- Know that I will always be upset about the fact that they haven’t had a player originally from this season play again until it hopefully happens. He was such a good player up until his crucial mistake at the end, that his loss puts a damper on the season.

Terry from Panama and Cambodia- He was such a strong player, yet just couldn’t pull out the last victory that he needed to that would take him to the end of the season. It can even be hard to think of where he went wrong in terms of wins (outside of not winning), but he did have the failure at the end which is similar to what happened with Goliath.

Marcus from Gabon- He was so strong that he was immune up until the jury started forming when he was voted out. He also made mistakes that negated his chances of victory. For being such a strong and powerful person, he came up short when he needed to win.

Tony from Cagayan and Game Changers- This person is one of the cockiest winners in the history of this show. His second time playing was a more humbling experience. But the fact that he could be such a huge and powerful force without winning immunity (although he did have idols) is someone that would work really well on this type of season.

Domenick from Ghost Island- It can be a bit hard to pinpoint where he went wrong on this season that caused him to lose since Yanni had to break a tie. Of course, there were some problems that he had by thinking too highly of himself and playing too hard. But isn’t that what Goliath is like?

Females for Goliath tribe

Kelly from Borneo and Cambodia- Like many players, she was strong, but not what people wanted for the win. She didn’t understand the value of sticking with an alliance. She is one of the first players who would work for a season like this. She won a lot, yet lost when it mattered.

Sandra from Pearl Islands, Heroes versus Villains, and Game Changers- She is one of the best players and won twice, something no other person can (currently) claim. She was one of the best players to have never won an individual immunity challenge and yet, she’s a strong person. If people weren’t too wary of her ways, then she might have lasted the third time around instead of increasing the target on her own back. Isn’t she a strong player, though?

Ashley from Redemption Island- This may be a strange choice, but this was honestly the hardest part of the list for me to come up with examples of. I see her as a great finale choice for this list (which I have a lot of them). She was a strong player and doesn’t really have a mistake that caused her downfall. She might not have won the season if she were in the final tribal council, but she was still a fighter until the very end and who knows what would have happened if she faced Rob or could vote him out.

Kim from One World- She is one of the strongest players because it didn’t seem like she was in any real danger when she played. It’s likely that she could easily win a second time if she played again. I do not think that there was a problem she encountered, but sometimes the strong players win quite easily in the end and she was one of them.

Trish from Cagayan- I think that she is a good pick to round off the rest of this list. She was put on the right tribe in the first place, the strong tribe, and she could have lasted longer if only her allies didn’t get rid of her. But can you think of many better examples than her?

Males for David tribe: Chris from Vanuatu, Yau-Man from Fiji and Micronesia, Brett from Samoa, Eddie from Caramoan, and John from Blood versus Water. Females for David tribe: Sylvia from Fiji, Sierra from Tocantins, Natalie from Samoa, Christine from South Pacific, and Denise from Philippines. Males for Goliath tribe: Rafe from Guatemala, Terry from Panama and Cambodia, Marcus from Gabon, Tony from Cagayan and Game Changers, and Domenick from Ghost Island. Females for Goliath tribe: Kelly from Borneo and Cambodia, Sandra from Pearl Islands, Heroes versus Villains, and Game Changers, Ashley from Redemption Island, Kim from One World, and Trish from Cagayan.

There were a lot of winners that I took off of the list. I don’t know if I should have kept any of the people that I thought should have been on this list. You can comment with people that you think that I missed or were wrong about. What would your casting of this type of season be? You can let me know or just ignore this. I hoped that you liked this post. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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