Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Episode 38.12

I wonder how some feel about Rick’s advancement in the game. I can’t tell if they are setting him up to be the winner or if a major blindside is heading his way. They seem to be setting him up like the same sort of edit that Sarah had when she won. I wouldn’t mind him winning even though he was voted out at one point. And I don’t think that production has been helping him the way some other people might have thought. They can think that, but it won’t make them right.

Let’s get to the idols from Game Changers. Tai found one and gave it to Sierra to play at a joint tribal council where she was the target and Malcolm was voted out of the other tribe as a result. If JT hadn’t slipped up and revealed the target, their idol might have been wasted. Speaking of JT, he also found an idol and had the chance to redeem himself after his epic blunder with one back in Heroes versus Villains. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t realize he was a target somehow and was voted out with the idol in his possession. At least that isn’t the most dumb thing he’s done with an idol.

Continuing the idols, Tai was able to find two of them after his previous idol play. Troyzan found an idol as well. At the final six, the now famous immunity train happened. Tai gave his extra idol to Aubry. He played one for himself. Troyzan played his idol at this point. Sarah used her legacy advantage which she had been able to con off another player. With Brad having won immunity, there was only one person left in the game who was voted out as a result at the final six with five players all immune. Thus, Cirie was voted out. But enough of my ramblings.

In the first segment of the show, we get back to the tribe after their vote. Gavin feels a bit guilty over who he blindsided and feels that Rick needs to be voted out next. Rick lies about where the idol had come from in order to mislead her tribe. Aurora feels connected with her alliance and also wants to get rid of Rick if he can. He needs to find a way to get ahead in the game. Lauren knows that the idol was not gifted to Rick as she found an idol previously. She talks to Rick about his lie. She leaves him alone and he finds another idol as a result.

We then get to the reward challenge. People need two balls handled well in order to succeed. Even the women will need to handle balls. And these are two big balls. It’s the size of a hippo that head. Oh, wait. That’s not right. Some people just can’t handle their balls well. Some women do not know how to work with them. Gavin wins the reward when his balls go up well. He brings Victoria and Lauren with him on the reward. Aurora wasn’t picked as she’s hungry. She feels like she’s not in a group.

In the second segment of the show, we get to the people who are on the reward. Gavin hopes that Aurora is not upset over the decision not to take her on reward. Lauren wants to take Julie out. Victoria wants to do potential damage control when she sees Aurora again. Aurora wants to stick with her allies for now, but might turn on them if she can beat them.

Returning to Extinction Island, everyone gets a letter that they wrote to themselves before the game had happened. That seems new. Julia gets emotional about her own letter when she reads it. We see all of them reading parts of it. Chris feels that he’s done a lot despite failing at winning it. David wants to take his relationship with his girlfriend to the next level. Reem calls her letter weird and is now proud of herself and considers herself a Survivor. She is still here and does not give up.

In the third segment of the show, Rick messes with people by running around. Lauren thinks that he has gone crazy. Um, at what point was he NOT crazy? We then get to the immunity challenge. Who slides puzzles in their backyard? I’m heard of shuffleboard, but not much else. And aren’t backyards full of lots of grass, typically? Rick wins the challenge. He lies and says he’d be going home without immunity. Rick wants to keep Julie in the game. But why? Does he just want an ally?

In the fourth segment of the show, Julie and Rick go out to talk privately after an open discussion about it in front of all the other players. Aurora is worried about what they will do. Rick thinks that they should vote for Aurora. Is Lauren a good person to join them? She thinks that she could beat Julie and wants to convince Gavin to vote out Aurora. They want to tell Victoria about this to gain her trust. Rick is doing what he can to break up the power four alliance or whatever they are called. I don’t know the name of it if I should.

In the fifth segment of the show, we get to tribal council at hand. Julie talks about how she feels that she is the clear target. Can you stop calling Rick by his last name? How am I supposed to tell him apart from Gavin as a result? We are told of Rick going crazy over and over again. Aurora is considered the fourth person in the alliance. Rick pulls out his idol and says that he will play it on Julie. But was that a wise move? Lauren still has an idol. Aurora thinks that it might not be a real idol. Would he really not play his idol on Julie considering what all is going on?

Rick talks about how his time on the Edge of Extinction has helped shape his game thus far. He feels a bit drunk with power right now. After the votes are cast, Rick doesn’t play his idol. Aurora is voted out of the game. There was only one person voting with her. According to Aurora, people fell for the reverse psychology or ygolohcysp. She takes the torch and goes to Extinction Island.

On the next Survivor, the season finale happens. Five are left and one will return to the game. Not much can be gathered from it. Aurora goes to Extinction Island and talks about the vote. When she gets there, Reem talks to her about what’s going on and how long a time it has been.

Total confessional count: Rick- 37, Lauren- 18, Julie- 17, Gavin- 17, Victoria- 16, Aurora- 15; Reem- 14, Chris- 9, Aubry- 14, Joe- 9, Eric- 10, Julia- 8, David- 22, Kelley- 24, Wardog- 17, Ron- 18.

New confessionals this episode: Gavin- 3, Victoria- 1, Aurora- 5, Rick- 6, Lauren- 4, Julie- 0. Extinction Island confessional count: Reem- 1, Chris- 1, Aubry- 0, Joe- 0, Eric- 0, Julia- 1, David- 1, Kelley- 0, Wardog- 0, Ron- 0.

You could tell by Julie’s zero confessionals that she probably had no chance of being voted out during this episode. She had the lowest out of all of the people not on Extinction Island. Aurora had five, which was the second highest. Rick is the highest with six. In terms of total confessionals, Rick has thirty-seven total. That’s the highest out of everyone. Aurora had fifteen, the lowest out of all of the players not on Extinction Island. Victoria is second lowest with sixteen. She has to remind Jeff that she was playing in the challenge. Kelley is the highest out of everyone on Extinction Island and Julia has the lowest. We will see how that will affect the game still in the future. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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