Sunday, December 29, 2019

Survivor: Gabon episode 4- It Was Like Christmas Morning

This section will be outdated by the time you read it. I have a job right now that is causing me to miss a lot of shows that air on Friday. I’m not interested in most of them and only care about some. There was nothing new then that I cared about and I can set up a tape to record shows. I currently like the shows of Hawaii Five-0, Blue Bloods, Magnum P.I., Charmed, Dynasty, American Housewife, and Fresh off the Boat. I am supposed to be reviewing Charmed for my YouTube channel, but am neglecting my duties of it thus far and can only hope I can get caught up on it at some point. I might share a link to a playlist of the reviews if and when I make one. There are also times I’ve watched 20/20 and Dateline.

Let’s get to the idol from Ghost Island part 3. Ozzy made a fake idol in Micronesia and it was said to be cursed since all who touched it were voted out. Indeed, Ozzy and the person who found the fake idol both were voted out with real idols in their possession. In Ghost Island, the idol was now real and it was Michael who found it and successfully played it on himself. This helps him due to his previous blunder earlier that season which I’ve already told you about.

It is sad really that I won’t be able to be as updated with this part of the blog as I wanted to be since I am choosing to put it on hiatus until after the airing of Island of the Idols is done. I’m not going to be able to keep you as updated on the shows that I watch on DVD. But I can tell you that I finished watching the complete series of Moonlight and replaced it with Dollhouse season 2. I also finished watching Farscape season 4 and replaced that with Popeye volume 2, a collection of black and white cartoons. I also put the fifth season of Charmed, which has replaced the fourth season, on hiatus so Community season 1 can be added in its place.

The episode was rolled on Wednesday, October 23, 2019. This could have affected the main posts that I was doing at the time by moving that week’s to Sunday, but I decided that it would be better just to keep the blog where it normally is and update my TV blog the next day like I normally would when the show is on and I roll an old Survivor episode. Now let’s get to the episode in question.

We begin with Kota getting back from tribal council. Kelly admits that she doesn’t like Ace. Ace thinks that tribal council was like having his wisdom teeth pulled. Since Kelly was correctly thought to be the second vote against him, Ace wants her out of the game next.

Randy remains irritated at his tribe as usual. He wants his tribe to vote against GC. Matty thinks that he has a solid alliance with himself, Randy, Susie, and Dan. They are said to be a solid alliance. The four of them plan to stick together no matter what.

The tribes then gather for the next event. Jeff wants everyone on each tribe to rank themselves. The Kota tribe is ranked by importance. Starting at the most important, it is ranked: Marcus, Ace, Bob, Charlie, Jacquie, Sugar, and Kelly as the lowest. Kelly points out that she’s never the last picked. But Ace whines about her in a confessional. The Fang tribe is also ranked by importance. The most important, going on down, is Matty, Dan, Randy, Crystal, Ken, GC, and Susie. Crystal doesn’t like being ranked lower than Randy. GC doesn’t like being ranked low either.

Jeff reveals the meaning behind this: a tribe swap then happens. Marcus and Matty get to stay part of their tribes. They then start picking new tribe members. Marcus picks Dan. Matty picks Ace. Dan picks Charlie. Charlie likes his new tribe since he is still with Marcus. Ace picks Crystal. Charlie picks Randy. Crystal picks Jacquie. Randy picks Corinne. Jacquie picks Ken. Corinne picks Susie after others on the new tribe say how bad GC would be on the tribe. Jeff points out that Bob hasn’t been picked yet. Ken then picks Kelly for his tribe. Susie picks Bob for her tribe. Kelly picks GC for the tribe. This leaves Sugar as the one not picked and sent straight off to Exile Island.

These are the new tribes: the new Fang is Crystal, GC, Ken, Matty, Ace, Jacquie, and Kelly. The new Kota is Dan, Randy, Susie, Bob, Charlie, Corrine, and Marcus. Sugar, not being picked, remains tribeless until after the next tribal council, when she will join the tribe that loses a member.

Randy points out that Kota has a new advantage on the new tribe. He says that he will burn the camp down if he is voted out, despite the fact that he probably wouldn’t be allowed back at camp after that would happen. Susie thinks that the new tribe is good. At Exile Island, Sugar picks comfort as she already has the idol and doesn’t need to look for it. She says the name of the episode as she enjoys the comfort in what she know calls the Sugar shack. GC likes his new tribe. Kelly might feel better on this new tribe of hers and is ready to vote with the other tribe members she joined now.

Ken seems to only want Kelly on his side since he finds her hot. I feel like you need more to a possible alliance then that. Susie talks about the upcoming challenge. Marcus talks about tribe dynamics. He thinks that it would be between Susie and Randy, a potential vote.

At the immunity challenge, the contestants will be in boats and they need to get the ball in a certain place in order to win. The first tribe to three points wins. The Fang tribe does terribly, not winning a single point, giving Kota the win.

Ace talks about the loss back at camp like they were legless chickens competing against slick weasels. GC thinks that Kelly will be voted out. But the initial talk is almost never what happens. People worry about Sugar joining Ace with her potential immunity idol. They are worried that Jacquie will team up with Ace and they need to vote her out now. Matty tells her that she’s a potential target. Ken doesn’t know who is the best person to target and wants to make sure that he makes the right vote. Crystal isn’t sure what to do with her vote right now.

We then get to tribal council. GC likes seeing Jeff, but not at tribal council. Matty thinks that he needs to keep the tribe as strong as possible. Jeff wonders if Ken can trust his new tribe mates. Ace thinks that they can be trusted in his mind, but isn’t sure that they would yet. Kelly thinks that she was stronger than Crystal and Ken in the challenge which leads to attitude from Crystal. Ace thinks that he is better for the tribe than other members.

We then get to the vote which doesn’t make as much sense to me. Ace and Jacquie vote for Kelly. Matty, Ken, Crystal, Kelly, and GC vote for Jacquie. Jacquie is then the one who is voted out of the game. Sugar will then join the tribe. Why wasn’t she at tribal council?

On the next Survivor, an elephant goes on a rampage. I thought that was the gorilla, crocodile, and wolf that went on a Rampage, at least in that one movie that I like. GC goes missing before a challenge is supposed to happen. And that’s all we know of that for now.

Total confessional count: Kelly- 2, Dan- 3, Corrine- 6, Bob- 4, Sugar- 5, Randy- 12, Charlie- 9, Marcus- 5, Matty- 4, Susie- 2, Ken- 6, Ace- 7, Crystal- 8, GC- 8, Jacquie- 1.

New confessionals this episode: Sugar- 1, Randy- 2, Charlie- 1, Marcus- 2, Matty- 2, Susie- 2, Ken- 2, Ace- 3, Crystal- 3, GC- 3, Jacquie- 1, Kelly- 2, Dan- 0, Corrine- 0, Bob- 0.

There’s not much to say about the confessional count, if I have it right. I don’t know what would be wrong if it is that way. I just know that poor Jacquie only got one confessional the entire game. This is bad because I think that most quitters had a better presence than she did. Her vote out doesn’t really make sense to me.

What else can I say about Jacquie? She had no substance in the edit and might have been better than what we saw of her. She could make a good player to return again, but I don’t know if such a thing were to happen at all or not. I give her about a 55% chance of returning to a future season. There’s not much else to say in this post so I’m going to end it here. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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