Sunday, December 29, 2019

Survivor: Gabon episode 4- It Was Like Christmas Morning

This section will be outdated by the time you read it. I have a job right now that is causing me to miss a lot of shows that air on Friday. I’m not interested in most of them and only care about some. There was nothing new then that I cared about and I can set up a tape to record shows. I currently like the shows of Hawaii Five-0, Blue Bloods, Magnum P.I., Charmed, Dynasty, American Housewife, and Fresh off the Boat. I am supposed to be reviewing Charmed for my YouTube channel, but am neglecting my duties of it thus far and can only hope I can get caught up on it at some point. I might share a link to a playlist of the reviews if and when I make one. There are also times I’ve watched 20/20 and Dateline.

Let’s get to the idol from Ghost Island part 3. Ozzy made a fake idol in Micronesia and it was said to be cursed since all who touched it were voted out. Indeed, Ozzy and the person who found the fake idol both were voted out with real idols in their possession. In Ghost Island, the idol was now real and it was Michael who found it and successfully played it on himself. This helps him due to his previous blunder earlier that season which I’ve already told you about.

It is sad really that I won’t be able to be as updated with this part of the blog as I wanted to be since I am choosing to put it on hiatus until after the airing of Island of the Idols is done. I’m not going to be able to keep you as updated on the shows that I watch on DVD. But I can tell you that I finished watching the complete series of Moonlight and replaced it with Dollhouse season 2. I also finished watching Farscape season 4 and replaced that with Popeye volume 2, a collection of black and white cartoons. I also put the fifth season of Charmed, which has replaced the fourth season, on hiatus so Community season 1 can be added in its place.

The episode was rolled on Wednesday, October 23, 2019. This could have affected the main posts that I was doing at the time by moving that week’s to Sunday, but I decided that it would be better just to keep the blog where it normally is and update my TV blog the next day like I normally would when the show is on and I roll an old Survivor episode. Now let’s get to the episode in question.

We begin with Kota getting back from tribal council. Kelly admits that she doesn’t like Ace. Ace thinks that tribal council was like having his wisdom teeth pulled. Since Kelly was correctly thought to be the second vote against him, Ace wants her out of the game next.

Randy remains irritated at his tribe as usual. He wants his tribe to vote against GC. Matty thinks that he has a solid alliance with himself, Randy, Susie, and Dan. They are said to be a solid alliance. The four of them plan to stick together no matter what.

The tribes then gather for the next event. Jeff wants everyone on each tribe to rank themselves. The Kota tribe is ranked by importance. Starting at the most important, it is ranked: Marcus, Ace, Bob, Charlie, Jacquie, Sugar, and Kelly as the lowest. Kelly points out that she’s never the last picked. But Ace whines about her in a confessional. The Fang tribe is also ranked by importance. The most important, going on down, is Matty, Dan, Randy, Crystal, Ken, GC, and Susie. Crystal doesn’t like being ranked lower than Randy. GC doesn’t like being ranked low either.

Jeff reveals the meaning behind this: a tribe swap then happens. Marcus and Matty get to stay part of their tribes. They then start picking new tribe members. Marcus picks Dan. Matty picks Ace. Dan picks Charlie. Charlie likes his new tribe since he is still with Marcus. Ace picks Crystal. Charlie picks Randy. Crystal picks Jacquie. Randy picks Corinne. Jacquie picks Ken. Corinne picks Susie after others on the new tribe say how bad GC would be on the tribe. Jeff points out that Bob hasn’t been picked yet. Ken then picks Kelly for his tribe. Susie picks Bob for her tribe. Kelly picks GC for the tribe. This leaves Sugar as the one not picked and sent straight off to Exile Island.

These are the new tribes: the new Fang is Crystal, GC, Ken, Matty, Ace, Jacquie, and Kelly. The new Kota is Dan, Randy, Susie, Bob, Charlie, Corrine, and Marcus. Sugar, not being picked, remains tribeless until after the next tribal council, when she will join the tribe that loses a member.

Randy points out that Kota has a new advantage on the new tribe. He says that he will burn the camp down if he is voted out, despite the fact that he probably wouldn’t be allowed back at camp after that would happen. Susie thinks that the new tribe is good. At Exile Island, Sugar picks comfort as she already has the idol and doesn’t need to look for it. She says the name of the episode as she enjoys the comfort in what she know calls the Sugar shack. GC likes his new tribe. Kelly might feel better on this new tribe of hers and is ready to vote with the other tribe members she joined now.

Ken seems to only want Kelly on his side since he finds her hot. I feel like you need more to a possible alliance then that. Susie talks about the upcoming challenge. Marcus talks about tribe dynamics. He thinks that it would be between Susie and Randy, a potential vote.

At the immunity challenge, the contestants will be in boats and they need to get the ball in a certain place in order to win. The first tribe to three points wins. The Fang tribe does terribly, not winning a single point, giving Kota the win.

Ace talks about the loss back at camp like they were legless chickens competing against slick weasels. GC thinks that Kelly will be voted out. But the initial talk is almost never what happens. People worry about Sugar joining Ace with her potential immunity idol. They are worried that Jacquie will team up with Ace and they need to vote her out now. Matty tells her that she’s a potential target. Ken doesn’t know who is the best person to target and wants to make sure that he makes the right vote. Crystal isn’t sure what to do with her vote right now.

We then get to tribal council. GC likes seeing Jeff, but not at tribal council. Matty thinks that he needs to keep the tribe as strong as possible. Jeff wonders if Ken can trust his new tribe mates. Ace thinks that they can be trusted in his mind, but isn’t sure that they would yet. Kelly thinks that she was stronger than Crystal and Ken in the challenge which leads to attitude from Crystal. Ace thinks that he is better for the tribe than other members.

We then get to the vote which doesn’t make as much sense to me. Ace and Jacquie vote for Kelly. Matty, Ken, Crystal, Kelly, and GC vote for Jacquie. Jacquie is then the one who is voted out of the game. Sugar will then join the tribe. Why wasn’t she at tribal council?

On the next Survivor, an elephant goes on a rampage. I thought that was the gorilla, crocodile, and wolf that went on a Rampage, at least in that one movie that I like. GC goes missing before a challenge is supposed to happen. And that’s all we know of that for now.

Total confessional count: Kelly- 2, Dan- 3, Corrine- 6, Bob- 4, Sugar- 5, Randy- 12, Charlie- 9, Marcus- 5, Matty- 4, Susie- 2, Ken- 6, Ace- 7, Crystal- 8, GC- 8, Jacquie- 1.

New confessionals this episode: Sugar- 1, Randy- 2, Charlie- 1, Marcus- 2, Matty- 2, Susie- 2, Ken- 2, Ace- 3, Crystal- 3, GC- 3, Jacquie- 1, Kelly- 2, Dan- 0, Corrine- 0, Bob- 0.

There’s not much to say about the confessional count, if I have it right. I don’t know what would be wrong if it is that way. I just know that poor Jacquie only got one confessional the entire game. This is bad because I think that most quitters had a better presence than she did. Her vote out doesn’t really make sense to me.

What else can I say about Jacquie? She had no substance in the edit and might have been better than what we saw of her. She could make a good player to return again, but I don’t know if such a thing were to happen at all or not. I give her about a 55% chance of returning to a future season. There’s not much else to say in this post so I’m going to end it here. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Survivor: Gabon episode 3- She’s Obviously Post-Op!

Now that I’m telling you what six shows I’m watching on DVD, I might as well get to the first change in the list. The Walking Dead season 1 is gone and replaced by mystery choice #1. This puts this season as number 5 on the list instead of 4. You will have to read my Good Wife blog to find out what show had replaced The Walking Dead as I will tell you there.

Let’s get to the next idol from Ghost Island. It reminds us of the history of Survivor going back to China and when James was blindsided with not one, but two idols. He was the first player ever voted out with an idol (or in this case, two) in his possession. Michael found it and gave it to Stephanie who wasted it with no votes against her. The curse remains cursed, just like Cleveland Indians.

After I had already watched the premiere of Survivor: Island of the Idols a day late on tape, I had this episode rolled and watched it on 9-27-2019. That was a Friday and I updated my TV blog then as I like to do when nothing conflicts with it. But enough of my ramblings.

We begin with the Fang tribe getting back from tribal council. Crystal is glad that the vote went the way it did. Randy thinks that his whole tribe is idiots. What, does he work for Hardees or something like that? Why insult the people you need to work with? At least he didn’t do it to their face.

The next day has Randy complaining about the lack of rice. He thinks that they are eating too much as they should not be eating three meals a day. Randy thinks that GC is the cancer of the tribe. Dan thinks that there is too much fighting on this tribe.

On the other tribe, Charlie continues to give his opinion on the tribe. Sugar notices some minor issues with this tribe. Ace thinks that they should put up their weaker members for the reward challenge so they can sit out the immunity challenge.

We then get to the reward challenge at hand. Kota has to sit out three women due to needing an equal representation of men and women for this challenge. It seems that Paloma takes bad advice from Ace. Whatever the reason, Kota is given their first lost. Sugar is sent to Exile Island.

Paloma talks to the camera about the challenge which makes her seem weak to other players. Ace thinks that she will be the next to go. Crystal is glad about her tribe’s win on her tribe. Meanwhile, we see Sugar at Exile Island. She is looking for a sandy crater as she chooses to look for the idol. She gets quite emotional over the death of her father which happened seven months prior to her filming this season. Sugar finds the sandy trailer and is then looking for One Tree Hill. Isn’t that a TV show? She finds more clues to the idol as one clue leads to another. Is the treasure a myth? She does find the idol.

Bob is worried about Ace staying too loyal to Sugar. They might want to target him. Corinne wants to work with Bob, but doesn’t think that anyone wants to take him to the end. Fang wins the immunity challenge in a close match. Back at camp, Sugar tries to sell to the others that she didn’t get the idol, but she says to Ace that she did get it. Paloma talks about being an animal ready to pounce. Like the vice-president? Mike Pounce? I think that’s his name. Paloma tries to avoid her fate of being voted out. Corinne doesn’t trust Ace either and wonders if his accent is real. Charlie thinks that Ace has been playing Sugar like a pawn. Corinne dislikes a lot of people on her tribe, making her unsure who to target.

At tribal council, Jeff tries to learn what he can from the Kota tribe since they haven’t been to tribal council before. He tries to learn some of the dynamics about it. Ace is worried that he might be a target, but isn’t really worried as much as he could be about getting voted out. Marcus hangs out to immunity and the voting takes place. After the votes are cast, Paloma and Kelly vote against Ace. Everyone else votes against Paloma and she is voted out as a result. Why did Kelly vote against Ace and not anyone else? We don’t see that much from Kelly.

On the next Survivor, a tribe is divided again as tribes are ranked from top to bottom. We will see more of what goes on when the next episode happens. There isn’t much else to say as problems continue on the Fang tribe and the season progresses later on the show.

Total confessional count: Matty- 2, Susie- 0, Ken- 4, Ace- 4, Crystal- 5, GC- 5, Jacquie- 0, Paloma- 3, Kelly- 0, Dan- 3, Corrine- 6, Bob- 4, Sugar- 4, Randy- 10, Charlie- 8, Marcus- 3.

New confessionals this episode: GC- 0, Jacquie- 0, Paloma- 3, Kelly- 0, Dan- 1, Corrine- 3, Bob- 1, Sugar- 3, Randy- 2, Charlie- 2, Marcus- 0, Matty- 0, Susie- 0, Ken- 0, Ace- 2, Crystal- 2.

Paloma may not have had much of a role on the season, but it might be likely that we’ll see her at some point in the future. I would have to guess that people found her to be too annoying for some reason and thought of her as an easy vote out, which she was. Still, she came off as likable enough to me and I would give her a 67% chance of returning for a future season.

That’s about it for this post outside of this largely unneeded paragraph. I hope that I get old Survivor seasons for Christmas so I can blog about China and Blood versus Water (even though I’ve blogged about the twenty-seventh season before already). This post won’t be published until after Island of the Idols will be done airing so it will be weird for me for it to have this gap in time. We’ll see when I’m able to see the next episode. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Survivor: Island of the Idols Finale

I might have to go into all of the history of rule breaking in Survivor and near expulsions that could have happened on the show. I don’t know if I’ll do it all in this post or a different one. But I might as well do all the ones I can remember. In the second season, Colby took coral from the Great Barrier Reef. This was not allowed, but he was not affected by this.

In the eighth season, Richard was involved with the previous touching scandal, but not as affected as he could have been. He was voted out right away, but for other reasons than the scandal. There have been a few seasons where personal items were stolen and then destroyed or otherwise ruined despite it being against the rules to take someone else’s items. Perhaps the most notable example of this was the aired stealing of Colton’s idol by Bill in One World. Idols could as personal items so they had to pretend that it never happened.

Caramoan remained the closest season to have something like an ejection to have happened. Brandon went on a rampage at camp and his tribe was allowed to forfeit the challenge before it happened which lead to his unanimous vote out and immediate removal from the game. I don’t think that he really was expelled (or ejected) as this was an unusual vote out instead.

I will admit that Dan’s elimination will remove a planned post that I might have considered doing where I asked if Survivor was refusing to expel people. Needless to say, I won’t be doing that anymore. Some are already thinking that Survivor producers forced him out in some way by perhaps over blowing what the situation could have been since they didn’t want to risk him winning or being a finalist. I don’t think that it was true. Still, you can read the link for more of an explanation of what happened. If you want to claim that some people made up what happened with Dan, I’ll have to remind you that there is video evidence of his inappropriate touching. I would suggest reading what we know of the situation thus far. It is possible we will never know the whole story.

I’m not sure that I have many thoughts going into finale. I have actually liked this season well enough. Some are ranking it as the worst or among them. I wouldn’t put it among the bad seasons, but I’m not sure that I’d put it with the good seasons either. I haven’t had time to read any of the True Dork Times much this season so I haven’t read any of their writer’s perspective on the season. Sometimes I can get quite upset when I learn that something I like isn’t liked among others. I love The Phantom Menace, for example. I’m not sure who will win, although I’d have to say that Tommy has the best chances in my mind. Maybe I can understand why others hate this season, but am not sure that I will.

While I was writing the recap for the last episode, someone on the group called Addicted to Survivor on facebook pointed out that I had put the wrong person whose shoes were put on the tribe flag. I have to apologize for this error. I forget the wrong person that I put at the correct person that I should have put in the recap instead.

With all the controversy this season and other issues, I’m starting to wonder: will Survivor last? I never thought that it would be at risk of ending until last season when I thought that towards the end. I have not heard of them looking for new contestants for future seasons. It is possible that the next one will be the final season of the show. That might not be the case. We’ll see if this continues to last or not. Do you think that the show is in danger? But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Jeff introduces the contestants and mentors to the not live audience of players. Sandra says that she has learned from Rob, even if she wasn’t playing the game this time. We then return to the island where Rob talks to Sandra about how Survivor is not always about winning the money as one can find other things on Survivor like love. Back at the main camp, a boat arrives. They have to grab their personal belongings and leave to the Island of the Idols. Does that mean that they are not returning to their camp? Tommy is the only player who hadn’t been there before.

It seems that Sandra and Rob are leaving the island themselves leaving the final five to stay there the whole rest of the game. Rob tells us that there is one last test, but we don’t yet know what it is. Janet talks about how she has her idol and is certain to last one more round. But she doesn’t know that there is an idol nullifier in the game too. Noura thinks that they should get rid of Dean.

Tommy realizes that since the final five got all new buffs, he should look at it to see what it might have. He is color blind, and this puts him at a disadvantage. Thus, he asks Dean for help. Dean doesn’t help much, but Tommy is able to find a new clue anyways. There is an h. Are they sure that it isn’t an i? Dean admits that he doesn’t want to work with Tommy and goes alone to find it. He thinks that the swing at camp might have something to do with it. Meanwhile, Tommy thinks that there are branches that could be the clue. Dean ultimately finds the idol and doesn’t tell Tommy about what has been doing on. He says that he teaches advanced algebra. But what does this have to do with any of what is going on this show right now?

In the second segment of the show, the contestants arrive at the immunity challenge. This challenge has a reward component to it as well. Everyone needs to drop their balls at the end in order to win. Who will be the first to hit puberty? Dean drops his balls, his voice drops, and he wins the challenge. Janet then pleads her case for why she should get food. He takes Noura on the reward. Dean thinks that he has a lot of power in the game.

In the third segment of the show, they return to the Island of the Idols. Dean and Noura get the reward in their own private section. Noura says that she sees him as a man. Noura thinks that this is like a date. Noura and Dean want to make sure that they take each other to the end. But what’s with the final two pacts? They don’t really do those anymore.

Janet wants to put all the votes on her since she had an idol. She wants to take out Lauren. Janet thinks that she should work with Tommy. Lauren is upset that she is not as in control of this as she could be. Dean thinks that Lauren might be a threat. The vote could go many different ways as Tommy feels that he might not be in control.

In the fourth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. Dean is thinking about the present and also about the future. One should be mindful of the future, but not at the expense of the moment. Dean says that there is a good fire there at the island. There are few choices left. Dean thinks that a moment could be like a flip of the coin. We then get to the voting at hand.

Janet plays her idol and her idol winds up being nullified. The jury notices that Dean played the nullifier. Janet hugs people on her way out. She still thinks that she played a good game. Jeff talks some about her when she shows up on the stage at the reunion show. Jeff is glad that she was not the first voted out of the game. Janet explains more of her moves and how she didn’t listen to her gut in the end. That’s why she told Tommy about it. There is then a breaking news alert that I hope did not mess up any of the tape by delaying the show. I thought later that I should have just recorded more than the usual extra five minutes that I do.

In the fifth segment of the show, Dean practices his fire making abilities. He made a final two pact with Noura and Tommy. Tommy lies to Noura and says that he can’t make fire even though he can. He wants to butter up the final immunity challenge winner before they win. Noura thinks that she is popular now that and since others want to work with her to make it to the end. But what is best for her?

In the sixth segment of the show, we get to the final immunity challenge. This is the usual wabbly letters challenge that we are often seeing all the time at the end nowadays. This is like time. Wibbly wabbly, timey wimey. There are a lot of setbacks throughout the challenge.

Jeff seems to have jinxed Lauren when he says that she is doing good since she drops right afterwards. Noura wins the challenge as she proves that slow and steady wins the race. Noura feels amazing. She gets emotional talking about what she accomplished thus far.

In the seventh segment of the show, Tommy is scared about what her decision will be since she likes to go crazy over and over again. She rambles on to the group about her decision. She takes a dip in the sea and then talks to the group about what she wants to do. Tommy is impatient waiting for her to just spit out what she wants to do. It is kind of funny just waiting for her to say what she wants to say. Tommy is her pick for who to be safe, which makes Lauren emotional over what to do. Dean is unsure of if he can make fire himself. Both Lauren and Dean work on making first. Tommy helps Dean with it. Lauren and Noura have a fight when Noura says that she will hide the machetes.

In the eighth segment of the show, we get to the tribal council at hand. Noura tries to explain what her decision was with the game. Lauren is upset that she will have to make fire. Noura thinks that Dean is the best person to make fire against her. We then get to the challenge at hand. Dean wins the challenge which eliminates Lauren from the game. Dean admits that Tommy played Noura. He must not realize that this is not the best way to talk to the jury. Lauren is emotional on her exit from the game. But she seems to be taking this well.

Back at the reunion show, Jeff talks to Lauren. She idolizes Rob and Sandra. That is why they were part of the island of the idols. This idol means something else as well. Jeff was suggested that Lauren should be part of Survivor and that is how she wound up being the first person in 20 years of this show to make it on Survivor that way.

In the ninth segment of the show, it is day 39 on season 39. Noura is glad that she made it this far, even if she might have been voted out first. Tommy thinks that he has it in the bag, but Dean thinks that he might be able to make his case for why he should win the game himself later. Tommy thinks that Noura might be a wildcard in this game. Maybe she could make others draw 4 depending on what type of a wildcard she is. Noura wants Tommy help with her speech. He might give her bad advice. Dean thinks that he has done a lot and might play to the jury more than what he’s done. Noura thinks that she has a case to make to the people at the end. People then gather at the final tribal council.

Total confessional count: Dean- 30, Noura- 26, Tommy- 36, Lauren- 28, Janet- 20; Rob- 14, Sandra- 11. New confessionals this episode: Lauren- 6, Janet- 2, Dean- 10, Noura- 10, Tommy- 10; Sandra- 1, Rob- 1.

In the tenth segment of the show, people start the outwit portion of the game. Kellee is one of the people who wants to help these undecided voters decide what to do. Dean thinks that he did a good job helping form relationships with people. Noura says what she doesn’t want to be and straight up says who on the jury she doesn’t want to be. Elaine thinks that Noura only played using emotion. Lauren wants to know what strategy Noura had, if any. She wanted to meet people in the middle.

Tommy explains that he tried to play in the middle. Noura explains that Tommy tried to weaken Lauren in preparation for the fire making challenge. Dean thinks that Tommy was working both sides. Maybe he was working with Rita and Zordon. Janet wants to know when Tommy wanted to betray her and he then admits that it was as far back as the final eight. Jamal wants to know what lines they didn’t want to cross in the game. Tommy admits that he will lie and cheat, but he didn’t bully. Dean gets emotional and he said that he wasn’t going to promise a final three to someone he didn’t want to be with in the end. Kellee wasn’t sure that she knew the real Dean. He wasn’t negative, according to himself.

Jamal says that he wants to know more of Noura’s strategy of picking Tommy over Dean for the final three. Jamal wonders if Dean is better at winning since he proved himself by making fire. Dean points out that Tommy didn’t win immunity throughout this game. Tommy thinks that he was better at the social part of the game. He tells the jury why he outplayed others.

Dean talks about his legacy advantage. He learns from Jamal is not real. But he was doing better. Dean thinks that he is better at the outplay due to his idols and advantages. Tommy thinks that these are not moves in the end. Jack admits that Tommy might not be helping out his own case. Kellee thinks that it was possible that Dean could have been playing the goat, but he wasn’t. A rainstorm breaks out at the tribal council at hand. Karishma thinks that his real game is showing forth.

Jeff wants them to go to the outlast part of the game next. Tommy thinks that he did a good job even if he did not ever win immunity. Noura thinks that she was herself even if she was crazy. Dean then wants to admit that he did a lot of moves and continues constantly playing the jury. He wants them to help write his own history with him. All that’s left to do now is vote.

In the eleventh segment of the show, the jury members start voting. Only Dean and Tommy are then shown getting votes. He is then shown in Los Angeles for the reading of the votes. Tommy winds up winning this season. Jeff promises to talk to Tommy and Kellee during the reunion show. He also says what will be going on for the 40th season of the show.

Now I have to post my annoyance at facebook over something. There is a group called Survivor whispers that points spoilers about the season. Facebook posted an ad for this group that revealed the final three and winner. I didn’t want to see this and hope that they don’t do something like this again. I will admit that I’m glad that I didn’t know who won sooner and had already predicted this result anyways.

In the twelfth segment of the show, Tommy talks about his win. Sandra explains some of what he had done. Tommy admits that he loves these people. He wasn’t playing to make best friends. He was playing to win the game. Sandra realized that everyone who came to the island loved Tommy. Some think that he is the best ranger. Noura admits that she did what she could to stick out. She wants to be a peacock over the game. Jeff then talks to Elaine and how she was loved by the fans. She was open about how she was in the game. She thinks that God gave her what she needed even if it wasn’t what she wanted. She is right about that. Karishma talks about her life and how you need to focus on what you have.

Jeff then talks about the do rag conversation. Jack isn’t there at the reunion show for reasons unexplained. Jamal says that it was a way of opening himself up to his now roommate Jack. Jeff then gets to the Sia award. Jamal gets $15,000. Elaine gets $100,000. Janet gets $100,000 as well.

In the thirteenth segment of the show, Jeff talks about a lot of what has been going on this season and how they might not have done the right things with Dan in this season. He wants to turn this into what could be a positive. He sits down with Kellee one on one and admits that she was right about the whole thing. People have spoken out to Kellee about what has happened with them. She was upset that Dan had stayed in the game longer than he should have. She felt that she was not believed because of this. Jeff admits that they weren’t transparent with the private conversations. No one asked for what had happened. Some have gotten hate mail or hate tweets over what happened. Kellee is still glad that she spoke up and that this season isn’t defined by some of what Dan has done. She wants to believe that people are capable of change. She hopes that people can do better in the future.

In the fourteenth segment of the show, Jeff introduces the newest season of Survivor. Winners will get back in the game. All of the players had won the game before. I’ll talk about more of it later. While there is more to talk about it, I will wait until later in my Gabon posts to reveal more. Just know that the first three posts are already written and won’t be edited. There’s nothing else in the show after this except the credits of the show, ending it. I hope that nothing meant for the reunion show was cut out due to the breaking news event. But I don’t think that was the case. I’m glad I didn’t miss anything.

Points at reunion show- Ronnie: 0, Molly: 0, Vince: 0, Chelsea: 0, Tom Laidlaw: 0, Jason: 0, Jack: 0, Kellee: 1, Jamal: 1, Aaron: 0, Missy: 0, Elizabeth: 0, Karishma: 1, Elaine: 1, Dan: -5, Janet: 1, Lauren: 1, Noura: 1, Dean: 1, Tommy: 2; Rob: 1, Sandra: 2.

There’s not much to say about the reunion show. I don’t know who else might not have been at the reunion show. I heard that Jeff Varner made a post on social media defending Dan, but you’d have to remember that they aired footage that proved what Kellee said was right. Maybe the situation was a bit overblown, but he had enough issues and it could have been too late for him to make amends.

As for next season, I will post in spoiler comments some of what I know. SPOILER. There will be a twist called Survivor currency which sounds like a terrible idea. It is making the idol twist even more of what a problem it could be. There are enough advantages that are out there and we don’t need something that could be an even worse idea than anything that they’ve thought of before. END SPOILER. Something that I am annoyed by is that Rob and Sandra were said to be mentors this season because they didn’t want to ever play again according to sources. Yet there they are in the next season as players.

Before I get to the awards that I tend to give at the end of each season, I might as well say that this time around, there will be no mentioning the three dumbest moves of the season this time around. I feel that Dan’s ejection overshadows all other dumb moves that happened this season. Thus, it would seem quite insensitive to put anyone else on a list with him even though he’d come in first.

Skipping right on to the next thing, let’s get to the breakout character of the season. I think that Elaine is the clear winner of that award. She did a lot this season and made great impacts on this game. I do also think that Kellee and Noura are both worth honorable mentions.

Now I need to say what I think the most memorable moment of the season is. There has been so much camaraderie among most of the players and wonderful tribal councils without even the drama that we are used to. But I’ll have to give the most memorable moment to the main twist of the season as it has brought us tons of great moments over and over again.

Before I have the ranking of the season against the others, I will rank the tribe swap here again the other tribe swaps I have ranked. Out of the 30 swaps I have ranked thus far, I have this season’s swap ranked as 5th best out of all of them. Meanwhile, out of the 39 seasons, I rank this season as 21st best.

There’s not much else to say as I wrap up and finish this post. Normally, I would be announcing that I would be returning the weekly blog posts to Wednesdays where there should be random posts of this blog being published. But that will not be the case even though random Wednesday updates will probably appear at some point depending on when this blog yields to other blogs. This blog will instead have updates on Sundays with me returning to blog more about Survivor: Gabon. That will start on this upcoming Sunday. I plan to see you then. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Episode 39.12

While I will have to see the end of the season to know for sure, I think that Island of the Idols might be the best of the island twists on the game thus far. It doesn’t allow for continued stupidity like Ghost Island, just more of the same amount we normally see. It doesn’t change too much about the game like Redemption Island or Extinction Island. And it has more of a point then Exile Island. What do you think? Do you like the twist? I do. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Tommy talks about getting votes. I don’t think that he has much to worry about. He’s set to have a show at midseason on CBS. Tommy is still glad that he lasted. He must have come back from fan support. He doesn’t like Noura. Noura puts his shoes on the tribe flag. This is where others who have gone have had their clothing put. Elaine goes out looking for an idol and so do many others. Janet finds an idol. Dean and Elaine see Janet and Tommy with the idol. They may not have the idol, but they have the information of who has it.

In the second segment of the show, Noura is acting strange by spinning around, but Elaine knows that she is the target. She tells Lauren that there might be an all male alliance going on. Tommy wants to gain Lauren’s trust but still vote her out. Dan admits that he’s part of a final three with himself, Dean, and Tommy. A boat then shows up and a name is drawn. Dean is chosen to go and he thinks that this might be the last time there will be a trip here. Dean talks about the legacy advantage. I thought that was played and revealed to be fake. It turns out that he played his own fake one at nine. He thinks that he should make himself the target. Rob thinks that this is a bad idea.

Today’s lesson is in jury management. He has to play the story right in order to convince the jury that they should vote for him. There will be three advantages. He will get an extra vote, an idol nullifier, or a onetime hidden immunity idol that can’t be used on himself and has to be used at the next tribal council alone. The game of chance is a simple coin flip. He decides to go with the idol nullifier. He also decides to play the coin toss. He wins the coin toss and gets the advantage.

In the third segment of the show, Dean lies and says that he lost the coin toss and his vote. He then tells his trusted allies about what happened. Tommy is worried that Dean has too much power. Tommy is now the target of the others as they think he is too powerful. But has he made it to Zeo power yet? We then get to the immunity challenge. Dean wins the challenge. Elaine didn’t solve the challenge quickly enough even though she knew the answer. She is voting for Noura.

In the fourth segment of the show, the camp returns to the tribe after the challenge. Elaine doesn’t want to go home and works on figuring out what to do with the vote. They want to split the votes between Noura and Elaine with Elaine as the main target. Lauren doesn’t want to stick with the plan. She talks with Elaine about possibly voting out Noura. She is wants to build her Survivor résumé. Janet thinks that Lauren and her are in charge of making the decision.

We then get to the tribal council. Elaine is upset that she lost while Dean plays to the jury. There are less people in the game now and this makes the numbers tighter. Dan wonders if people are prepared with the earthquake. Elaine thinks that they need to get rid of wildcards like Noura. Elaine thinks that other threats should be worried if they are considered a threat. Jeff thinks that Elaine is pessimistic. She gets very emotional over what has been going on in the game and other stuff in the game. Janet thinks that there is light on the other side. Dreams are still alive until you snuff a torch. The voting then happens. Did I miss a commercial break at some point? I did not.

In the fifth segment of the show, Jeff returns with the votes. Nobody plays an idol. Elaine gets voted out of the game. Lauren is sorry about how the vote went. Elaine gives Jeff a hug. That’s better than when he gets a surprise kiss. We then return to the camp and Jeff arrives at the camp. There is news. Dan has been taken out of the game and won’t be heading to the jury. We didn’t even see him leave. This just happened sometime later and I feel that I need to see more of the post show stuff to see what might have gone on. It was something that happened off camera and didn’t involve a player. But this seems to be quite a strange event. He is the first official expulsion from the game.

On the next Survivor, the season finale happens. There are tense moments as someone grabs a knife and it could be a bad idea considering what just happened with Dan. There will also be one last lesson as it seems that maybe now everyone will learn of Rob and Sandra in the game.

Total confessional count: Noura- 16, Tommy- 26, Dan- 15, Elaine- 26, Lauren- 22, Janet- 18, Dean- 20; Sandra- 10, Rob- 13. New confessionals this episode: Janet- 2, Dean- 3, Noura- 1, Tommy- 6, Dan- 1, Elaine- 4, Lauren- 4; Rob- 2, Sandra- 1.

I’ll have to find more information about what happened with Dan somewhere else and maybe put it in the next post. It seems so unusual and I guess they had to edit it out especially since it might not have been on camera. Did the others know what was going on? I might have to see if the next episode might have more of this or what else might be going on. Like I said, it is highly unusual. If I don’t have the info in the next post, I might put it in my posts on Gabon that I haven’t finished writing yet. There may be a lot that you see in those posts later. I’ll explain more about when they are coming back later in the next post of this blog. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Episode 39.11

If I ever get more past seasons of Survivor, you will see posts of them here in this blog eventually. I’d even introduce multiple rolling lists like I’ve had for a time once before in order to accommodate all of what I’d want to. Now, I can only go up to a certain point at once. Why is that?

Since I already have Borneo on DVD, there will be an eventual second look back at it. It will have to wait until it finds its way on the list after other stuff waiting to get on the list is added first. This will mean that in all the watching of other shows that could happen, I would not be able to add lists past the point of when I’d put Borneo on my list of things to watch which would mean abandoning any lists that are already added for a while and not adding new things to it if possible. I don’t expect this to make sense to everyone as I write it as I know I am hard to understand. Maybe it will make sense later as things go along in the future. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we go straight to the challenge at hand for reward. It is a loved ones challenge which causes everyone to get emotional. Tommy’s girlfriend is Nicole. I guess that he didn’t end up with Kimberly or Kat. A thirteen year old is a loved one? Who brought him here? Elaine is gay? I am a bit surprised that I didn’t know that. Noura’s loved one, Laurie, is visually impaired. She gets a close up of the challenge with Jeff. Tommy and Janet win the challenge. They pick Lauren and Dan to join them for the reward. Karishma wants to put a wrecking ball to someone’s head. She came in like a wrecking ball. And I haven’t seen that video at all.

In the second segment of the show, Janet talks about winning the challenge. Tommy is emotional being with his girlfriend. They talk to each other about what to do with the upcoming vote. Back at the camp, Noura gets upset at everyone and they celebrate Festivus early since she is airing grievances. She goes on a long and heavily edited rant. She waves her white flag. She surrenders all to you. All to you. Dean is now calling the group the underlings. The vote is four to four. They need an idol or they need someone who can flip. They think that the idol is blue. Elaine finds the idol. This gets the others, who know about it, quite excited as they might hold all the power.

In the third segment of the show, we get to Jeff’s ball fetish again as whoever hits puberty loses. No one can have a ball that drops. Dean and Tommy hit puberty. Noura loses her ball. Janet is out next. What is a weeble wabble? Karishma is out next. Dan looks away and loses control of his ball. It comes down to a showdown between Lauren and Elaine. Lauren is seen struggling a lot towards the end so, naturally, she wins the challenge when Elaine suddenly drops out. Tommy thinks that the target is clear.

In the fourth segment of the show, Lauren is glad that she won even if she isn’t sure that she needed the necklace. Noura doesn’t think that she will go along with the others and wonder how to do the really big vote ahead of them. Karishma thinks that one tribal council can make the change. Elaine is worried that Noura is a fruit loop and could go any way. I hope she isn’t called a fruit loop dingus. That could really hurt a person. Noura seems to be confused by how people should vote. Everyone is worried that she will just go crazy or something will not go according to plan. Elaine thinks that she should play her idol, even if it means wasting it. To be sure, though, not everyone who wastes their idol is dumb. But all of the people who get voted out with an idol are.

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. The loved ones challenge is dangerous in some way. Meanwhile, Tommy and others are part of a secret conversation that others aren’t noticing. They have something to say. Rob likes it as the others start whispering to each other. Noura decides to just go out and say a lot of things and does a Phillip by outing Elaine’s idol. There is a lot of talking at once like an episode of Parenthood or Evil. Missy pretends to eat popcorn, really enjoying this. I can’t make sense of the conversations, but I love this and it is awesome. Of course, everything is awesome. Everything is cool when your part of a team. Everything is awesome, when you’re living your dream. I think that those are close to the right lyrics.

Rob and Sandra continue to talk to each other about what has been going on. Noura thinks that she was not the one who started it as Dean and Tommy started their secret talking. While I can’t make sense of what happened, I do know that the voting happens next. Elaine plays her idol for herself. This makes her sorry if things smell like feet, whatever that means. Noura might have screwed herself or got screwed by the others in question. But it is still Karishma who gets voted out.

On the next Survivor, Noura and everyone is spinning right round baby right round like a record baby round right round round. Different things could change right away as it seems like Lauren might be with Tommy or they are doing something of some sort or another. It is also not the season finale just yet as that will probably be the next week and not this coming one. I guess we’ll see what happens soon.

Total confessional count: Karishma- 25, Tommy- 20, Dan- 14, Elaine- 22, Lauren- 18, Janet- 16, Dean- 17, Noura- 15; Rob- 11, Sandra- 9. New confessionals this episode: Tommy- 3, Dan- 1, Elaine- 3, Lauren- 2, Janet- 1, Dean- 3, Noura- 2, Karishma- 4; Sandra- 0, Rob- 0.

Karishma had four new confessionals this episode, the highest of everyone. The next highest is a tie between Dean, Tommy, and Elaine with three. The lowest is a tie between Janet and Dan with just one a piece. As for total confessionals, Karishma had twenty-five, the highest out of everyone. Elaine is the next highest with twenty-two. The lowest is Dan with fourteen. There’s not much else to say so I will end this post. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Episode 39.10

I feel like there’s a part of every tribal council this season that is always being cut. While the contestants are gathered around the tribal council fire, they should be singing the song Kumbaya based on the unity that they seemingly have right before every vote. Here’s a link to a version of that song that isn’t as well known as other versions of it.

You might not know much about where I am with watching Gabon. I am up to the first tribe swap of that season and have posts written and completed of it up until episode 5. That will mean that you should see the next three episodes of that show at some point after this season is done airing. I wish that I could promise that more would be done after that, but I will make no such promise this time around. I can only hope that I’ll be able to watch more of that soon.

It is getting close to when Christmas will happen and there are some past seasons of Survivor that I’d like on DVD at some point. Consider all of them that I mention a good Christmas present. I currently want the seasons of All-Stars, China, and Blood versus Water. I have all the other seasons that I would currently want on DVD already. I might want others in the future, but not now.

It turns out that I was busy on the Wednesday that this aired and I didn’t even try to see the episode then. The day after Thanksgiving, I watched the episode in question. I am posting the update on Sunday as that best makes sense for me for what I should do regarding that. I will include an update at the end of this post regarding when future posts of this blog will be now that Advent has started and will affect the Wednesdays as usual. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Lauren talked about how Aaron was voted out at their tribal council as he was considered the biggest threat. Karishma talked about how she is glad that she didn’t have to use her idol and her main targets are gone. Elizabeth is upset that her allies are gone. Dean worries that he might be a target in the future while thinking that Karishma is a goat. He also thinks that Noura is also a goat. Meanwhile, Tommy is worried that Elaine might be too strong. A unanimous decision about who has to be sent to Island of the Idols has to happen. Lauren wants to go and while Karishma wants to go as well, Lauren is ultimately sent.

A chicken attacks Sandra for a moment before Lauren arrives. Rob wants to give her a chance to predict who will win the next immunity challenge. She is convinced that she knows the tribe. But she doesn’t know if she can get it right. She is told about the eat or play component of the upcoming challenge. We see Lauren go through her predicting who might win. She gets to predict two potential winners. She goes with Noura and Elizabeth. The idol will be at the big rock at treemail if she gets it right.

In the second segment of the show, Dean talks about his legacy advantage that he think might be real, but is actually fake. He decides to make another fake one. Lauren reveals some about the challenge that is going on in that game. She decides to be honest with Tommy about her bet. He has to make sure that he does whatever can happen to make sure that the right people sit out and the right people play. It seems that only Elaine would be a potential wrench in the plan. I do wonder why Lauren didn’t bet on herself or her ally in the game. Maybe she knows their own limitations.

In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge in the game. Jeff didn’t hear the reaction to the challenge. Jeff learns that they knew what the food option was. Karishma is the only person besides Noura and Elizabeth who is competing in the challenge. Karishma is the first person out of the challenge and is upset over her loss. Noura wins and wants to stay in so they can keep eating, but Jeff says that it wasn’t how the challenge works. Janet thinks that Elizabeth should be voted out.

In the fourth segment of the show, Lauren and Tommy quickly run out to find her idol which she claims. Everyone seems to keep claiming that Karishma is an easy vote for later. Thus, Elizabeth is the target. That is what Elaine seems to think. Noura looks through Karishma’s bag and sees nothing in it. Dan then thinks that the vote will be split. She thinks that the vote is a split between Janet and Elizabeth. Lauren sees that Karishma might be scheming in some way. Dan wants to vote out Karishma. Karishma does have an idol and wonders what to do about it. She has to play it correctly and make it count.

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. Jeff explains what happened before they had competed in the challenge. They talked about the decision to play versus eat. People have to decide how they feel in the game to decide if they are in a good place or not. Dean talks about how he has a legacy advantage. This makes Rob and Sandra chuckle as they know it is fake. They talk about how they have to decide who to trust in the game. They have to find the right person. Are some tribal councils easy and others hard? Dean plays his legacy advantage. He learns that his advantage isn’t real.

We then get to Karishma playing her idol. Lauren decides to play her idol on herself. Rob and Sandra love that all of these votes cast for Karishma don’t count. The vote is a tie between Janet and Elizabeth after all the votes are cast. With seven people voting, a revote is going to ensure that the tie is broken for one of them. Elizabeth is voted out. Rob thinks that it was all good and well until someone plays an idol.

On the next Survivor, there is no one to trust in an unpredictable game and a family visit will happen next. We’ll see what else might happen in the future. I don’t yet know when this season might be ending in the near future, but it has to be soon as we are winding down towards the end.

Total confessional count: Elaine- 19, Lauren- 16, Elizabeth- 16, Janet- 15, Dean- 14, Noura- 13, Karishma- 21, Tommy- 17, Dan- 13; Sandra- 9, Rob- 11. New confessionals this episode: Elizabeth- 2, Janet- 2, Dean- 3, Noura- 1, Karishma- 4, Tommy- 4, Dan- 2, Elaine- 2, Lauren- 5; Rob- 1, Sandra- 0.

I won’t talk about the confessional count this time around. Just know that I will be posting this blog on Thursdays for probably the rest of this season. I will be at church when the show is airing and then will be heading straight to work right afterwards. So it would make more sense to me in order to just blog about the show then like I normally do during Advent anyways. I will see you this Thursday. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Episode 39.9

If I understand something correctly from the releases on Survivor on DVD, there was something weird that had happened once. You see, when they released All-Stars to DVD, they didn’t put the recap episode with it. When Micronesia finally came out, they put this All-Stars episode on DVD with it. I do not know why this would be and am not entirely sure that this information I have about this is accurate. This makes me wonder: since I want to watch All-Stars again, should I get Micronesia as well to get this one episode or should I just ignore this one episode until such times as I want to get Micronesia on DVD to watch later? Let me know what you think in the comments. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we return to the tribe with Janet talking about why she thought about quitting, but chose not to. She wishes that she still had her idol. Didn’t she save herself with it? There is then a rat that causes problems in the camp. And I thought that Kelly Wiglesworth wasn’t in this season. It seems to be a hard night after a whole lot of rain. Elizabeth is irritated, but knows that this is not what she had signed up for. Noura complains about Karishma and what all is wrong with her.

Karishma talks about what she has struggled with so far in life. She likes her relationship with others like her husband, but thought that she would have a better time at the game then she has. She finds an idol while wondering around. But women have sucked with idols this season. When she gets back to camp, she feigns sickness since she has been away from a while. How will she play her idol? She causes some concern with the other players as they think that medical should look at her.

In the second segment of the show, we go straight to the immunity challenge. The tribe will be split into two groups. Each group will win their own immunity and attend separate tribal councils. The last team with a member standing wins reward for their team. Noura and Elaine win.

Noura drops out after she wins first, much to the criticism of others on her team. The team going first will be isolated to another tribe until they go to tribal council first. Janet is worried that Karishma won’t be voted out now and that she might be in danger instead.

In the third segment of the show, the team that lost first returns to the old Lairo camp. Aaron doesn’t like being here, but figures that both Janet and Karishma will be voted out tonight. Meanwhile, others want to vote Aaron out of the game. Dean wants to keep Aaron as he thinks that he’ll be considered more of a threat with Aaron gone. Dan isn’t entirely sure what to do. Missy thinks that she should get rid of Tommy. Have you tried using the green candle?

Missy wants to tell Karishma the plan, but gets blown off. Karishma thinks that Missy is being too impersonal in some way. Elaine wants to turn the vote against Missy, getting drunk with power since she won immunity. Elaine tells Tommy about the fact that he was a target. Tommy wants to vote out Missy now. He actually wants to work with Karishma now. Karishma might be the swing vote. She has to come up with a logical vote as a trial lawyer. Karishma thinks that Missy makes things fishy. Doesn’t Missy specialize in water Pokémon? Back at the other tribe, they still don’t know how the vote will go. There have been so many blindsides at tribal councils so far this season.

In the fourth segment of the show, Dean is showing off his muscle at his tribe’s tribal council. They are working on how to work together as this group. Rob thinks that Aaron is going home where as Sandra thinks that Janet is going home. The game will lose two people at once. Dan is hoping that trust will lead to loyalty and loyalty to trust. The voting seems to happen rather quickly. Jeff goes to tally the votes and the show goes to commercial.

In the fifth segment of the show, we return to the tribal council where Aaron gets voted out. Rob was right with his prediction. Aaron is told to go to the jury. The other tribe is then brought in. Missy says that this is not the way the jury should be looking. Missy and Karishma talk about how they had butted heads some. Missy doesn’t think that she’s a threat if she’s a bully. Hello? Richard Hatch? Remember him? Karishma admits that there is a lot of clashing going on.

Sandra doesn’t think that the tribe has room for both Karishma and Missy. Elaine thinks that they should vote right now. Missy thinks that there should be more of an acknowledgement of minorities doing good recently on Survivor such as winning two challenges at once. Jeff didn’t want to make it seem like wasn’t something that could happen. The vote is next. No one plays an idol. Missy is voted out and Karishma did not get any votes. Missy is acting strange after getting voted out, giving hugs all around. She will see them at Wednesday night at 8 (7 Central).

On the next Survivor, a chicken attacks Sandra and different things continue to be crazy in some sort of way. The cocks should be in control of themselves better this season and not do anything without the consent of others. I hope that comment was not insensitive in some way.

Total confessional count: Janet- 13, Dean- 11, Aaron- 16, Noura- 12, Karishma- 17, Tommy- 13, Dan- 11, Elaine- 17, Lauren- 11, Elizabeth- 14, Missy- 14; Rob- 10, Sandra- 9. New confessionals this episode: Missy- 2, Janet- 4, Dean- 1, Aaron- 2, Noura- 2, Karishma- 3, Tommy- 1, Dan- 1, Elaine- 1, Lauren- 1, Elizabeth- 1; Sandra- 0, Rob- 0.

Well, we are finally to the part where the contestants still in the game have more confessionals than both Rob and Sandra do. The lowest in terms of total confessionals are Dan, Lauren, and Dean with eleven a piece. The highest is a tie between Karishma and Elaine with seventeen a piece. Missy had fourteen confessionals, the same as Elizabeth. Aaron had sixteen confessionals. In terms of the new confessional count, Aaron and Missy had two, the same number as Noura. The highest was Janet with four. The lowest is a tie between Elizabeth, Dean, Tommy, Dan, Elaine, and Lauren, all with one.

Since the next episode airs the day before Thanksgiving and I will have to work that night, don’t count on the next week’s episode being posted on Wednesday as usual. I might be able to do it, but probably won’t and won’t even try to get it done then. Expect the blog post on next week’s episode to be on the Sunday after it airs and no time sooner. I hope to see you in a week. If not, I will see you some time later in the future. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Episode 39.8

When I mentioned my rankings of Survivor seasons in the last post, I realize that I had already told you where Borneo was in the rankings. When I do that, I then have to go to the most recently aired season that I have not revealed my ranking of seasons. I have told you where Caramoan and every season past it has ranked. I have also told you what I have ranked lowest and various other, random seasons. I have not yet revealed the highest ranked season as I am keeping that secret for now. But since I am telling you about how seasons rank, I might as well tell you that Philippines is 3rd out of 38 seasons for me. I will give a ranking for this season once it is over. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, they had to warn us with a content adversary warning before they tell us that this is a two hour episode. Dean talks about surviving the vote at tribal council. Noura admits that she had voted for Jack at Kellee’s request. Kellee wants her to stop talking for now. She admits that what Noura is saying is true to the audience, but has to lie in order to survive. The next day, people look for a new idol since others were played. Kellee finds an idol.

The merge then happens. The players gather for a merge feast. Dan wants to reconnect with his old members. The Vokai tribe has a one member advantage. Tommy wonders what to do and which side he should join with. They are calling the planned alliance Vokai 2.0. Am I the only one who gets annoyed by the .0 designation? It is annoying and not needed. Kellee doesn’t want to join this new alliance. Tommy gets shut down from his suggestions all the time. Maybe the green ranger needs new powers.

In the second segment of the show, we return to Luma Waku, the merged tribe. Why did they call it that name? We have no idea? Kellee and Missy talk about the touching they don’t like that Dan is doing. It is making a lot of women uncomfortable. There are five people who he did this to. The producer talks to him about how this isn’t okay. That has to be a first. The producers aren’t supposed to talk back. But I do think that they lead some of what is said in confessionals.

Tommy talks to Lauren about wanting to get rid of Kellee. Kellee then gets emotional talking with Janet about how Dan is. Janet isn’t sure that Dan was as bad as he could be, but wants to stick with the other women. The women keep talking to each other about voting Dan out. Elizabeth is told to help get rid of him. People keep talking about Dan and there is footage to back up these claims.

This may be one of the most uncomfortable episodes of this show to watch, but it could be a good one in the end. Kellee wants to vote out Missy instead of Dan, not feeling that Dan should be voted out right now. Missy hears of this and isn’t sure of what to do or what to think. The game continued after a special thing might have been done in order to make sure that the game could continue.

In the third segment of the show, we get to the first immunity challenge as a merged tribe. Aaron wins the challenge. Kellee wants Missy voted out of the game, considering her loss at the challenge to be the nail in her coffin.

In the fourth segment of the show, Missy is worried about her fate in the game since Kellee was after her. But the vote could be all over the place as potential targets are brought up. Some of this is just the typical red herring. But if they do it right, they could mislead us. Dan might be the main target after all. Janet likes Dan, but feels that she morally has to turn on him. Elizabeth thinks that the real target isn’t Dan after all. She is voting against Kellee no matter what. Could she be messing up the plan?

Dan does not understand why Janet would be after him. Kellee hears that she might be the target and she looks for a second hidden immunity idol. Tommy isn’t sure which side to join. Just don’t join Rita’s. Kellee does find a second idol. Will she have to play one tonight?

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. Rob and Sandra are there in their secret place as they normally are. There is a tribe of 13 and someone is already on the jury. Dan says that trust is outweighed by deception. You have to trust people before you can deceive them. Kellee thinks that they have to be present in the game in order to know what is going on. She thinks the game is about trust. Dean isn’t sure of his own place in the game. Can people survive in the game? Jeff goes to tally the votes and the show goes to commercial.

In the sixth segment of the show, Kellee doesn’t play an idol. But is she safe? She is not. She is voted out of the game with more than a one vote majority, it seems. Deception is more powerful than trust is. Janet then talks about how the vote went. She feels that she put her own game in danger. Janet talks to others about the vote. Lauren wasn’t comfortable voting out Dan for the reasons they were going to vote him out. What is she, a Republican in favor of Kavanaugh?

Janet explains to Dan what went on with her vote as she wants to explain what went on. Dan feels bad and people think that things have been quite overblown by things. Things are far too confusing in this world. What SVU episode is coming after this show airs? This seems to be the night of uncomfortable ways since people look for the truth with what was going on. Janet is confused by what is going on with the women in the game, perhaps thinking that they aren’t as uncomfortable as they were. But when was this producer meeting with everyone? After seeing others go into the woods, Janet tries to follow them. But she loses them and then looks for an idol on her own, which she finds.

In the seventh segment of the show, Karishma and Jamal find a note that is just randomly hanging. She wanted to grab it, but Jamal gets it first and goes off to the island immediately. Jamal reacts upon seeing the mentors of the island. He lost his vote at the next tribal council. Rob wants to give him a lesson in the act of sabotage. Can he get someone else? He gets a blank parchment.

What could Jamal do with the pencil and the parchment? He writes a fake legacy advantage. He gives it to Dean since it was revealed to be Dean’s birthday. He even tells a half truth by saying that it was his own handwriting. Aaron thinks that Jamal was intentionally targeting Dean. For the record, JT somehow had pencil in Heroes versus Villains when he wrote a note to Russell.

In the eight segment of the show, we get to the next immunity challenge. I’ve seen this one before. They are randomly offering both a man and woman immunity. Aaron and Missy are the winners. I missed who had given the confessional after the challenge.

In the ninth segment of the show, Jamal is worried about how the vote will go. People think about how they should split the vote between Karishma and Jamal. He wants the women to vote one way and the men to vote another way. Janet has been surprised at every tribal council how things have gone. We then get to the next tribal council. Janet was confused about how the previous vote went. Janet had brought up Missy’s name in the past. It was her mistake voting for what had gone on. Aaron says that she is playing the victim.

Jamal thinks that Aaron is downplaying things by dismissing Janet’s concerns. He doesn’t think that the real world is the same as Survivor’s world. Jeff mentions something to Dan but thinks might be going a bit too far with things. Karishma thinks that perception is reality. That’s not what a Survivor winner from a past season had thought. They cannot ignore the issue on Survivor about harassment and other issues like that. Jamal thinks that we should believe and hear women when they want to be heard. Jeff then wants Dan to explain what has been going on. He explains the me too movement and how it started in his business of workplace and places. He feels bad and is sorry about what he did. He thinks that he is a good person. I think that about myself, but could easily be wrong.

Janet isn’t sure that she wants to stay in the game due to all the strange situations that have been going on in the game. They want to make sure that she stays in the game. No one thinks that she did anything wrong in the end. She wants to stay in the game. Jeff explains what is going on in the game with all of the stories that are going on. How will things go into the vote? Lauren goes over the vote and how this show mirrors real life. This season has been more of an emotional rollercoaster than I’m told This is Us is. The vote happens next. Janet plays an idol on herself. Jamal is voted out.

On the next episode of Survivor, two people will be going home for some reason, but it is not explained how just yet. Sandra is surprised by what went on. We’ll find out what happens with that later. They sure are confused by some of what’s going on.

Total confessional count: Tommy- 12, Jamal- 15, Dan- 10, Elaine- 16, Lauren- 10, Elizabeth- 13, Missy- 12, Janet- 9, Kellee- 16, Dean- 11, Aaron- 14, Noura- 10, Karishma- 14; Sandra- 9, Rob- 10. New confessionals this episode: Jamal- 3, Dan- 4, Elaine- 0, Lauren- 2, Elizabeth- 4, Missy- 1, Janet- 4, Kellee- 6, Dean- 3, Aaron- 2, Noura- 1, Karishma- 2, Tommy- 3; Rob- 0, Sandra- 0.

Kellee had six new confessionals this episode, the most of everyone. Elizabeth, Dan, and Janet tie for the second highest with four a piece. Jamal had three new confessionals this episode. The lowest was Elaine with zero.  In terms of total confessionals, Kellee and Elaine tie for the highest with sixteen. Jamal was the next highest with fifteen. The third highest is a tie between Aaron and Karishma with fourteen. The lowest is Janet with nine, the only person still in single digits. There’s not much else to say so I will end this post here. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Episode 39.7

If you haven’t heard by now, Rudy Boesch from Borneo and All-Stars has died recently. I have the first season on DVD and will have to watch it again, doing a general recap about it before I get to doing a special one on just Rudy. I don’t yet have eighth season on DVD yet, but that could be a good Christmas present for me. I’ll mention more of that later. I’ve mentioned before that Borneo ranks 10th out of 38 seasons. All-Stars is 24th out of 38 seasons. This 39th season has not yet been ranked.

Since I already blogged about Survivor: Borneo once already, I have already mentioned some thoughts about him and I gave him a percentage of what I thought his chances were of returning to play the game again. Here are the thoughts from then, from a previous post.

Rudy is the oldest contestant to ever play Survivor. He would break his own record when he played Survivor: All-Stars. He didn’t last long into the game the second time as he was deemed too weak by his tribe and was voted out, coming in 17th place, a place no Survivor had (or could have) come in before. He was an alternate for Heroes versus Villains, but wasn’t chosen as he was deemed too old to compete in the game again. This means that it’s unlikely we’ll ever see him again since he’s only going to get older. I give it a 15% chance that we will see him again in the future.

Of course, I would never give an absolute zero for any contestant who is still alive, even if they quit the game. Still 15% meant that he would have less of a chance of returning than him coming back. What is kind of nice is that he outlived other contestants, even though he remains the oldest person who has ever played Survivor.

As usual when I reference something, I feel that I need to share it with you so that you will understand it better. Well, in the previous post, I mentioned a song called Because it’s Midnight by a band that was made up for a flash based website. Here is a link to this song.

With both Ashley and Rudy having died since the last reunion show, I would hope that both of their deaths would be mentioned at the next one. But the only Survivor death they have mentioned thus far was when Jennifer Lyon died. You would think that this time should be different for a few reasons.

One would be that Ashley died of suicide and they could tie this into suicide prevention. Another is that Rudy was a more well known contestant. I just hope that they don’t mention just one and not another. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Elaine talks about what she had to do in order to survive the vote. Lauren hopes that things can still work out well for her old tribe since the other tribe didn’t join her or her old tribe. Aaron thinks that Lauren and her old tribe mates will come crawling back to his tribe again since he believes that his tribe has all the power. Karishma is annoyed at the weather. Kellee was a bit annoyed by someone, but I couldn’t tell who as I was trying to fix a sentence due to stupid grammar check. I have well grammar, though. Other women are annoyed at men and continue talking about a woman’s alliance. Noura was annoyed at Aaron.

Janet is taken to the Island of the Idols, which makes sense to her since these are Survivor idols that she is with now. She admits that going to the island puts a target on people’s back. Rob thinks that the better players think a few moves ahead. “Master Yoda said that I should be mindful of the future.” “Yes, but not at the expense of the moment.”

Janet is allowed to play for an advantage by walking out of a tribal council if she wins a potential game, but she decides not to play since it could make her a target the next time around. So I guess we won’t know what the challenge is. She is the first person to visit the island who declined the challenge.

In the second segment of the show, Janet keeps up the trend of lying to the tribe about what the island is about. Janet flashes herself so they know that she has nothing. There is talk on the other tribe about getting rid of Dan. Missy thinks that Dan or others could be too powerful.

In the third segment of the show, we get to the immunity challenge. #imissrewards. In one of the closest challenges ever, the orange tribe loses. Kellee, who has an idol good for only one tribal, isn’t sure that she needs her idol. Will it go to waste? Surely, she can use it to blindside Karishma if she plays it right. But I think that it might not work out well if the ironic foreshadowing is hinted at here.

In the fourth segment of the show, people like Jamal think that the vote will be easy and against Dean. Jack makes it seem to Dean that Noura will be voted out next. Jamal has an idol. Kellee thinks that she should give Dean the idol and get him to vote out Jack or Jamal. Kellee thinks that her plan is risky as it could get herself voted out. It seems like she will give him the idol and he knows that he’s the target now. Will this be a string of dominoes as she says?

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. The tribe before the swap was successful, leading to this tribe. Noura is called out by Dean for targeting Jamal. Noura thinks that the opposite of hatred is indifference. But isn’t the opposite of hatred love? Noura tells people what she thinks yet won’t straight up say that she was targeting Jamal. Jamal is fearful of an all girls alliance. He has no idea if one is really there. Kellee thinks that the idea of a woman’s alliance is sexist in some way. There has not been a successful all man’s alliance. There have been only two successful all women’s alliances that I can remember. The #metoo movement is brought up.

Jeff thinks that women don’t just bond by nature. This is a way more sappy tribal council that I ever remember happening before. But it seems good and nice. No wonder the promos said what they did. People have to humanize other players. Jeff says that there has never been a tribal like this before. While there has been powerful bonding, they still have to vote someone out.

After the votes are cast, Dean plays an idol for himself and they wonder why it wasn’t played last time. Kellee plays her part of acting surprised well. Jamal plays his idol for Noura. Jack is voted out and gets to join the jury. A quick blurb for Rudy is shown at the end as this episode is dedicated to him. Now I’ll feel a bit better if he isn’t mentioned as the reunion show this season.

On the next Survivor, the merge happens and all of the old Lairo will have to go. Who knows where the vote could wind up going next? I guess we’ll have to wait and see for ourselves as I avoid spoilers when I can. Hopefully there will be something interesting then.

Total confessional count: Aaron- 12, Jack- 6, Noura- 9, Karishma- 12, Tommy- 9, Jamal- 12, Dan- 6, Elaine- 16, Lauren- 8, Elizabeth- 9, Missy- 11, Janet- 5, Kellee- 10, Dean- 8; Rob- 10, Sandra- 9. New confessionals this episode: Janet- 2, Kellee- 3, Dean- 2, Aaron- 1, Jack- 1, Noura- 1, Karishma- 1, Tommy- 1, Jamal- 2, Dan- 0, Elaine- 1, Lauren- 2, Elizabeth- 0, Missy- 1; Sandra- 1, Rob- 1.

Jack had six confessionals, the same number as Dan. Janet is the only one lower than them with five. As for the highest, that remains Elaine with sixteen. As for new confessionals, Jack had just one, the same number as Tommy, Noura, Elaine, Aaron, Missy, and Karishma. The only people lower were Dan and Elizabeth with zero a piece. Everyone else was higher with Kellee as the highest with three. There’s not much else to say so I will let you go. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Episode 39.6

Some of you might know about the current California wild fire that is going on. Some of the Survivor contestants from seasons past have been in this affected area. I can only hope that they are okay and doing well. Not all of them have originally responded to the safety check that facebook did.

I wonder how long Karishma will last this season. You wouldn’t think that she would last long, but she might actually surprise us. I don’t think that she’s our winner, but don’t know why we’ve seen so much of her thus far. Why do people keep picking others to vote out instead of her? I hope that she’s not the winner because she would make a terrible one if she is. There is some purpose to her still being here in the game so you’d think that they get rid of her at some point. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Noura thinks that they could go with an easy vote against the old members of the other tribe, but wants to target her rivals from her old tribe first. Dean just dismisses her as crazy and tells Jamal about what she said. Now she is the target. On the other tribe, there is a tarantula at the shelter. The tribe doesn’t know if they want to draw for rocks or not. Jason thinks that things are good in the hood.

We then get to the reward challenge. Elaine is picked to sit out of the challenge and is sent right away to the Island of the Idols. Whoever is put on the sled has to be a target shooter as well. The tribes each have different ways of getting the bags where they need to go. Vokai wins the chickens. They went into beast mode for sure. Dan thinks that all they do is win, win, win no matter what. He is also worried that Elaine might get an idol.

In the second segment of the show, we get to Elaine arriving at the Island of the Idols. Rob is using his free time to build a mansion shelter. Elaine was annoyed that she was the sit out. She has the heart of a lion and strength of an ox, if I got that right. Well I’ve got the heart of a lion and the wings of a bat. Rob starts a timer and Elaine has to decide whether or not to accept the challenge before the timer runs out. She doesn’t hesitate to accept the challenge before much time runs out.

Rob thinks that she was cocky as he usually does. Does this mean that she will fail? She know has to grab a block a vote advantage during the next challenge in front of all her tribe mates. Sandra likes Elaine now and thinks that she might do well. Back at the main camp, there is a do rag comment that Jack says and Jamal is upset by. There are things that I don’t understand, but guess that know I do. I just thought that do rag was a random phrase that meant little to nothing important. Is do rag even the right way of spelling it? I guess I have to go to Wikitonary or something like that.

In the third segment of the show, Elaine reveals to Elizabeth about what happened. Either she will get to block a vote or lose her own vote. We then get to the immunity challenge. Elaine is able to grab the advantage and might have lost it for a moment, but I think that she was able to keep it. Vokai is doing well in the challenge. Tommy Sheehan, henceforth to be referred to as Tommy, is the shooter for his tribe. Lairo wins the challenge, which makes sense as we only saw stuff from this tribe. Elaine talks about her huge advantage in the game.

In the fourth segment of the show, it is loser, loser chicken dinner on the Vokai tribe. Elaine thinks that they should tell Missy and Aaron about the advantage. Things are often never simple in Survivor. Aaron still isn’t sure that he wants to work with Elaine. Lauren thinks that she might know what is going on. Dan is accused of being sketchy. So many people are certain that they are in control. But everyone can’t be in control at once. Who is really in control?

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to the tribal council. Why would people eat doughnuts when Survivor is on? You eat that with breakfast. So you wouldn’t eat doughnuts at night, probably. Rob is hoping that Elaine got the vote blocker. Can one tribe convince the other to vote with them? Most of them admit to being willing to draw rocks.

Elaine reads her advantage to the tribe. She blocks Jason’s vote. Rob doesn’t think that he could be the target. Elaine still thinks that she can be friends with Jason and Sandra is convinced that they aren’t going after him. Lauren gets emotional. Everyone on the old Lairo tribe talks about what they think is going on and Elaine is probably still the target. If only she had an idol. Nobody plays an idol. Jason is the one voted out. Does that mean multiple people flipped? Or did no one flip?

On the next Survivor, an empire falls and something new rises. Meanwhile, other possibly confusing things happen in the show, possibly. I guess things are changing in the show and it is hard to tell for sure what might be going on.

Total confessional count: Elaine- 15, Lauren- 6, Elizabeth- 9, Missy- 10, Janet- 3, Kellee- 7, Dean- 6, Jason- 8, Aaron- 11, Jack- 5, Noura- 8, Karishma- 11, Tommy Sheehan- 8, Jamal- 10, Dan- 6; Sandra- 8, Rob- 9. New confessionals this episode: Jamal- 3, Dan- 1, Elaine- 8, Lauren- 1, Elizabeth- 2, Missy- 1, Janet- 0, Kellee- 0, Dean- 1, Jason- 1, Aaron- 2, Jack- 2, Noura- 1, Karishma- 0, Tommy Sheehan- 0; Rob- 2, Sandra- 2.

Elaine had more confessionals in just this episode than all the previous episodes combined. At eight, she has the highest count of all the contestants this episode. The lowest is a tie between Karishma, Janet, Tommy, and Kellee who all have zero. As for the total confessional count, Elaine has the highest count with fifteen. As for the lowest, Janet has only three. Outside of Elaine, the players of Aaron, Karishma, Jamal, and Missy are the ones higher than both Rob and Sandra in terms of confessionals. Jason had eight total confessionals with just one this episode. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.