Thursday, March 14, 2019

Episode 38.4

I don’t know how to feel about Wendy yet this season. I may only have special interest in her because she has Tourettes Syndrome like me. I may do some sort of post about it somewhere, but I may have to just do a video about it on my YouTube channel. We’ll see what happens. I’m glad she has such a mild version of it that might not bother her as much as mine does. I’ll have to see her on Rob has a Podcast to see if that topic comes up when she does an interview with him later this season (probably).

The idols from Caramoan got really crazy when they were around. Reynold found an idol, but he did not use it right. After revealing to everyone that he had it, he avoided the vote one night only to play it and waste it the next night. Reynold found another idol and was going to waste it for himself, only Malcolm convinced him to change who he played it on. Malcolm enjoyed the idol then, which was a waste. He did want the idol while he still had another one in play. Malcolm then found a second idol, even though his was still in play.

While I think that the idol play that resulted from Malcolm’s two idols was one of the best tribal councils in history, it remains controversial in the Survivor community. Some thought that things were rigged in some way since an idol doesn’t normally appear when another is still in play. Of course, two season ago in One World, an idol entered the game while another was still in play. Why people never bring that up when complaining about this, I’m not sure. I guess it wouldn’t help their side. What I do know is that Malcolm wasted an idol on himself while saving Eddie with his other idol.

Only one idol entered the game as a result. In yet another controversial move, Erik found an idol and it went straight to Andrea. It seems like she might not have given him much of a choice. Erik wound up out of the game when he was medically evacuated. Andrea’s idol was common knowledge, but she did not play it and was voted out with it in her possession. That’s all the idols from this season. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, Chris arrives at Extinction Island and the others react to his arrival. Reem doesn’t feel sympathy for him. Wendy returns the flint and David found it. Everyone talks about how strange she is and how they feel like she should be voted out. People react to Chris being voted out of the game. We then get to the tribe swap. Wendy is the only one not with her own tribe members. I can recall a switch like this: All-Stars. Everyone but Amber had switched tribes that season. How can a fan boy not remember that? Rick talks about how Wendy keeps her chickens.

In the second segment of the show, Joe seems to like his new tribe. He talks about building relationships that are strong. Really? We’ve seen him painted as only in the minority this whole time. But he does seem to bound with Ron. Only this is a trap so that he can get someone to look through his stuff. They see that he doesn’t have an idol. Lesu is the name of the new tribe. Rick talks about the new tribe and how they don’t have Wendy to target anymore. Kelley talks about how it sucks to be on a new tribe. Lauren does not seem to be feeling well. She is missing her family.

We then get to Wendy showing her new tribe about their new camp. Aubry is glad that Wendy is the odd person out of her tribe and she reveals dirt on the other tribe she used to have. She talks about the chickens that we know she’s going to release later. Aubry likes Wendy and doesn’t want to see her out of the game yet. Wendy does release the chickens which has to be poor game play. We then get to a terrible storm hitting Extinction Island. Keith wants to raise the mask and leave the game, but has yet to surrender to such a thing. Chris talks about how he doesn’t like being on an island with people that he had helped vote out. Chris gets food for the rest of his “tribe mates.” They still do not know what will happen in the future. This seems like what we could have seen potentially with the outcasts back in Pearl Islands.

In the third segment of the show, Manu members realize that the chickens are gone. Wendy wants to make sure that they escape, but they are still around. It seems like Wendy is the target going into the next vote. We then get to the immunity challenge. Comma comes in first place. Manu comes in second and this sends Lesu to tribal council. Maybe that’s what Manu needed to win immunity was a third tribe so they could come in second. Kelley thinks that her tribe sucks.

In the fourth segment of the show, Rick doesn’t want to vote out anyone on this tribe. Both David and Rick promise not to write each other’s names down. Keep this in mind in case one is a finalist and the other is on the jury. People think that Lauren might be too weak since she isn’t eating. David thinks that Kelley has an idol. The women want to vote out Rick. Kelley wants to work with Wardog. Wardog wants to make sure that he has some ally in the game to work with. It seems like the two women want to work with him and the two other men want to work with him. So who will he choose?

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council. Rick Devons talks about how they like each other as a tribe, but everything else sucks. Kelley went through a lot in Cambodia. She gets emotional about how close they all are. Rick feels like they have a lot of love for each other. They’re a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. David feels like he feared rejection from the world. It is like everyone wants to play.

This is the least drama filled tribal council I can ever remember. Will there be more issues after the vote happens? The votes happen and no idols are played. Rick is the person who is voted out as Wardog must have sided with the women. Rick then arrives at the choice and takes the torch without saying anything about the decision at hand. Thus the episode ends, outside of any credits scene.

On the next Survivor, people want to get rid of Lauren and it seems like someone wants to work with Aubry to get rid of someone. Meanwhile, drama ensues on Extinction Island. Speaking of that place, we get to Rick arriving there and he is not in good graces. Will anyone be welcome on the island? I guess that we will see in the future if someone is or isn’t.

Total confessional count: Eric- 3, Aurora- 2, Lauren- 5, Julie- 2, Kelley- 9, Gavin- 2, David- 9, Joe- 4, Victoria- 5, Aubry- 4, Julia- 0, Ron- 2, Wardog- 7, Rick- 11, Wendy- 9; Reem- 8, Keith- 8, Chris- 4. New confessionals this episode: Aurora- 0, Lauren- 2, Julie- 1, Kelley- 4, Gavin- 0, David- 1, Joe- 1, Victoria- 1, Aubry- 1, Julia- 0, Ron- 1, Wardog- 1, Rick- 4, Wendy- 2, Eric- 1. Extinction Island confessional count: Reem- 1, Keith- 1, Chris- 1.

Rick had four new confessionals this episode. He is tied with Kelley as the highest with everyone else lower than them. The lowest in terms of new confessionals are Julia, Aurora, and Gavin. They are tied for lowest with zero a piece. In terms of total confessionals, Rick had the most with eleven. The next highest are Wendy, Kelley, and David with nine a piece. Everyone else is lower with Julia as the lowest with zero still. When is she going to get airtime? I probably couldn’t pick her out of a line-up. I guess that we will see what happens later and if I’ll keep more track of the confessionals of the people who are on Extinction Island or not. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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